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The ability to organize a four-link operant food-procuring habit in a multiple alternative maze using the free-choice method was studied in albino rats. Three types of animals were observed which were different in the character of learning. The learning curve of 20% of rats had of exponential character (type I). Some animals (37%) acquired the skill through "insight" and the process of learning in these cases could be described by a logistic regression function (type II). The remaining rats (43%) refused from solving the intricate task and were able to acquire only the simplest form of a response, i.e., running to feeders. It is suggested that learning differences between the I and II types of animals may be associated with different strategies of problem solving: "procedural" (algorithmic) and "conceptual" (semantic).  相似文献   

In many chronic conditions, subjects alternate between an active and an inactive state, and sojourns into the active state may involve multiple lesions, infections, or other recurrences with different times of onset and resolution. We present a biologically interpretable model of such chronic recurrent conditions based on a queueing process. The model has a birth-death process describing recurrences and a semi-Markov process describing the alternation between active and inactive states, and can be fit to panel data that provide only a binary assessment of the active or inactive state at a series of discrete time points using a hidden Markov approach. We accommodate individual heterogeneity and covariates using a random effects model, and simulate the posterior distribution of unknowns using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Application to a clinical trial of genital herpes shows how the method can characterize the biology of the disease and estimate treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

Voluntary ethanol consumption (20% solution) in mice of C57BL/6J strain with different experience in social agonistic confrontations was studied. It has been shown, that aggressive males daily winning other individuals did not change the level of ethanol consumption, while the submissive mice with daily experience of defeat in intermale encounters dramatically increased that level. Ethanol enhanced the behavioural reactivity of submissive animals to other individuals. It was supposed that emotionally positive or negative states differentiate the ethanol motivations in mice.  相似文献   

In experiment situation was created of "free choice", which was characterized by the reinforcement of any succession of bottle-nosed dolphin action on the manipulators, placed in the open-air cage under the condition of pressing three definite levers in the required order independently of the number of "superfluous" reactions before and between necessary actions. In the first series of the experiments with eight above-water levers no succession of actions leading to the reinforcement was formed in the bottle-nosed dolphin [correction of aphaline]. In the second series with eight under-water manipulators--both experimental dolphins regularly reached the reinforcement. Stereotype trajectories of movements in the cage were formed, which included swimming past the levers and successive actions on them. Minimum chain of motor reactions was not formed, though some of "superfluous" levers were not pressed. At solving the task efferent generalization in dolphins in both series of experiments was manifested in two ways: the animals reacted in different ways on one and the same manipulator and pressed different levers.  相似文献   

Polyvinyl alcohol was biodegraded under denitrifying conditions with a microbial community originated from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The derived microbial consortium was capable of polyvinyl alcohol degradation under both denitrifying and aerobic conditions. The community dynamics was monitored by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, and a principal utilizing organism was identified and assigned as Steroidobacter sp. PD. The possible role of Steroidobacter sp. PD was also investigated by sequencing the 16S rDNA clone library prepared from the degrading community. qPCR analysis showed that the fraction of the microorganism in the community was very low initially (0.02%) and had reached to about 16% by the end of the biodegradation experiment. The study revealed that polyvinyl alcohol can be biodegraded in a water environment not only under aerobic but also under denitrifying conditions.  相似文献   

A review of the literature indicates that there is very little published information on the variation in intake of minerals and other supplements offered free-choice to grazing animals. Most of the studies have been conducted with molasses feedblocks and liquid licks and the data indicate large day to day and among animal variation. A computer recording system has been developed and tested which allows for more information to be collected with regard to frequency of consumption of free-choice supplements by grazing animals. Studies have been conducted with molasses blocks and loose mineral supplements provided to grazing cattle. Results indicate that the supplements were consumed by almost all animals on a regular basis. However, there was considerable variation among animals in the quantity of supplement consumed. For the molasses blocks daily intake averaged 1.2 ± 0.6 kg per head within a range of 0.72–1.65 kg. For the mineral supplement the average daily consumption was 135 ± 55 g per head within a range of 50–300 g. The supplement feeders were visited every hour of the day but approximately 40% of the visits occurred in the late evening. Information on the behavioural pattern of consumption may enable strategies to be developed which could reduce the variation in consumption.  相似文献   

