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Semliki Forest virus was grown in BHK cells and labeled in vivo with radio-active monosaccharides. promnase digenst of the virus chromatographer on Bio-Gel P 6 revealed glycopeptides of A-type and B-type. (For the nomenclature see Johnson J. and Clamp J.R. (1971) Biochem. J. 123, 739–745) The former was labeled with [3H]fucose, [3H]galactose, [3H]mannose and [14C]glucosamine, the latter only with [3H]mannose and [14C]glucosamine. The three envelope glycoproteins E1, E2 and E3 were isolated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subjected to pronase digestion. The glycoproteins E1 and E3 revealed glycopeptides of A-type. E2 revealed glycopeptides of B-type. E2 yielded additionally a glycopeptide (Mr3100) which was heavily labeled from [3H]galactose, but only marginally from [14C]glucosamine, [3H]fucose and [3H]mannose. Wether this glycopeptide belongs to the A-type or not remains uncertain. The apparent molecular weights of the A-type units measured by gel filtration were 3400 in E1 and 4000 in E3; the B-type unit of E2 had an apparent molecular weight of 2000. Combined with the findings of our earlier chemical analysis these data suggast that E1 and E3 contain on the average one A-type unit; E2 probably contains one 3100 dalton unit plus one or two B-type units.  相似文献   

These experiments suggest that chondroblasts, cells notoriously sessile, contain considerable amounts of protein (or proteins) that binds ADP in a manner which is indistinguishable from actin. These findings are consistent with the in situ decoration experiments1 which reported that chondrocytes form arrow-head complexes when treated with HMM. What is unexpected is the relatively large amounts of ADP-binding protein in chondroblasts compared with well developed skeletal myotubes. It is not clear why relatively immotile cells should possess such sizeable quantities of an actin-like molecule subserves functions other than those usually associated with contraction.  相似文献   

Distribution of Protein-bound Hexosamine in Chloroplasts   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Intact chloroplasts of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) mesophyll cells contained 0.33, 0.50, and 0.14% of bound hexosamine on a protein basis, respectively. Undifferentiated maize chloroplasts contained 0.19%. Values for chloroplast lamellae were, respectively, 0.16, 0.18, 0.12, and 0.06% and for envelope membranes they were 1.6, 2.5, 3.8, and 2.7%. Thus most of the hexosamine of chloroplasts is located in the envelope membrane.  相似文献   

Human lens proteins become progressively modified by tryptophan-derived UV filter compounds in an age-dependent manner. One of these compounds, kynurenine, undergoes deamination at physiological pH, and the product binds covalently to nucleophilic residues in proteins via a Michael addition. Here we demonstrate that after covalent attachment of kynurenine, lens proteins become susceptible to photo-oxidation by wavelengths of light that penetrate the cornea. H2O2 and protein-bound peroxides were found to accumulate in a time-dependent manner after exposure to UV light (lambda > 305-385 nm), with shorter-wavelength light giving more peroxides. Peroxide formation was accompanied by increases in the levels of the protein-bound tyrosine oxidation products dityrosine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, species known to be elevated in human cataract lens proteins. Experiments using D2O, which enhances the lifetime of singlet oxygen, and azide, a potent scavenger of this species, are consistent with oxidation being mediated by singlet oxygen. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation for UV light-mediated protein oxidation in cataract lenses, and also rationalize the occurrence of age-related cataract in the nuclear region of the lens, as modification of lens proteins by UV filters occurs primarily in this region.  相似文献   

Lipid components of sialosylgalactosylceramide of human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A ganglioside, previously designated HG-B in our laboratory, was isolated from mixed human brain ganglioside preparations and shown to contain equimolar quantities of sialic acid, galactose, and sphingosine. Treatment of this material with neuraminidase yielded a galactosylceramide. The ganglioside, now referred to as sialosylgalactosylceramide, thus appears to be identical with G(gal) reported by Kuhn and Wiegandt. The fatty acids and long-chain bases of this material were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. Approximately equal amounts of normal and hydroxy acids were found. Oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids were the only normal fatty acids present. In the hydroxy series, the C(24) and C(23) saturated acids were the major components. The ratio of C(20) to C(18) long-chain base was approximately 5:3. These data suggest that sialosylgalactosylceramide has no direct metabolic relationship with either the major brain gangliosides or adult brain cerebroside.  相似文献   

Semliki Forest virus was grown in BHK cells and labeled in vivo with radioactive monosaccharides. Pronase digests of the virus chromatographed on Bio-Gel P6 revealed glycopeptides of A-type and B-type. (For the nomenclature see Johnson, J. and Clamp, J.R. (1971) Biochem. J. 123, 739-745.) The former was labeled with [3H]fucose, [3H]galactose, [3H]mannose and [14C]glucosamine, the latter only with [3H]mannose and [14C]glucosamine. The three envelope glycoproteins E1, E2 and E3 were isolated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subjected to pronase digestion. The glycoproteins E1 and E3 revealed glycopeptides of A-type. E2 revealed glycopeptides of B-type. E2 yielded additionally a glycopeptide (Mr3100) which was heavily labeled from [3H]galactose, but only marginally from [14C]glucosamine, [3H]fucose and [3H]mannose. Whether this glycopeptide belongs to the A-type or not remains uncertain. The apparent molecular weights of the A-type units measured by gel filtration were 3400 in E1 and 4000 in E3; the B-type unit of E2 had an apparent molecular weight of 2000. Combined with the findings of our earlier chemical analysis these data suggest that E1 and E3 contain on the average one A-type unit; E2 probably contains one 3100 dalton unit plus one or two B-type units.  相似文献   

尿毒症毒素是一大组体内代谢的产物,在肾功能衰竭患者体液中水平明显升高,并与尿毒症毒素代谢紊乱或临床表现密切相关。部分毒素可与蛋白结合,形成大分子复合物,称为蛋白结合毒素。它们具有多种生物学作用,产生一系列尿毒症并发症,如心血管疾病、免疫功能紊乱、脏器纤维化等。研究发现:血浆分离吸附、高通量血液透析、服用肠道吸附剂等方法可增加蛋白结合毒素的清除。评价尿毒症患者的透析充分性时,也应考虑到蛋白结合毒素。  相似文献   

1. The guanine deaminase in rat liver supernatant preparations was resolved into two fractions, A and B, on DEAE-cellulose columns. The two differed in electrophoretic mobility and in various properties. The most noteworthy distinction between A and B components was that the enzyme A activity showed a sigmoid dependence on substrate concentration whereas the enzyme B showed classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The K(m) value of enzyme A for guanine was 5.3mum and that of enzyme B 20mum. 2. The entire guanine deaminase activity of mouse liver was contained in the 15000g supernatant of iso-osmotic homogenates. 3. A reinvestigation of the behaviour of rat brain 15000g supernatant guanine deaminase isoenzymes revealed that one enzyme had sigmoidal kinetics and the other enzyme showed a hyperbolic response. 4. Of the guanine deaminase in mouse brain iso-osmotic sucrose homogenate 80% was recovered in the 15000g supernatant and the rest from the particles. The supernatant guanine deaminase was resolvable into two fractions on DEAE-cellulose columns. One enzyme showed sigmoidal kinetics whereas the other showed a hyperbolic response to increasing substrate concentration; the K(m) values for the reaction with guanine were respectively 5 and 66mum. 5. The particulate fractions of mouse liver and brain were devoid of any overt inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Metabolism of histones of brain and liver   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

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