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Infectious disease is a major concern for both wild and captive primate populations. Primate sanctuaries in Africa provide critical protection to thousands of wild-born, orphan primates confiscated from the bushmeat and pet trades. However, uncertainty about the infectious agents these individuals potentially harbor has important implications for their individual care and long-term conservation strategies. We used metagenomic next-generation sequencing to identify viruses in blood samples from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in three sanctuaries in West, Central, and East Africa. Our goal was to evaluate whether viruses of human origin or other “atypical” or unknown viruses might infect these chimpanzees. We identified viruses from eight families: Anelloviridae, Flaviviridae, Genomoviridae, Hepadnaviridae, Parvoviridae, Picobirnaviridae, Picornaviridae, and Rhabdoviridae. The majority (15/26) of viruses identified were members of the family Anelloviridae and represent the genera Alphatorquevirus (torque teno viruses) and Betatorquevirus (torque teno mini viruses), which are common in chimpanzees and apathogenic. Of the remaining 11 viruses, 9 were typical constituents of the chimpanzee virome that have been identified in previous studies and are also thought to be apathogenic. One virus, a novel tibrovirus (Rhabdoviridae: Tibrovirus) is related to Bas-Congo virus, which was originally thought to be a human pathogen but is currently thought to be apathogenic, incidental, and vector-borne. The only virus associated with disease was rhinovirus C (Picornaviridae: Enterovirus) infecting one chimpanzee subsequent to an outbreak of respiratory illness at that sanctuary. Our results suggest that the blood-borne virome of African sanctuary chimpanzees does not differ appreciably from that of their wild counterparts, and that persistent infection with exogenous viruses may be less common than often assumed.  相似文献   

Positive reinforcement techniques were applied to train groups of chimpanzees to move voluntarily into the indoor portions of their enclosures at the request of trainers and to be briefly restricted to those areas. Subjects were 66 members of eight social groups, including 44 adults (14 males, 30 females), and 22 immatures (eight males, 14 females). Performance of individual animals was recorded during four experimental phases of the project: baseline, initial training, maintenance of reliable performance, and transfer of responsibility for training from the original trainers to others on staff. A mean of 16.1 training sessions was required to reach reliable performance, defined as the subjects' complying with 90% of the requests to move indoors. Analyses of variance indicated that chimpanzee compliance was significantly increased after training. Females required significantly fewer training sessions to reach reliable performance than did males. Adult males showed the lowest level of compliance in each experimental phase. Overall, compliance was not affected by the transfer of responsibility for the procedure from the original trainer to other staff, although there was evidence of a temporary and small decrement in performance immediately following transfer. These findings indicate that training can improve the voluntary movement of captive chimpanzees. They also demonstrate that animal training can be objectively evaluated using systematic study design, data collection, and statistical analysis of data. Zoo Biol 17:333–341, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The timing of tooth mineralization in bonobos (Pan paniscus) is virtually uncharacterized. Analysis of these developmental features in bonobos and the possible differences with its sister species, the chimpanzee (P. troglodytes), is important to properly quantify the normal ranges of dental growth variation in closely related primate species. Understanding this variation among bonobo, chimpanzee and modern human dental development is necessary to better contextualize the life histories of extinct hominins. This study tests whether bonobos and chimpanzees are distinguished from each other by covariance among the relative timing and sequences of tooth crown initiation, mineralization, root extension, and completion. Using multivariate statistical analyses, we compared the relative timing of permanent tooth crypt formation, crown mineralization, and root extension between 34 P. paniscus and 80 P. troglodytes mandibles radiographed in lateral and occlusal views. Covariance among our 12 assigned dental scores failed to statistically distinguish between bonobos and chimpanzees. Rather than clustering by species, individuals clustered by age group (infant, younger or older juvenile, and adult). Dental scores covaried similarly between the incisors, as well as between both premolars. Conversely, covariance among dental scores distinguished the canine and each of the three molars not only from each other, but also from the rest of the anterior teeth. Our study showed no significant differences in the relative timing of permanent tooth crown and root formation between bonobos and chimpanzees. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the wild, great apes sleep in beds they make by successively bending branches into an interwoven platform. These beds are functionally more closely related to human beds than they are to the nests and tree-holes used by other primate species. The idea that bed-building by great apes is learned behavior that is dependent on appropriate early experiences has been proposed but never fully tested. In the present study this hypothesis was indirectly tested in 73 captive adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes; 27 wild-born and 46 captive-born). Bed-building and use were tested experimentally by the introduction of three sets of bedding materials. Over 200 hr of scan-sampling data were collected during 45-min observations following introduction of the bedding material. The wild-born subjects built and used beds significantly more often than the captive-born subjects. Also, wild-born subjects used more complex techniques during construction. Captive-born subjects that were mother-reared through early adolescence spent more time building and using beds than their nursery-reared counterparts. These differences remained consistent even when previous adult experience with bedding (measured as naturalistic vs. traditional housing) was accounted for. These results suggest that bed-building is a learned behavior that requires early experience and practice for acquisition.  相似文献   

