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The inactivation of the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase by 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoylinosine (FSBI) proceeds with pseudo-first order kinetics. The rate of inactivation increased from pH 7 to 9 revealing a pKa of about 8.2. When a tryptic digest of the enzyme which had been inactivated with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl[3H]inosine ([3H]FSBI) was submitted to reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography, a single major peak of radioactivity, T1, was resolved. Amino acid sequence analysis of purified peptide fragments derived from T1 showed that the modification of beta-Tyr-345 is responsible for inactivation of the enzyme. Complete inactivation of the enzyme by [3H]FSBI is estimated to proceed with modification of 0.8 mol of beta-Tyr-345/mol of enzyme. Another notable observation is that inosine triphosphatase (ITPase) activity catalyzed by F1 from bovine heart mitochondria is much more sensitive to inactivation by 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA) than is ATPase activity. Whereas complete inactivation of ATPase activity by FSBA has been shown to proceed with the mutually exclusive modification of Tyr-368 or His-427 in all three copies of the beta subunit (Bullough, D. A., and Allison, W. S. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 5722-5730), it is shown here that complete inactivation of ITPase activity by FSBA is accompanied by modification of these residues in only one copy of the beta subunit. Inactivation of both the ATPase and ITPase activities of the enzyme by FSBI proceeds with modification of Tyr-345 in a single copy of the beta subunit.  相似文献   

Photolabeling of nucleotide binding sites in nucleotide-depleted mitochondrial F1 has been explored with 2-azido [alpha-32P]adenosine diphosphate (2-N3[alpha-32P] ADP). Control experiments carried out in the absence of photoirradiation in a Mg2+-supplemented medium indicated the presence of one high affinity binding site and five lower affinity binding sites per F1. Similar titration curves were obtained with [3H]ADP and the photoprobe 3'-arylazido-[3H]butyryl ADP [( 3H]NAP4-ADP). Photolabeling of nucleotide-depleted F1 with 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP resulted in ATPase inactivation, half inactivation corresponding to 0.6-0.7 mol of photoprobe covalently bound per mol F1. Only the beta subunit was photolabeled, even under conditions of high loading with 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP. The identification of the sequences labeled with the photoprobe was achieved by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and enzymatic cleavage by trypsin. Under conditions of low loading with 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP, resulting in photolabeling of only one vacant site in F1, covalently bound radioactivity was located in a peptide fragment of the beta subunit spanning Pro-320-Met-358 identical to the fragment photolabeled in native F1 (Garin, J., Boulay, F., Issartel, J.-P., Lunardi, J., and Vignais, P. V. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 4431-4437). With a heavier load of photoprobe, leading to nearly 4 mol of photoprobe covalently bound per mol F1, an additional region of the beta subunit was specifically labeled, corresponding to a sequence extending from Gly-72 to Arg-83. The isolated beta subunit also displayed two binding sites for 2-N3-[alpha-32P]ADP. When F1 was first photolabeled with a low concentration of NAP4-ADP, leading to the covalent binding of 1.5 mol of NAP4-ADP/mol F1, with the bound NAP4-ADP distributed equally between the alpha and beta subunits, a subsequent photoirradiation in the presence of 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP resulted in covalent binding of the 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP to both alpha and beta subunits. It is concluded that each beta subunit in mitochondrial F1 contains two nucleotide binding regions, one of which belongs to the beta subunit per se, and the other to a subsite shared with a subsite located on a juxtaposed alpha subunit. Depending on the experimental conditions, the subsite located on the alpha subunit is either accessible or masked. Unmasking of the subsite in the three alpha subunits of mitochondrial F1 appears to proceed by a concerted mechanism.  相似文献   

