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Human mammary cells present on the cell surface a polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM) which is developmentally regulated and aberrantly expressed in tumors. PEM carries tumor-associated epitopes recognized by the monoclonal antibodies HMFG-1, HMFG-2, and SM-3. Previously isolated partial cDNA clones revealed that the core protein contained a large domain consisting of variable numbers of 20-amino acid repeat units. We now report the full sequence for PEM, as deduced from cDNA sequences. The encoded protein consists of three distinct regions: the amino terminus consisting of a putative signal peptide and degenerate repeats; the major portion of the protein which is the tandem repeat region; the carboxyl terminus consisting of degenerate tandem repeats and a unique sequence containing a transmembrane sequence and a cytoplasmic tail. Potential O-glycosylation sites (serines or threonines) make up more than one-fourth of the amino acids. Length variations in the tandem repeat result in PEM being an expressed variable number tandem repeat locus. Tandem repeats appear to be a general characteristic of mucin core proteins.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of partial cDNA clones coding for the core protein of a human polymorphic epithelial mucin were determined, and a large domain was found to consist of a 60-base pair tandem repeat sequence. The cDNA clones were originally selected (Gendler, S. J., Burchell, J. M., Duhig, T., Lamport, D., White, R., Parker, M., and Taylor-Papadimitriou, J. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 84, 6060-6064) using three monoclonal antibodies which show differential reactivity with the mucin produced by normal and malignant breast. Two of the epitopes are exposed in the normally processed and cancer-associated mucin, while one epitope is unmasked only in the cancer-associated mucin (Burchell, J. M., Durbin, H., and Taylor-Papadimitriou, J. (1983) J. Immunol. 131, 508-513; Burchell, J., Gendler, S., Taylor-Papadimitriou, J., Girling, A., Lewis, A., Millis, R., and Lamport, D. (1987) Cancer Res. 47, 5476-5482). We show here that all three antibodies react with a synthetic peptide with an amino acid sequence corresponding to that predicted by the tandem repeat. Identification of the epitopes preferentially expressed on the cancer-associated mucin should allow a directed approach to the development of tumor-specific antibodies using synthetic peptides as immunogens.  相似文献   

 The identification and cloning of several tumour antigens together with an improvement in the understanding of the mechanisms involved in antigen presentation and immune recognition has opened up the possibility of using active specific immunotherapy as a treatment for certain cancers. This review discusses the tumour-associated MUC1 gene product of the polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM), as a potential target molecule for cancer treatment. PEM is both over-expressed and aberrantly glycosylated in many carcinomas resulting in an antigenically distinct molecule. Furthermore, immune responses specific for PEM have been detected in cancer patients. Both syngeneic and transgenic murine model systems have been developed in order to compare the efficacy and toxicity of various PEM-based immunogens in tumour rejection studies, and to further improve the understanding of antigen presentation and the mechanisms underlying tumour rejection. Such models also allow the examination of MUC1-based immunogens as a treatment for existing tumours. Clinical trials in progress using immunogens based on the MUC1 gene product are briefly discussed. Received: 23 November 1995 / Accepted: 4 January 1996  相似文献   

MUC1: the polymorphic appearance of a human mucin   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Hanisch FG  Müller S 《Glycobiology》2000,10(5):439-449

The peanut agglutinin (PNA)-binding site is protein-bound Gal beta 1-->3GalNAc, and is a tumor-associated carbohydrate marker expressed in many human carcinomas. PNA-binding glycoproteins isolated from KATO-III human gastric carcinoma cells were deglycosylated by trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, and rabbit antibodies against the core proteins were used to screen a lambda gt11 expression library constructed from these cells. Two different core proteins were identified by this approach. One was polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM), initially found in breast carcinomas. PEM mRNA was expressed in normal tissues of the stomach, colon, and lung, but not in the small intestine, thyroid, and spleen. High levels of PEM mRNA were detected in some nude mouse-transplanted carcinomas, i.e. colorectal, pancreatic, stomach, and lung carcinomas. The other core protein was a novel one called MGC-24, which has a molecular mass of 24 kDa, is rich in hydroxyl amino acids and cysteine, and lacks repeating motifs. The mature MGC-24 glycoprotein behaved as a high-molecular-mass one upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis even after neuraminidase treatment. Treatment with endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase in the absence of neuraminidase significantly changed the staining pattern by anti-MGC-24, confirming that MGC-24 carried PNA-binding sites. MGC-24 mRNA was intensely expressed in normal tissues of the colon, small intestine and thyroid, and in some nude mouse-transplanted colorectal and pancreatic adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

