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Human Xeroderma pigmentosum “normal” fibroblasts AS16 (XP4 VI) were transformed after transfection with a recombinant v-myb clone. In this clone (pKXA 3457) derived from avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV), the expression of the oncogene sequences is driven by the AMV U-5 LTR promoter. The transformed cells (ASKXA), which have integrated a rearranged v-myb oncogene, grow in agar, are not tumorigenic in nude mice, and express a 45-kDa v-myb protein. The HMW DNA of these cells transform chicken embryo fibroblasts. The c-Ha-ras oncogene is overexpressed in the ASKXA cells but not in the parental “normal” AS16 cells and a revertant clone (ASKXA Cl 1.1 G). Our results lead to the conclusion that the XP fibroblasts are phenotipically transformed by the presence of the transfected v-myb oncogene, which is able to induce an overexpression of the c-Ha-ras gene.  相似文献   

We have successfully transformed Tetrahymena thermophila by electroporation, a process of electrically introducing DNA. The DNA used for transformation contains a mutant ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) that confers resistance to paromomycin on the transformed cells. This mutant rDNA replicates more rapidly than the endogenous rDNA of the transformed cells so that the mutant rDNA becomes predominant within several generations. This mutant rDNA also carries a restriction polymorphism that readily distinguishes it from the endogenous rDNA of the transformed cells. Substantial nuclease activity is released from the cells during electroporation and must be neutralized in order for transformation to be effective. Cell survival is inversely proportional to the electrical energy dissipated (joules) in the medium. Electroporation is a convenient and effective means of introducing transforming DNA into T. thermophila.  相似文献   

We have examined the expression of the transformed phenotype in a series of clonal lines of NIH/3T3 cells transfected with the human c-Ha-rasVal 12 oncogene and the neomycin phosphotransferase gene. Cells from individual transformed foci were cloned and subjected to detailed analyses of the ras sequences. Three clones were found that expressed approximately one, 2–4, or 4–8 copies of the human c-ras oncogene, respectively. A fourth clone had multiple copies of the transfected sequences, and expressed abundant c-Ha-ras RNA. Analysis of the tranformed phenotype of various clones indicated that cells expressing low levels of mutant c-Ha-ras had lost some of their extracellular fibronectin network, and were barely altered in their cytoskeleton. In contrast, cells expressing abundant c-Ha-ras had lost both their actin and fibronectin networks and showed an increase in plasminogen activator activity. Cells with amplified c-Ha-rasVal 12 grew better in low serum, formed large colonies in soft agar and showed enhanced activity of ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-controlling enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis. These results show that the dosage level of the mutant oncogene makes a significant contribution to the transformed phenotype of c-Ha-ras oncogene-transformed cells.  相似文献   

Transformation of T lymphocytes by the v-fos oncogene   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Activation of T lymphocytes through the T cell antigen receptor has been shown to stimulate a rapid and transient accumulation of c-fos mRNA and protein. Transfection of a normal murine T lymphocyte clone with the FBJ-v-fos oncogene resulted in generation of a cell line that was morphologically transformed, had lost the requirement for IL-2 for proliferation, and was tumorigenic in adult syngeneic mice; however, the transformed cells retained the ability to proliferate in response to IL-2. The transformed cells did not show constitutive expression of IL-2 or c-fos mRNA, although the promoter regions of both IL-2 and c-fos genes contain AP-1 sites that are expected to be targets for binding of Fos/Jun complexes. In contrast, the transformed T cells showed increased constitutive expression of IL-2R alpha and c-myc mRNA; these genes may represent cellular targets for transformation by v-fos and physiologic activation by c-fos. We discuss the possibility that these transformed cells behave as cells partially activated through the TCR, and that transformation occurs through a mechanism independent of IL-2.  相似文献   

Summary Vinca rosea protoplasts and Agrobacterium tumefaciens spheroplasts harboring octopine-type Ti plasmid were mixed and treated with polyethylene glycol or polyvinyl alcohol, which facilitated the introduction of spheroplasts into plant protoplasts. After the protoplasts had been kept at 40° C for 4 days, bacteria were found to be completely eliminated from the medium. Among treated protoplasts 1–2 per 1,000 formed colonies on the Murashige and Skoog medium (1962) lacking hormones. When the colonies were isolated and subcultured, they could be maintained as clones. Octopine, an amino acid specific to crown gall, was detected in half of these clones. The phenotypic features of these putative transformants were compared but did not show any coincidental tendencies in relation to color, hardness, form, growth rate, or octopine production. The significance of this system in transformation of higher plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   

