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Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and adult somatic cells, induced to pluripotency (iPSCs), can differentiate into multiple cell lineages. We previously reported that adult mammalian bone marrow contains a sub-population of CD34+ cells that express genes of ESCs and genes required to generate iPSCs. They also express lineage genes of the three embryonic germ layers. Are these CD34+ cells multipotent? Here, CD34+ bone marrow stem cells from adult male ROSA mice, which carry two markers: the β-galactosidase gene and the male Y chromosome, were transplanted into blastocysts of wildtype mice. Each female ROSA chimera generated had a distinct pattern of male-derived organs expressing β-galactosidase; e.g., ectodermal brain, dorsal root ganglia and skin; mesodermal heart, bone and bone marrow; and endodermal pancreas, intestine, and liver. Thus, adult mammals carry cells that appear to exhibit a developmental potential reminiscent of ESCs and iPSCs suggesting they could be used for cell replacement therapy.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate one component of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway that has been implicated in stem cell self-renewal. Retroviral-mediated introduction of stable beta-catenin to primitive murine bone marrow cells allowed the expansion of multipotential c-Kit(low)Sca-1(low/-)CD19(-) CD11b/Mac-1(-)Flk-2(-)CD43(+)AA4.1(+)NK1.1(-)CD3(-)CD11c(-)Gr-1(-)CD45R/B220(+) cells in the presence of stromal cells and cytokines. They generated myeloid, T, and B lineage lymphoid cells in culture, but had no T lymphopoietic potential when transplanted. Stem cell factor and IL-6 were found to be minimal requirements for long-term, stromal-free propagation, and a beta-catenin-transduced cell line was maintained for 5 mo with these defined conditions. Although multipotential and responsive to many normal stimuli in culture, it was unable to engraft several types of irradiated recipients. These findings support previous studies that have implicated the canonical Wnt pathway signaling in regulation of multipotent progenitors. In addition, we demonstrate how it may be experimentally manipulated to generate valuable cell lines.  相似文献   

Mouse hematopoiesis is initiated by long-term hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) that differentiate into a series of multipotent progenitors that exhibit progressively diminished self-renewal ability. In human hematopoiesis, populations enriched for HSC activity have been identified, as have downstream lineage-committed progenitors, but multipotent progenitor activity has not been uniquely isolated. Previous reports indicate that human HSC are enriched in Lin-CD34+CD38- cord blood and bone marrow and express CD90. We demonstrate that the Lin-CD34+CD38- fraction of cord blood and bone marrow can be subdivided into three subpopulations: CD90+CD45RA-, CD90-CD45RA-, and CD90-CD45RA+. Utilizing in vivo transplantation studies and complementary in vitro assays, we demonstrate that the Lin-CD34+CD38-CD90+CD45RA- cord blood fraction contains HSC and isolate this activity to as few as 10 purified cells. Furthermore, we report the first prospective isolation of a population of candidate human multipotent progenitors, Lin-CD34+CD38-CD90-CD45RA- cord blood.  相似文献   

Engel JD  Tanimoto K 《Cell》2000,100(5):499-502

A model of hematopoietic development wherein multipotentiality is conserved until segregation of myeloid and lymphoid potential has recently been challenged, proposing that megakaryocyte/erythrocyte (MegE) potential is lost in Flk2/Flt3-expressing early progenitors. Here, we used sensitive in vivo approaches to quantitatively and kinetically assess the MegE potential of hematopoietic stem cells and various Flk2(+) early progenitors and compared it with the MegE potential of downstream committed myeloid and lymphoid progenitors and with their ability to give rise to mature myelomonocytic and lymphoid cells. We demonstrate that Flk2(+) early progenitors retain MegE potential in vivo both at the population and clonal levels. These results indicate that Flk2 expression by early progenitors is not at the expense of full multipotency and support the current model of hematopoietic development with segregation of myeloid and lymphoid lineages from multipotent progenitors.  相似文献   

Hypersensitive site 5 (5'HS5) of the beta-globin Locus Control Region functions as a developmental stage-specific border in erythroid cells. Here, we have analyzed the role of 5'HS5 in the three dimensional organization of the beta-gene locus using the Chromatin Conformation Capture (3C) technique. The results show that when 5'HS5 is deleted from the locus, both remote and internal regulatory elements are still able to interact with each other in a three-dimensional configuration termed the Active Chromatin Hub. Thus, the absence of 5'HS5 does not have an appreciable effect on the three dimensional organization of the beta-globin locus. This rules out models in which 5'HS5 nucleates interactions with remote and/or internal regulatory elements. We also determined the binding of CTCF, the only defined insulator protein in mammalian cells, to 5'HS5 by using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. We detect low levels of CTCF binding to 5'HS5 in primitive erythroid cells, in which it functions as a border element. Surprisingly, we also observe binding levels of CTCF to 5'HS5 in definitive erythroid cells. Thus, binding of CTCF to 5'HS5 per se does not render it a functional border element. This is consistent with the previous data suggesting that CTCF has dual functionality.  相似文献   