Tyrosine residues 311 and 345 of the beta subunit of the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase (MF1) are present on the same peptide when the enzyme is fragmented with cyanogen bromide. Maximal inactivation of MF1 with 7-chloro-4-nitro[14C]benzofurazan [( 14C]Nbf-Cl) derivatizes tyrosine-311 in a single beta subunit. Cyanogen bromide digests of MF1 containing the [14C]Nbf-O-derivative of tyrosine-beta 311 were submitted to reversed-phase HPLC, with and without prior reduction of the nitro group on the incorporated reagent with dithionite. The retention time of the radioactive cyanogen bromide peptide was shifted substantially by reduction. When a cyanogen bromide digest of MF1 inactivated with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl[3H]inosine [( 3H]FSBI), which proceeds with derivatization of tyrosine-345 in a single beta subunit, was submitted to HPLC under the same conditions, the fragment labeled with 3H eluted with the same retention time as the [14C]Nbf-O-derivative before reduction. Doubly labeled enzyme was prepared by first derivatizing Tyr-beta 311 with [14C]Nbf-Cl and then derivatizing tyrosine-beta 345 with [3H]FSBI with and without reducing the [14C]Nbf-O-derivative of tyrosine-beta 311 with dithionite before modification with [3H]FSBI. The doubly labeled enzyme preparations were digested with cyanogen bromide and submitted to HPLC. The 14C and 3H in the cyanogen bromide digest prepared from doubly labeled enzyme not submitted to reduction eluted together. In contrast, the 14C and 3H in the digest prepared from doubly labeled enzyme which had been reduced eluted separately. From these results it is concluded that different beta subunits are derivatized when MF1 is doubly labeled with [14C]Nbf-Cl and [3H]FSBI.  相似文献   

When beef heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase is photoirradiated in the presence of 2-azido[alpha-32P]adenosine diphosphate, the beta subunit of the enzyme is preferentially photolabeled [Dalbon, P., Boulay, F., & Vignais, P. V. (1985) FEBS Lett. 180, 212-218]. The site of photolabeling of the beta subunit has been explored. After cyanogen bromide cleavage of the photolabeled beta subunit, only the peptide fragment extending from Gln-293 to Met-358 was found to be labeled. This peptide was isolated and digested by trypsin or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. Digestion by trypsin yielded four peptides, one of which spanned residues Ala-338-Arg-356 and contained all the bound radioactivity. When trypsin was replaced by V8 protease, a single peptide spanning residues Leu-342-Met-358 was labeled. Edman degradation of the two labeled peptides showed that radioactivity was localized on the following four amino acids: Leu-342, Ile-344, Tyr-345, and Pro-346.  相似文献   

The bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase (MF1) is inactivated by 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoylethenoadenosine (FSB epsilon A) with pseudo-first order kinetics. The dependence of the rate of inactivation on the concentration of FSB epsilon A revealed an apparent Kd of 0.25 mM. ATP and ADP, and to a lesser extent, ITP and IDP provide partial protection against inactivation by the reagent. Isolation and sequence analysis of major radioactive fragments in peptic or cyanogen bromide digests of MF1 inactivated with [3H]FSB epsilon A indicate that modification of Tyr-alpha 244 is associated with the loss of activity observed. Assessment of the amount of Tyr-alpha 244 derivatized with [3H]FSB epsilon A at specific points during inactivation of the ATPase indicates that maximal inactivation is achieved on modification of this residue in slightly greater than one copy of the alpha subunit. The following characteristics of inactivation of MF1 by FSB epsilon A have also been determined. (a) The rate of inactivation of ITPase activity by FSB epsilon A is 1.4 times greater than that observed for inactivation of ATPase activity under identical conditions. (b) After maximally inactivating the capacity of MF1 to hydrolyze saturating ATP with FSB epsilon A, the modified enzyme retained its capacity to hydrolyze substoichiometric ATP. (c) Inactivation of the ATPase by FSB epsilon A is accelerated by Pi. In each of the above characteristics, MF1 modified by FSB epsilon A resembles enzyme inactivated with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA) more than it does enzyme inactivated with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoylinosine (FSBI). Furthermore, prior inactivation of MF1 with FSBA completely prevents labeling of Tyr-alpha 244 with [3H]FSB epsilon A, whereas prior inactivation of the enzyme with FSBI does not. Since a single catalytic site is modified when FSBI inactivates MF1 whereas three noncatalytic sites are modified when it is maximally inactivated with FSBA, it is concluded that FSB epsilon A also modifies noncatalytic sites.  相似文献   

