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Molecular clocks, molecular phylogenies and the origin of phyla   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Erwin, Douglas H. 1989 07 15: Molecular clocks, molecular phylogenies and the origin of phyla. Lethaia , Vol. 22, pp. 251–257. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Protein, RNA and DNA sequences have been widely used to construct phylogenies and to calculate divergence times using a molecular clock. Reliance on molecular information is particularly attractive when fossil evidence is missing or equivocal, as in the Cambrian metazoan radiation. I consider the applicability of molecular clocks and phylogenetic analysis of molecular data to the origin of metazoan phyla, and conclude that molecular information is often ambiguous or misleading. Amino acid sequences are of limited use because the redundancy of the genetic code masks patterns of descent, while in a nucleotide sequence only four potential states exist at each site (the four nucleotide bases). In each case, homoplasy may often go undetected. The application of a molecular clock to resolve the timing of the metazoan radiation is unwarranted, while molecular phylogenetic reconstruction should be approached with care. A potentially more useful technique for phylogenetic reconstruction would be the use of patterns of genome structure and organization as characters. * Molecular clock, phylogenetics, metazoan radiation, origin of phyla .  相似文献   

In a recent analysis of the historical biogeography of Melastomataceae, Renner, Clausing, and Meyer (2001; American Journal of Botany 88(7): 1290-1300) rejected the hypothesis of a Gondwana origin. Using a fossil-calibrated chloroplast DNA (ndhF) phylogeny, they placed the early diversification of Melastomataceae in Laurasia at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (ca. 55 Ma) and suggested that long-distance oceanic dispersals in the Oligocene and Miocene (34 to 5 Ma) account for its range expansion into South America, Africa, and Madagascar. Their critical assumption-that oldest northern mid-latitude melastome fossils reflect tribal ages and their geographic origins-may be erroneous, however, because of the sparse fossil record in the tropics. We show that rates of synonymous nucleotide substitutions derived by the Renner et al. (2001) model are up to three times faster than most published rates. Under a Gondwana-origin model advocated here, which includes dispersals from Africa to Southeast Asia via the "Indian ark" and emphasizes filter rather than either sweepstakes dispersal or strict vicariance, rates of nucleotide substitution fall within the range of published rates. We suggest that biogeographic reconstructions need to consider the paucity of Gondwanan fossils and that frequently overlooked interplate dispersal routes provide alternatives to vicariance, boreotropical dispersal, and long-distance oceanic dispersal as explanations for the amphi-oceanic disjunctions of many tropical rain forest plants.  相似文献   

The carotenoids found in adult kite swallowtails ( Graphium spp.) and the Danaid glassy tigers ( Ideopsis, Tirumala and Parantica ), butterflies with exposed blue/green pigmented wing membranes (which contain pterobilins) and a modified scale vestiture, were compared with those of related species of Papilios and Danaids with concealed wing membranes an an entire scale vestiture. It was found that both the kite swallowtails contained only lutein, and even lacked β-carotene, the first known instance among butterflies. This was presumably due to selective storage by the larva since the food-plant was found to be rich in varied carotenoids. A possible link between the high concentration of pterobilins in the wing membrane and the lack of carotenoids is discussed.  相似文献   

Madagascar is home to numerous endemic species and lineages, but the processes that have contributed to its endangered diversity are still poorly understood. Evidence is accumulating to demonstrate the importance of Tertiary dispersal across varying distances of oceanic barriers, supplementing vicariance relationships dating back to the Cretaceous, but these hypotheses remain tentative in the absence of well-supported phylogenies. In the Papilio demoleus group of swallowtail butterflies, three of the five recognized species are restricted to Madagascar, whereas the remaining two species range across the Afrotropical zone and southern Asia plus Australia. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships for all species in the P. demoleus group, as well as 11 outgroup Papilio species, using 60 morphological characters and about 4 kb of nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I and II) and two nuclear (wg and EF-1alpha) genes. Of the three endemic Malagasy species, the two that are formally listed as endangered or at risk represented the most basal divergences in the group, while the more common third endemic was clearly related to African P. demodocus. The fifth species, P. demoleus, showed little differentiation across southern Asia, but showed divergence from its subspecies sthenelus in Australia. Dispersal-vicariance analysis using cladograms derived from morphology and three independent genes indicated a Malagasy diversification of lime swallowtails in the middle Miocene. Thus, diversification processes on the island of Madagascar may have contributed to the origin of common butterflies that now occur throughout much of the Old World tropical and subtemperate regions. An alternative hypothesis, that Madagascar is a refuge for ancient lineages resulting from successive colonizations from Africa, is less parsimonious and does not explain the relatively low continental diversity of the group.  相似文献   

