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藻类的光控发育   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
藻类发育的许多方面受光的调控,且多种多样的光受体参与藻类的光形态建成过程。本文就近年来藻类光形态建成领域的研究进展简要综述,内容以海洋藻类为主,主要包括光周期、非光周期控制的藻类发育类型,以及藻类的光受体的种类及分子特性,并兼顾与高等植物的相关特性进行比较。  相似文献   

光控发育和光敏色素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物发育是其遗传基因在环境因子作用下,在一定的时间和空间组合下的顺序和协调的表达。光是环境因子中对发育调控作用最广泛、最明显的一个因子。绝大部分光调节反应是不可逆的形态建成反应。所谓光形态建成(photomor-phogenesis)就是光控发育的意思。它是由多个光受体参与调节的复杂过程,这些光受体是光敏色素(phytochrome)、隐花色素(cryptochrome)、紫外光-β受体。近一个世纪来光控发育研究从整体到细胞、最近到大分子水平不断地发展,近20年来积累了大量的资料,形成了一个分支学科。在植物的光生物学中,它是和光合作  相似文献   

海草与其附生藻类之间的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海草床是滨海湿地中重要的生态系统,近年来世界范围内出现大面积的海草床衰退,水体富营养化引发附生藻类的大量繁殖是其中的一个主要原因。本文综述了近20年来关于海草与其附生藻类之间相互作用的研究进展,包括海草床中附生藻类的地位及其积极作用,附生藻类与海草的物质交换关系,附生藻类对海草的影响(主要是光利用限制和营养物质利用限制)。对海草床中海草-附生藻类群落复杂的生态关系提出了研究展望,包括海草与其附生藻类的物质交换机制,海草与其附生藻类对营养物质利用的竞争关系,附生藻类生物量分别对海草可利用光和光合作用能力的削弱关系,海草与附生藻类对海草床初级生产力的贡献随环境因子的变化关系,通过原位观测数据的积累建立海草生长与生物作用的模型等。  相似文献   

光遗传学技术是将遗传学技术与光控技术相结合,利用光源控制生物过程的一项全新技术。光控表达系统是基于光遗传学技术与合成生物学方法相结合的策略,将光作为感测模块与生物体内已有的基因模块组合构成全新的基因回路,通过光信号动态调控基因表达的系统。该系统是一种低成本、低毒性、高灵活性的新型动态调控开关,对基因精准调控的同时还能有效解决能源短缺问题。目前,该系统已经成熟地应用于疾病诊疗、材料合成等领域,同时也极大促进了微生物代谢及合成生物学的发展。光受体是光遗传学技术中不可缺少的工具元件,根据不同生物光受体的感光特性,介绍用于控制基因表达的光调控系统,重点分析其在调控微生物系统内基因表达、代谢途径和药物递送中的应用,探讨光遗传学技术在合成生物学应用中可能存在的问题及未来发展前景。  相似文献   

黑龙江集贤地区早白垩世沟鞭藻类和其它藻类   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文依据黑龙江省集贤地区滨参1井的藻类分布特征,从下到上划分6个藻类组合,探讨了藻类组合的时代,结合微量元素资料对藻类产出层位的沉积环境作了讨论。文中描述3新种,其中沟鞭藻类2新种,绿藻类1新种。  相似文献   

NMDA受体与中枢神经系统发育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中枢神经系统兴奋性氨基酸离子型受体-NMDA受体,是由NMDAR1和NMDAR2两个亚单位共同构成的受体通道复合体。NMDA受本激活后可引起神经元细胞对Na^+,K^+和Ca^2+通透性增强,产生兴奋性突触后电位,在中枢神经发育的过程中,NMDA受体通过不同亚型的选择性表达,改变自身的结构和功能,进而影响NMDA受体介导的Ca^2+内流,调节神经元内Ca^2+依赖的第二信使系统,最终实现对中枢神经  相似文献   

海草附生藻类生物量的主要影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张景平  黄小平 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5611-5617
海草叶片上的附生藻类负荷量很大程度上决定了其对海草影响的强度及利弊的方向,它是各种非生物因子及生物因子相互作用的结果.总结了近20a来海草附生藻类生物量控制因子的研究进展,归纳得出影响海草附生藻类生物量的因子主要有生物因子中海草自身的生理特性和食草动物的摄食作用、化学因子中的营养盐浓度、物理因子中的可利用光强度和水流等.其中,作为主要上行效应的营养盐浓度以及作为主要下行效应的摄食作用对海草附生藻类生物量起十分重要的调节作用.最后,对未来的研究提出了展望:①上行效应及下行效应对于调节海草-附生藻类群落结构的相对重要性及其定量分析;②在各种因子单独作用以及联合作用下附生藻类生物量的变化规律;③海草释放化感物质调节附生藻类生长的机制;④附生藻类对海草生长的综合作用机制.  相似文献   