The modification of both beta-Tyr-368 and beta-His-427 can be correlated with the loss of activity observed when the bovine mitochondrial F1-ATPase is inactivated with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl[3H]adenosine ([3H]FSBA). At pH 8.0, where the rate of inactivation is fast, beta-Tyr-368 is modified predominantly, while at pH 6.0, where the rate of inactivation is slow, beta-His-427 is modified predominantly. At pH 7.0, the 2 residues are modified with about equal efficiency. When the F1-ATPase was inactivated by 80% at pH 6.5, 7.0, and 7.5, the sum of radioactivity incorporated into beta-Tyr-368 and beta-His-427 was 1.99, 1.87, and 1.82 mol of label incorporated per mol of enzyme, respectively. Examination of the rate of inactivation of the enzyme by FSBA as a function of pH revealed two pKa values, one of about 7.6 associated with the modification of beta-Tyr-368 and the other of about 5.8 associated with the modification of beta-His-427. The inactivation of the F1-ATPase by FSBA exhibited an initial fast rate followed by a slower rate in triethanolamine-HCl, pH 7.0. In contrast, only a single rate, equivalent to the fast phase of inactivation in the absence of phosphate, was observed in 0.2 M phosphate, pH 7.0. The dependence of this stimulation on phosphate concentration is sigmoidal with half-maximal stimulation occurring at approximately 160 mM. The ratio of 3H incorporated into beta-Tyr-368 to that incorporated into beta-His-427 was approximately the same during the fast and slow phases of inactivation in triethanolamine-HCl, pH 7.0. Approximately the same ratio was observed when the enzyme was modified during the single phase of inactivation exhibited in the presence of 0.2 M phosphate, pH 7.0. The sum of the 3H incorporated into beta-Tyr-368 and beta-His-427 during inactivation of the F1-ATPase from bovine heart mitochondria by [3H]FSBA in the presence and absence of phosphate was linear and extrapolated to a value of about 2.6 residues modified on complete inactivation of the enzyme. From these data, it is concluded that FSBA binds to a single binding site on the beta subunits of the enzyme where it reacts with either beta-Tyr-368 or beta-His-427 in mutually exclusive reactions. All three beta subunits must be modified in this manner for complete inactivation to be observed.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III, the mitochondrial DNA-encoded proteins, are inserted across the inner membrane by the Oxa1p-containing translocator in a membrane potential-dependent manner. Oxa1p is also involved in the insertion of the cytoplasmically synthesized precursor of Oxa1p itself into the inner membrane from the matrix via the conservative sorting pathway. The mechanism of insertion of the other mitochondrially synthesized proteins, however, is unexplored. The insertion of the mitochondrial DNA-encoded subunit 8 of F(1)F(0)-ATPase (Su8) across the inner membrane was analyzed in vitro using the inverted inner membrane vesicles and the Escherichia coli lysate-synthesized substrate. This assay revealed that the N-terminal segment of Su8 inserted across the membrane to the intermembrane space and assumed the correct trans-cis topology depending on the mitochondrial matrix fraction. This translocation reaction was similar to those of Sec-independent, direct insertion pathways of E. coli and chloroplast thylakoid membranes. (i) It required neither nucleotide triphosphates nor membrane potential, and hydrophobic forces drove the process. (ii) It did not require protease-sensitive membrane components facing the matrix space. (iii) It could be inserted across liposomes in the correct topology in a matrix fraction-dependent manner. Thus, a novel mechanism conserved in bacteria and chloroplasts also functions in the insertion of Su8 across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

