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Summary An attempt was made to determine if any of the specialized secretory cell types common to the pars distalis also occur in the pars tuberalis of the human hypophysis. Available for study were 18 specimens of the inferior pars tuberalis, which partially surrounds the infundibular stem, and 3 specimens of the superior pars tuberalis that is attached to the median eminence. Antisera to human somatotropin, mammotropin, chorionic gonadotropin, follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH , luteinizing hormone, LH , thyrotropin, TSH , as well as to 1–24-corticotropin, porcine 17–39-corticotropin, and ovine LH were used with the Sternberger peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical procedure to identify the probable cells of origin for these hormones.The evidence indicated that gonadotropic cells constitute the major portion of the parenchymal cell population in the pars tuberalis. They occurred throughout all of the pars tuberalis and were usually arranged in clusters. Somatotropic, mammotropic, corticotropic, and thyrotropic cells were rare and not found in all specimens. When present, they often formed a common group suggesting that their occurrence in the pars tuberalis resulted from displacement of primordial tissue of the pars distalis during embryogenesis.Supported in part by research grants HD-03159 and HD-08333 from the National Institute for Child Health and Human DevelopmentWe thank Dr. L.A. Sternberger for providing the PAP complex and others for antisera (Table 2) and hormones (Footnote 2) as listed  相似文献   

Summary Pituitary glands were examined using reference staining (hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue) and the peroxidase-labeled antibody method, for 1) invading anterior cells in the posterior lobe, 2) intermediate colloid forming follicles, and 3) pars tuberalis cells.The results showed: 1) that the majority of cases possessed invading anterior cells of various amount. Most of these cells were positive for ACTH1–18, ACTH17–39 and -MSH. However, on a few occasions, scattered GH, PRL, FSH, FSH, LH and even TSH cells were also present. 2) Colloid forming follicular cells were mostly ACTH cells, but also contained occasional other hormone-secreting cells. Hormone negative cells were correlated with salivary type epithelium. Well established acinic type salivary glands and ciliated epithelium were negative for any hormones immunohistochemically. 3) Pars tuberalis cells were predominantly gonadotrophs but also included TSH and ACTH cells. Some cells appeared to contain both FSH and LH. When these cells underwent squamous metaplasia, they seemed to lose their hormone secreting activity.Part of this study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study was to test whether the luteinizing-hormone (LH) cells in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the rat and mouse respond to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) as do those of the pars distalis. A part of the basal hypothalamus containing the pituitary stalk, median eminence and the pars tuberalis (H-PT), was dissected out and incubated in vitro.The LH-secreting capacity of the PT was investigated after removal of the pituitary body (i.e., partes distalis, intermedia and nervosa). First, some rat and mouse H-PT tissues were treated with synthetic LHRH (100ng/ml), while others were incubated without LHRH. After 24 h of incubation, variable amounts of LH release were detected in the medium. This LH discharge, however, was not LHRH-dependent but proportional to the number of PT LH cells that were immunohistochemically detected in each incubated tissue. Since there was marked individual variation in the number of LH cells in the PT, the LH levels in the incubation medium were next compared before and after LHRH treatment using the same H-PT of the rat. An effect of LHRH could not clearly be shown in this experiment.Finally, the cytological response of the PT to LHRH was investigated by incubating both the H-PT and pituitary body connected to the intact pituitary stalk. Immunohistochemical examination of LHRH-treated tissues after 24 h revealed that, in females of both rats and mice, hormone depletion occurred in LH cells of the pars distalis but not in those of the PT. These results indicate that although LH cells in the PT can release LH in vitro, their mode of hormone synthesis and/or discharge differs from that of LH cells in the pars distalis. Since there was a marked individual variation and small LH-secreting capacity by the PT tissue, it seems unlikely, at least in rats and mice, that LH of PT origin plays an important role in the normal physiological state.  相似文献   