More loci/partitions should improve Bayesian estimation of divergence times on phylogenies but it has recently been shown that this can lead to surprisingly poor estimation due to the way it affects the prior on mean substitution rate. Here we consider the likely impact of partition number on divergence time analyses carried out using the program BEAST. Mitochondrial genome data from toad‐headed lizards (genus Phrynocephalus) from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau were used to examine this effect. Under increased partitioning of the sequences, BEAST posterior divergence times became unreasonably narrow and downwardly biased due to misspecification of the mean substitution rate prior. This effect was detectable when relatively few partitions were used (i.e. between four and eight), but became very acute for 27–86 partitions. Fortunately, a correction that adjusts the standard deviation of the mean of locus rates led to results that were equivalent to those obtained using the latest version of the program MCMCtree, which implements a new gamma‐Dirichlet prior to overcome this problem. A review of the literature shows that a substantial number of BEAST dating studies are likely to have been affected by this misspecification of the rate prior.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones provide unique natural laboratories for studying mechanisms of evolution. But identification and classification of hybrid individuals (F1, F2, backcross, etc.) can be complicated by real population changes over time as well as by use of different marker types, both of which challenge documentation of hybrid dynamics. Here, we use multiple genetic markers (mitochondrial DNA, microsatellites and genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms) to re‐examine population structure in a hybrid zone between two species of swallowtail butterflies in western Canada, Papilio machaon and P. zelicaon. Our aim was to test whether their hybrid dynamics remain the same as found 30 years ago using morphology and allozymes, and we compared different genetic data sets as well as alternative hybrid identification and classification methods. Overall, we found high differentiation between the two parental species, corroborating previous research from the 1980s. We identified fewer hybrid individuals in the main zone of hybridization in recent years, but this finding depended on the genetic markers considered. Comparison of methods with simulated data sets generated from our data showed that single nucleotide polymorphisms were more powerful than microsatellites for both hybrid identification and classification. Moreover, substantial variation among comparisons underlined the value of multiple markers and methods for documenting evolutionarily dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Hybridization leading to reproductively isolated, novel genotypes is poorly understood as a means of speciation and few empirical examples have been studied. In 1999, a previously non-existent delayed flight of what appeared to be the Canadian tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio canadensis, was observed in the Battenkill River Valley, USA. Allozyme frequencies and morphology suggest that this delayed flight was the product of hybridization between Papilio canadensis and its sibling species Papilio glaucus. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction fragment length polymorphisms presented here indicate that only P. canadensis-like mtDNA occurs in this population, suggesting that introgression likely occurred from hybrid males mating with P. canadensis females. Preliminary studies of this population indicated that delayed post-diapause pupal emergence in this hybrid genotype was the root cause behind the observed delayed flight, which suggests a potential empirical example of a mechanism leading to reproductive isolation. Here we provide further evidence of the role of adult pupal emergence as a reproductive barrier likely leading to reproductive isolation. In particular, we present results from pupal emergence studies using four different spring and two different winter temperature treatments. The results indicate a clear separation of adult emergences between the hybrid population and both parental species. However, our results indicate that exceptionally hot springs are likely to lead to greater potential for overlap between the local parental species, P. canadensis, and this delayed population with hybrid origins. Conversely, our results also show that warmer winters are likely to increase the temporal separation of the hybrid population and the parental species. Finally, we report recently collected evidence that this hybrid population remains morphologically distinct.  相似文献   

