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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) serve as transport channels across the nuclear membrane, a double lipid bilayer that physically separates the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. New evidence suggests that the multiprotein nuclear pores also play a role in chromatin organization and gene expression. Given the importance of NPC function, it is not surprising that a growing list of human diseases and developmental defects have been linked to its malfunction. In order to fully understand the functional repertoire of NPCs and their essential role for nuclear organization, it is critical to determine the sequence of events that lead to the formation of nuclear pores. This is particularly relevant since NPC number, and possibly composition, are tightly linked to metabolic activity. Most of our knowledge is derived from NPC formation that occurs in dividing cells at the end of mitosis when the nuclear envelope (NE) and NPCs reform from disassembled precursors. However, NPC assembly also takes place during interphase into an intact NE. Importantly, this process is not restricted to dividing cells but also occurs during cell differentiation. Here, we will review aspects unique to this process, namely the regulation of nuclear expansion and the mechanisms of fusion between the outer and inner nuclear membranes. We will then discuss conserved and diverging mechanisms between post-mitotic and interphase assembly of the proteinaceous structure in light of recently published data.  相似文献   

Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of macromolecules, a highly specific and tightly regulated process, occurs exclusively through the nuclear pore complex. This immense structure is assembled from approximately 30 proteins, termed nucleoporins. Here we discuss the four nucleoporins that have been linked to cancers, either through elevated expression in tumors (Nup88) or through involvement in chromosomal translocations that encode chimeric fusion proteins (Tpr, Nup98, Nup214). In each case we consider the normal function of the nucleoporin and its translocation partners, as well as what is known about their mechanistic contributions to carcinogenesis, particularly in leukemias. Studies of nucleoporin-linked cancers have revealed novel mechanisms of oncogenesis and in the future, should continue to expand our understanding of cancer biology.  相似文献   



MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a recently discovered class of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) which play important roles in eukaryotic gene regulation. miRNA biogenesis and activation is a complex process involving multiple protein catalysts and involves the large macromolecular RNAi Silencing Complex or RISC. While phylogenetic analyses of miRNA genes have been previously published, the evolution of miRNA biogenesis itself has been little studied. In order to better understand the origin of miRNA processing in animals and plants, we determined the phyletic occurrences and evolutionary relationships of four major miRNA pathway protein components; Dicer, Argonaute, RISC RNA-binding proteins, and Exportin-5.  相似文献   

miRNA biogenesis is a multistage process for the generation of a mature miRNA and involves several different proteins. In this work, we have carried out both sequence- and structure-based analysis for crucial proteins involved in miRNA biogenesis, namely Dicer, Drosha, Argonaute (Ago), and Exportin-5 to understand evolution of these proteins in animal kingdom and also to identify key sequence and structural features that are determinants of their function. Our analysis reveals that in animals the miRNA biogenesis pathway first originated in molluscs. The phylogeny of Dicer and Ago indicated evolution through gene duplication followed by sequence divergence that resulted in functional divergence. Our detailed structural analysis also revealed that RIIIDb domains of Drosha and Dicer, share significant similarity in sequence, structure, and substrate-binding pocket. On the other hand, PAZ domains of Dicer and Ago show only conservation of the substrate-binding pockets in the catalytic sites despite significant divergence in sequence and overall structure. Based on a comparative structural analysis of all four human Ago proteins (hAgo1–4) and their known biochemical activity, we have also attempted to identify key residues in Ago2 which are responsible for the unique slicer activity of hAgo2 among all isoforms. We have identified six key residues in N domain of hAgo2, which are located far away from the catalytic pocket, but might be playing a major role in slicer activity of hAgo2 protein because of their involvement in mRNA binding.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase family proteins are known to play important roles in the folding of nascent polypeptides and the formation of disulfide bonds in the endoplasmic reticulum. In this study, we cloned two similar protein disulfide isomerase family genes from soybean leaf (Glycine max L. Merrill cv. Jack) mRNA by RT-PCR using forward and reverse primers designed from the expressed sequence tag clone sequences. The cDNA encodes a protein of either 364 or 362 amino acids, named GmPDIS-1 or GmPDIS-2, respectively. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence identities of GmPDIS-1 and GmPDIS-2 were 68% and 74%, respectively. Both proteins lack the C-terminal, endoplasmic reticulum-retrieval signal, KDEL. Recombinant proteins of both GmPDIS-1 and GmPDIS-2 were expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble folded proteins that showed both an oxidative refolding activity of denatured ribonuclease A and a chaperone activity. Their domain structures were identified as containing two thioredoxin-like domains, a and a', and an ERp29c domain by peptide mapping with either trypsin or V8 protease. In cotyledon cells, both proteins were shown to distribute to the endoplasmic reticulum and protein storage vacuoles by confocal microscopy. Data from coimmunoprecipitation and crosslinking experiments suggested that GmPDIS-1 associates with proglycinin, a precursor of the seed storage protein glycinin, in the cotyledon. Levels of GmPDIS-1, but not of GmPDIS-2, were increased in cotyledons, where glycinin accumulates during seed development. GmPDIS-1, but not GmPDIS-2, was induced under endoplasmic reticulum-stress conditions.  相似文献   

The iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster, the nonheme-iron cofactor essential for the activity of many proteins, is incorporated into target proteins with the aid of complex machinery. In bacteria, several proteins encoded by the iscRSUA-hscBA-fdx-ORF3 cluster (isc operon) have been proposed to execute crucial tasks in the assembly of Fe-S clusters. To elucidate the in vivo function, we have undertaken a systematic mutational analysis of the genes in the Escherichia coli isc operon. In all functional tests, i.e. growth rate, nutritional requirements and activities of Fe-S enzymes, the inactivation of the iscS gene elicited the most drastic alteration. Strains with mutations in the iscU, hscB, hscA, and fdx genes also exhibited conspicuous phenotypical consequences almost identical to one another. The effect of the inactivation of iscA was small but appreciable on Fe-S enzymes. In contrast, mutants with inactivated iscR or ORF3 showed virtually no differences from wild-type cells. The requirement of iscSUA-hscBA-fdx for the assembly of Fe-S clusters was further confirmed by complementation experiments using a mutant strain in which the entire isc operon was deleted. Our findings support the conclusion that IscS, via cysteine desulfurase activity, provides the sulfur that is subsequently incorporated into Fe-S clusters by assembler machinery comprising of the iscUA-hscBA-fdx gene products. The results presented here indicate crucial roles for IscU, HscB, HscA, and Fdx as central components of the assembler machinery and also provide evidence for interactions among them.  相似文献   

Background information. Although actin is a relevant component of the plant nucleus, only three nuclear ABPs (actin‐binding proteins) have been identified in plants to date: cofilin, profilin and nuclear myosin I. Although plants lack orthologues of the main structural nuclear ABPs in animals, such as lamins, lamin‐associated proteins and nesprins, their genome does contain sequences with spectrin repeats and N‐terminal calponin homology domains for actin binding that might be distant relatives of spectrin. We investigated here whether spectrin‐like proteins could act as structural nuclear ABPs in plants. Results. We have investigated the presence of spectrins in Allium cepa meristematic nuclei by Western blotting, confocal and electron microscopy, using antibodies against α‐ and β‐spectrin chains that cross‐react in plant nuclei. Their role as nuclear ABPs was analysed by co‐immunoprecipitation and IF (immunofluorescence) co‐localization and their association with the nuclear matrix was investigated by sequential extraction of nuclei with non‐ionic detergent, and in low‐ and high‐salt buffers after nuclease digestion. Our results demonstrate the existence of several spectrin‐like proteins in the nucleus of onion cells that have different intranuclear distributions in asynchronous meristematic populations and associate with the nuclear matrix. These nuclear proteins co‐immunoprecipitate and co‐localize with actin. Conclusions. These results reveal that the plant nucleus contains spectrin‐like proteins that are structural nuclear components and function as ABPs. Their intranuclear distribution suggests that plant nuclear spectrin‐like proteins could be involved in multiple nuclear functions.  相似文献   