Light-microscopic immunocytochemistry of ferret anterior pituitary revealed the localization of somatotropes in the pars distalis, but no immunoreactive cells were detected in the pars tuberalis. Ultrastructural studies by superimposition immunocytochemistry and immuno-electron microscopy, clucidated the morphological heterogeneity of these somatotropic cells. They were classified into 2 subtypes on the basis of size of the secretory granules. Type-I cells with small granules (mean diameter, 192 nm), were considered to be the immature somatotrop, while Type-II cells, with comparatively larger secretory granules (mean diameter, 257 nm), were considered to be the matured form of Type-I cells and the typical somatotropic cell-type, and were much more predominant than the Type-I cells. The fact that Type-II cells had a distinct Golgi zone and many mitochondria, while in Type-I cells the intracellular organelles were generally less developed, supports this suggestion. In addition to these two extreme subtypes, several intermediate forms were also encountered that may represent different transitional phases during the conversion of Type I to Type II. Protein A-gold immuno-electron microscopy illustrated the specific localization of growth hormone over the granules, with no labelling over any other cytoplasmic organelles of the 2 somatotrope subtypes.  相似文献   

Summary In electron micrographs fibers containing vasopressin-immunoreactive elementary granules 100–120 nm in diameter are observed within the basal lamina of the adenohypophyseal pars tuberalis adjacent to the rostral portion of the median eminence. The concept of a neuroglandular transmitter function of vasopressin is discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and the Stiftung VolkswagenwerkThe excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledged  相似文献   

The distribution of LH-RH-positive nerve fibers in the median eminence was demonstrated in the 1970s and 1980s. A few LH-RH fibers have been reported to be present in the adjacent pars tuberalis of the pituitary, but their functional significance has not been clarified and still remains enigmatic. Adult male Wistar-Imamichi rats were separated into two groups: one for immunohistochemistry of LH-RH and S-100 protein (for the identification of folliculo-stellate cells) and the other for electron microscopy. For both immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy, the specimens obtained contained the pituitary gland connected with the hypothalamus. Numerous LH-RH-positive fibers were observed as tiny lines with several varicosities both on the primary vascular plexus and in the hypothalamus corresponding to the posterior half of the portal vein area. LH-RH-positive fibers were also noted around S-100-positive cells in the pars tuberalis. Weakly reactive S-100 cells were scattered in the pars tuberalis in the midsagittal plane, while clusters of strong reactive elements occurred 100–300 m from the center. Similar observations were made using fluorescence immunohistochemistry for LH-RH and S-100, and at the electron-microscopic level. At the posterior portion of the portal vein system, bundles of the LH-RH-immunoreactive fibers invaded the pars tuberalis and terminated on agranular cells. Gap junctions were clearly seen among agranular cells corresponding to folliculo-stellate cells. It is postulated that the LH-RH message might be transmitted not only by the established hypophyseal portal vein system but also via the folliculo-stellate cells in the pars tuberalis to aid in the modulation of LH release.  相似文献   

Summary The pars tuberalis (PT) of the mouse, like that of other mammals, consists mainly of glandular cells rich in glycogen and peculiar to this lobe. In the mouse, the glandular cells are characterized by large, dense secretory vesicles (up to 300 nm in diameter), the abundance of which indicates a marked secretory activity. The PT develops from a distinct antero-ventral area of Rathke's pouch. The border between the anlagen of the PT and the pars distalis is formed by Atwell's recessus which represents the access for the vessels afferent to the pars distalis. The pedicle of Rathke's pouch is incorporated into the PT anlage, thus contributing to its formation. The entire PT anlage is characterized by glycogen accumulation from the commencement of its formation and persisting in the adult tuberal lobe. Secretory differentiation of the glandular cells of the PT occurs at day 12 of gestation, preceding that of all other adenohypophysial cell types. The secretory features of these cells (development of ergastoplasm and Golgi apparatus, abundance of dense secretory vesicles) appear at an early stage of the embryonic life (14 days) comparable to those of mature cells. These results confirm earlier observations in the foetal rat where hypophysial secretion also begins in the PT. The existence of peculiar glandular cells speaks in favour of a specific but still unknown function of the PT during foetal and adult life.This work is dedicated to Professor F. Stutinsky  相似文献   

Summary A system of intercellular channels is described in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the female rat. These spaces are lined by all types of cells found in the PT and are not sealed off by tight junctions. Ventrally and dorsally, the intercellular spaces open toward the basement membranes separating the PT from (i) the subarachnoid space, and (ii) the perivascular space of the portal capillaries, respectively. These intercellular channels differ from the follicles, which are also found in the PT, being lined by a particular type of cell.In a second group of female rats an epoxy mixture was injected into the third ventricle; 10 min thereafter horseradish peroxidase was infused into the cisterna magna. After processing the brain for the demonstration of exogenous peroxidase, it was found that the tracer had reached the subarachnoid space adjacent to the hypothalamus and entered into all ventricular cavities with the exception of the infundibular recess. Under these experimental conditions it was found that the tracer fills all intercellular channels of the PT, thus indicating that there is no barrier between the subarachnoid space and the PT. It is suggested that the subarachnoid space should be regarded as a probable route for the transport of trophic factor(s) and/or secretory product(s) of the PT.Supported by Grant S-80-13 from Directión de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile  相似文献   

