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We propose the diffusive vesicle supply center model for tip growth in fungal hyphae. The model is based on the three-dimensional vesicle supply center (VSC) model [Gierz, G., Bartnicki-García, S., 2001. A three-dimensional model of fungal morphogenesis based on the vesicle supply center concept: J. Theor. Biol. 208, 151-164], but incorporates two aspects of a more realistic vesicle delivery mechanism: vesicle diffusion from the VSC and a finite rate constant for vesicle fusion with the cell membrane. We develop a framework to describe tip growth for a general class of models based on the vesicle supply center concept. Combining this with a method for calculating the steady state distribution of diffusive vesicles we iteratively solve for stationary cell shapes. These show a blunter tip than predicted by the original VSC model, which we attribute to increased forward-directed vesicle delivery via diffusion. The predicted distance between the VSC and the utmost tip of the cell is set by the ratio between the diffusion constant and the rate constant for vesicle exocytosis. Combined with the cell radius, these define the only dimensionless parameter for our model.  相似文献   

Summary The oomyceteSaprolegnia ferax, unlike most walled organisms, does not regulate turgor. When hyphae were subjected to water stress by the addition of sucrose or other solutes to the growth medium, turgor pressure diminished progressively; yet the hyphae continued to extend with deposition of a more plastic apical wall. Even when turgor was no longer measurable with a micropipet-based pressure probe (0.02 MPa or less, compared with 0.4 MPa in unsupplemented medium) they produced regular hyphal tubes and tips. Such turgorless hyphae extended as rapidly, or more rapidly, than normal ones, but they were wider and their tips blunter. Despite the loss of turgor, hyphae put forth branches and cysts germinated. The organization of actin microfilaments was essentially normal, and the response to cytochalasin A was similar in turgorless and standard hyphae. However, as turgor diminished the hyphae's capacity to penetrate solid media was progressively impaired; aerial hyphae were no longer produced, and zoospore formation was inhibited. The results contradict the common belief that turgor supplies the driving force for hyphal extension, tip morphogenesis, and branching. Evidently, these functions do not intrinsically require hydrostatic pressure. Turgorless hyphae are, however, crippled by their inability to exploit solid media.Abbreviations PEG-300 polyethylene glycol-300 - Rh-Phal rhodamine phalloidin - F-actin filamentous actin - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - PYG peptone, yeast extract, glucose - MPa megapascals  相似文献   

Summary The cell walls of plants and fungi are thought to provide the strength required to resist turgor and thus maintain the integrity and morphology of these cells. However, during growth, walls must undergo rapid expansion which requires them to be plastic and therefore weak. In most tip-growing cells there is an apical concentration of F-actin associated with the rapidly expanding cell wall. Disruption of F-actin in the growing tips of hyphae ofSaprolegnia ferax by a localized irradiation, beginning 2–6 m behind the apex, with actin-selective 270 nm uv light caused the hyphae to burst, suggesting that actin supports the weak apical wall against turgor pressure. Bursting was pH dependent and Ca2+ independent at neutral pH. Hyphae burst in the very tip, where the cell wall is expected to be weakest and actin is most concentrated, as opposed to the lower part of the apical taper where osmotic shock induces bursting when actin is intact. When hyphae were irradiated with a wavelength of light that is less effective at disrupting actin, growth was slowed but they failed to burst, demonstrating that bursting was most likely due to F-actin damage. We conclude that F-actin reinforces the expanding apical wall in growing hyphae and may be the prime stress bearing structure resisting turgor pressure in tip growing cells.Abbreviations RP rhodamine phalloidin - F-actin filamentous actin - EGTA ethylene-glycol-bis-(-amino-ethyl ether) N,N-tetra-acetic acid - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis-(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - uv ultraviolet  相似文献   

Hyphal tip growth and nuclear migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent molecular and cytological studies have greatly advanced our understanding of hyphal tip growth and nuclear migration in filamentous fungi. Mutants involved in various aspects of hyphal tip growth have been isolated. Genes involved in nuclear migration continue to be identified, including putative regulators. The role of microtubules and microtubule motor proteins in hyphal tip growth has also been studied.  相似文献   

