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Nischarin regulates Rac1-dependent cell motility by interaction with and inhibition of the p21-activated kinase (PAK1). In addition to regulating the activation of PAK1, Rac1 controls multiple downstream pathways to regulate cell growth and differentiation, as well as cell motility. Signaling by a constitutively activated Rac1 mutant deficient in PAK binding (Rac1Q61L-40C) was examined to determine whether Nischarin impinges on these other Rac1 effector pathways. Nischarin formed immunoprecipitatable complexes with Rac1Q61L and Rac1Q61L-40C when the proteins were co-expressed. In NIH3T3 cells, Rac1Q61L and Rac1Q61L-40C stimulation of a minimal NF-kappaB response element or the cyclin D1 promoter, a downstream target of NF-kappaB, was inhibited by co-expression of Nischarin. Additionally, suppression of endogenous Nischarin protein with small interfering RNA in PC12 cells enhanced Rac1Q61L and Rac1Q61L-40C activation of NF-kappaB. In further support of Nischarin suppressing PAK independent Rac signaling, foci formation in monolayers of NIH3T3 cells by Rac1Q61L-40C in cooperation with c-Raf/CAAX was inhibited by the presence of Nischarin. Nischarin alters the cellular localization of Rac1Q61L and Rac1Q61L-40C to vesicles and this positively correlates with the repression of the Rac1 signal. Thus, Nischarin, in addition to regulating the PAK strand of Rac1 signaling, can also regulate other links in the web of Rac1 signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Regulation of p21ras activity.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The ras genes encode GTP/GDP-binding proteins that participate in mediating mitogenic signals from membrane tyrosine kinases to downstream targets. The activity of p21ras is determined by the concentration of GTP-p21ras, which is tightly regulated by a complex array of positive and negative control mechanisms. GAP and NF1 can negatively regulate p21ras activity by stimulating hydrolysis of GTP bound to p21ras. Other cellular factors can positively regulate p21ras by stimulating GDP/GTP exchange.  相似文献   