A yeast nuclear pet mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking any detectable mitochondrial F1-ATPase activity was genetically complemented upon transformation with a pool of wild type genomic DNA fragments carried in the yeast Escherchia coli shuttle vector YEp 13. Plasmid-dependent complementation restored both growth of the pet mutant on a nonfermentable carbon source as well as functional mitochondrial ATPase activity. Characterization of the complementing plasmid by plasmid deletion analysis indicated that the complementing gene was contained on adjoining BamH1 fragments with a combined length of 3.05 kilobases. Gel analysis of the product of this DNA by in vitro translation in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate programmed with yeast mRNA hybrid selected by the plasmid revealed a product which could be immunoprecipitated by antisera against the beta subunit of the yeast mitochondrial ATPase complex. A comparison of the protein sequence derived from partial DNA sequence analysis indicated that the beta subunit of the yeast mitochondrial ATPase complex exhibits greater than 70% conservation of protein sequence when compared to the same subunit from the ATPase of E. coli, beef heart, and chloroplast. The gene coding the beta subunit (subunit 2) of yeast mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase is designated ATP2. The utilization of cloned nuclear structural genes of mitochondrial proteins for the analysis of the post-translational targeting and import events in organelle assembly is discussed.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase, taken as alpha 3 beta 3 gamma delta epsilon with a molecular weight of 375,000, with a 4-fold molar excess of 7-chloro-4-nitro[14C]benzofurazan at pH 7.5, led to the incorporation of 1.42 g atoms of 14C/mol. Treatment of the inactivated enzyme with dithiothreitol removed 0.99 g atom of 14C/mol of enzyme which was accompanied by reactivation of the ATPase. Therefore, of the 1.42 mol of 7-chloro-4-nitro-[14C]benzofurazan incorporated per mol of bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase, 0.43 mol was present on lysine residues and 0.99 mol was present on tyrosine residues. When the inactivated enzyme was treated with 10 mM sodium dithionite at pH 6.0, 10% of the activity was recovered which was accompanied by a 10% loss in covalently bound 14C. Following dithionite treatment, that part of the 14C which remained covalently bound could not be removed by subsequent treatment of the labeled enzyme with dithiothreitol. It is presumed that dithionite reduces the 4-nitro group of the covalently bound reagent, converting it to 4-amino[14C]benzofurazan derivatives at lysine and tyrosine residues. The moles of 4-amino[14C]benzofurazan incorporated per mol of the isolated subunits were: alpha, 0.18; beta, 0.30; gamma, 0.03; and delta plus epsilon, less than 0.01. Gel filtration of a cyanogen bromide digest of the labeled beta subunit on Sephadex G-75 resolved a major 14C peak which contained 83% of the 14C recovered. The major, radioactive tryptic fragment derived from this peak was purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 followed by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Automatic Edman degradation of this peptide showed that the 14C was released at the position occupied by beta-Tyr-311.  相似文献   

The aziridinium of purified quinacrine mustard at 50 microM inactivates the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase with a pseudo-first order rate constant of 0.07 min-1 at pH 7.0 and 23 degrees C. An apparent Kd of 27 microM for the enzyme-reagent complex was estimated from the dependence of the rate of inactivation on the concentration of quinacrine mustard. The pH inactivation profile revealed that deprotonation of a group with a pKa of about 6.7 is necessary for inactivation. The amount of reagent incorporated into the protein increased linearly with the extent of inactivation. Complete inactivation was estimated to occur when 3 mol of reagent were incorporated/mol of F1. Enzyme, in which steady state ATPase was inactivated by 98% by quinacrine mustard, hydrolyzed substoichiometric ATP with zero order kinetics suggesting that residual activity is catalyzed by F1 in which at least one beta subunit is modified. By exploiting the reactivity of the aziridinium of covalently attached reagent with [3H] aniline, sites modified by quinacrine mustard were labeled with 3H. Isolation of radioactive cyanogen bromide peptides derived from F1 inactivated with the reagent in the presence of [3H]aniline which were identified by sequence analysis and sequence analyses of radioactive tryptic fragments arising from them have revealed the following. About two thirds of the radioactivity incorporated into the enzyme during inactivation is apparently esterified to one or more of the carboxylic acid side chains in a CNBr-tryptic fragment of the beta subunit with the sequence: 394DELSEEDK401. The remainder of the radioactivity is associated with at least two sites within the cyanogen bromide peptide containing residues 293-358 of the beta subunit. From these results it is concluded that inactivation of F1 by the aziridinium of quinacrine mustard is due, at least in part, to modification of one or more of the carboxylic acid side chains in the DELSEED segment of the beta subunit and possibly also to modification of unspecified amino acid side chains between residues 302-356 of the beta subunit.  相似文献   