Structure and polymorphic map of human lipoprotein lipase gene   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) catalyzes the key step for the removal of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins from the circulation. In this paper, we report the cloning and structure of the normal human LPL gene, which was isolated in three overlapping lambda phage clones that span about 35 kilo bases (kb) of the genetic locus. The peptide coding region of the gene is approx. 23 kb in length and contains nine exons with intron sizes ranging from 0.7 to 8.7 kb. The entire 3' untranslated region is in the tenth exon. Specific sequences in this region support the hypothesis that two mRNA species found for human LPL are generated by differential utilization of polyadenylation signals. The first exon occurs in the 5' untranslated region and the region coding for the signal peptide. The second exon includes the protein domain coding for the N-linked glycosylation site that is required for the expression of enzyme activity. The fourth exon contains the region that was proposed as a lipid binding domain, the sixth for one putative heparin binding domain, and the eighth codes for a domain containing another N-linked glycosylation site. These results suggest that the unique structural and functional domains are confined to specific exons. The PvuII polymorphic site was located within the intron between exon 6 and 7 and the HindIII polymorphic site to the 3' flanking region. The location of these polymorphic sites suggests that the PvuII restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) associated with lipase deficiency in a few Japanese kindred may be a linkage marker for a functional defect of LPL, while the HindIII RFLP associated with hypertriglyceridemia may be important for gene regulation of LPL.  相似文献   

Several studies have stressed the importance of the microbiota in the maintenance of the gastrointestinal epithelium. Administration of probiotic bacteria, supplements composed of microbiota constituents, was previously shown to diminish symptoms in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases. This raises the possibility that probiotics may play an active role in enhancing the intestinal barrier at the mucosal surface. In this study, we investigated whether the clinically tested VSL#3 probiotic formula and/or its secreted components can augment the protective mucus layer in vivo and in vitro. For in vivo studies, Wistar rats were orally administered the probiotic mixture VSL#3 on a daily basis for seven days. After treatment, basal luminal mucin content increased by 60%. In addition, we exposed isolated rat colonic loops to the VSL#3 probiotic formula, which significantly stimulated colonic mucin (MUC) secretion and MUC2 gene expression; however, MUC1 and MUC3 gene expression were only slightly elevated. The effect of the VSL#3 mucin secretagogue was also tested in vitro by use of LS 174T colonic epithelial cells. In contrast to the animal studies, cultured cells incubated with VSL#3 bacteria did not exhibit increased mucin secretion. However, the bacterial secreted products contained in the conditioned media stimulated a remarkable mucin secretion effect. Among the three bacterial groups (Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, and Streptococci) contained in VSL#3, the Lactobacillus species were the strongest potentiator of mucin secretion in vitro. A preliminary characterization of the putative mucin secretagogue suggested that it was a heat-resistant soluble compound, which is not sensitive to protease and DNase treatment. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the complex and beneficial interaction between colonic epithelial cells and intestinal bacteria.  相似文献   

The Muc-1 mucin is found as a transmembrane protein in the apical surface of glandular epithelia. To provide insight into possible functions, we have assessed the timing of expression and the distribution of the Muc-1 protein during mouse embryogenesis using three different techniques: RT-PCR, northern blots and immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that Muc-1 expression correlates with epithelial differentiation in stomach, pancreas, lung, trachea, kidney and salivary glands. Once started, Muc-1 synthesis continually increases with time, mainly due to epithelial area growth. Our data suggest that expression of the Muc-1 gene is under spatial and temporal control during organogenesis. Although Muc-1 is present in different organs, its expression is not induced systemically, but according to the particular onset of epithelial polarization and branching morphogenesis of each individual organ. It is of particular interest that Muc-1 protein can be detected lining the apical surfaces of the developing lumens when the epithelium of these organs is still undergoing folding and branching, and glandular activity has not yet started. We speculate that Muc-1 may participate in epithelial sheet differentiation/lumen formation during early development of the organs known to express it. This speculation is based on: (1) the detection of Muc-1 expression early during organogenesis, (2) the defined apical localization in different epithelia, (3) the decrease in cell-cell interactions when Muc-1 protein is highly expressed and (4) the possible interaction of its cytoplasmic tail with the actin cytoskeleton. However, it remains to be established using in vitro systems, whether the temporal and local expression of the Muc-1 gene coincident with the morphogenetic events described here is relevant for the process.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the human creatine kinase B gene   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Various cDNAs for creatine kinase type B (CK-B) were isolated from human cDNA libraries using a 26-oligonucleotide guess-mer probe. One of the cDNAs appeared to be almost full-length and contained an open reading frame coding for the 381 amino acid residues of the human CK-B polypeptide. The nucleotide sequences of the translated region as well as the primary protein structure show a high degree of homology with known CK-B and CK-M sequences of other vertebrates. The level of CK-B RNA as a measure of CK-B gene activity was determined in various human tissues and cultured cells. Our results confirm that CK-B is expressed in a tissue-specific manner and give support to the previously proposed relation between CK-B gene activity and cell proliferation. Screening of genomic DNA with various cDNA regions as probes revealed that there is only one CK-B gene per haploid genome. Gene cloning and sequencing indicated that CK-B is coded for by a relatively small gene of 3.2 kb in size, which is partially overlapped by an HTF island (A. P. Bird (1986) Nature (London) 321, 557-558) with an extremely high G + C content at its 5' end.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the human cystatin C gene.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
The structural organization of the gene for the human cysteine-proteinase inhibitor cystatin C was studied. Restriction-endonuclease digests of human genomic DNA hybridized with human cystatin C cDNA and genomic probes produced patterns consistent with a single cystatin C gene and, also, the presence of six closely related sequences in the human genome. A 30 kb restriction map covering the genomic region of the cystatin C gene was constructed. The positions of three polymorphic restriction sites, found at examination of digests of genomic DNA from 79 subjects, were localized in the flanking regions of the gene. The gene was cloned and the nucleotide sequence of a 7.3 kb genomic segment was determined, containing the three exons of the cystatin C structural gene as well as 1.0 kb of 5'-flanking and 2.0 kb of 3'-flanking sequences. Northern-blot experiments revealed that the cystatin C gene is expressed in every human tissue examined, including kidney, liver, pancreas, intestine, stomach, antrum, lung and placenta. The highest cystatin C expression was seen in seminal vesicles. The apparently non-tissue-specific expression of this cysteine-proteinase inhibitor gene is discussed with respect to the structure of its 5'-flanking region, which shares several features with those of housekeeping genes.  相似文献   