Molecular dating analyses allow evolutionary timescales to be estimated from genetic data, offering an unprecedented capacity for investigating the evolutionary past of all species. These methods require us to make assumptions about the relationship between genetic change and evolutionary time, often referred to as a ‘molecular clock’. Although initially regarded with scepticism, molecular dating has now been adopted in many areas of biology. This broad uptake has been due partly to the development of Bayesian methods that allow complex aspects of molecular evolution, such as variation in rates of change across lineages, to be taken into account. But in order to do this, Bayesian dating methods rely on a range of assumptions about the evolutionary process, which vary in their degree of biological realism and empirical support. These assumptions can have substantial impacts on the estimates produced by molecular dating analyses. The aim of this review is to open the ‘black box’ of Bayesian molecular dating and have a look at the machinery inside. We explain the components of these dating methods, the important decisions that researchers must make in their analyses, and the factors that need to be considered when interpreting results. We illustrate the effects that the choices of different models and priors can have on the outcome of the analysis, and suggest ways to explore these impacts. We describe some major research directions that may improve the reliability of Bayesian dating. The goal of our review is to help researchers to make informed choices when using Bayesian phylogenetic methods to estimate evolutionary rates and timescales.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for model averaging of relaxed molecular clock models in Bayesian phylogenetics. Our approach allows us to model the distribution of rates of substitution across branches, averaged over a set of models, rather than conditioned on a single model. We implement this procedure and test it on simulated data to show that our method can accurately recover the true underlying distribution of rates. We applied the method to a set of alignments taken from a data set of 12 mammalian species and uncovered evidence that lognormally distributed rates better describe this data set than do exponentially distributed rates. Additionally, our implementation of model averaging permits accurate calculation of the Bayes factor(s) between two or more relaxed molecular clock models. Finally, we introduce a new computational approach for sampling rates of substitution across branches that improves the convergence of our Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms in this context. Our methods are implemented under the BEAST 1.6 software package, available at http://beast-mcmc.googlecode.com.  相似文献   

Swallowtail butterflies of the tribe Papilionini number about 225 species and are currently used as model organisms in several research areas, including genetics, chemical ecology and phylogenetics of host plant utilization and mimicry, mechanisms of speciation, and conservation. We have inferred phylogenetic relationships for a sample of 18 species of the genus Papilio (sensu lato) and five outgroup taxa by sequencing two stretches of mitochondrial DNA that correspond to segments 12886-13370 and 12083-12545 of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial DNA and consist of sections of the genes for the large ribosomal RNA and subunit 1 of NADH-dehydrogenase. Our data support the monophyly of Papilio and, within it, of several traditionally recognized subgroups. Species belonging to groups that utilize primarily Rutaceae as larval foodplants form two clusters, corresponding to Old World and American taxa, respectively, while two previously recognized clades-of American and South Asian-Austronesian origin-whose members were known to feed mostly on Lauraceae and Magnoliaceae, are observed to form a clade. The sister group of Papilio is found to be the South Asian genus Meandrusa, which also happens to feed on Lauraceae. The latter plant family is therefore the probable larval host of the ancestor Papilio and the shift to Rutaceae (which four-fifths of extant Papilio species use as foodplants) is more likely to have occurred only after the initial diversification of the genus.  相似文献   

Neuroptera (lacewings) and allied orders Megaloptera (dobsonflies, alderflies) and Raphidioptera (snakeflies) are predatory insects and together make up the clade Neuropterida. The higher‐level relationships within Neuropterida have historically been widely disputed with multiple competing hypotheses. Moreover, the evolution of important biological innovations among various Neuropterida families, such as the origin, timing and direction of transitions between aquatic and terrestrial habitats of larvae, remains poorly understood. To investigate the origin and diversification of lacewings and their allies, we undertook phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial genomes of all families of Neuropterida using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony methods. We present a robust, fully resolved phylogeny and divergence time estimation for Neuropterida with strong statistical support for almost all nodes. Mitochondrial sequence data are typified by significant compositional heterogeneity across lineages, and parsimony and models assuming homogeneous rates did not recover Neuroptera as monophyletic. Only a model accounting for compositional heterogeneity (i.e. CAT‐GTR) recovered all orders of Neuropterida as monophyletic. Significant findings of the mitogenomic phylogeny include recovering Raphidioptera as sister to Megaloptera plus Neuroptera. The sister family of all other lacewings are the dusty‐wings (Coniopterygidae), rather than Nevrorthidae. Nevrorthidae are instead returned to their traditional position as the sister group of the spongilla‐flies (Sisyridae) and closely related to Osmylidae. Our divergence time analysis indicates that the Mesozoic was indeed a ‘golden age’ for lacewings, with most families of Neuropterida diverging during the Triassic and Jurassic and all extant families present by the Early Cretaceous. Based on ancestral character state reconstructions of larval habitat we evaluate competing hypotheses regarding the life style of early neuropteridan larvae as either aquatic or terrestrial.  相似文献   