We recently reported the establishment of transgenic mouse lines carrying the mouse metallothionein/ret fusion gene in which severe melanosis and melanocytic tumors developed. In the present study, we demonstrate that a significant number of pigmented hairs developed in Wv/Wv mice crossed to one of the transgenic mouse lines. The pigmented hair of Wv/Wv mice carrying the ret oncogene did not lose color during aging and reappeared after shaving, indicating that the melanocytes in the hair follicle function. The melanocytic tumors also developed in these mice, although the incidence was lower than that in the wild transgenic mice. Furthermore, the neural tube culture of mouse embryos indicated that neural crest cells of the transgenic mice gave rise to a cell population that autonomously produced melanin even in the absence of melanocyte stimulating hormone. These results strongly suggested that the introduced ret oncogene could compensate for the defect of c-kit in Wv mice during both embryogenesis and postnatal life and induce a high level of melanin synthesis in the process of melanocyte development.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Tumorous-lethal (Tum-l) mutation acts as an activated oncogene, causing hematopoietic neoplasms, overproliferation, and premature differentiation. Tum-l is a dominant mutation in the hopscotch (hop) locus, which is required for cell division and for proper embryonic segmentation. The Tum-l temperature-sensitive period for melanotic tumor formation includes most of larval and pupal development.  相似文献   

The product of the c-fms proto-oncogene is related to, and possibly identical with, the receptor for the macrophage colony-stimulating factor, M-CSF (CSF-1). Unlike the product of the v-erbB oncogene, which is a truncated version of the EGF receptor, the glycoprotein encoded by the v-fms oncogene retains an intact extracellular ligand-binding domain so that cells transformed by v-fms express CSF-1 receptors at their surface. Although fibroblasts susceptible to transformation by v-fms generally produce CSF-1, v-fms-mediated transformation does not depend on an exogenous source of the growth factor, and neutralizing antibodies to CSF-1 do not affect the transformed phenotype. An alteration of the v-fms gene product at its extreme carboxyl-terminus represents the major structural difference between it and the c-fms-coded glycoprotein and may affect the tyrosine kinase activity of the v-fms-coded receptor. Consistent with this interpretation, tyrosine phosphorylation of the v-fms products in membranes was observed in the absence of CSF-1 and was not enhanced by addition of the murine growth factor. Cells transformed by v-fms have a constitutively elevated specific activity of a guanine nucleotide-dependent, phosphatidylinositol-4,5-diphosphate-specific phospholipase C. We speculate that the tyrosine kinase activity of the v-fms/c-fms gene products may be coupled to this phospholipase C, possibly through a G regulatory protein, thereby increasing phosphatidylinositol turnover and generating the intracellular second messengers diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate.  相似文献   

Summary A new transformation system for spheroplasts of Podospora anserina has been developed. The recipient leu1-1 strain is auxotrophic for leucine. The plasmid DNA does not carry the wild-type allele leu +.but a tRNA suppressor: su4-1 or su8-1. The following protocol for genetic analysis has been developed: the [leu +transformants are crossed with another mutant strain, carrying the 193 mutation. This mutation prevents the pigmentation of the spores and is also suppressed by the cloned suppressor. Thus, the genetic analysis of the transformants can be performed directly on ordered tetrads by the observation of pigmentation restoration. The first application of the method is described comparing the integration points when different suppressors are used. Integration of the plasmid DNA in the homologous site was not the rule; in most cases the integration point was located elsewhere.  相似文献   

Kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus)is a fast growing annual with tremendous potential as a source of fiber for ropes, textiles and paper. Kenaf is an environmentally friendly crop; however, commercial production of kenaf is hindered by weed competition at the seedling stage. Herbicide resistant kenaf cultivars would reduce seedling weed competion and make growing kenaf more profitable. Factors that are important in establishing a transformation system for kenaf were examined. The influence of Agrobacterium strain, temperature, host tissue wounding, acetosyringone, virG/virE genes and host cell division on T-DNA expression in the kenaf shoot apex were investigated. Three Agrobacterium strains were tested, and A. tumefaciens LBA4404 significantly (α=0.05) yielded a high number of shoots surviving on selection medium; no shoots survived with EHA101S or Z707S. There was no significant difference (α=0.05) in transient T-DNA expression between 28 °C and 25 °C; however, shoots did not survive 16 °C or 19 °C co-cultivation temperatures. Shoot apex survival was increased significantly (α=0.05) when virulence genes and a cytokinin, TDZ, were combined. Sonicated shoots showed an increase in transient expression and shoot survival. Optimal conditions for shoot apex T-DNA transfer and expression were sonication for 5 s, co-cultivation with LBA4404 containingvirG/virEat room temperature, and 200 μmol/L acetosyringone.  相似文献   