Adjustment of offspring sex ratios should be favoured by natural selection when parents are capable of facultatively altering brood sex ratios and of recognizing the circumstances that predict the probable fitness benefit of producing sons and daughters. Although experimental studies have shown that female birds may adjust offspring sex ratios in response to changes in their own condition and in the external appearance of their mate, and male attributes other than his external morphology are also thought to act as signals of male quality, it is not known whether females will respond to changes in such signals, in the absence of any change in the appearance of the male himself. Here, we experimentally manipulated a male courtship display, the green plants carried to the nest by male spotless starlings (Sturnus unicolor), without changing any physical attributes of the male himself, and examined whether this influenced female decisions on offspring sex ratio. We found that in an environment in which female starlings were producing more daughters than sons, experimental enhancement of the green nesting material caused females to significantly increase the number of male eggs produced and thereby removed the female bias. This effect was consistent in 2 years and at two localities. This demonstrates that the green material, whose function has long puzzled biologists, conveys important information to the female and that she facultatively adjusts offspring production accordingly.  相似文献   

The onset of migration in birds is assumed to be primarily under endogenous control in long-distance migrants. Recently, climate changes appear to have been driving a rapid change in breeding area arrival. However, little is known about the climatic factors affecting migratory birds during the migration cycle, or whether recently reported phenological changes are caused by plastic behavioural responses or evolutionary change. Here, we investigate how environmental conditions in the wintering areas as well as en route towards breeding areas affect timing of migration. Using data from 1984 to 2004 covering the entire migration period every year from observatories located in the Middle East and northern Europe, we show that passage of the Sahara Desert is delayed and correlated with improved conditions in the wintering areas. By contrast, migrants travel more rapidly through Europe, and adjust their breeding area arrival time in response to improved environmental conditions en route. Previous studies have reported opposing results from a different migration route through the Mediterranean region (Italy). We argue that the simplest explanation for different phenological patterns at different latitudes and between migratory routes appears to be phenotypic responses to spatial variability in conditions en route.  相似文献   

The effect of the thermal environment on sleep quality has attracted considerable attention, as sleep forms one-third of human lifetime and the occupied space is largely constrained during sleep. With an increasing development of partial space regulation and task air conditioning systems and devices, thermal comfort demand concerning local thermal conditions has attracted more and more attention. In the present study, experiment was conducted and data mining technologies were performed to investigate correlations between local thermal conditions and whole body thermal comfort in sleeping state. The identification of local thermal condition included two steps: the first step was to clarify thermal sensation links between local and covered body, and the second step was to identify local thermal sensation inclination towards different thermal comfort levels. Thermal sensation correlations among local body parts and covered body were obtained. Back, face, and thigh were identified as three dominant linear-correlated local parts with weighting factors 0.488, 0.388, and 0.152, respectively; in addition, chest, arm, leg and foot were found as non-negligible local parts in the estimation of covered body thermal sensation. By dividing the sleeping human body into three parts as head, trunk and extremity, the proper local thermal sensations and their coupling relationships for whole body sleeping thermal comfort have been elaborated by three rules. The present study provides implications in sleeping thermal environment regulation in neutral to cold indoor conditions.  相似文献   