Much of the world's biodiversity has resulted from specialization of insect populations onto different plant species, partially through evolution of preference in ovipositing females. Here I report an experimental analysis of how an oviposition preference hierarchy has evolved during the evolutionary diversification of an insect group to produce taxa ranging from monophagous to polyphagous. Tests on the Papilio machaon group of swallowtail butterflies show that the preference hierarchy for plant species is evolutionarily dynamic within this species complex, yet constrained among most populations within species, creating a geographic mosaic of populations differing to various degrees in patterns of host preference. The results indicate that different diet breadths can evolve within a group of closely-related species through a combination of conservatism in preference hierarchy among some populations, occasional but rare rearrangements in preference among others, correlations in preference for some plant species, and availability of similarly ranked hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Recapture probabilities were analysed for individually marked black swallowtails, Papilio polyxenes F., and tiger swallowtails, P.glaucus L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).
2. Recapture rates differed with sex and behaviour at time of capture for P.polyxenes , but not with age. For P.glaucus , only differences related to behaviour at time of capture were significant.
3. Black swallowtail males that were not physically restrained in identification had a recapture probability (73%) that was significantly higher than the 45% for males that were captured and handled. The higher rate was also exhibited by released, laboratory-reared males.
4. The capture effect was due to increased dispersal out of the areas and not to avoidance of capture or the capture site.  相似文献   



There is growing evidence for the prevalence of copy number variation (CNV) and its role in phenotypic variation in many eukaryotic species. Here we use array comparative genomic hybridization to explore the extent of this type of structural variation in domesticated barley cultivars and wild barleys.


A collection of 14 barley genotypes including eight cultivars and six wild barleys were used for comparative genomic hybridization. CNV affects 14.9% of all the sequences that were assessed. Higher levels of CNV diversity are present in the wild accessions relative to cultivated barley. CNVs are enriched near the ends of all chromosomes except 4H, which exhibits the lowest frequency of CNVs. CNV affects 9.5% of the coding sequences represented on the array and the genes affected by CNV are enriched for sequences annotated as disease-resistance proteins and protein kinases. Sequence-based comparisons of CNV between cultivars Barke and Morex provided evidence that DNA repair mechanisms of double-strand breaks via single-stranded annealing and synthesis-dependent strand annealing play an important role in the origin of CNV in barley.


We present the first catalog of CNVs in a diploid Triticeae species, which opens the door for future genome diversity research in a tribe that comprises the economically important cereal species wheat, barley, and rye. Our findings constitute a valuable resource for the identification of CNV affecting genes of agronomic importance. We also identify potential mechanisms that can generate variation in copy number in plant genomes.  相似文献   

  • 1 There are significant differences in the effects of larval photo-period on diapause and pupal colour among the species Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P.troilus L., Battus philenor (L.) and Eurytides marcellus (Cramer).
  • 2 Diapause and pupal colour in P.polyxenes and P.troilus are strongly influenced by larval photoperiod, short photophase eliciting brown diapausing pupae. Photoperiods of 15L:9D permit the expression of the green and brown pupal colour alternatives.
  • 3 Pupal colour in B.philenor and E.marcellus is not affected by larval photoperiod, but short photophase induces diapause in these species.
  • 4 All species except B.philenor show an association between brown pupal colour and diapause: Emarcellus when reared on long (midsummer) photophase, P.polyxenes and P.troilus when reared on short (autumnal) photophase.
  • 5 In P.polyxenes, short photophase can affect pupal colour responses directly, whether the individual enters diapause or not.
  • 6 Differences among the species are related to differences in the ecology of their natural pupation sites.