G. Schmiedel  E. Schnepf 《Planta》1980,147(5):405-413
In the caulonema tip cells of Funaria hygrometrica, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and dictyosomes have differences in structure which are determined by cell polarity. In contrast to the slowly growing chloronema tip cells the apical cell of the caulonema contains a tip body. Colchicine stops tip growth; it causes the formation of subapical cell protrusions, redistribution of the plastids, and a loss of their polar differentiation. Cytochalasin B inhibits growth and affects the position of cell organelles. After treatment with ionophore A23 187, growth is slower and shorter and wider cells are formed. D2O causes a transient reversion of organelle distribution but premitotic nuclei are not dislocated. In some tip cells the reversion of polarity persists; they continue to grow with a new tip at their base. During centrifugation, colchicine has only a slight influence on the stability of organelle anchorage. The former polar organization of most cells is restored within a few hours after centrifugation, and the cells resume normal growth. In premitotic cells the nucleus and other organelles cannot be retransported, they often continue to grow with reversed polarity. Colchicine retards the redistribution of organelles generally and increases the number of cells that form a basal outgrowth. The interrelationship between the peripheral cytoplasm and the nucleus and the role of microtubules in maintaining and reestablishing cell polarity are discussed.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - CB cytochalasin B Dedicated to Prof. Dr. A. Pirson on the occasion of his 70. birthday  相似文献   

INTanDUCTIONFungalhyphaeextendbytipgrowthandhaveahigherconceotration0fCa2 intheiraPicesthantheirbases,afactwhichispr0bablyrelatedt0theimp0rtentroleplayedbycalcinminestablishingandmaintainingapical0rganizati0n,mor-ph0g9nesis,and,grtiWth[1-6].Tounderstandthethefullcti0nofCa2 inhyphaltipgrbwth,'Ca' -bindingproteinsmustbeidentifiedandtheirflincti0nsdetermined.CaM,a,ubiquitousilltracellularCa' -bindingpr0teinwhichfuncti0nst0mediatemanyCa' -regulatedpr0cessesincells,naturallyhasbeenreceivedal…  相似文献   

We first examined the changes in distribution of F-actin during conjugate division in the apical cells of the dikaryon ofCoprinus cinereus using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, then followed hyphal tip growth and the movement of the two nuclei in the apical cells using differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC). In apical cells with interphase nuclei, F-actin occurred solely as peripheral plaques, which were distributed along the whole length of the cell and were more concentrated at the tips, where they formed caps. In the early prophase of conjugate division, F-actin was transiently concentrated, as diffused form and plaques, at hyphal regions where the two nuclei sit, and this was accompanied by transient disappearance of the actin cap at the hyphal tip in the majority of cells. The actin cap was also present at the tips of growing clamp cells from late prophase through metaphase and disintegrated during anaphase. In telophase, actin rings formed at the future septa. DIC revealed that, in early prophase, when the F-actin array occurs around the two nuclei and the actin cap is absent at hyphal tips, hyphae kept growing and the second nucleus accelerated its forward movement to catch up with the leading nucleus, which was still moving forward.  相似文献   

Cultures ofAchlyasp.,Phytophthora cinnamomi, Saprolegnia diclina, S. ferax,andS. parasitica,treated with 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate solution, accumulate 6-carboxyfluorescein in a reticulate system of fine tubules. The network shows longitudinal polarity within the hyphae, tubules being finest toward the hyphal tips. In more mature subapical regions the network is connected with large vacuoles that also accumulate 6-carboxyfluorescein. A morphologically similar system has also been identified in freeze-substituted hyphae ofS. ferax.The network is considered to be vacuolar, but differs from the tubular vacuole system of true fungi in that tubules are less motile, more frequently branched, and do not alternate with clusters of spherical vacuoles. The appearance of the network resembles patterns of calcium-sensitive dye staining and it is suggested that the vacuolar reticulum in the tip region of oomycete hyphae may act as a Ca2+sink. The tubular reticulum in oomycetes is very fragile and can be shown with 6-carboxyfluorescein in only those hyphal tips with a motility and organelle distribution characteristic of growing hyphae with normal morphology. Diverse abnormal hyphae show a range of other fluorochrome localizations. These include large irregular compartments filled with fluorochrome, and fluorescent cytoplasm with organelles and vacuoles standing out in negative contrast. These localizations in abnormal hyphae are correlated with other structural changes indicative of damage. Special care is required in experiments with oomycetes to avoid such artefacts of localization.  相似文献   