This report presents data regarding the brain structure of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in comparison with other great apes. Magnetic resonance (MR) images of three mountain gorilla brains were obtained with a 3T scanner, and the volume of major neuroanatomical structures (neocortical gray matter, hippocampus, thalamus, striatum, and cerebellum) was measured. These data were included with our existing database that includes 23 chimpanzees, three western lowland gorillas, and six orangutans. We defined a multidimensional space by calculating the principal components (PCs) from the correlation matrix of brain structure fractions in the well-represented sample of chimpanzees. We then plotted data from all of the taxa in this space to examine phyletic variation in neural organization. Most of the variance in mountain gorillas, as well as other great apes, was contained within the chimpanzee range along the first two PCs, which accounted for 61.73% of the total variance. Thus, the majority of interspecific variation in brain structure observed among these ape taxa was no greater than the within-species variation seen in chimpanzees. The loadings on PCs indicated that the brain structure of great apes differs among taxa mostly in the relative sizes of the striatum, cerebellum, and hippocampus. These findings suggest possible functional differences among taxa in terms of neural adaptations for ecological and locomotor capacities. Importantly, these results fill a critical gap in current knowledge regarding great ape neuroanatomical diversity.  相似文献   

Local weather can influence the growth and development of young birds either indirectly, by modifying prey availability, or directly, by affecting energetic trade-offs. Such effects can have lasting implications for life history traits, but the nature of these effets may vary with the developmental stage of the birds, and over timescales from days to weeks. We examined the interactive effects of temperature, rainfall and wind speed on the mass of nestling and fledgling Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica both on the day of capture and averaging weather across the time since hatching. At the daily timescale, nestling mass was negatively correlated with temperature, but the strength of this association depended on the level of rainfall and wind speed; nestlings were typically heavier on dry or windy days, and the negative effect of temperature was strongest under calm or wet conditions. At the early lifetime timescale (i.e. from hatching to pre-fledging), nestling mass was negatively correlated with temperature at low wind speed. Fledgling body mass was less sensitive to weather; the only weather effect evident was a negative correlation with temperature at the daily scale under high rainfall that became slightly positive under low rainfall. These changes are consistent with weather effects on the availability and distribution of insects within the landscape (e.g. causing high concentrations of flying insects) and with the effects of weather variation on nest microclimate. These results together demonstrate the impacts of weather on chick growth, over immediate (daily) and longer term (nestling/fledgling lifetime) timescales. This shows that sensitivity to local weather conditions varies across the early lifetime of young birds (nestling–fledgling stages) and illustrates the mechanisms by which larger scale (climate) variations influence the body condition of individuals.  相似文献   

A new model of three-dimensional tree architecture development was made, in which the growth of branches depends on their local light environment. The unit of the tree architecture is a linear stem called the branch unit (BU). Current-year BU's have leaves at their distal end. The local light environment is calculated considering mutual shading among leaved BU's. During the growth of a model tree, the number of leaved BU's increases and mutual shading becomes severe. The shadling leads to production of fewer new BU's and the death of some BU's, both of which restrain the overcrowding of BU's. The shape of the crowns of trees grown in a model forest stand varies with their position in the stand in a similar way as observed in real forests. This also results from the growth response of BU's to their local light environment. A model tree in which the photoassimillates were shared equally among the BU's was much disadvantaged in competition with the original model trees.  相似文献   