The clonal distribution and stable expression of killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) genes is epigenetically regulated. To assess the epigenetic changes that occur during hemopoietic development we examined DNA methylation and chromatin structure of the KIR locus in early hemopoietic progenitor cells and major lymphocyte lineages. In hemopoietic progenitor cells, KIR genes exhibited the major hallmarks of epigenetic repression, which are dense DNA methylation, inaccessibility of chromatin to Micrococcus nuclease digest, and a repressive histone signature, characterized by strong H3K9 dimethylation and reduced H4K8 acetylation. In contrast, KIR genes of NK cells showed active histone signatures characterized by absence of H3K9 dimethylation and presence of H4K8 acetylation. Histone modifications correlated well with the competence of different lymphocyte lineages to express KIR; whereas H4K8 acetylation was high in NK and CD8+ T cells, it was almost absent in CD4+ T cells and B cells and, in the latter case, replaced by H3K9 dimethylation. In KIR-competent lineages, active histone signatures were also observed in silent KIR genes and in this case found in combination with dense DNA methylation of the promoter and nearby regions. The study suggests a two-step model of epigenetic regulation in which lineage-specific acquisition of euchromatic histone marks is a prerequisite for subsequent gene-specific DNA demethylation and expression of KIR genes.  相似文献   

Regenerative tissues such as the skin epidermis, the intestinal mucosa or the hematopoietic system are organized in a hierarchical manner with stem cells building the top of this hierarchy. Somatic stem cells harbor the highest self-renewal activity and generate a series of multipotent progenitors which differentiate into lineage committed progenitors and subsequently mature cells. In this report, we applied an in-depth quantitative proteomic approach to analyze and compare the full proteomes of ex vivo isolated and FACS-sorted populations highly enriched for either multipotent hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs, Lin(neg)Sca-1(+)c-Kit(+)) or myeloid committed precursors (Lin(neg)Sca-1(-)c-Kit(+)). By employing stable isotope dimethyl labeling and high-resolution mass spectrometry, more than 5000 proteins were quantified. From biological triplicate experiments subjected to rigorous statistical evaluation, 893 proteins were found differentially expressed between multipotent and myeloid committed cells. The differential protein content in these cell populations points to a distinct structural organization of the cytoskeleton including remodeling activity. In addition, we found a marked difference in the expression of metabolic enzymes, including a clear shift of specific protein isoforms of the glycolytic pathway. Proteins involved in translation showed a collective higher expression in myeloid progenitors, indicating an increased translational activity. Strikingly, the data uncover a unique signature related to immune defense mechanisms, centering on the RIG-I and type-1 interferon response systems, which are installed in multipotent progenitors but not evident in myeloid committed cells. This suggests that specific, and so far unrecognized, mechanisms protect these immature cells before they mature. In conclusion, this study indicates that the transition of hematopoietic stem/progenitors toward myeloid commitment is accompanied by a profound change in processing of cellular resources, adding novel insights into the molecular mechanisms at the interface between multipotency and lineage commitment.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2023,30(2):207-218.e7
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We have confirmed the result that chicken beta-globin gene chromatin, which possesses the characteristics of active chromatin in erythroid cells, has shortened internucleosome spacings compared with bulk chromatin or that of the ovalbumin gene, which is inactive. To understand how the short (approximately 180-bp) nucleosome repeat arises specifically on beta-globin DNA, we have studied chromatin assembly of cloned chicken beta-globin DNA in a defined in vitro system. With chicken erythrocyte core histones and linker histone H5 as the only cellular components, a cloned 6.2-kb chicken beta-globin DNA fragment assembled into chromatin possessing a regular 180 +/- 5-bp repeat, very similar to what is observed in erythroid cells. A 2-kb DNA subfragment containing the beta A gene and promoter region, but lacking the downstream intergenic region between the beta A and epsilon genes, failed to generate a regular nucleosome array in vitro, suggesting that the intergenic region facilitates linker histone-induced nucleosome alignment. When the beta A gene was placed on a plasmid that contained a known chromatin-organizing signal, nucleosome alignment with a 180-bp periodicity was restored, whereas nucleosomes on flanking plasmid sequences possessed a 210-bp spacing periodicity. Our results suggest that the shortened 180-bp nucleosome spacing periodicity observed in erythroid cells is encoded in the beta-globin DNA sequence and that nucleosome alignment by linker histones is facilitated by sequences in the beta A-epsilon intergenic region.  相似文献   