Saprolegnia diclina andS. parasitica isolated from three sources could germinate in strong acidic conditions. Growth ability correlated with the species of fungi rather than with the sources from which they were isolated.S.diclina isolates appeared to germinate at a pH condition as low as 3.5, whereasS. parasitica isolates could not germinate at below pH 3.8.S. parasitica isolates from visceral mycoses still showed good growth at 30°C, whereas other isolates did not. Also,S. parasitica isolates from visceral mycoses produced more abundant motile zoospores, and continued to do so for a longer period of time (28 d), thanS. parasitica isolates from external saprolegniasis andS. diclina isolates.  相似文献   

Plant tip growth has been recognized as an actin-based cellular process requiring targeted exocytosis and compensatory endocytosis to occur at the growth cone. However, the identity of subcellular compartments involved in polarized membrane trafficking pathways remains enigmatic in plants. Here we characterize endosomal compartments in tip-growing root hair cells. We demonstrate their presence at the growing tip and differential distribution upon cessation of tip growth. We also show that both the presence of endosomes as well as their rapid movements within the tip region depends on an intact actin cytoskeleton and involves actin polymerization. In conclusion, actin-propelled endosomal motility is tightly linked to the polar tip growth of root hairs.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the ionic regulation of tip growth inNeurospora crassa by a combination of electrophysiology and confocal microscopy. To determine if transmembrane ionic fluxes are required for tip growth, we voltage clamped the membrane from –200 to +50 mV. In this voltage range, transmembrane ionic fluxes would either reverse (e.g., K+) or change dramatically (e.g., Ca2+ influx) but had no effect on hyphal growth rates. Therefore, ionic fluxes (including Ca2+ influx) may not be required for tip growth. However, intracellular Ca2+ may still play an obligatory role in tip growth. To assess this possibility, we first increased cytosolic Ca2+ directly by ionophoresis. Elevated Ca2+ induced subapical branch initiation, often multiple tips. At hyphal tips, fluorescence ratio imaging using fluo-3 and fura-red revealed a pronounced tip-high Ca2+ gradient within 10 m of the tip in growing hyphae which was not observed in nongrowing hyphae. Injection of the Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(ortho-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetrapotassium acetate consistently inhibited growth concomitantly with a depletion of intracellular Ca2+ and dissipation of the tip-high gradient. We conclude that Ca2+ plays a regulatory role in tip initiation and the maintenance of tip growth. Because plasma membrane ionic fluxes do not play a role in tip growth, we suggest that the tip-high Ca2+ gradient is generated from intracellular Ca2+ stores in the ascomyceteN. crassa.Abbreviations BAPTA 1,2-bis(ortho-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetrapotassium acetate - [Ca2+]i intracellular Ca2+ concentration - fluo-3 2,7-dichloro-6-hydroxy-3-oxo-9-xanthenyl-4-methyl-2,2-(ethylenedioxy)dianiline-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid  相似文献   

The appendages of an insect are subdivided into distinct segments or podomeres. Many genes responsible for the regionalization of the growing limb into subdomains have been isolated from Drosophila. So far, only one gene is known in the leg that is solely required for specifying the distal-most pattern element—the pretarsal claw. In Drosophila, the gene aristaless is expressed in the centre of the antennal and leg imaginal disc that represents the most distal position of appendages, and in a proximal region. When Drosophila aristaless function is impaired, antennae and legs develop without their distal-most structures—the arista and the claw. We describe here the analysis of aristaless in the beetle Tribolium—an insect that shows a different, more ancestral mode of appendage formation than Drosophila. In Tribolium, appendages grow out continuously during embryogenesis, and no imaginal discs are formed. Tribolium aristaless (Tc-al) expression starts midway during appendage elongation, and is seen in a distal and a proximal position of head and trunk appendages. At the end of embryogenesis, Tc-al is seen in four expression domains in the leg, in the dorsal epidermis, and ventrally in every segment in lateral groups of cells, presumably the histoblasts. Like in the Drosophila adult, Tc-al is required in the larva for the formation of the most distal structures of the leg and the antenna as revealed by RNAi experiments. We conclude that aristaless is evolutionarily robust, meaning that it has retained its expressional and functional characteristics, although a heterochronic change of the process of appendage elongation took place towards the evolution of the highly derived diptera.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