Flagellin, the structural component of bacterial flagella, is secreted by pathogenic and commensal bacteria. Flagellin activates proinflammatory gene expression in intestinal epithelia. However, only flagellin that contacts basolateral epithelial surfaces is proinflammatory; apical flagellin has no effect. Pathogenic Salmonella, but not commensal Escherichia coli, translocate flagellin across epithelia, thus activating epithelial proinflammatory gene expression. Investigating how epithelia detect flagellin revealed that cell surface expression of Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) conferred NF-kappaB gene expression in response to flagellin. The response depended on both extracellular leucine-rich repeats and intracellular Toll/IL-1R homology region of TLR5 as well as the adaptor protein MyD88. Furthermore, immunolocalization and cell surface-selective biotinylation revealed that TLR5 is expressed exclusively on the basolateral surface of intestinal epithelia, thus providing a molecular basis for the polarity of this innate immune response. Thus, detection of flagellin by basolateral TLR5 mediates epithelial-driven inflammatory responses to Salmonella.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the A and B forms of the human monoamine oxidase enzymes (MAOA and MAOB) are localized at Xp11.23-Xp11.4. We report the characterization of a highly informative polymorphic region within a 2.9-kb cloned fragment containing the first exon of the MAOA gene. The polymorphic region consists of a GT microsatellite directly adjacent to an imperfectly duplicated novel 23-bp VNTR motif. DNA sequencing within and flanking the repeated segment allowed the design of specific amplification primers. In 56 unrelated females, 15 different alleles were identified with sizes ranging from 285 to 388 bp. The alleles differed in both the number of dinucleotide and the number of VNTR repeats, yielding a highly informative polymorphic marker locus with a calculated heterozygosity value of 75%.  相似文献   

In previous work, we showed that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation causes mucin expression in airway epithelium in vivo and in human NCI-H292 airway epithelial cells and normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells in vitro. Here we show that the cell surface adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, promotes EGFR-mediated mucin production in NCI-H292 cells in a cell density- and cell cycle-dependent fashion. The addition of the EGFR ligand, transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha, increased MUC5AC protein expression markedly in dense, but not in sparse, cultures. MUC5AC-positive cells in dense cultures contained 2 N DNA content and did not incorporate bromodeoxyuridine, suggesting that they develop via cell differentiation and that a surface molecule involved in cell-cell contact is important for EGFR-mediated mucin production. In support of this hypothesis, in dense cultures of NCI-H292 cells and in NHBE cells at air-liquid interface, blockade of E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts decreased EGFR-dependent mucin production. E-cadherin blockade also increased EGFR-dependent cell proliferation and TGF-alpha-induced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation in dense cultures of NCI-H292 cells, suggesting that E-cadherin promotes EGFR-dependent mucin production and inhibits EGFR-dependent cell proliferation via modulation of EGFR phosphotyrosine levels. Furthermore, in dense cultures, E-cadherin blockade decreased the rate of EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation, implicating an E-cadherin-dependent protein tyrosine phosphatase in EGFR dephosphorylation. Thus E-cadherin promotes EGFR-mediated cell differentiation and MUC5AC production, and our results suggest that this occurs via a pathway involving protein tyrosine phosphatase-dependent EGFR dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

The human dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene contains a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) in its 3'-untranslated region because of repetition of a 40-bp core sequence. Methods available for the diagnosis of this polymorphism are limited in number. We have developed a new polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, which is similar to that described originally by Vandenbergh's group, but provides a better detection of the VNTR alleles in the human DAT1 gene. Using two independent PCR methods, we have determined the distribution of VNTR alleles in 110 healthy Omani subjects, and in 92 children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The frequency of the risk allele (DAT1*10) was similar in the healthy subjects and ADHD cases, indicating absence of association of this allele with ADHD in Oman.  相似文献   

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