The photoreactive nucleotides [2-3H]8-azido-ATP and [2-3H]8-azido-ADP could be used to label the nucleotide binding sites on isolated mitochondrial F1-ATPase to a maximum of 4 mol of nucleotide per mol F1, also when the F1 was depleted of tightly bound nucleotides. At a photolabel concentration of 300-1000 microM, label was found on both alpha and beta subunits in a typically 1:3 ratio, independent of the total amount bound. Under these conditions the covalent binding of two nucleotides is needed for full inactivation (Wagenvoord, R.J., Van der Kraan, I. and Kemp, A. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 460, 17-24). At lower concentrations of [2-3H]8-azido-ATP (20 microM), it was found that covalent binding of only 1 mol of nucleotide per mole F1 was required for complete inactivation to take place indicating catalytic site cooperativity in the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis. Under those conditions, radioactivity was only found on the beta subunits, which would indicate that the catalytic site is located on a beta subunit and that a second site is located on the alpha/beta interface. It is found that four out of the six nucleotide binding sites are exchangeable and can be labelled with 8-azido-AT(D)P, i.e., two catalytic sites and two non-catalytic sites.  相似文献   

The effect of aurovertin on the binding parameters of ADP and ATP to native F1 from beef heart mitochondria in the presence of EDTA has been explored. Three exchangeable sites per F1 were titrated by ADP and ATP in the absence or presence of aurovertin. Curvilinear Scatchard plots for the binding of both ADP and ATP were obtained in the absence of aurovertin, indicating one high affinity site (Kd for ADP = 0.6-0.8 microM; Kd for ATP = 0.3-0.5 microM) and two lower affinity sites (Kd for ADP = 8-10 microM; Kd for ATP = 7-10 microM). With a saturating concentration of aurovertin capable of filling the three beta subunits of F1, the curvilinearity of the Scatchard plots was decreased for ATP binding and abolished for ADP binding, indicating homogeneity of ADP binding sites in the F1-aurovertin complex (Kd for ADP = 2 microM). When only the high affinity aurovertin site was occupied, maximal enhancement of the fluorescence of the F1-aurovertin complex was attained with 1 mol of ADP bound per mol of F1 and maximal quenching for 1 mol of ATP bound per mol of F1. When the F1-aurovertin complex was incubated with [3H]ADP followed by [14C]ATP, full fluorescence quenching was attained when ATP had displaced the previously bound ADP. In the case of the isolated beta subunit, both ADP and ATP enhanced the fluorescence of the beta subunit-aurovertin complex. The Kd values for ADP and ATP in the presence of EDTA were 0.6 mM and 3.7 mM, respectively; MgCl2 decreased the Kd values to 0.1 mM for both ADP and ATP. It is postulated that native F1 possesses three equivalent interacting nucleotide binding sites and exists in two conformations which are in equilibrium and recognize either ATP (T conformation) or ADP (D conformation). The negative interactions between the nucleotide binding sites of F1 are strongest in the D conformation. Upon addition of aurovertin, the site-site cooperativity between the beta subunits of F1 is decreased or even abolished.  相似文献   