全世界藻类植物约有4万种,多变的生活环境和原始的进化地位赋予了藻类多种结构新颖、功能独特的生理活性物质。该文介绍具有抗病毒作用的藻类生物活性物质的研究现状。  相似文献   

李扬  孙心德 《生命科学》1999,11(5):215-217
离子型谷氨酸受体分为NMDA型和非NMDA型两类,其中NMDA型受体与中枢神经系统发育关系密切。本文综述了NMDA受体的分子特性及NMDA受体五种亚单位NR1、NR2A、NR2B、NR2C和NR2D在动物出生后脑内的时空表达;NMDA受体亚单位在发育中的作用以及NMDA受体活性的胞内调节机制。  相似文献   

Summary Germination of Amaranthus caudatus is inhibited by light, far-red being the most effective part of the spectrum. At temperatures of 25° and below there is a low final germination percentage under continuous far-red whereas above 25° there is only a delaying effect. In the presence of a saturating concentration of gibberellic acid (GA3) at 25° seeds germinate under continuous far-red although they are delayed. At 25° seeds exposed to 48 hr far-red fail to germinate when transferred to darkness. This induced dormancy can be broken by a single short exposure to red light given at any time after the far-red illumination. This effect of short red can be reversed by a subsequent short period of far-red indicating that the seeds are phytochrome controlled. Although most seeds have escaped from the reversing effect of short far-red after an intervening dark period of 5 hours, germination is greatly reduced by continuous far-red at this time. Results of exposing seeds to varying periods of far-red before and after dark imbibition are interpreted in terms of a continual production of phytochrome in its active P fr form and a requirement for P fr action over a long period of time. Effects of intermittent and continuous low intensity far-red on the inhibition of germination provides further evidence for a low energy photoreaction involving phytochrome. Effects on Germination Index of continuous illumination with various light sources maintaining different P fr /P total ratios have been investigated. The results suggest that the proportion of phytochrome in the P fr form is the most important factor in the regulation of germination. A scheme for the phytochrome control of germination in Amaranthus caudatus is presented and possible explanations for the dependence on P fr /P total ratio are discussed.Holder of a Science Research Council Studentship.  相似文献   

Photocontrol of anthocyanin biosynthesis in tomato   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Juvenile anthocyanin biosynthesis has been studied in dark-grown seedlings of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) wild types (WTs) and photomorphogenic mutants. During a subsequent 24-hr period of monochromatic irradiation at different fluence rates of red light (R) the fluence-rate response relationships for induction of anthocyanin in all the WTs are similar, yet complex, showing a response at low fluence rates (LFRR) followed by a fluence rate-dependent high irradiance response (HIR). In the hypocotyl this response is restricted to the sub-epidermal layer of cells. The high-pigment-1 (hp-1) mutant exhibits a strong amplification of both response components. Theatroviolacea (atv) mutant shows strongest amplification of the HIR component. In contrast, a transgenic line overexpressing an oat phytochrome A gene (PHYA3 +) shows a most dramatic amplification of the LFRR component. The far-red light (FR)-insensitive (fri) mutant, deficient in phytochrome A (phyA), lacks the LFRR component whilst retaining a normal HIR. The temporarily R-insensitive (tri) mutant, deficient in phytochrome B1 (phyB1) retains the LFRR, but lacks the HIR. Thehp-1,fri andhp-1,tri double mutant, exhibit amplified, yet qualitatively similar responses to the monogenicfri andtri mutants. Thefri,tri double mutant lacks both response components in R, but a residual response to blue light (B) remains. Similarly, theaurea (au) mutant deficient in phytochrome chromophore biosynthesis and presumably all phytochromes, lacks both response components in the R and FR regions of the spectrum. Experiments at other wavelengths demonstrate that while there is only a small response in the FR spectral region (729 nm) in tomato, there is an appreciable HIR response in the near FR at 704 nm, which is retained in thetri mutant. This suggests that the labile phyA pool participates in the HIR at this wavelength. The intense pigmentation (Ip) mutant appears to be specifically deficient in the B1 induced anthocyanin biosynthesis. Adult plants, grown under fluorescent light/dark cycles, show a reduction of anthocyanin content of young developing leaves upon application of supplemtary or end-of-day FR. The involvement of different phytochrome species in anthocyanin biosynthesis based on micro-injection studies into theau mutant and studies using type specific phytochrome mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