Summary The pars tuberalis (pt) of the adenohypophysis is unique in its close spatial relationship to the neurohemal contact area of the median eminence. The morphology of pt-specific secretory cells does not resemble cell types of the pars distalis (pd); the functional role of these cells within the endocrine system is still unknown. One group of young mature female Wistar rats received propylthiouracil (PTU), a second group thyroxine (T4) (10 mg/l each in drinking water) from about 3 weeks prior to the expected pregnancy and throughout the experiment. On gestation day 20, the fetuses were obtained by laparatomy. Serial sections from the rostral portion of the pt and from the pd were immunostained using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. TSH concentrations were determined by RIA in serum and pituitaries; T4 was measured in serum. An antiserum against rat (r) TSH revealed a moderate positive reaction of nearly all cells of the pt in the control group. In both experimental groups the pt-specific cells showed weak or no immunoreactivity. Sections of all groups were negative with anti(r)-LH,-GH,-PRL. In contrast to controls, only a few immature TSH-cells could be found in sections of the pd in the T4-group, while concentrations of TSH in blood and hypophysis were very low. TSH-cells in the PTU-group were enlarged and less intensely stained. TSH-concentrations were decreased in the hypophysis, blood levels were elevated. All sections of the pd-specific cell populations showed positive immunoreactions with anti(r)-LH,-GH,-PRL. The present results suggest that pt-specific secretory cells of the fetal rat possess TSH immunoreactivity but do not resemble the thyrotropes of the pd. Marked differences in immunoreactivity displayed by the experimental groups indicate that pt-specific cells respond to changes in the fetal thyroid status and are a component of the thyroid-regulating system in addition to the thyrotropes of the pd. This novel aspect of pt function is discussed in connection with recent results concerning melatonin receptors found in the pt and the inhibitory influence of the pineal gland exerted on the thyroid gland.The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Wi 558/4-1)  相似文献   

Summary The pars tuberalis of the adenohypophysis was investigated in three human fetuses at mid-gestation by electron microscopy or immunohistochemistry. In addition to gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs, identified by immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural morphology, electron microscopy revealed the existence of an additional differentiated cell type closely resembling pars tuberalis-specific cells known from other species. The role of this cell type in the human endocrine regulation remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The architecture of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) nerve ends and the S-100 protein containing folliculo-stellate cells forming gap junctions in the pars tuberalis is basically important in understanding the regulation of the hormone producing mechanism of anterior pituitary glands. In this study, intact male rats 5–60 days old were prepared for immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. From immunostained sections, the S-100 containing cells in pars tuberalis were first detected on day 30 and increased in number to day 60; this was parallel to the immunohistochemical staining of gap junction protein, connexin 43. LH-RH positive sites were clearly observed on just behind the optic chiasm and on the root of pituitary stalk on day 30. On day 60, the width of layer increased, while follicles and gap junctions were frequently observed between agranular cells in 10 or more layers of pars tuberalis.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell activity, growth and metabolism by a number of growth factor receptors and proto-oncogene products involves tyrosine kinase activity resulting in autophosphorylation of the receptors and production of phosphorylated tyrosine-containing protein substrates. The identification and precise localization of phosphotyrosine (PY)-containing proteins are first steps in elucidating the functional role of tyrosine kinases in the modulation of the central nervous system and related areas. In the present report, we describe PY-containing proteins in the median eminence and adjacent pars tuberalis of the rat adenohypophysis by immunocytochemistry using light and electron microscopy, and by Western blotting analysis. PY-immunoreactivity was found to be most intense throughout the cytoplasm of a population of epithelial pars tuberalis cells. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of tissue extracts from various brain and pituitary regions demonstrated a general pattern of 4 major bands of PY-proteins, with an additional dense band representing a 44 kDa protein that was highly phosphorylated on tyrosines and that was exclusively found in the pars tuberalis. Additional investigation for the presence of insulin receptors, a tyrosine kinase previously correlated with the distribution of PY-proteins, demonstrated a receptor localization in axons and nerve terminals in the external and internal zone of the median eminence. However, the large amount of different PY-proteins present in the secretory cell population of the pars tuberalis could not be attributed to the insulin receptor. Our findings demonstrate that there is a large amount of cell-specific tyrosine kinase activity in the median eminence and contacting the pars tuberalis; these may play a significant role for transduction of biological signals or metabolic regulation in the neuroendocrine region.This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Following injection of high doses of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), mesenchymal cells distributed in the perisinusoidal space of the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis in cats, rabbits and Japanese quails, sequester the exogenously administrated peroxidase intensively. These cells are designated by the authors as horseradish peroxidase-uptake cells (HRP-uptake cells or HUC). HRP-uptake cells constitute a system of macrophages in the pars tuberalis of mammals and birds, and are located around the hypophysial portal veins. HRP-uptake cells differ in morphological and functional characteristics from similar cells in other parts of hypophysis. They are thought to play a role in the hypothalamic control of adenohypophysial secretion.Supported by grants (No. 144022, 237002) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Summary The development of the pars tuberalis was studied in the rat fetus from 13 days of gestation to 6 weeks after birth. After the closure of Rathke's pouch, the pars tuberalis anlage is clearly distinguishable from the anlagen of the partes intermedia and distalis. It comprises the entire basal portion of the adenohypophysial anlage; the limit between the anlagen of the pars tuberalis and the pars distalis is defined by Atwell's recess, i.e. the pathway taken by the hypophysial vessels coming from the vascular plexus of the median eminence.At 14 days the pars tuberalis cells are characterized by the presence of glycogen which persists in the adult. Their secretory differentiation (elaboration of granules with a diameter of 100–120 nm) is obvious at 15 days of gestation. It therefore, clearly precedes that of the other hypophysial cell types. Its functional differentiation takes place well before its adhesion to the primary vascular plexus of the portal system. Cystic formations appear just before birth in the pars tuberalis, much later than those of the pars distalis.These observations on the development of the pars tuberalis, together with previous observations on the adult PT in various species, showing that the specific glandular cells of the pars tuberalis are cytologically different from all known adenohypophysial cell types, seem to indicate a specific endocrine function of this lobe.  相似文献   