ABSTRACT. Two North American swallowtail butterflies with pupal colour dimorphism, Eurytides marcellus (Cramer) and Papilio troilus L., use chiefly the colour of the pupation substrate to determine pupal colour, and are affected hardly ( P.troilus ) or not at all ( E.marcellus ) by substrate texture. The use of colour cues in these species is in contrast to the greater importance of texture in two other sympatric swallowtails (Hazel & West, 1979). E.marcellus larvae evacuate the gut and start prepupal wandering around mid-day. If they have not reached the sensitive period for pupal colour determination by nightfall they will delay the sensitive period until the next day. Among other North American swallowtails with pupal colour dimorphism there is no tendency for those species that use textural cues for pupal colour determination to evacuate the gut later in the day than those using pupation site colour.  相似文献   

Past phylogenetic studies of the monocot order Alismatales left several higher‐order relationships unresolved. We addressed these uncertainties using a nearly complete genus‐level sampling of whole plastid genomes (gene sets representing 83 protein‐coding and ribosomal genes) from members of the core alismatid families, Tofieldiaceae and additional taxa (Araceae and other angiosperms). Parsimony and likelihood analyses inferred generally highly congruent phylogenetic relationships within the order, and several alternative likelihood partitioning schemes had little impact on patterns of clade support. All families with multiple genera were resolved as monophyletic, and we inferred strong bootstrap support for most inter‐ and intrafamilial relationships. The precise placement of Tofieldiaceae in the order was not well supported. Although most analyses inferred Tofieldiaceae to be the sister‐group of the rest of the order, one likelihood analysis indicated a contrasting Araceae‐sister arrangement. Acorus (Acorales) was not supported as a member of the order. We also investigated the molecular evolution of plastid NADH dehydrogenase, a large enzymatic complex that may play a role in photooxidative stress responses. Ancestral‐state reconstructions support four convergent losses of a functional NADH dehydrogenase complex in Alismatales, including a single loss in Tofieldiaceae.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the relationships among insect orders with a main focus on Polyneoptera (lower Neoptera: roaches, mantids, earwigs, grasshoppers, etc.), and Paraneoptera (thrips, lice, bugs in the wide sense). The relationships between and within these groups of insects are difficult to resolve because only few informative molecular and morphological characters are available. Here, we provide the first phylogenomic expressed sequence tags data ('EST': short sub-sequences from a c(opy) DNA sequence encoding for proteins) for stick insects (Phasmatodea) and webspinners (Embioptera) to complete published EST data. As recent EST datasets are characterized by a heterogeneous distribution of available genes across taxa, we use different rationales to optimize the data matrix composition. Our results suggest a monophyletic origin of Polyneoptera and Eumetabola (Paraneoptera + Holometabola). However, we identified artefacts of tree reconstruction (human louse Pediculus humanus assigned to Odonata (damselflies and dragonflies) or Holometabola (insects with a complete metamorphosis); mayfly genus Baetis nested within Neoptera), which were most probably rooted in a data matrix composition bias due to the inclusion of sequence data of entire proteomes. Until entire proteomes are available for each species in phylogenomic analyses, this potential pitfall should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Total-evidence dating (TED) allows evolutionary biologists to incorporate a wide range of dating information into a unified statistical analysis. One might expect this to improve the agreement between rocks and clocks but this is not necessarily the case. We explore the reasons for such discordance using a mammalian dataset with rich molecular, morphological and fossil information. There is strong conflict in this dataset between morphology and molecules under standard stochastic models. This causes TED to push divergence events back in time when using inadequate models or vague priors, a phenomenon we term ‘deep root attraction’ (DRA). We identify several causes of DRA. Failure to account for diversified sampling results in dramatic DRA, but this can be addressed using existing techniques. Inadequate morphological models also appear to be a major contributor to DRA. The major reason seems to be that current models do not account for dependencies among morphological characters, causing distorted topology and branch length estimates. This is particularly problematic for huge morphological datasets, which may contain large numbers of correlated characters. Finally, diversification and fossil sampling priors that do not incorporate all the available background information can contribute to DRA, but these priors can also be used to compensate for DRA. Specifically, we show that DRA in the mammalian dataset can be addressed by introducing a modest extra penalty for ghost lineages that are unobserved in the fossil record, for instance by assuming rapid diversification, rare extinction or high fossil sampling rate; any of these assumptions produces highly congruent divergence time estimates with a minimal gap between rocks and clocks. Under these conditions, fossils have a stabilizing influence on divergence time estimates and significantly increase the precision of those estimates, which are generally close to the dates suggested by palaeontologists.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Dating species divergences using rocks and clocks’.  相似文献   

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