Transformation of Staphylococcus aureus by heterologous plasmids   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plasmids isolated from Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus epidermidis were transformed into Staphylococcus aureus. Heterologous transformation was susceptible to restriction in S. aureus but could be performed in restriction-negative mutants or in heat-treated host bacteria. Three plasmids isolated from S. epidermidis were transformed into S. aureus with this technique and characterized. Two of them, pTE109 and pCE109, appear to be similar to two tet and cml plasmids previously isolated from S. aureus. The third, pPE109, carries penicillin and cadmium resistance and shows a restriction enzyme pattern which differs from known penicillinase plasmids in S. aureus.  相似文献   

The embryogenic cell culture 2c3 was previously obtained by the transfer of the rolC gene from Agrobacterium rhizogenes into ginseng callus cells. It was found by us that the expression of SERK and WUS genes in the embryogenic culture 2c3 is increased. These genes are known to be responsible for the initial stimulus to the development of embryogenesis in plants. Taking into consideration earlier data, we suppose that the development of somatic embryos in the ginseng cell culture 2c3 is associated with changes in the work of the calcium signaling system and with the activation of expression of SERK and WUS genes. Original Russian Text ? K.V. Kiselev, G.K. Tchernoded, 2009, published in Genetika, 2009, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 511–518.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation of Saussurea involucrata was investigated. Four bacterial strains, A4, LBA 9402, R1000 and R1601 and three explant types, leaf blade, petiole and root, were examined. Over 100 hairy root lines were successfully established with strains R1601, R1000 and LBA9402, but none with A4. The highest transformation efficiency of 67% was achieved by using strain R1601 with root explants. One hairy root line isolated from this combination, HR1601-1, produced up to 43.5 ± 1.13 mg syringin g−1 dw, which is about 50-fold higher than that in the wild type plants.Two other lines, HR1000-1 and HRLBA9402-1, isolated from R1000- and LBA9402-transformed roots, respectively, also displayed high capacity of syringin production, being 32.5 ± 3.08 and 39.7 ± 1.37 mg syringin g−1 dw. These three lines were characterized in detail. Polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed these root lines were of A. rhizogenes origin.  相似文献   

Jank T  Ziegler MO  Schulz GE  Aktories K 《FEBS letters》2008,582(15):2277-2282
Castanospermine was identified as an inhibitor of the Rho/Ras-glucosylating Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin and Clostridium difficile toxin B. Microinjection of castanospermine into embryonic bovine lung cells prevented the cytotoxic effects of toxins. The crystal structure of the glucosyltransferase domain of C. sordellii lethal toxin in complex with castanospermine, UDP and a calcium ion was solved at a resolution of 2.3A. The inhibitor binds in a conformation that brings its four hydroxyl groups and its N-atom almost exactly in the positions of the four hydroxyls and of the ring oxygen of the glucosyl moiety of UDP-glucose, respectively.  相似文献   

