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The transmission of load through the human hip joint   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper describes the results of loading experiments carried out on human hip joints. The unloaded surfaces of the femoral head and the acetabulum are slightly incongruous. The location and magnitude of the contact areas between the surfaces therefore depend on the magnitude and direction of the applied load. The contact areas were determined experimentally for a variety of loads typical of normal walking. Two distinct contact areas were found on the anterior and posterior aspects of the acetabulum at light loads, gradually merging with increasing load until, at a certain transition load, the dome of the acetabulum comes into contact and contact is then complete. The value of the transition load depends on the rate of loading, due to creep of the cartilage, and was found to vary from 50 per cent of body weight in young specimens to 25 per cent of body weight for elderly specimens for rates of loading typical of normal walking. Thus, the dome of the acetabulum is out of contact for a substantial portion of the swing phase of normal walking.

The analysis of a much simplified model of the hip joint is presented. The dependence of contact area on load is demonstrated, but also a method of determining the transition load for complete contact from the load/deflection relation for the hip is suggested. The values of the transition load quoted above were obtained by this method. The analysis further indicates that the distribution of pressure between the articular surfaces depends critically on the distribution of cartilage thickness throughout the joint. It is suggested that the distribution of cartilage thickness is such as to lead to a state of uniform pressure at the upper end of the physiological load range. Some experimental evidence is presented in support of this suggestion.

It is concluded that the function of joint incongruity is to allow the articular surfaces to come out of contact at light loads so that the cartilage may be exposed to synovial fluid for the purposes of nutrition and lubrication. At large loads, the distribution of cartilage thickness ensures that a state of hydrostatic pressure is achieved in order that cartilage, with a large fluid content, may transmit large pressures without flow and consequent loss of its integrity.  相似文献   

The influence of the axial structures on somite formation was investigated by culturing, on a nutritive agar substrate, segmental plates from chick embryos having 8 to 20 pairs of somites. In the first set of experiments, segmental plate was explanted together with adjacent notochord and approximately the lateral halves of the neural tube and node region. These explants formed 18 to 20 somites within 30 hr. In a second series of experiments, the notochord and neural tube were included as before, but further regression movements in the explants were prevented by removing the node region. These explants formed only 11.9 ± 1.1 somites. Finally, explants of segmental plate that included no neural tube, notochord, or node region were made. These explants had formed 10.7 ± 1.1 somites 14 to 17 hr later. When such explants were cultured for periods longer than 17 hr, there was a marked tendency for the more posterior somites to disperse and for all of the somites to develop a peculiar “hollow” morphology. It was concluded from these results that during the period of development when chick embryos possess 8 to 20 pairs of somites, the segmental plate mesoderm (1) represents about 12 prospective somites, (2) may segment into its full complement of somites without further contact with the axial structures, but (3) requires continued intimate contact with the axial structures for normal somite morphologic differentiation and stability.  相似文献   

The amount and composition of phytohormones, sugars, and some other leaf characteristics depending on a crop load were evaluated in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Ligol grafted on P 60 rootstock) trees in order to prevent biennial bearing. The crop load was adjusted to 12 (control, unthinned), 8, 4, and 0 (non-fruiting) inflorescences (or fruits) per cm2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA). Inflorescences were removed in May before flowering. Phytohormones were analyzed in axillary buds and leaves in September. Results show that, in contrast to the unthinned trees, thinning to 4 fruits cm?2(TCSA) resulted in a significant decrease of yield per tree, but a significant increase of fruit mass, return bloom, and leaf area. The heavy crop load resulted in suppressed bloom in the following year. Composition and content of phytohormones was changed considerably. Moreover, thinning resulted in an increased hexose accumulation. Such data suggest that flowering inhibition depended on the phytohormones that were exported to buds and on sugar-hormone signalling cross-talk.  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in metal-on-metal (MOM) total hip replacements (THRs), however, variable wear rates have been observed clinically. It is hypothesised that changes in soft tissue tensioning during surgery may alter loading of THRs during the swing phase of gait leading to changes in fluid film lubrication, friction and wear. This study aimed to assess the effect of swing phase load on the lubrication, friction and wear of MOM hip replacements. Theoretical lubrication modelling was carried out using elastohydrodynamic theory. All the governing equations were solved numerically for the lubricant film thickness between the articulating surfaces under the transient dynamic conditions with low and high swing phase loads. Friction testing was completed using a single axis pendulum simulator, simplified loading cycles were applied with low and high swing phase loads. MOM hip replacements were tested in a hip simulator, modified to provide different swing phase loading regimes; a low (100 N) and a high load (as per ISO 14242-1; 280 N). Results demonstrated that the performance of MOM bearings is highly dependent on swing phase load. Hence, changes in the tension of the tissues at surgery and variations in muscle forces may increase swing phase load, reduce lubrication, increase friction and accelerate wear. This may explain some of the variations that have been observed with clinical wear rates.  相似文献   