The cytosolic chaperonin CCT is a heterooligomeric complex of about 900 kDa that mediates the folding of cytoskeletal proteins. We observed by indirect immunofluorescence that the Tetrahymena TpCCTalpha, TpCCTdelta, TpCCTepsilon, and TpCCTeta-subunits colocalize with tubulin in cilia, basal bodies, oral apparatus, and contractile vacuole pores. TpCCT-subunits localization was affected during reciliation. These findings combined with atomic force microscopy measurements in reciliating cells indicate that these proteins play a role during cilia biogenesis related to microtubule nucleation, tubulin transport, and/or axoneme assembly. The TpCCT-subunits were also found to be associated with cortex and cytoplasmic microtubules suggesting that they can act as microtubule-associated proteins. The TpCCTdelta being the only subunit found associated with the macronuclear envelope indicates that it has functions outside of the 900 kDa complex. Tetrahymena cytoplasm contains granular/globular-structures of TpCCT-subunits in close association with microtubule arrays. Studies of reciliation and with cycloheximide suggest that these structures may be sites of translation and folding. Combined biochemical techniques revealed that reciliation affects the oligomeric state of TpCCT-subunits being tubulin preferentially associated with smaller CCT oligomeric species in early stages of reciliation. Collectively, these findings indicate that the oligomeric state of CCT-subunits reflects the translation capacity of the cell and microtubules integrity.  相似文献   

Curli are functional amyloids expressed as fibres on the surface of Enterobacteriaceae. Contrary to the protein misfolding events associated with pathogenic amyloidosis, curli are the result of a dedicated biosynthetic pathway. A specialized transporter in the outer membrane, CsgG, operates in conjunction with the two accessory proteins CsgE and CsgF to secrete curlin subunits to the extracellular surface, where they nucleate into cross‐beta strand fibres. Here we investigate the substrate tolerance of the CsgG transporter and the capability of heterologous sequences to be built into curli fibres. Non‐native polypeptides ranging up to at least 260 residues were exported when fused to the curli subunit CsgA. Secretion efficiency depended on the folding properties of the passenger sequences, with substrates exceeding an approximately 2 nm transverse diameter blocking passage through the transport channel. Secretion of smaller passengers was compatible with prior DsbA‐mediated disulphide bridge formation in the fusion partner, indicating that CsgG is capable of translocating non‐linear polypeptide stretches. Using fusions we further demonstrate the exported or secreted heterologous passenger proteins can attain their native, active fold, establishing curli biogenesis pathway as a platform for the secretion and surface display of small heterologous proteins.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin is synthesized in the cytoplasm as a larger precursor and transported across three membranes into the chloroplast thylakoid lumen. Processing to the mature size involves successive cleavages by a stromal and a thylakoidal peptidase. In this report we describe the partial purification and characterization of the thylakoidal peptidase involved. The enzyme has been purified 36-fold from Pisum sativum thylakoids after solubilization using Triton X-100. The peptidase processes the plastocyanin import intermediate to the mature size, but no further, and is capable of processing pre-plastocyanin to the mature size but at a lower rate. No detectable activity is displayed against non-chloroplast proteins or precursors of stromal proteins. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 6.5-7 and is activated by chelating agents such as EDTA and EGTA. No inhibitors of the peptidase have been found to date.  相似文献   

Sco proteins are widespread in eukaryotic and in many prokaryotic organisms. They have a thioredoxin-like fold and bind a single copper(I) or copper(II) ion through a CXXXC motif and a conserved His ligand, with both tight and weak affinities. They have been implicated in the assembly of the CuA site of cytochrome c oxidase as copper chaperones and/or thioredoxins. In this work we have structurally characterized a Sco domain which is naturally fused with a typical electron transfer molecule, i.e., cytochrome c, in Pseudomonas putida. The thioredoxin-like Sco domain does not bind copper(II), binds copper(I) with weak affinity without involving the conserved His, and has redox properties consisting of a thioredoxin activity and of the ability of reducing copper(II) to copper(I), and iron(III) to iron(II) of the cytochrome c domain. These findings indicate that the His ligand coordination is the discriminating factor for introducing a metallochaperone function in a thioredoxin-like fold, typically responsible for electron transfer processes. A comparative structural analysis of the Sco domain from P. putida versus eukaryotic Sco proteins revealed structural determinants affecting the formation of a tight-affinity versus a weak-affinity copper binding site in Sco proteins.  相似文献   