Activation of the canonical mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade by soluble mitogens is blocked in non-adherent cells. It is also blocked in cells in which the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is activated. Here we show that inhibition of PKA allows anchorage-independent stimulation of the MAPK cascade by growth factors. This effect is transient, and its duration correlates with sustained tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin and focal-adhesion kinase (FAK) in non-adherent cells. The effect is sensitive to cytochalasin D, implicating the actin cytoskeleton as an important factor in mediating this anchorage-independent signalling. Interestingly, constitutively active p21-activated kinase (PAK) also allows anchorage-independent MAPK signalling. Furthermore, PKA negatively regulates PAK in vivo, and whereas the induction of anchorage-independent signaling resulting from PKA suppression is blocked by dominant negative PAK, it is markedly prolonged by constitutively active PAK. These observations indicate that PKA and PAK are important regulators of anchorage-dependent signal transduction.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) family members are ubiquitously expressed and control a variety of cellular processes by interacting with at least two types of high affinity cell surface receptors. However, the primary signal transduction mechanism of the receptors is unknown. The ras-encoded 21-kDa GTP binding proteins have recently been shown to mediate the effects of other polypeptide growth factors. Here we show that both TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 (5 ng/ml) result in a rapid (within 6 or 12 min, respectively) stimulation of GTP bound to p21ras in TGF beta-sensitive intestinal epithelial cells. Further, the CCL64 epithelial cell line, extremely sensitive to growth inhibition by TGF beta, displayed a concentration-dependent increase in GTP bound to p21ras by TGF beta 1 and a rapid activation of p21ras by TGF beta 2. The results provide the first direct evidence for rapid activation of a receptor coupling component for TGF beta in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The IGFs may be important autocrine, paracrine or endocrine growth factors for human breast cancer. IGF-I and II stimulate growth of cultured human breast cancer cells. IGF-I is slightly more potent, paralleling its higher affinity for the IGF-I receptor. Antibody blockade of the IGF-I receptor inhibits growth stimulation induced by both IGFs, suggesting that this receptor mediates the growth effects of both peptides. However, IGF-I receptor blockade does not inhibit estrogen (E2)-induced growth suggesting that secreted IGFs are not the major mediators of E2 action. Several breast cancer cell lines express IGF-II mRNA by both Northern analysis and RNase protection assay. IGF-II activity is found in conditioned medium by radioimmuno and radioreceptor assay, after removal of somatomedin binding proteins (BP) which are secreted in abundance. IGF-I is undetectable. BPs of 25 and 40 K predominate in ER-negative cell lines while BPs of 36 K predominate in ER-positive cells. Blockade of the IGF-I receptor inhibits anchorage-independent and monolayer growth in serum of a panel of breast cancer cell lines. Growth of one line (MDA-231) was also inhibited in vivo by receptor antibody treatment of nude mice. The antibody had no effect on growth of MCF-7 tumors. These data suggest the IGFs are important regulators of breast cancer cell proliferation and that antagonism of this pathway may offer a new treatment strategy.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), a growth hormone (GH)-dependent growth factor exerts feedback regulation of GH by inhibiting GH gene expression. IGF-I inhibition of GH secretion is enhanced 3-5-fold in GC rat pituitary cells overexpressing the wild type 950Tyr human IGF-I receptor which autophosphorylates appropriately. To determine the critical amino acid sequence responsible for IGF-I signaling, insertion, deletion, and site-directed mutants were constructed to substitute for 950Tyr in exon 16 of the human IGF-I receptor beta-subunit transmembrane domain. All mutant transfectants bound IGF-I with a similar Kd to untransfected cells but had markedly increased (7-34-fold) IGF-I-binding sites. GH responsiveness to IGF-I was tested in mutant transfectants. Overexpressed site-directed and insertion mutant IGF-I receptors exhibited a modest suppressive effect on GH in response to the IGF-I ligand, similar to that observed in untransfected cells. Deletion mutant (IG-FIR delta 22) (amino acid 944-965) did not transduce the IGF-I signal to the GH gene. Site-directed and insertion mutants therefore did not enhance the IGF-I response of the endogenous rat receptor, unlike the 950Tyr wild type transfectants which enhanced the IGF-I signal. All mutant transfectants, except the deletion mutant, internalized radioactive ligand similarly to 950Tyr wild type transfectants. 950Tyr of the human IGF-I receptor is therefore required for IGF-I signal transduction in the pituitary somatotroph, but not for IGF-I-mediated internalization.  相似文献   

In earlier studies, we molecularly cloned a normal cellular gene, c-rasH-1, homologous to the v-ras oncogene of Harvey murine sarcoma virus (v-rasH). By ligating a type c retroviral promotor to c-rasH-1, we could transform NIH 3T3 cells with the c-rasH-1 gene. The transformed cells contained high levels of a p21 protein coded for by the c-rasH-1 gene. In the current studies, we have purified extensively both v-rasH p21 and c-rasH p21 and compared the in vivo and in vitro biochemical properties of both these p21 molecules. The p21 proteins coded for by v-rasH and c-rasH-1 shared certain properties: each protein was synthesized as a precursor protein which subsequently became bound to the inner surface of the plasma membrane; each protein was associated with guanine nucleotide-binding activity, a property which copurified with p21 molecules on a high-pressure liquid chromatography molecular sizing column. In some other properties, the v-rasH and c-rasH p21 proteins differed. In vivo, approximately 20 to 30% of v-rasH p21 molecules were in the form of phosphothreonine-containing pp21 molecules, whereas in vivo only a minute fraction of c-rasH-1 p21 contained phosphate, and this phosphate was found on a serine residue. v-rasH pp21 molecules with an authentic phosphothreonine peptide could be synthesized in vitro in an autophosphorylation reaction in which the gamma phosphate of GTP was transferred to v-rasH p21. No autophosphorylating activity was associated with purified c-rasH-1 p21 in vitro. The results indicate a major qualitative difference between the p21 proteins coded for by v-rasH and c-rasH-1. The p21 coded for by a mouse-derived oncogenic virus, BALB murine sarcoma virus, resembled the p21 coded for by c-rasH-1 in that it bound guanine nucleotides but did not label appreciably with 32Pi. The forms of p21 coded for by other members of the ras gene family were compared, and the results indicate that the guanine nucleotide-binding activity is common to p21 molecules coded for by all known members of the ras gene family.  相似文献   