 The reduction potentials of blue copper sites vary between 180 and about 1000 mV. It has been suggested that the reason for this variation is that the proteins constrain the distance between the copper ion and its axial ligands to different values. We have tested this suggestion by performing density functional B3LYP calculations on realistic models of the blue copper proteins, including solvent effects by the polarizable continuum method. Constraining the Cu-SMet bond length to values between 245 and 310 pm (the range encountered in crystal structures) change the reduction potential by less than 70 mV. Similarly, we have studied five typical blue copper proteins spanning the whole range of reduction potentials: stellacyanin, plastocyanin, azurin, rusticyanin, and ceruloplasmin. These studies included the methionine (or glutamine) ligand as well as the back-bone carbonyl oxygen group that is a ligand in azurin and is found at larger distances in the other proteins. The active-site models of these proteins show a variation in the reduction potential of about 140 mV, i.e., only a minor part of the range observed experimentally (800 mV). Consequently, we can conclude that the axial ligands have a small influence on the reduction potentials of the blue copper proteins. Instead, the large variation in the reduction potentials seems to arise mainly from variations in the solvent accessibility of the copper site and in the orientation of protein dipoles around the copper site. Received: 7 April 1999 / Accepted: 26 July 1999  相似文献   

红枣作用农村产业结构调整和实施退耕还林的重要经济树种之一,分布面积广。多年来,如何提高其经济效益,不断进行探讨和研究,经过多次试验,实践证明,对红枣叶面喷施适当浓度的稀土微肥,对红枣的结果密度、座果率和产量均有明显的提高。这一试验成果极具推广应用价值。  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Macro-cracks on the surface of articular cartilage are one of the hallmarks of early osteoarthritis and joint damage initiation. Macro-cracks...  相似文献   

Eleven international jumpers and throwers engaged in year round training were divided into experimental (n = 6) and control (n = 5) groups. The experimental group was tested before and after a 3 weeks simulated hypergravity period, and again 4 weeks after the hypergravity period. The high gravity condition was created by wearing a vest weighing about 13% of the subjects body weight. The vest was worn from morning to evening including the training sessions, and only removed during sleep. The daily training of all subjects consisted of classical weight training and jumping drills. No changes in the ordinary training program were allowed in the experimental group, except for the use of the vest. Vertical jumps, drop jumps and a 15 s continuous jumping test were used to measure the explosive power characteristics of the subjects. After the hypergravity period the experimental subjects demonstrated significant (5-10%, P less than 0.05-0.01) improvements in most of the variables studied: however, 4 weeks after cessation of the high gravity period they tended to return towards the starting values. No changes were observed in the results of the control group. The improvement observed in the experimental subjects was explained as fast adaptation to the simulated high gravity field. It is suggested that adaptation had occurred both in neuromuscular functions and in metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Determining the effect of load carriage on the human spine in vivo is important for determining spinal forces and establishing potential mechanisms of back injury. Previous studies have suggested that the natural curvature of the spine straightens under load, but are based on modelling and external measurements from the surface of the back. In the current study, an upright positional MRI scanner was used to acquire sagittal images of the lumbar and lower thoracic spine of 24 subjects. The subjects were imaged in standing whilst supporting 0, 8 and 16kg of load which was applied axially across the shoulders using an apron. An active shape model of the vertebral bodies from T10 to S1 was created and used to characterise the effect of load. The results from the shape model showed that the behaviour of the average-shaped spine was to straighten slightly. However, the shape model also showed that the effect of load exhibited systematic variation between individuals. Those who had a smaller than average curvature before loading straightened under load, whereas those who had a greater than average curvature before loading showed an increase in curvature under load. The variation in behaviour of differently shaped spines may have further implications for the effects of load in lifting manoeuvres and in understanding the aetiology of back pain.  相似文献   