An avian retrovirus containing only the v-mil oncogene (PA200-MH2) was analyzed for its ability to induce a transformed phenotype in chicken embryo fibroblasts. Infected cultures exhibited an altered morphology, disarranged actin cable filaments, and a decrease in the amount of cell surface fibronectin. In addition, these cells showed a high level of plasminogen activator protease activity and were also capable of growth in low serum concentrations. In contrast, PA200-MH2 was very inefficient at inducing foci under agar and colonies in semisolid medium relative to the Mill Hill 2 and Rous sarcoma viruses. This inefficiency was further reflected in vivo by the total inability of PA200-MH2 to induce wing tumors in young birds. However, 40% of the birds inoculated in the wing web with PA200-MH2-infected cells did develop slow-growing tumors at the site of injection, with no evidence of hematopoietic involvement. Our results indicate that the v-mil oncogene is transforming both in vitro and in vivo and that each of the oncogenes in the Mill Hill 2 virus, v-mil and v-myc, can independently transform fibroblasts. These data suggest that v-mil is functionally related to its homologous murine counterpart, v-raf, which also transforms fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Slices were prepared from rat forebrains and the incorporation of [3H]mannose and [35S]methionine into proteins and glycoproteins determined. The incorporation of methionine continued to increase for up to 8 hours whereas mannose incorporation was maximal between 2 and 4 hours and declined thereafter. Glycopeptides prepared by pronase digestion of [3H]mannose-labeled glycoproteins were digested with endoglucosaminidase H (endo H) and analysed by gel filtration. The major endo H-sensitive oligosaccharide eluted in a position similar to standard Man8GlcNAc. In the presence of castanospermine, which inhibits glucosidase I, the first enzymatic step in the processing of N-linked oligosaccharides, a new endo H-sensitive glycan similar in size to standard Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 accumulated. Synaptic membranes (SMs) were isolated from slices which had been incubated with either [3H]mannose or [35S]methionine in the presence and absence of castanospermine. In the presence of inhibitor the relative incorporation of [3H]mannose into high-mannose glycans of synaptic glycoproteins was increased. The incorporation of newly synthesized, [35S] methioninelabeled, Con A-binding glycoproteins into SMs was not affected by the addition of inhibitor. Many of the glycoproteins synthesized in the presence of castanospermine exhibited a decreased electrophoretic mobility indicative of the presence of altered oligosaccharide chains. The results indicate that changes in oligosaccharide composition produced by castanospermine had little effect on the subsequent transport and incorporation of glycoproteins into synaptic membranes.To whom to address reprint requests.  相似文献   

The transformation of Zymomonas mobilis by plasmid DNA was achieved using a modification of the CaCl2 method for Escherichia coli. The highest frequency of transformation obtained was 5 × 103 transformants/μg DNA. The success of the method depended upon the use of a plasmid which is a cointegrate between a Z. mobilis cryptic plasmid and an E. coli plasmid carrying two selectable drug resistance markers.  相似文献   

The simian sarcoma virus (SSV) oncogene (v-sis) has a high degree of homology to the cellular gene coding for the B peptide of human platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a potent fibroblast mitogen. The cellular homolog of v-sis is activated in some mesenchymal human tumors and cell lines derived from them. To determine the phenotype produced by v-sis in diploid human fibroblasts, we constructed plasmids containing the SSV provirus and drug-resistance markers and transfected them into early-passage human cells. Fibroblasts that had integrated the plasmid were selected for drug resistance and shown to contain and express the v-sis oncogene by DNA and RNA hybridization. The v-sis-expressing cells grew to higher saturation densities than control cells transfected with the vector plasmid alone and formed large, well defined foci. This allowed selection of transfectants directly for focus formation. The v-sis transformed cells continued to grow well in the absence of serum, whereas age-matched, vector-transfected control cells ceased replicating under these conditions so that the final difference in density between the two populations was tenfold. Incorporation of thymidine in serum-free medium by the v-sis-transformed cells was independent of exogenous PDGF. In contrast, PDGF increased thymidine incorporation in such medium by the control cells to the level found in the v-sis-transformed cells with or without added PDGF. These results suggest that expression of the v-sis oncogene in diploid human fibroblasts causes sufficient endogenous synthesis of the B chain of PDGF to allow transformants to grow to abnormally high cell densities. When individual v-sis-transformed cells were grown on a background of normal cells, this higher cell density at confluence could be visualized as a focus.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea (10 mM) blocks the exponential growth of populations of Tetrahymena pyriformis (GL-I) by arresting progress through the cell cycle once the cells enter S phase. Fluoromicroscopic examination of euchrysine-stained exponential growth phase cells exposed to HU for a minimum of 90 min show a radical morphological change in the macronucleus. This phenomenon, termed the ‘halo-effect’, is characterized by the formation of apparently membrane-associated aggregates surrounding a constricted chromatin mass. Electron microscopic examination reveals a condensation of chromatin granules away from the surrounding network of membrane-associated nucleoli. Halo-induction by HU is S phase specific. Upon removal of the HU block, the halo remains until the first recovery division. The physiological significance of the halo effect is discussed.  相似文献   

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