The role of positive charges located on the hydrophilic surface of the mitochondrial outer membrane channel was investigated by studying the interaction between LDAO-solubilized porin and a cation-exchanger column. The binding of porin to the column material was inhibited when the elution buffer had a pH of 9 or when 2 mM dextran sulfate was added to the buffer at neutral pH. Interestingly, the addition of a synthetic copolymer of methacrylate, maleate and styrene known as a potent modulator of the voltage-dependence, did not influence the interaction between column material and porin. Incubation of porin with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) resulted in the isolation of a porin fraction in which on average two lysines located on the surface of the pore-forming complex per 35 kDa polypeptide were modified. The voltage-dependence of the fluorescein isothiocyanate modified porin was strongly decreased as compared with the unmodified porin. The experiments presented here give the first biochemical evidence that positively charged lysine residues located on the surface of the channel-forming complex are responsible for the gating of the mitochondrial porin-channel.  相似文献   

Mature Fap1, a 200-kDa fimbria-associated adhesin, is required for fimbrial biogenesis and biofilm formation in Streptococcus parasanguis. Fap1-like proteins are found in the genomes of many streptococcal and staphylococcal species. Fap1 is a serine-rich glycoprotein modified by O-linked glycan moieties. In this study, we identified a seven-gene cluster including secY2, orf1, orf2, orf3, secA2, gtf1, and gtf2 that is localized immediately downstream of fap1. The lower G+C contents and the presence of a putative transposase element suggest that this gene cluster was horizontally transferred from other bacteria and represents a genomic island. At least two genes in this island mediated Fap1 biogenesis. Mutation of a glucosyltransferase (Gtf1) gene led to accumulation of a Fap1 precursor, which had no detectable glycan moieties. Inactivation of a gene coding for an accessory Sec protein (SecY2) resulted in expression of a distinct Fap1 precursor, which reacted with one glycan-specific Fap1 antibody but not with another glycan-specific antibody. Furthermore, partially glycosylated Fap1 was detected on the cell surface and in the culture supernatant. These data suggest that SecY2 has a role in complete glycosylation of Fap1 and imply that SecY2 is not the only translocation channel for the Fap1 precursor and that alternative secretion machinery exists. Together, Gtf1 and SecY2 are involved in biogenesis of two distinct Fap1 precursors in S. parasanguis. Discovery of the effect of an accessory Sec protein on Fap1 glycosylation suggests that Fap1 secretion and glycosylation are coupled during Fap1 biogenesis.  相似文献   

George Simos 《Protoplasma》1999,209(3-4):173-180
Summary Exit of tRNA from the nucleus was shown, long time ago, to be a saturable and carrier-mediated process. Nevertheless, only recently, progress in the field of nucleocytoplasmic transport gave first insight into the mechanism of tRNA nuclear export. A nuclear export receptor for tRNA (Los1p/Xpo-t), belonging to the importin (karyopherin) family, has been characterized in yeast and mammalian cells. Mature tRNA molecules can associate with Los1p/ Xpo-t and the GTP-bound form of the small GTPase Ran to form an export complex in the nucleus. This complex translocates through the nuclear-pore complexes and dissociates upon GTP hydrolysis in the cytoplasm. Genetic studies in yeast have, however, shown thatLOS1 is not essential, unless additional steps in the tRNA biogenesis pathway are impaired, suggesting the existence of additional tRNA nuclear export routes. Furthermore, modification and aminoacylation of tRNA may also be important for efficient transport of tRNA into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

30-S ribosomal subunits are inactivated by iodination for both enzymic fMet-tRNA and non-enzymic Phe-tRNA binding activities. This inactivation is due to modification of the protein moiety of the ribosome. Reconstitutions were performed with 16-S RNA and mixtures of total protein isolated from modified subunits and purified proteins isolated from unmodified subunits. This allowed identification of the individual proteins which restore tRNA binding activity. S3, S14 and S19 were identified as proteins involved in fMet-tRNA binding. S1, S2, S3, S14 and S19 were identified as proteins involved in Phe-tRNA binding. Modified particles shown normal sedimentation constants and complete protein compositions both before and after reconstitution. This suggests that the loss of activity is due to modification of one or more of the actual binding sites located on the 30-S subunit and that restoration of activity is due to structural correction at this site rather than to correction of an assembly defect.  相似文献   

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