The effects of hip muscle strength and activation on anterior cruciate ligament injury biomechanics, particularly knee valgus loading, have been reported in isolation and with equivocal results. However, the combination of these factors influences joint biomechanics. This investigation evaluated the influence of hip strength on gluteal activation and knee valgus motion. Maximal isometric hip abduction (ABD) and external rotation (ER) contractions were used to define High and Low strength groups. Knee kinematics and gluteus maximus (GMax) and medius (GMed) EMG amplitudes obtained during landing were compared between High and Low strength groups after controlling for the potential confounding influence of sex. Knee valgus motion did not differ between the High and Low hip ABD and ER strength groups. However, the Low ABD and ER strength groups displayed greater GMed and GMax EMG amplitudes, respectively, compared to the High strength groups. These findings suggest that weaker individuals compensate for a lack of force production via heightened neural drive. As such, hip muscle strength influences knee valgus motion indirectly by determining neural drive requirements.  相似文献   

Detergent "Merix" (Merima-Krusevac) and its components, sodiumtripolyphosphate and ethoxyled oleyl-cetyl alcohol in defined concentrations have influence on the enzymatic activity, bioproduction of amino acids and proteins and total biomass of species Aspergillus niger (A. niger) and Fusarium oxysporum (F. oxysporum). Detergent in concentration of 1% vol., in some cases, significantly stimulated production of the majority of amino acids. Detergent and its components (ethoxyled oleyl-cetyl alcohol and sodiumtripolyphosphate) in concentration of 1% vol. showed different influences on the production of proteins by the species of fungi A. niger and F. oxysporum. The enzymatic activity of fungi A. niger and F. oxysporum changed from total inhibition up to partial or total stimulation under influence of investigated pollutants. Detergent, sodiumtripolyphosphate and ethoxyled oleyl-cetyl alcohol, all in concentration of 1% vol. have reduced the production of the biomass of fungi A. niger and F. oxysporum. Investigated fungi have shown different response to the used pollutants.  相似文献   

Micro-separation corresponds to a medial–lateral hip laxity after total hip replacement (THR). This laxity has been shown to generate higher wear rates and a specific pattern of stripe wear caused by edge loading of the head on the rim of the cup. Recently some authors have implicated edge loading as a source of noise generation and in particular squeaking. The goal of this study was to model hip kinematics under the micro-separation regime in a computational simulation of total hip prosthesis including joint laxity and to analyze the vibration frequencies and the potential for noise generation. A three-dimensional computer model of the Leeds II hip simulator was developed using ADAMS® software, simulating a controlled micro-separation during the swing phase of the walking cycle and replicating the experimental conditions previously reported.There was an excellent correlation between the theoretical values and the experimental values of the medial–lateral separation during the walking cycle. Vibratory frequencies were in the audible zone but were lower in magnitude than those reported clinically in relation to squeaking. Micro-separation and rim loading may explain the generation of some sounds from noisy hips after THR. However, the computational model, and the experimental model of micro-separation were unable to replicate the higher frequency squeaking reported clinically. In contrast, other experimental studies involving normal kinematics in combination with third-body particles have replicated clinically relevant frequencies and noises.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of individual characteristics and contextual factors on training load, pre-game recovery and game performance in adult male semi-professional basketball. Fourteen players were monitored, across a whole competitive season, with the session-RPE method to calculate weekly training load, and the Total Quality Recovery Scale to obtain pre-game recovery scores. Additionally, game-related statistics were gathered during official games to calculate the Performance Index Rating (PIR). Individual characteristics and contextual factors were grouped using k-means cluster analyses. Separate mixed linear models for repeated measures were performed to evaluate the single and combined (interaction) effects of individual characteristics (playing experience; playing position; playing time) and contextual factors (season phase; recovery cycle; previous game outcome; previous and upcoming opponent level) on weekly training load, pre-game recovery and PIR. Weekly load was higher in guards and medium minute-per-game (MPG) players, and lower for medium-experienced players, before facing high-level opponents, during later season phases and short recovery cycles (all p < 0.05). Pre-game recovery was lower in centers and high-experience players (p < 0.05). Game performance was better in high-MPG players (p < 0.05) and when facing low and medium-level opponents (p < 0.001). Interestingly, players performed better in games when the previous week’s training load was low (p = 0.042). This study suggests that several individual characteristics and contextual factors need to be considered when monitoring training load (playing experience, playing position, playing time, recovery cycle, upcoming opponent level), recovery (playing experience, playing position) and game performance (opponent level, weekly training load, pre-game recovery) in basketball players during the competitive season.  相似文献   

