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1.The D2-type dopamine receptors are thought to inhibit adenylyl cyclase (AC), via coupling to pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G proteins of the Gi family. We examined whether and to what extent the various D2 receptors (D2S, D2L, D3S, D3L, and D4) couple to the PTX-insensitive G protein Gz, to produce inhibition of AC activity.2.COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with the individual murine dopamine receptors alone, as well as together with the subunit of Gz. PTX treatment was employed to inactivate endogenous i, and coupling to Gi and Gz was estimated by measuring the inhibition of cAMP accumulation induced by quinpirole, in forskolin-stimulated cells.3.D2S or D2L receptors can couple to the same extent to Gi and to Gz. The D4 dopamine receptor couples preferably to Gz, resulting in about 60% quinpirole-induced inhibition of cAMP accumulation. The D3S and D3L receptor isoforms couple slightly to Gz and result in 15 and 30% inhibition of cAMP accumulation, respectively.4.We have demonstrated for the first time that the two D3 receptor isoforms, and not any of the other D2 receptor subtypes, also couple to Gs in both COS-7 and CHO transfected cells, in the presence of PTX.5.Thus, the differential coupling of the D2 dopamine receptor subtypes to various G proteins may add another aspect to the diversity of dopamine receptor function.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding for a 68 kDa GTP-binding protein was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana (aG68). This clone is a member of a gene family that codes for a class of large GTP-binding proteins. This includes the mammalian dynamin, yeast Vps1p and the vertebrate Mx proteins. The predicted amino acid sequence was found to have high sequence conservation in the N-terminal GTP-binding domain sharing 54% identity to yeast Vps1p, 56% amino acid identity to rat dynamin and 38% identity to the murine Mx1 protein. The northern analysis shows expression in root, leaf, stem and flower tissues, but in mature leaves at lower levels. Southern analysis indicates that it may be a member of a small gene family or the gene may contain an intron.  相似文献   

Understanding the coupling between conformational changes in the intramembrane domain and at the membrane-exposed surface of the bovine photoreceptor rhodopsin, a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), is crucial for the elucidation of molecular mechanisms in GPCR activation. Here, we have combined Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and fluorescence spectroscopy to address the coupling between conformational changes in the intramembrane region around the retinal and the environment of helix 8, a putative cytosolic surface switch region in class-I GPCRs. Using FTIR/fluorescence cross-correlation we show specifically that surface alterations monitored by emission changes of fluorescein bound to Cys316 in helix 8 of rhodopsin are highly correlated with (i) H-bonding to Asp83 proximal of the retinal Schiff base but not to Glu122 close to the beta-ionone and (ii) with a metarhodopsin II (MII)-specific 1643 cm(-1) IR absorption change, indicative of a partial loss of secondary structure in helix 8 upon MII formation. These correlations are disrupted by limited C-terminal proteolysis but are maintained upon binding of a transducin alpha-subunit (G(talpha))-derived peptide, which stabilizes the MII state. Our results suggest that additional C-terminal cytosolic loop contacts monitored by an amide II absorption at 1557 cm(-1) play a functionally crucial role in keeping helix 8 in the position in which its environment is strongly coupled to the retinal-binding site near the Schiff base. In the intramembrane region, this coupling is mediated by the H-bonding network that connects Asp83 to the NPxxY(x)F motif preceding helix 8.  相似文献   

A major 27 kDa particulate and a minor 24 kDa cytosolic GTP-binding protein was detected in HEL cells upon incubation with [-32P]GTP of nitrocellulose blots containing polypeptides separated using SDS-PAGE. Addition of lovastatin (30 M) to HEL cells in culture inhibited protein synthesis by 35%. However, this treatment resulted in a 5-fold increase, as quantitated by [-32P]GTP binding, in the amount of cytosolic 24 kDa GTP-binding protein. Addition of cycloheximide plus lovastatin to cells in culture abolished the observed increase in 24 kDa GTP-binding protein. Incubation of cells with lovastatin plus [R,S]-[5-3H]mevalonolactone resulted in the incorporation of radioactivity into several polypeptides in both the cytosolic and particulate fractions including a polypeptide of molecular mass of 24 kDa in the cytosol. The mobility of this 24 kDa isoprenylated protein on SDS-PAGE was identical to that of the GTP-binding protein increased in response to lovastatin. However, the 24 kDa protein remained in the cytosol after undergoing isoprenylation. The 24 kDa protein was distinct from the HEL cell, G25K/CDC42Hs GTP-binding protein and the GTP-binding protein that was a substrate for botulinum toxin C3 catalyzed ADP-ribosylation. Results demonstrate that lovastatin specifically increases the expression of a 24 kDa GTP-binding protein in HEL cells and that, isoprenylation of low molecular mass GTP-binding protein(s) may have function(s) in addition to its role in the targetting of these proteins to cell membrane.  相似文献   