Alcohol is second in importance only to smoking as a proved cause of cancer. The risk associated with excessive alcohol consumption can be reduced by adopting national and local population based policies. The population approach is aimed at reducing the level of consumption across the whole population, which contains many modest drinkers. Underlying this approach is the fact that a larger proportion of the total morbidity and mortality attributed to alcohol in a population occurs in modest drinkers, even though individually they are at lower risk. This approach should be complemented by risk reduction initiatives in primary care, focused on high risk individuals. Several studies have shown the efficacy of brief interventions by general practitioners in patients with excessive alcohol consumption. Brief interventions, taking 5 to 10 minutes, use simple assessments to identify those at risk and provide information and advice. Evidence exists that general practitioners underuse opportunities to identify and advise patients about excessive drinking.  相似文献   

The influence of different culture systems on the amount of plankton consumed by fingerlings of three carp species (Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala) was examined in outdoor culture tanks during a 90 day growing period. The fish were raised under two basically different feeding conditions: (a) fed with allochthonous live plankton; (b) fed with plankton grown autochthonously in the fish growing tanks fertilized with manures. Both feeding regimes were compared with control groups. It was found that the plankton intake for carp held in the live food system was significantly higher than with the manured and control systems. Related to maximum intake, maximum abundance of plankton in the live food system was a consequence of improved water quality expressed in terms of lower values of BOD and COD and higher values of DO and pH; this was conducive to fast reproduction of some of the zooplankton which constituted the major food items for the test carp, as well as to the regular exogenous introduction of live plankton. The ingestion of plankton was found to be related to carp body weight raised to the power b. The exponent b ranged from 0.29 to 0.93 during the 90-day growing period.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of adrenaline and noradrenaline excretion with urine in health and during 3 days after a single intake of 40 degrees alcohol from 5 to 6 p.m. in a dose of 6.2 ml/kg bw were examined in 20 healthy male volunteers aged 20 to 26 years, in spring. The data obtained were processed according to the "cosinor" program. Alcohol intake resulted in the tension of the sympathoadrenal system, with that tension being observed over 2 days and not removed after ethanol elimination. Circadian rhythms of catecholamine excretion essentially changed. Within the first day after alcohol intake, mesor and rhythm amplitudes increased, acrophases displaced for a time following alcoholization. By the second day the increase of the mesors was preserved, the acrophases returned to normal. Complete recovery of the normal circadian time structure took place during the third circadian cycle after alcohol intake.  相似文献   

Calpains are Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine proteases known to be important for the regulation of cell functions and which aberrant activation causes cell death in a number of degenerative disorders. To provide a tool for monitoring the status of calpain activity in vivo under physiological and pathological conditions, we created a mouse model that expresses ubiquitously a fluorescent reporter consisting of eCFP and eYFP separated by a linker cleavable by the ubiquitous calpains. We named this mouse CAFI for calpain activity monitored by FRET imaging. Our validation studies demonstrated that the level of calpain activity correlates with a decrease in FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) between the two fluorescent proteins. Using this model, we observed a small level of activity after denervation and fasting, a high level of activity during muscle regeneration and ischemia, and local activity in damaged myofibers after exercise. Finally, we crossed the CAFI mouse with the alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient model, demonstrating an increase of calpain activity at the steady state. Altogether, our results present evidence that CAFI mice could be a valuable tool in which to follow calpain activity at physiological levels and in disease states.  相似文献   