Liposomes carrying anti-interferon antibodies 5A6 on their surface were prepared from the mixture of lecithin and cholesterol. The binding of antibodies with the liposomal membrane was achieved by their modification with palmitic acid molecules in an amount of 3-4 molecules per vesicle. Antibodies on the liposomal surface were shown to retain their antigenic specificity, but the amount of the antigen bound by them was less than a half of the possible maximum amount. Double immune complexes could be formed on bound antibodies, but the number of such complexes was relatively small. The causes of a decrease in the sorption of interferon and the formation of immune complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Muscle activation has been demonstrated to influence impact dynamics during scenarios including running, automotive impacts, and head impacts. This study investigated the effects of targeted muscle activation magnitude on impact dynamics during low energy falls on the hip with human volunteers. Fifteen university-aged participants (eight females, seven males) underwent 12 lateral pelvis release trials. Half of the trials were muscle-‘relaxed’; in the remaining ‘contracted’ trials participants isometrically contracted their gluteus medius to 20–30% of maximal voluntary contraction before the drop was initiated onto a force plate. Peak force applied to the femur-pelvis complex averaged 9.3% higher in contracted compared to relaxed trials (F = 6.798, p = .022). Muscle activation effects were greater for females, resulting in (on average) an 18.5% increase in effective pelvic stiffness (F = 5.838, p = .046) and a 23.4% decrease in time-to-peak-force (F = 5.109, p = .042). In the relaxed trials, muscle activation naturally increased during the impact event, reaching levels of 12.8, 7.5, 11.1, and 19.1% MVC at the time of peak force for the gluteus medias, vastus lateralis, erector spinae, and external oblique, respectively. These findings demonstrated that contraction of trunk and hip musculature increased peak impact force across sexes. In females, increases in the magnitude and rate of loading were accompanied (and likely driven) by increases in system stiffness. Accordingly, incorporating muscle activation contributions into biomechanical models that investigate loading dynamics in the femur and/or pelvis during lateral impacts may improve estimate accuracy.  相似文献   

Debris-induced osteolysis due to surface wear of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) bearings is a potential long-term failure mechanism of total knee replacements (TKR). This study investigated the effect of prosthesis design, kinematics and bearing material on the wear of UHMWPE bearings using a physiological knee simulator. The use of a curved fixed bearing design with stabilised polyethylene bearings reduced wear in comparison to more flat-on-flat components which were sterilised by gamma irradiation in air. Medium levels of crosslinking further improved the wear resistance of fixed bearing TKR due to resistance to strain softening when subjected to multidirectional motion at the femoral-insert articulating interface. Backside motion was shown to be a contributing factor to the overall rate of UHMWPE wear in fixed bearing components. Wear of fixed bearing prostheses was reduced significantly when anterior-posterior displacement and internal-external rotation kinematics were reduced due to decreased cross shear on the articulating surface and a reduction in AP displacement. Rotating platform mobile bearing prostheses exhibited reduced wear rates in comparison to fixed bearing components in these simulator studies due to redistribution of knee motion to two articulating interfaces with more linear motions at each interface. This was observed in two rotating platform designs with different UHMWPE bearing materials. In knee simulator studies, wear of TKR bearings was dependent on kinematics at the articulating surfaces and the prosthesis design, as well as the type of material.  相似文献   

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