Plant organ growth changes under genetic and environmental influences can be observed as altered cell proliferation and volume growth. The two aspects are mutually dependent and intricately related. For comprehensive growth analysis, it is necessary to specify the relationship quantitatively. Here, we develop a simple mathematical model for this purpose. Our model assumes that the biological activity of a given organ is proportional to the cell number of the organ and is allocated into three aspects: cell proliferation, volume growth, and organ maintenance. We analyzed the growth of primary roots of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. in one tetraploid and four diploid strains using this model. The analysis determined various growth parameters, such as specific cost coefficients of cell proliferation and volume growth for each strain. The results provide insight into the basis of interstrain variations and ploidy effects in root growth.  相似文献   

The development of the epidermal layer of roots of Zea is traced from the quiescent centre to the zone where root hairs develop. In the zone of cell division a three layered coat forms on the outside of the epidermal cells consisting of the outer epidermal walls, overlaid by a two-layered pellicle composed of a thick fibrillar inner layer of polysaccharide, and a thin fibrillar outer layer of protein. The epidermal cells divide several times in the same longitudinal file but rarely across a radius to give a new longitudinal file. Thus, the radial walls become much thicker than all but the original transverse walls, and packets of up to 32 daughter cells derived from a single initial may be distinguished. The pellicle develops during these divisions as a continuum over the outer walls of the daughter cells. It is proposed that the pellicle provides a stiffening to the forward end of the root which permits it to penetrate soil without bending. Support for this hypothesis is shown by the Zea mays mutant Ageotropic in which the pellicle is absent, the epidermal surface is disorganized, and which grows crookedly through soil. In the zone of extension growth of normal roots of two Zea species the pellicle thins and disappears. Circumferential strips of the pellicle were peeled off the young epidermal cells and could be stretched to twice their length. This deformation is partly the result of the pellicle stretching and breaking above the attachments of the radial walls. After normal thinning of the pellicle, detachment of the radial walls at their outer ends produces a corrugated surface in the proximal zone of the root tips. In dicotyledons (e.g., soybean), there is no similar pellicle, but a stiff root tip is produced by a long multi-layered root cap, the proximal portion of which covers the elongating epidermal surface.  相似文献   

A response surface methodology (RSM) was developed for predicting the growth rate of Bacillus cereus in a tryptic soy broth medium as a function of temperature (10 to 40°C), pH (5.5 to 8.5), and the NaCl concentration (0 to 8%). The primary model showed a good fit (r2 = 0.920 to 0.999) to a Gompertz equation to obtain growth rates each condition. The quadratic polynomial model was found to be significant (p < 0.0001) and predicted values were found to be in good agreement with experimental values (R2 value of 0.9486). The evaluation of RSM for describing the growth rate of B. cereus used the bias factor (Bf) and the accuracy factor (Af). Both the Bf value (1.11) and the Af value (1.50) were within acceptable ranges. This model was provided an efficient and accurate method for predicting the growth of B. cereus as a function of the controlling factors.  相似文献   

Summary The hyphal tip ofSclerotium rolfsii was examined after fixation by freeze substitution. The Spitzenkörper consisted of a dense mass of apical vesicles and microvesicles surrounding a vesicle-free zone. Linear arrangements of microvesicles were occasionally observed within the Spitzenkörper. Abundant microfilaments were seen within the Spitzenkörper region, often in close association with apical vesicles and microvesicles. Microtubules passed through the Spitzenkörper and terminated at the plasmalemma at the extreme hyphal apex. Filasomes were mostly observed within the apical region and were in close proximity to the plasmalemma. Rough ER, mitochondria, microtubules, and vacuoles were abundant in the subapical region and were usually oriented parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Ribosomes were aligned on the outer surfaces of mitochondria. Golgi body equivalents were observed throughout the subapical region and appeared as inflated cisternae of varying shapes and electron opacities. Relationships to other basidiomycetous hyphal tip cells are discussed.Abbreviations AV apical vesicle - C Celsius - diam diameter - f filasome - G Golgi body equivalent - h hour - nm nanometer - M mitochondria - ME membranous elements; min minute - MV microvesicle - MVB multivesicular body - N nucleus - OsO4 osmium tetroxide - R ribosome - ER endoplasmic reticulum - S Spitzenkörper - Va vacuole - m micrometer  相似文献   