Ceramide has emerged as a pleiotropic signal mediator of cellular responses including differentiation, proliferation, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. In the present study we evaluated the effect of cell permeant ceramide analogues on ligand-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor (EGFR), phospholipase Cy (PLCgamma) activity and cell proliferation. Treatment with N-acetylsphingosine (C2-cer) and N-hexanoylceramide (C6-cer) prevented EGF-induced tyrosine trans-phosphorylation of the receptor in two different cell lines overexpressing the human EGFR (A431 and EGF-T17 cells). In contrast, treatment of A431 and EGFR-T17 cells with C2-cer or C6-cer did not affect the ligand binding capacity of the receptor, an effect that was however observed after TPA-induced activation of PKC. In addition EGF-stimulated PLCgamma activity was transiently decreased in A431 cells treated with C6-cer and only a modest, albeit significant reduction on ligand-induced 3H-InsP3 generation was observed in EGFR-T17 cells pretreated with ceramide. We also examined the effect of C2-cer on serum (A431)- or EGF (EGFR-T 17)-induced cell proliferation. Treatment of EGFR-TI7 cells with C2-cer (0.1-10 microM) did not affect cell viability, but prevented EGF-induced 3H-thymidine incorporation in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, 3H-thymidine incorporation in serum-stimulated A431 cells decreased only at the higher doses of C2-cer used (1-10 microM), being this effect accompanied by a slight, albeit significant (20-25%), reduction in cell viability.  相似文献   

Expression of a mutant H-ras gene confers a transformed phenotype to rat-1 fibroblasts which is basically independent of exogenous growth factors (GFs). Rat-1 cells induced to express high levels of the normal H-ras gene were also found to display a transformed phenotype. In contrast to cells expressing mutant H-ras, these cells were dependent on GFs. We used this difference in GF dependence to analyze a possible involvement of exogenous GFs in H-ras function. Compared with untransformed rat-1 cells, cells overexpressing normal H-ras displayed an elevated response toward insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1), insulin, and bombesin and an increased sensitivity toward phosphatidic acids. It was found that 8-bromo-cyclic AMP inhibited the responses to all GFs in rat-1 cells but had no effect on mutant-H-ras-transformed cells. In cells overexpressing normal H-ras, 8-bromo-cyclic AMP inhibited the responses to all GFs except those to insulin and IGF-1. This implies that overexpression of normal H-ras in the presence of insulin/IGF-1 is functionally similar to the expression of mutant H-ras, since mutant H-ras can circumvent this block by itself. These and other results strongly suggest a functional linkage between insulin/IGF-1 and normal p21 H-ras.  相似文献   

With the aim to produce insulin-like growth factors (IGF) with enhanced specificity for the type 1 or type 2 IGF receptors, three mutants of IGF II have been prepared and expressed in NIH-3T3 cells. IGF II mutated at Tyr27 to Leu and Glu showed a 25- and 54-fold decrease in affinity for the type 1 IGF receptor and a 3.4- and 9.2-fold decrease in affinity for the type 2 IGF receptor. IGF II mutated at Phe48 to Glu showed a 18-fold decrease in affinity for the type 2 IGF receptor and a 2.8-fold decrease in affinity for the type 1 IGF receptor. These affinities were measured in radioreceptor assays using type 1 or 2 IGF receptor overexpressing cells. Data obtained on receptor cross-linking and thymidine incorporation assays confirmed the results of the radioreceptor assays. It is concluded that mutations of Tyr27 preferentially decrease binding to the type 1 IGF receptor and of Phe48 to the type 2 IGF receptor, either by the loss of a residue involved in receptor binding or by preferentially destabilizing the region involved in receptor binding.  相似文献   