Summary Using the immunoperoxidase technique and antisera to the specific beta () subunits of bovine and rat TSH1, selective immunocytochemical staining was localized in a specific cell population in the pars distalis of the dog pituitary gland. These TSH cells were found to be positive to aldehyde fuchsin, alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and aniline blue. With the performic acidalcian blue (pH 0.2) -PAS-orange G procedure these cells stained blue-purple, demonstrating FSH/LH cells (blue or turquoise), ACTH/MSH cells (redpurple) and PRL cells (orange-red). The TSH cells were further differentiated from other functional cell types of the pars distalis on the basis of their typical cytological features, intraglandular distribution and by immunocytochemical double staining. In the pars distalis of adult male dogs the TSH cells were mostly shown to be smaller in size and less numerous than in bitches in the anestrous phase of the sexual cycle. Moreover, cytological alterations in the immunoreactive thyrotrophs in the pituitary of male and female dogs generally paralleled the spontaneous changes in thyroid function associated with thyroid atrophy and/or pituitary insufficiency, and thyroid hyperplasia or goiter. In conclusion, because of their specificity and high potency, the antisera to the -subunits of bovine and rat TSH represent an effective tool for the selective immunocytochemical localization of TSH in the dog pituitary. This allows the study of the morphology and function of TSH cells under different physiological, pathological and experimental conditions.Abbreviations for Hormones cited in this Paper ACTH Adrenocorticotropin - FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone - GH Growth Hormone - LH Luteinizing Hormone - MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone - PRL Prolactin - TSH Thyrotropin - TRH TSH Releasing Hormone - CG Chorionic Gonadotropin The authors are grateful to Mrs. B. Schilk and Miss U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The sites of production of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) are studied by the immunoglobulin-peroxidase bridge technique, using antisera prepared against synthetic porcine 1–24 and 17–39 ACTH, and bovine MSH on the rat adenohypophysis. Presence of ACTH all over the pars intermedia (PI) is indicated by staining with antisera p 1–24 and p 17-3-9 ACTH. There are darkly stained ACTH cells in the PI and pars tuberalis (PT), similar to those in the pars distalis (PD). With higher dilutions of the ACTH antiserum, staining intensity disappears or reduces markedly in majority of the PI cells, whereas, the ACTH cells in the PI, PD and PT do not vary much in their staining intensity. Therefore, it is concluded that majority of the PI glandular cells (light glandular and dark cells) contain less corticotropin than the ACTH cells. From these observations, it seems to me that the major amount of corticotropin is supplied by the ACTH cells of the PD, PI and PT, and less by the light glandular and dark cells of the PI. The antiserum is ineffective after absorption, so the staining reaction appears to be specific for p 1–24 and b 17–39 ACTH.Presence of MSH all over the PI is indicated by staining with antisera to bovine MSH. Majority of the PI cells are highly stained even with higher dilution of the antiserum. The unstained cells in the PI seem to be ACTH cells and/or marginal cuboidal cells. The antiserum was ineffective after absorption, so the staining reaction appears to be specific for b MSH.Control over the PD corticotropin through the median eminence portal circulation and the PI and PT control through nervous system is also discussed.This study was supported by MRC of Canada Grant nos. MA-3759, and MA-5160.The author gratefully wishes to thank Drs. P. Desaulles and W. Rittel (CIBA, Basle, Switzerland) for the synthetic p 1–24 ACTH and b MSH, Dr. R. F. Phifer for p 17–39 ACTH, and Dr. S. S. Spicer for providing samples of rabbit anti-porcine 17–39 ACTH and anti-human ACTH sera, Drs. George Sétáló and Paul Nakane for their valuable advice. He also acknowledges the help of Mr. Shankar Nayak to prepare the antisera and the skilful technical assistance of Miss. Elise Poiré.  相似文献   