Cell polarization and asymmetric cell divisions play important roles during development in many multicellular eukaryotes. Fucoid algae have a long history as models for studying early developmental processes, probably because of the ease with which zygotes can be observed and manipulated in the laboratory. This review discusses cell polarization and asymmetric cell divisions in fucoid algal zygotes with an emphasis on the roles played by the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Rapid and measurable growth rate changes that occur in seedling stems upon illumination serve as an excellent means to analyze signal transduction. Growth kinetic studies have shown how red, far-red and blue light signals are transduced via the solitary and/or coordinated action of known plant photoreceptors. These reports are consistent with current findings describing light-induced photoreceptor interaction and compartmentation.  相似文献   

Renate Grill  Daphne Vince 《Planta》1965,67(2):122-135
Summary The substitution of red or blue light for the first six hours of prolonged irradiation with far-red light reduced anthocyanin formation by about 60%; red or far-red light similarly substituted for blue light had little effect. It is concluded that the effects of prolonged irradiation with blue and far-red depend, in part at least, on different photoreceptors.The effects of pre-treatment with red or blue light also occurred when only short exposures to light were given, and were reversed by immediate brief exposures to far-red. The depressing effect of a short pre-irradiation treatment was largely prevented if seedlings were kept at low temperature or in an atmosphere of nitrogen in the dark period before transfer to the prolonged far-red treatment. The effect of the pre-irradiation treatment is attributed to enzymatic destruction of phytochrome following conversion to the PFR form, and it is suggested that anthocyanin synthesis in far-red light largely depends on phytochrome, possibly due to the maintenance of a low level of PFR in the tissue by the absorption tail of PR in the far-red.A pre-irradiation treatment with red also decreased the inhibitory effect of far-red on hypocotyl elongation but did not change the response to blue light.
Zusammenfassung Die Anthocyanbildung war im langfristig gegebenen Dunkelrot bis zu etwa 60% reduziert, wenn die ersten 6 Std durch hellrote oder blaue Bestrahlung ersetzt wurden; Hellrot oder Dunkelrot in gleicher Weise im Dauerblaulicht substituiert waren praktisch wirkungslos. Daraus wird geschlossen, daß der Effekt einer Dauerbestrahlung mit Blau und Dunkelrot zum Teil jedenfalls, auf verschiedene Photorezeptoren zurückzuführen ist.Der Effekt einer Vorbehandlung mit hellrotem oder blauem Licht trat auch dann auf, wenn nur kurzfristige Bestrahlungen gegeben wurden und konnte durch unmittelbar nachfolgende kurze Dunkelrot-Belichtung wieder aufgehoben werden. Die Hemmung durch kurzfristige Vorbestrahlung konnte weitgehend verhindert werden, wenn die Keimlinge während der Dunkelperiode, vor der Übertragung in Dauerdunkelrot, bei tiefer Temperatur oder unter Stickstoff gehalten wurden. Der Vorbelichtungseffekt wird auf die enzymatische Destruktion von Phytochrom, nach der Umwandlung in die PFR-Form, zurückgeführt und es wird vermutet, daß die Anthocyansynthese im Dauerdunkelrot weitgehend phytochromabhängig ist, wahrscheinlich durch die Aufrechterhaltung eines niedrigen PFR Niveaus im Gewebe infolge der schwachen Absorption von PR im Dunkelrot.Eine Vorbelichtung mit Hellrot verringerte ebenfalls die hemmende Wirkung von Dunkelrot auf das Hypokotylwachstum, war jedoch ohne Einfluß im Blaulicht.