Medium conditioned by BRL-3A cells, a known source of insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II), induced phenotypic transformation (anchorage-independent proliferation) of mouse BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts but not rat NRK-49F fibroblasts, in the presence of 10% calf serum. A specific radioreceptor assay and a bioassay indicated that BRL-3A conditioned medium contained 0.5-1 ng/ml of type beta transforming growth factor (beta TGF). Purified IGF-II and beta TGF acting together reconstituted the transforming activity of BRL-3A conditioned medium on BALB/c 3T3 cells. Insulin was 5-10% as potent as IGF-II in supporting the transforming action of beta TGF on BALB/c 3T3 cells. NRK-49F cells were phenotypically transformed by beta TGF in the presence of EGF and 10% calf serum as the sole source of IGFs. However, transformation of NRK-49F cells under these conditions was inhibited by addition of purified IGF-binding protein. Addition of an excess of IGF-II prevented the inhibitory action of IGF-binding protein. The different sensitivity of the two cell lines to IGFs was correlated with lower levels of type I IGF receptor and higher levels of type II IGF receptor in NRK-49F cells as compared with BALB/c 3T3 cells. The results suggest that cellular stimulation by IGFs is a prerequisite for transformation of rodent fibroblasts by beta TGF. We propose that transformation of fibroblasts by beta TGF requires concomitant stimulation by the set of growth factors that support normal cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Regulation of signal transduction by endocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endocytosis of ligand-activated receptors has generally been considered a mechanism to attenuate signaling. There is now a growing body of evidence suggesting that this process is much more sophisticated and that endocytic membrane trafficking regulates both the intensity of signaling and the co-localization of activated receptors with downstream signaling molecules.  相似文献   

Regulation of somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I by nutrients   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nutritional intake is an important regulator of plasma somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I (Sm-C/IGF-I) concentrations in plasma. Concentrations in humans are reduced to the hypopituitary range by fasting for only a few days, and their normalization after fasting depends on the adequacy of energy and protein in the refeeding diet. The changes correlate with changes in nitrogen balance. In rats we have observed a close relationship between change in plasma Sm-C/IGF-I and hepatic GH binding with fasting and refeeding, suggesting that alterations in GH binding might be responsible partly for changes in Sm-C/IGF-I. When malnourished humans are given nutrient repletion, the increase in Sm-C/IGF-I is far more dramatic than changes in other nutrient-related serum proteins.  相似文献   

Engagement of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is crucial for various biological processes, including cell adhesion, spreading, proliferation, differentiation, migration, apoptosis, and gene induction, contributing to maintenance of tissue integrity, embryogenesis, wound healing, and the metastasis of tumor cells (Hynes, 2002b; Juliano, 2002). The engagement involves cell adhesion mediated by integrins, a large family of cell adhesion receptors that are transmembrane glycoproteins which bind to ECM or to counter-receptors on neighbor cells. In this review, the molecular basis of signaling mediated by integrins and their collaboration with growth factor receptors will be discussed, based on recent observations. Although other cell adhesion receptors including cadherins, selectins, syndecans, and the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules (IgCAMs) can play important roles or be involved in these processes, we suggest readers refer to recent outstanding reviews on them (Barclay, 2003; Brummendorf and Lemmon 2001; Panicker et al. 2003).  相似文献   

Interleukin-21 (IL-21) is a pleiotropic cytokine that regulates T-cell, B-cell, NK-cell, and myeloid-cell functions. IL-21 binds with its cognate receptor complex, which consists of the IL-21 receptor (IL-21R) and the common gamma chain (γc) receptor subunit. We identified novel IL-21R-binding molecule, WD-40 repeats containing SOCS-box-2, WSB-2. WSB-2 associated with the membrane-proximal intracytoplasmic region of IL-21R, including box1 and box2. Overexpression study of WSB-2 showed the reduction of IL-21R expression and IL-21-induced signal transduction. On the other hand, small interfering RNA for WSB-2 enhanced the expression level of IL-21R and IL-21-induced STAT3 activation, indicating that WSB-2 negatively controls the receptor expression. This report provides the first evidence that WSB-2 is a regulator of IL-21R expression and IL-21-induced signal transduction.  相似文献   