Nest predation is thought to be one of the major factors limiting northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations. We examined the relative impact of altering nest-predation rate, nesting habitat, and weather (i.e., temp and precipitation) on northern bobwhite population dynamics in a hypothetical 15,000-ha subtropical-rangeland ecosystem in south Texas using a simulation model. The systems model consisted of a 3-stage (i.e., eggs, juv, and ad) bobwhite population with dynamics influenced by variables affecting production, recruitment, nest predation, and mortality. We based model parameters on data collected from a 3-yr nest-predator study employing infrared-camera technology, from ongoing field research using a radio-marked population of wild bobwhites, and from the literature. The baseline simulated bobwhite population dynamics corresponded closely to empirical data, with no difference between medians of simulated (n = 30 yr) and observed bobwhite age ratios over a 28-yr period. Similarly, a time-series comparison of simulated and observed age ratios showed most (89%) observed values fell within the 5th and 95th percentiles of the simulated data over the 28-yr period. We created simulated population scenarios representing 1) baseline historical conditions, 2) predator control, 3) low precipitation, 4) low precipitation with predator control, 5) high temperature, 6) high temperature with predator control, 7) reduced nest-clump availability, and 8) reduced nest-clump availability with predator control that resulted in considerably different median bobwhite densities over 10 yr. For example, under simulated predator control, populations increased by about 55% from the baseline scenario, whereas under simulated reduced nest-clump availability, populations decreased by about 75% from the baseline scenario. Comparisons of time-series for each scenario showed that reduced nest-clump availability, low precipitation, and high temperature reduced bobwhite densities to a larger degree compared to a natural nest predation rate. Reduced nest-clump availability resulted in the most substantial decline of simulated bobwhite densities. Simulations suggested that management efforts should focus on maintaining adequate nest-clump availability and then possibly consider nest predator control as a secondary priority. © 2010 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Cyclical parthenogenesis presents an interesting challenge for the study of sex allocation, as individuals’ allocation decisions involve both the choice between sexual and asexual reproduction, and the choice between sons and daughters. Male production is therefore expected to depend on ecological and evolutionary drivers of overall investment in sex, and those influencing male reproductive value during sexual periods. We manipulated experimental populations, and made repeated observations of natural populations over their growing season, to disentangle effects of population density and the timing of sex from effects of adult sex ratio on sex allocation in cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia magna. Male production increased with population density, the major ecological driver of sexual reproduction; however, this response was dampened when the population sex ratio was more male‐biased. Thus, in line with sex ratio theory, we show that D. magna adjust offspring sex allocation in response to the current population sex ratio.  相似文献   

National bird‐nest record schemes provide a valuable data source to study large‐scale changes in basic breeding biology and effects of climate change on birds. Using nest‐record scheme data from 26 common Finnish breeding bird species from whole Finland, we estimated the laydate of the first egg for 129 063 nesting attempts. We then investigated the relationship of mean spring temperature and spring precipitation sum to changes in the onset of laying over the period 1961–2012. In addition, we examine differences in response to these climatic variables for species grouped for different life history strategies; migration, diet and habitat. Finally, we test whether body size is related to the strength of phenological response. We show that 26 common Finnish breeding bird species have advanced their laying dates over time and to an increase in the mean spring temperature over the study period. When species are grouped according life history strategies, we find that breeding phenological change is negatively associated with changes in the mean spring temperature where residents respond strongest to changes in mean spring temperature, but also short‐ and long‐distance migrants advance laydates with increasing spring temperatures. Breeding phenological change is also associated with spring precipitation, where resident species delay and short‐distance migrants advance the onset of breeding. In addition we find that omnivorous species respond stronger than insectivorous species to changes in spring temperature. In contrast to results from an earlier study, we do not find evidence that small‐sized species respond stronger to spring temperature than large‐sized species. As climate warming is predicted to continue in the future, long‐term citizen science schemes, such as the Finnish nest‐card scheme, prove to be a valuable cost‐effective way to monitor the environment and allow investigation into how species are responding to changes in their environment.  相似文献   

The response of dynamical systems to varying conditions and disturbances is a fundamental aspect of their analysis. In spatially extended systems, particularly in pattern-forming systems, there are many possible responses, including critical transitions, gradual transitions and locally confined responses. Here, we use the context of vegetation dynamics in drylands in order to study the response of pattern-forming ecosystems to oscillating precipitation and local disturbances. We focus on two precipitation ranges, a bistability range of bare soil with a patterned vegetation state, and a bistability range of uniform vegetation with a patterned vegetation state. In these ranges, there are many different stable states, which allow for both abrupt and gradual transitions between the system states to occur. We find that large amplitude oscillations of the precipitation rate can lead to a collapse of the vegetation in one range, while in the other range, they result in the convergence to a patterned state with a preferred wavelength. In addition, we show that a series of local disturbances results in the collapse of the vegetation in one range, while it drives the system toward fluctuations around a finite average biomass in the other range. Moreover, it is shown that under certain conditions, local disturbances can actually increase the overall vegetation density. These significant differences in the system response are attributed to the existence of localized states in one of the bistability ranges.  相似文献   

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