We present the formulation and testing of a mathematical model for the kinetics of homotypic cellular aggregation. The model considers cellular aggregation under no-flow conditions as a two-step process. Individual cells and cell aggregates 1) move on the tissue culture surface and 2) collide with other cells (or aggregates). These collisions lead to the formation of intercellular bonds. The aggregation kinetics are described by a system of coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential equations, and the collision frequency kernel is derived by extending Smoluchowski's colloidal flocculation theory to cell migration and aggregation on a two-dimensional surface. Our results indicate that aggregation rates strongly depend upon the motility of cells and cell aggregates, the frequency of cell-cell collisions, and the strength of intercellular bonds. Model predictions agree well with data from homotypic lymphocyte aggregation experiments using Jurkat cells activated by 33B6, an antibody to the beta 1 integrin. Since cell migration speeds and all the other model parameters can be independently measured, the aggregation model provides a quantitative methodology by which we can accurately evaluate the adhesivity and aggregation behavior of cells.  相似文献   

The increase in the worldwide demand for dairy products, associated with global warming, will emphasize the issue of water use efficiency in dairy systems. The evaluation of environmental issues related to the management of animal dejections will also require precise biotechnical models that can predict effluent management in farms. In this study, equations were developed and evaluated for predicting the main water flows at the dairy cow level, based on parameters related to cow productive performance and diet under thermoneutral conditions. Two datasets were gathered. The first one comprised 342 individual measurements of water balance in dairy cows obtained during 18 trials at the experimental farm of Méjussaume (INRA, France). Predictive equations of water intake, urine and fecal water excretion were developed by multiple regression using a stepwise selection of regressors from a list of seven candidate parameters, which were milk yield, dry matter intake (DMI), body weight, diet dry matter content (DM), proportion of concentrate (CONC) and content of crude protein (CP) ingested with forage and concentrate (CPf and CPc, g/kg DM). The second dataset was used for external validation of the developed equations and comprised 196 water flow measurements on experimental lots obtained from 43 published papers related to water balance or digestibility measurements in dairy cows. Although DMI was the first predictor of the total water intake (TWI), with a partial r2 of 0.51, DM was the first predictive parameter of free water intake (FWI), with a partial r2 of 0.57, likely due to the large variability of DM in the first dataset (from 11.5 to 91.4 g/100 g). This confirmed the compensation between water drunk and ingested with diet when DM changes. The variability of urine volume was explained mainly by the CPf associated with DMI (r.s.d. 5.4 kg/day for an average flow of 24.0 kg/day) and that of fecal water was explained by the proportion of CONC in the diet and DMI. External validation showed that predictive equations excluding DMI as predictive parameters could be used for FWI, urine and fecal water predictions if cows were fed a well-known total mixed ration. It also appeared that TWI and FWI were underestimated when ambient temperature increased above 25°C and possible means of including climatic parameters in future predictive equations were proposed.  相似文献   

The impact of cell culture environment on the glycan distribution of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) has been investigated through a combination of experiments and modeling. A newly developed CHO DUXB cell line was cultivated at two levels of initial Glutamine (Gln) concentrations (0, 4 mM) and incubation temperatures of (33 and 37 °C) in batch operation mode. Hypothermia was applied either through the entire culture duration or only during the post-exponential phase. Beyond reducing cell growth and increasing productivity, hypothermia significantly altered the galactosylation index profiles as compared to control conditions. A novel semi-empirical dynamic model was proposed for elucidating the connections between the extracellular cell culture conditions to galactosylation index. The developed model is based on a simplified balance of nucleotides sugars and on the correlation between sugars’ levels to the galactosylation index (GI). The model predictions were found to be in a good agreement with the experimental data. The proposed empirical model is expected to be useful for controlling the glycoprofiles by manipulating culture conditions.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a partial tomato alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) cDNA clone. Expression of tomato Adh was studied at the messenger RNA level in seedlings, roots, and fruit. High induction was observed under hypoxic conditions, both in tomato seedlings and in roots. In addition, the Adh mRNA was present at the mature green and pink stage of the tomato fruit, and was highly induced in late ripening. Moreover, an artificial ripening treatment resulted in at least 50-fold induction compared to the mature green mRNA level. Genomic DNA gel blotting suggested the presence of a multigene family for Adh in tomato.  相似文献   

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