Addition of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), recombinant insulin-like growth factor I (rIGF-I) or epidermal growth factor (EGF) to BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts causes a marked increase in the binding of [125I]diferric transferrin to cell surface receptors. This effect is very rapid and is complete within 5 min. The effect of EGF is transient, with [125I]diferric transferrin binding returning to control values within 25 min. In contrast, PDGF and rIGF-I cause a prolonged stimulation of [125I]diferric transferrin binding that could be observed for up to 2 h. The increase in the binding of [125I]diferric transferrin caused by growth factors was investigated by analysis of the binding isotherm. Epidermal growth factor, PDGF and rIGF-I were found to increase the cell surface expression of transferrin receptors rather than to alter the affinity of the transferrin receptors. This result was confirmed in human fibroblasts by the demonstration that EGF, PDGF and rIGF-I could stimulate the binding of a monoclonal antibody directed against the transferrin receptor (OKT9) to the cell surface. Furthermore, PDGF and rIGF-I stimulated the sustained uptake of [59Fe]diferric transferrin by BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts, while EGF transiently increased uptake. Thus the effect of these growth factors to increase the cell surface expression of the transferrin receptor appears to have an important physiological consequence.  相似文献   

Specific high affinity membrane receptor(s) for insulin-like growth factor II have been characterized in two cell lines which produce this hormone and have the ability to proliferate in serum-free media. These receptor(s) have no affinity for either insulin or biosynthetic insulin-like growth factor I. Affinity cross-linking and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed an apparent Mr of 250K which does not change with disulfide bond reduction. Our findings are consistent with an autocrine function for insulin-like growth factor II and indicate that these continuous cell lines may provide unique systems for further investigations of this hormone and its receptor.  相似文献   

p21ras is palmitoylated on a cysteine residue near the C-terminus. Changing Cys-186 to Ser in oncogenic forms produces a non-palmitoylated protein that fails to associate with membranes and does not transform NIH 3T3 cells. To examine whether palmitate acts in a general way to increase ras protein hydrophobicity, or is involved in more specific interactions between p21ras and membranes, we constructed genes that encode non-palmitoylated ras proteins containing myristic acid at their N-termini. Myristoylated, activated ras, without palmitate (61Leu/186Ser) exhibited both efficient membrane association and full transforming activity. Unexpectedly, we found that myristoylated forms of normal cellular ras were also potently transforming. Myristoylated c-ras retained the high GTP binding and GTPase characteristic of the cellular protein and, moreover, bound predominantly GDP in vivo. This implied that it continued to interact with GAP (GTPase-activating protein). While the membrane binding induced by myristate permitted transformation, only palmitate produced a normal (non-transforming) association of ras with membranes and must therefore regulate ras function by some unique property that myristate does not mimic. Myristoylation thus represents a novel mechanism by which the ras proto-oncogene protein can become transforming.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor II receptor mediates endocytosis of insulin-like growth factor II, resulting in growth factor degradation in lysosomes. This degradation is an important regulator of growth factor activity in vivo, as shown by the phenotype of receptor deficient mice. Recent evidence suggests that the insulin-like growth factor II receptor functions as a tumour supressor in humans, and that loss of receptor function leads to increased levels of the growth factor in tumours. It is difficult to establish such a causal relationship in human tumours however, since most tumours have undergone several genetic changes by the time they are examined. Using mouse embryos deficient in receptor expression, and an insulin-like growth factor II-specific radioimmunoassay, we tested the hypothesis that lack of receptor function leads to local accumulation of insulin-like growth factor II. We found that mutant blood and skeletal muscle had excess insulin-like growth factor II, but that mutant lungs and liver had no accumulation. Mutant hearts had less growth factor than wild-type hearts, an unexpected observation, since the normal embryonic heart expresses very high levels of insulin-like growth factor II receptor, and mutant mice apparently die of congestive heart failure. The placentas of mutant mice were larger than those of wild-type, but this did not correlate with an excess of placental insulin-like growth factor II. These results indicate that lack of insulin-like growth factor II receptor can lead to local excess of the growth factor but that such excess is not a necessary consequence of receptor-deficiency.  相似文献   

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