Summary The pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria presents the general structural and the cytological characteristics of an endocrine gland. It is composed of elongated cells with long, branching processes ending on the external basement membrane of the pericapillary space. The pars tuberalis cells produce secretory granules which are accumulated in the pericapillary endings of the processes.Corresponding to its separate localization, the pars tuberalis of Rana temporaria has a separate vascularization of which the efferent capillaries anastomose with the capillary plexus of the median eminence. The general direction of the blood flow of the pars tuberalis is towards the capillaries of the median eminence. Also, the secretory products of the pars tuberalis pass into the blood stream of the hypophysial portal system.Several characteristics of the pars tuberalis show that its function must be different from that of the pars distalis of the hypophysis. Moreover, in contrast with the pars distalis, the activity of the pars tuberalis is not regulated by neurohumoral factors.The results show that a role of the pars tuberalis in the regulation of the activity of the pars distalis of the hypophysis is not excluded.  相似文献   

Summary Functional receptors for melatonin have been localized and characterized on the pars tuberalis (PT) of a number of mammalian species, but the cell-type responsive to melatonin is unknown. The ultrastructure of the ovine pars tuberalis has been examined and these findings correlated with the functional response of the gland to melatonin. This study revealed that two secretory cell types predominate in the ovine PT, which differ in the abundance of dense-core granules. The most abundant of the cells are either agranular or very sparsely granulated and represent 90% of the total population, with the remaining 10% being composed of cells with abundant dense-core vesicles. Few follicular cells were observed. This ratio of secretory cell-types persisted in primary culture, with the two types non-separable by Percoll gradient centrifugation. Using forskolin, as a non-specific stimulant of adenylate cyclase, melatonin was shown to inhibit the formation of cyclic AMP by 80–90% in cells both before and after Percoll centrifugation. The results demonstrate that the agranular secretory cells of the ovine pars tuberalis are the melatonin responsive cell-type of this gland.  相似文献   

Summary In the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria, which shows the ultrastructural characteristics of a polypeptide hormone secreting endocrine gland, seasonal changes of the ultrastructure are described. In accordance with the literature, these seasonal changes of ultrastructure are interpreted as the morphological expression of seasonal changes of endocrine activity of the pars tuberalis.  相似文献   

Summary Chromophobes of the pars distalis in young Chelydra serpentina have sparse cytoplasm with no specific granules; however, many cytoplasmic filaments are present. The chromophobes are connected to the other cell types by desmosomes, while different types of junctional specializations occur between adjacent chromophobes. Cytoplasmic filaments traverse the cytoplasm in a random manner and terminate on both the junctional complexes and the nuclear envelope. It is proposed that, in addition to providing a structural framework, the chromophobes may be involved in integrating cellular responses of the parenchyma to changes in the endocrine milieu.Supported in part by a General Research Support Grant RR05402, NIH to Dr. Tseng and a Human Development Grant HD-03484, NIH to Dr. Yntema.  相似文献   

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