Sialidases cleave off sialic acid residues from the oligosaccharide chain of gangliosides in their catabolic pathway while sialyltransferases transfer sialic acid to the growing oligosaccharide moiety in ganglioside biosynthesis. Ganglioside GM3 is a common substrate for both types of enzymes, for sialidase acting on ganglioside GM3 as well as for ganglioside GD3 synthase. Therefore, it is possible that both enzymes recognize similar structural features of the sialic acid moiety of their common substrate, ganglioside GM3. Based on this idea we used a variety of GM3 derivatives as glycolipid substrates for a bacterial sialidase (Clostridium perfringens) and for GD3 synthase (of rat liver Golgi vesicles). This study revealed that those GM3 derivatives that were poorly degraded by sialidase also were hardly recognized by sialyltransferase (GD3 synthase). This may indicate similarities in the substrate binding sites of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) is a post-proline cleaving enzyme, which is widely distributed in various organs, with high levels in the brain. In this study, we investigated the effects of a selective POP inhibitor, 3-({4-[2-(E)-styrylphenoxy]butanoyl}-l-4-hydroxyprolyl)-thiazolidine (SUAM-14746), on the growth of NB-1 human neuroblastoma cells. SUAM-14746 treatment for 24–72 h suppresses the growth of NB-1 cells without cell death in a dose-dependent manner (10–60 μM). Similar suppressive effects were observed with another POP inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-thioprolyl-thioprolinal. The SUAM-14746-induced growth inhibition in NB-1 cells was associated with pronounced G0/G1 arrest and reduced levels of phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein (pRb), cyclin E, and cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) 2, and increased levels of the CDK inhibitor p27kip1 and the tumor suppressor p53. SUAM-14746 also induced transient inhibition of S and G2/M phase progression, which was correlated with retardation of the decrease in the levels of cyclins A and B. Moreover, RNAi-mediated knockdown of POP also led to inhibition of NB-1 cell growth and the effect was accompanied by G0/G1 arrest. These results indicate that POP is a part of the machinery that controls the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes consisting of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, a CDNA encoding a small GTP-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (ara-2 or ara-4) and the terminator of the nopaline synthase gene were cloned into a binary vector. Tobacco leaf tissues were transformed with this plasmid via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants possessing either ara-2 or ara-4 occasionally showed morphological abnormalities in leaves and other organs. However, such alterations were not always associated with co-transferred characters, such as kanamycin tolerance, and they arose in no more than 10% of the transgenic plants. Such phenomena were also observed in the progenies of the primary transgenic plants. Despite such unusual inheritance of the phenotypic abnormalities, GTP-binding activity of the inserted ara gene products was detected in all plants tested.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor signaling involves productive interaction between agonist-activated receptor and G protein. We have used Fourier-transform infrared difference spectroscopy to examine the interaction between the active Meta II state of the visual pigment rhodopsin with a peptide analogue corresponding to the C terminus of the alpha-subunit of the G protein transducin. Formation of the receptor-peptide complex evokes a spectral signature consisting of conformationally sensitive amide I and amide II difference bands. In order to distinguish between amide backbone contributions of the peptide and of the receptor moiety to the vibrational spectra, we employed complete (13)C,(15)N-labeling of the peptide. This isotopic labeling downshifts selectively the bands of the peptide, which can thus be extracted. Our results show that formation of the complex between the activated Meta II receptor state and the peptide is accompanied by structural changes of the peptide, and of the receptor, indicating that the conformation of the Meta II.peptide complex is different from that of Meta II. This result implies that the activated receptor state has conformational flexibility. Binding of the peptide to the activated receptor state stabilizes a substate that deviates from that stabilized only by the agonist.  相似文献   

This communication describes SAXS data based global structures of tetravalent antibody CD4–IgG2 and its dimeric to pentameric complexes with gp120s. Comparison of models brought forth that while the two CD4s grafted on each arm remain tightly packed in the unliganded antibody, they enable binding of first two gp120s preferentially to the same Fab arm in an asymmetric manner. Retention of residues in the CD4–Fab linker earlier reasoned to enable bi-fold collapse of gp120-bound soluble CD4, and observed asymmetry of the (CD4–IgG2)/(gp120)2 complex suggest that encoded flexibility in CD4–Fab linker is a critical structure–function factor for this broad spectrum neutralizing antibody.  相似文献   

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