Following a lag of about 30 min, the F1-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium, PS3 (TF1), was inactivated slowly by 0.8 mM 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (FSBA) at 23 degrees C and pH 7.0. When the enzyme was treated with 0.2 mM FSBA at pH 7.0 and 23 degrees C for 15 min and gel-filtered, no enzyme activity was lost. However, the lag in inactivation was abolished when the enzyme was subsequently incubated with 2.0 mM FSBA at 23 degrees C in the pH range from 6.8 to 10.0. The pH-inactivation profile obtained under these conditions revealed a pK alpha of about 9.3 which was associated with the inactivation. When pretreated TF1 was inactivated at 23 degrees C with [3H]FSBA by about 90%, greater than 20 mol of [3H]SBA was incorporated per mole of enzyme. TF1 was inactivated rapidly by 0.8 mM FSBA at pH 6.4 and 65 degrees C, and no lag was observed. Following inactivation of TF1 with 0.8 mM [3H]FSBA at 65 degrees C and pH 6.4, about 10 mol of [3H]SBA was incorporated per mole of enzyme. When a tryptic digest of the labeled enzyme was fractionated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, a single major radioactive peptide was isolated. When subjected to automatic Edman degradation, this peptide was shown to have the amino acid sequence: A-L-A-P-E-I-V-G-E-E-H-X-Q-V-A-R, where X indicates that a phenylthiohydantoin derivative was not detected in cycle 12. However, from the DNA sequence of the gene encoding the subunit of TF1 (Y. Kagawa, M. Ishizuka, T. Saishu, and S. Nakao (1985) Abstracts International Symposium on Energy Transducing ATPases, Kobe, Japan, p. 84), this position has been shown to be occupied by tyrosine. This tyrosine is homologous with beta-Tyr-368 of the bovine mitochondrial F1-ATPase (MF1) the modification of which is responsible for the inactivation MF1 by FSBA.  相似文献   

We have generated nine monoclonal antibodies against subunits of the maize (Zea mays L.) mitochondrial F1-ATPase. These monoclonal antibodies were generated by immunizing mice against maize mitochondrial fractions and randomly collecting useful hybridomas. To prove that these monoclonal antibodies were directed against ATPase subunits, we tested their cross-reactivity with purified F1-ATPase from pea cotyledon mitochondria. One of the antibodies ([alpha]-ATPaseD) cross-reacted with the pea F1-ATPase [alpha]-subunit and two ([beta]-ATPaseD and [beta]-ATPaseE) cross-reacted with the pea F1-ATPase [beta]-subunit. This established that, of the nine antibodies, four react with the maize [alpha]-ATPase subunit and the other five react with the maize [beta]-ATPase subunit. Most of the monoclonal antibodies cross-react with the F1-ATPase from a wide range of plant species. Each of the four monoclonal antibodies raised against the [alpha]-subunit recognizes a different epitope. Of the five [beta]-subunit antibodies, at least three different epitopes are recognized. Direct incubation of the monoclonal antibodies with the F1-ATPase failed to inhibit the ATPase activity. The monoclonal antibodies [alpha]-ATPaseD and [beta]-ATPaseD were bound to epoxide-glass QuantAffinity beads and incubated with a purified preparation of pea F1-ATPase. The ATPase activity was not inhibited when the antibodies bound the ATPase. The antibodies were used to help map the pea F1-ATPase subunits on a two-dimensional map of whole pea cotyledon mitochondrial protein. In addition, the antibodies have revealed antigenic similarities between various isoforms observed for the [alpha]- and [beta]-subunits of the purified F1-ATPase. The specificity of these monoclonal antibodies, along with their cross-species recognition and their ability to bind the F1-ATPase without inhibiting enzymic function, makes these antibodies useful and invaluable tools for the further purification and characterization of plant mitochondrial F1-ATPases.  相似文献   

When bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase, taken as alpha 3 beta 3 gamma delta epsilon with a molecular weight of 375,000, was inactivated by greater than 90% with a 4-fold molar excess of 7-chloro-4-nitro[14C]benzofurazan at pH 7.4, 1.15 mol of 4-nitrobenzofurazan [14C]Nbf were incorporated per mol of enzyme. Reactivation of a sample of the modified enzyme with dithiothreitol removed 0.82 mol of [14C]Nbf/mol of the F1-ATPase indicating that, of the 1.15 mol of [14C]Nbf incorporated, 0.82 mol were present on tyrosine residues and 0.33 mol on lysine residues. Incubation of the modified enzyme at pH 9.0 for 18 h at 23 degrees C led to an increase of 0.64 mol of [14C]Nbf-N'-Lys/mol of the F1-ATPase which occurred as a consequence of an O----N migration. About 15% enzyme reactivation occurred simultaneously with the migration indicating that the fraction of the [14C]Nbf group originally present on tyrosine which did not migrate was lost by hydrolysis. Examination of a tryptic digest of the labeled enzyme after the O----N migration by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography revealed a single major radioactive peptide. The labeled tryptic fragment was purified and subjected to automatic Edman degradation. This analysis revealed that Lys-beta-162 was specifically labeled during the O----N migration of the [14C]Nbf group.  相似文献   