An EcoRI chromatin fragment containing the adult beta-globin gene and flanking sequences, isolated from chicken erythrocyte nuclei, sediments at a reduced rate relative to bulk chromatin fragments of the same size. We show that the specific retardation cannot be reversed by adding extra linker histones to native chromatin. When the chromatin fragments are unfolded either by removing linker histones or lowering the ionic strength, the difference between globin and bulk chromatin fragments is no longer seen. The refolded chromatin obtained by restoring the linker histones to the depleted chromatin, however, exhibits the original sedimentation difference. This difference is therefore due to a special property of the histone octamers on the active gene that determines the extent of its folding into higher-order structure. That it is not due to the differential binding of linker histones in vitro is shown by measurements of the protein to DNA ratios using CsCl density-gradients. Both before and after selective removal of the linker histones, the globin gene fragment and bulk chromatin fragments exhibit only a marginal difference in buoyant density. In addition, we show that cleavage of the EcoRI fragment by digestion at the 5' and 3' nuclease hypersensitive sites flanking the globin gene liberates a fragment from between these sites that sediments normally. We conclude that the hypersensitive sites per se are responsible for the reduction in sedimentation rate. The non-nucleosomal DNA segments appear to be too long to be incorporated into the chromatin solenoid and thus create spacers between separate solenoidal elements in the chromatin, which can account for its hydrodynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

We have identified a folate receptor gene upstream of the chicken beta-globin locus and separated from it by a 16 kbp region of silent chromatin. We find that this receptor is expressed only at a stage of erythroid differentiation (CFU-E) preceding the activation of beta-globin genes, consistent with the role of folate receptors in proliferation. This discovery raises the question of how these two loci are regulated during erythropoiesis. Our data suggest that the folate receptor gene and the beta-globin locus are regulated independently. We show that a 3.3 kbp DNA region upstream of the folate receptor gene is sufficient to induce strong expression of a transgene in CFU-E stage cells. We also find that the region between the beta-globin locus and the folate receptor gene is fully methylated and condensed at this stage of differentiation. Its 3' boundary coincides with the 5' beta-globin insulator. We speculate that the 5' beta-globin boundary element might be important for the proper regulation of two adjacent domains activated at two different stages during differentiation.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-dependent, ordered assembly of protein prereplicative complexes suggests that eukaryotic replication origins determine when genomic replication initiates. By comparison, the factors that determine where replication initiates relative to the sites of prereplicative complex formation are not known. In the human globin gene locus previous work showed that replication initiates at a single site 5′ to the β-globin gene when protein synthesis is inhibited by emetine. The present study has examined the pattern of initiation around the genetically defined β-globin replicator in logarithmically growing HeLa cells, using two PCR-based nascent strand assays. In contrast to the pattern of initiation detected in emetine-treated cells, analysis of the short nascent strands at five positions spanning a 40 kb globin gene region shows that replication initiates at more than one site in non-drug-treated cells. Quantitation of nascent DNA chains confirmed that replication begins at several locations in this domain, including one near the initiation region (IR) identified in emetine-treated cells. However, the abundance of short nascent strands at another initiation site ~20 kb upstream is ~4-fold as great as that at the IR. The latter site abuts an early S phase replicating fragment previously defined at low resolution in logarithmically dividing cells.  相似文献   

Marathon runners show increased circulating CD34+ cell counts and postexercise release of interleukin-6 (IL-6), granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and flt3-ligand (Bonsignore MR, Morici G, Santoro A, Pegano M, Cascio L, Bonnano A, Abate P, Mirabella F, Profita M, Insalaco G, Gioia M, Vignola AM, Majolino I, Testa U, and Hogg JC. J Appl Physiol 93: 1691-1697, 2002). In the present study we hypothesized that supramaximal ("all-out") exercise may acutely affect circulating progenitors and reticulocytes and investigated possible mechanisms involved. Progenitor release was measured by flow cytometry (n = 20) and clonogenic assays (n = 6) in 20 young competitive rowers (13 M, 7 F, age +/- SD: 17.1 +/- 2.1 yr, peak O2 consumption: 56.5 +/- 11.4 ml.min(-1).kg(-1)) at rest and shortly after 1,000 m "all-out." Release of reticulocytes, cortisol, muscle enzymes, neutrophil elastase, and several cytokines/growth factors was measured. Supramaximal exercise doubled circulating CD34+ cells (rest: 7.6 +/- 3.0, all-out: 16.3 +/- 9.1 cells/mul, P < 0.001), and increased immature reticulocyte fractions; AC133+ cells doubled, suggesting release of angiogenetic precursors. Erythrocyte burst forming units and colony forming units for granulocytes-monocytes and all blood series increased postexercise by 3.4-, 5.5-, and 4.8-fold, respectively (P < 0.01 for all). All-out rowing acutely increased plasma cortisol, neutrophil elastase, flt3-ligand, hepatocyte growth factor, VEGF, and transforming growth factor-beta1, and decreased erythropoietin; K-ligand, stromal-derived factor-1, IL-6, and G-CSF were unchanged. Therefore, all-out exercise is a physiological stimulus for progenitor release in athletes. Release of reticulocytes and proangiogenetic cells and mediators suggests tissue hypoxia as possibly involved in progenitor mobilization.  相似文献   

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