Photocontrol of plastid gene expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Trypsin was coupled on an agarose gel which was modified with a spiropyran compound. The trypsin–spiropyran (agarose) gel showed reverse photochromism. The activity of the trypsin–spiropyran gel in the dark was 12% of that of native trypsin, and it was higher than that under visible light. The apparent Michaelis constant of the trypsin–spiropyran gel in the dark was larger than that under visible light. On the other hand, the maximum velocity in the dark was higher than that under visible light. The optimum pH of the trypsin–spiropyran gel in the dark was the same as that under visible light. Immobilized trypsin was stable in the pH range from 3 to 9. The trypsin–spiropyran gel was more stable against heat than the native trypsin.  相似文献   

Photocontrol of Anthocyanin Synthesis in Milo Seedlings   总被引:19,自引:19,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Summary The substitution of far-red for the first six hours of a prolonged irradiation with red light resulted in a large increase in anthocyanin yield, which was greater than the combined yields from far-red and red when the two treatments were given separately. When intermittent far-red irradiation was followed by a single short exposure to red, a considerable amount of anthocyanin was formed, although each treatment given separately had little effect. Four hours continuous far-red alone yielded some anthocyanin and also resulted in a further large increase in the effect of a short red treatment; this terminal red effect was fully reversible by a subsequent brief exposure to far-red. It is concluded that at least two photochemical reactions are involved in the responses to red and far-red, the first leading to the formation of substrate(s) used in the second reaction.When red light preceded exposure to the far-red/red irradiation sequence, the far-red enhancement effect was almost entirely lost and the anthocyanin yield approached that in red light. The effect of the red pre-irradiation treatment is attributed to destruction of phytochrome and it is suggested that phytochrome is the only pigment mediating anthocyanin synthesis in red and far-red. A possible interpretation is that the high-energy reaction in far-red and the low energy red/far-red reversible reaction are mediated by different forms of phytochrome.The substitution of blue for the first six hours of a prolonged irradiation with red light also resulted in a synergistic increase in anthocyanin yield; the enhancement effect of blue light was, however, not prevented by prior exposure to red. It is concluded that phytochrome is not the only pigment mediating the reactions occurring in blue light. The synergism between blue and red suggests that the high-energy reaction in blue light may lead to the production of substrates for phytochrome action.
Zusammenfassung Die Substitution der ersten 6 Std einer Hellrot-Dauerbestrahlung durch Dunkelrot führte zu einem starken Anstieg im Anthocyangehalt, der höher war als die Summe aus Dunkelrot und Hellrot, wenn beide Bestrahlungen getrennt gegeben wurden. Folgte auf intermittierende Dunkelrot-Bestrahlung eine einmalige Dosis Hellrot, bildete sich eine beträchtliche Menge Anthocyan, obwohl jede Bestrahlung für sich kaum wirksam war. 4 Std Dauerdunkelrot induzierten bereits meßbare Anthocyanbildung, die durch kurze Hellrot-Bestrahlung weiter gesteigert werden konnte; der Effekt dieser terminalen Dosis Hellrot konnte durch nachfolgende kurze Dunkelrot-Bestrahlung wieder rückgängig gemacht werden. Daraus wird geschlossen, daß wenigstens zwei photochemische Reaktionen bei Bestrahlung mit Hellrot und Dunkelrot ablaufen, wobei die erste Substrat(e) für die zweite produziert.Wurde vor einer Dunkelrot-Hellrot-Sequenz mit Hellrot bestrahlt, ging die fördernde Wirkung von Dunkelrot fast vollständig verloren und der Anthocyangehalt entsprach annähernd dem in Hellrot. Der Effekt der Hellrot-Vorbestrahlung wird auf die Destruktion von Phytochrom zurückgeführt und es wird vermutet, daß Phytochrom das einzige Pigment ist, das bei der Anthocyansynthese in Hellrot und Dunkelrot beteiligt ist. Eine mögliche Interpretation wäre, daß die Hochenergiereaktion in Dunkelrot und die Hellrot-Dunkelrot reversible Niederenergiereaktion durch verschiedene Formen von Phytochrom vermittelt werden.Die Substitution der ersten 6 Std einer Dauerbelichtung mit Hellrot durch Blau ergab ebenfalls eine synergistische Zunahme im Anthocyangehalt. Der fördernde Effekt von Blaulicht konnte jedoch durch Vorbestrahlung mit Hellrot nicht verhindert werden. Daraus wird geschlossen, daß Phytochrom nicht das einzige Pigment sein kann, das die Reaktionen in Blaulicht vermittelt. Der Synergismus zwischen Blau und Hellrot läßt vermuten, daß die Hochenergiereaktion in Blau zur Produktion von Substrat führt, mit dem Phytochrom reagieren kann.

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