The bindings of Mg2+ to the F1 portion of Escherichia coli H+-ATPase and its isolated alpha and beta subunits were studied with 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate (ANS). The fluorescence of ANS increased upon addition of F1 or its alpha subunit or beta subunit, as reported previously (M. Hirano, K. Takeda, H. Kanazawa, and M. Futai (1984) Biochemistry 23, 1652-1656). The fluorescence of ANS bound to F1 or its beta subunit increased significantly with further addition of Mg2+, whereas that of the alpha subunit increased only slightly. Ca2+ and Mn2+ had similar effects on the fluorescence of ANS with F1 and its beta subunit. The Mg2+-induced fluorescence enhancement (delta F) was high at an alkaline pH and was lowered by addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and azide had no effect on the delta F. Binding analysis showed that the concentration dependence of Mg2+ on the fluorescence enhancement of the beta subunit is similar to that of F1. These results suggest that both the beta subunit and F1 have binding sites for Mg2+ and that the delta F observed with F1 may be due to the binding of Mg2+ to the beta subunit.  相似文献   

The energetics of binding of MgADP to the isolated beta subunit of F(1)-ATPase from thermophilic Bacillus (Tbeta) was characterized by high-precision isothermal titration calorimetry. The reaction was enthalpically driven, with a DeltaCp of -36cal(molK)(-1). To gain insight into the molecular basis of this small DeltaCp, we analyzed the changes in accessible surface areas (DeltaASA) between the structures of empty and MgADP-filled beta subunits, extracted from the crystal structure of bovine heart F(1). Consistent with the experimental DeltaCp, the DeltaASA was small (-775A(2)). We used a reported surface area model developed for protein reactions to calculate DeltaCp and DeltaH from DeltaASA, obtaining good agreement with the experimental values. Conversely, using the same model, a DeltaASA of -770A(2) was estimated from experimental DeltaCp and DeltaH for the Tbeta-MgADP complex. Our structural-energetic study indicates that on MgADP binding the isolated Tbeta subunit exhibits intrinsic structural changes similar to those observed in F(1).  相似文献   

Inorganic salts, several proteins and traces of protein precipitants were tested to find out by what mechanisms they modulate the binding of cyclic [3H]AMP to protein kinase (ATP-protein phosphotransferase; EC The separation of free and bound cyclic AMP by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation was unaffected by the above agents and was more reliable than the Millipore filtration technique. Several binding sites for cyclic AMP were revealed in adrenal-cortex extract. When this extract was used as binding reagent in an assay for cyclic AMP, the standard curve was distorted in the presence of KCl because the salt affected the different binding sites to a varying extent. At high ionic strenth the protein kinase isoenzyme I dissociated and showed an extraordinarily high affinity for cyclic AMP. Trichloroacetate and perchlorate at very low concentrations were able to dissociate the protein kinase and modulate its binding characteristics as well. A progressive decrease in the cyclic AMP-binding capacity occurred on prolonged incubations. The binding protein was protected against inactivation by 2-mercaptoethanol, EDTA and several proteins. It was more resistant to denaturation when complexed to cyclic AMP. The enhancement of cyclic AMP binding by bovine serum albumin was investigated in some detail and appeared to be a pure stabilizing effect. It is proposed that the competitive-binding assays for cyclic AMP based on protein kinase be conducted at high ionic strength and in the presence of stabilizers (protein, EDTA, 2-mercaptoethanol). The interference from agents that may dissociate the protein kinase or influence its stability will thus be decreased.  相似文献   

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