Clonal propagation of Acacia catechu Willd. by shoot tip culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for in vitromicropropagation through shoot apices of Acaciacatechu Willd., a semi-arid tree valued for Katha (atanin-like substance obtained from red heart wood of10–20 year old trees) and timber. Explants wereexcised from 15-days-old in vitro grownseedlings raised from superior seed stocks. Shoot budinduction from shoot apex explants was observed onMurashige and Skoog's (MS) [12] medium containingvarious growth regulators. A maximum of 12 shoots wasobtained on MS medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.5 mg/l kinetin.Well-developed shoots (3–4 cm long) were rooted on strength MS medium with 3.0 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and sucrose 1.5%. In vitro regenerated plantlets of A. catechu were transferred to field conditions.  相似文献   

The rates of growth of recombinant bacteria depend on their plasmid content. This is modelled by expressing the specific growth rate in terms of the number of copies of the plasmid per cell. Three models in common use have been tested with different Escherichia coli strains and one strain of Bacillus stearothermophilus containing different plasmids. While no particular model was decisively better than others for all data, that of Bentley & Quiroga (Biotechnol. Bioeng. 1993, 42: 222–234) was the best for specific growth rates which vary inversely with the plasmid copy number, and a modified form of the model of Satyagal & Agarwal (Biotechnol. Bioeng. 1989, 33: 1135–1144) was the best for growth rates which increase with the copy number. The differences appear to be linked to the plasmid replication mechanisms. Contrary to some claims, no model portrayed the experimentally observed inflection points.  相似文献   

Germinating cysts and isolated walls from germinating cysts incorporated14C-UDPG into wall material of which 22.5 and 15% respectively were insoluble in boiling 1 N HCl, indicating that part of the synthetase activity is located in the wall itself. A combination of Urografin and Ficol density gradients was used to separate various intracellular fractions. A consistent separation of -glucanase and UDPG-transferase enriched fractions was achieved. The -glucanase fraction contained dictyosome vesicles and fragments along with some plasma membranes. The UDPG-transferase fraction was relatively rich in membranes resembling rough and smooth ER. The results suggest the two enzymes are transported to the wall by different intracellular routes, and two types of vesicle may be involved. Alkaline phosphatase, -glucosidase and acid phosphatase were found extracellularly and their distribution in density gradients determined. The results of histochemical staining for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and polysaccharide are described and compared with the biochemical data. -1,3-glucanase, found intra- and extracellularly, induced distorted growth of germ tubes and also removed most of the apical wall when added to the incubation medium. None of these responses were observed with cellulase. Determinations of the osmotic pressure of germinating cysts and incubation medium revealed that the turgor of germinating cysts amounts to about 1.8 at under the conditions used.  相似文献   

The high phytase producing mutant of Aspergillus oryzae (KL-38) previously isolated was employed for koji making, and the produced koji rice then supplied for sake brewing. The alcohol fermentation was improved compared to that with the parent strain (A. oryzae BP-1). The effects of two phytase isozymes (Phy I and Phy II) produced by A. oryzae on yeast growth and inorganic phosphate liberation were investigated using a synthetic medium containing phytic acid as a sole phosphate source. Yeast growth and the liberation of inorganic phosphate were both enhanced by the combination of Phy I and Phy II at a ratio of 1 to 3, which was compatible with the production ratio in KL-38. Based on these results, phytase plays important role in sake brewing, and that the maximum inorganic phosphate liberation from phytic acid can be obtained by a suitable combination of Phy I and Phy II.  相似文献   

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