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农田土壤有机碳固定潜力研究进展   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
土壤有机碳的贮存和损失的研究是目前国际上前沿研究领域之一。研究农田土壤有机碳固定过程 ,对于了解农业生产过程和生态过程的关系具有十分重要的意义。在农田土壤中 ,发生变化的有机碳主要是年轻或轻组有机碳 ,而且土壤有机碳的损失或固定都是在土壤表层和有限的时间内发生 ,且数量巨大。传统的耕作体系是造成土壤有机碳损失的主要原因。为了增加农田土壤有机碳的保有量 ,农业管理措施应该从增加有机碳的输入量 (如草田轮作、保留残茬以及施用肥料等 )和减少土壤有机碳的矿化 (少、免耕等 )两方面入手  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics are regulated by the complex interplay of climatic, edaphic and biotic conditions. However, the interrelation of SOC and these drivers and their potential connection networks are rarely assessed quantitatively. Using observations of SOC dynamics with detailed soil properties from 90 field trials at 28 sites under different agroecosystems across the Australian cropping regions, we investigated the direct and indirect effects of climate, soil properties, carbon (C) inputs and soil C pools (a total of 17 variables) on SOC change rate (rC, Mg C ha?1 yr?1). Among these variables, we found that the most influential variables on rC were the average C input amount and annual precipitation, and the total SOC stock at the beginning of the trials. Overall, C inputs (including C input amount and pasture frequency in the crop rotation system) accounted for 27% of the relative influence on rC, followed by climate 25% (including precipitation and temperature), soil C pools 24% (including pool size and composition) and soil properties (such as cation exchange capacity, clay content, bulk density) 24%. Path analysis identified a network of intercorrelations of climate, soil properties, C inputs and soil C pools in determining rC. The direct correlation of rC with climate was significantly weakened if removing the effects of soil properties and C pools, and vice versa. These results reveal the relative importance of climate, soil properties, C inputs and C pools and their complex interconnections in regulating SOC dynamics. Ignorance of the impact of changes in soil properties, C pool composition and C input (quantity and quality) on SOC dynamics is likely one of the main sources of uncertainty in SOC predictions from the process‐based SOC models.  相似文献   

Repeated defoliation and flooding trigger opposite plant morphologies, prostrated and erect ones, respectively; while both induce the consumption of carbohydrate reserves to sustain plant recovery. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of the combination of defoliation frequency and flooding on plant regrowth and levels of crown reserves of Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit., a forage legume of increasing importance in grazing areas prone to soil flooding. Adult plants of L. tenuis were subjected to 40 days of flooding at a water depth of 4 cm in combination with increasing defoliation frequencies by clipping shoot mass above water level. The following plant responses were assessed: tissue porosity, plant height, biomass of the different organs, and utilization of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCs) and starch in the crown. Flooding consistently increased plant height independently of the defoliation frequency. This response was associated with a preferential location of shoot biomass above water level and a reduction in root biomass accumulation. As a result, a second defoliation in the middle of the flooding period was more intense among plants that are taller due to flooding. These plants lost ca. 90% of their leaf biomass vs. ca. 50% among non-flooded plants. The continuous de-submergence shoot response of frequently defoliated plants was attained in accordance to a decrease of their crown reserves. Consequently, these plants registered only 27.8% of WSCs and 9.1% of starch concentrations with respect to controls. Under such stressful conditions, plants showed a marked reduction in their regrowth as evidenced by the lowest biomass in all plant compartments: shoot, crowns and roots. Increasing defoliation frequency negatively affects the tolerance of the forage legume L. tenuis to flooding stress. Our results reveal a trade-off between the common increase in plant height to emerge from water and the amount of shoot removed to tolerate defoliation. When both factors are combined and defoliation persists, plant regrowth would be constrained by the reduction of crown reserves.  相似文献   

植硅体碳汇是草原碳汇的重要部分。本研究选取松嫩草原中禾本科群落、莎草科群落、菊科群落为对象,通过湿式灰化法提取植硅体,并通过碱溶分光光度法对植硅体碳量进行测定。根据植硅体含碳量估算了松嫩草原的植硅体碳封存速率,探讨了禾本科群落、莎草科群落、菊科群落植硅体碳封存能力的差异。结果表明:松嫩草原的植硅体碳封存速率为1.67 kg CO2·hm-2·a-1。群落植硅体含碳量与植硅体含量之间有显著的负相关关系(P<0.05,R2=0.94)。不同群落植硅体碳封存能力存在显著的差异,群落植硅体碳封存速率分别为:莎草科群落(2.151 kg CO2·hm-2·a-1)、禾本科群落(1.716 kg CO2·hm-2·a-1)、菊科群落(1.218 kg CO2·hm-2·a-1)。群落植硅体碳封存能力受到群落组成...  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon across scales   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Mechanistic understanding of scale effects is important for interpreting the processes that control the global carbon cycle. Greater attention should be given to scale in soil organic carbon (SOC) science so that we can devise better policy to protect/enhance existing SOC stocks and ensure sustainable use of soils. Global issues such as climate change require consideration of SOC stock changes at the global and biosphere scale, but human interaction occurs at the landscape scale, with consequences at the pedon, aggregate and particle scales. This review evaluates our understanding of SOC across all these scales in the context of the processes involved in SOC cycling at each scale and with emphasis on stabilizing SOC. Current synergy between science and policy is explored at each scale to determine how well each is represented in the management of SOC. An outline of how SOC might be integrated into a framework of soil security is examined. We conclude that SOC processes at the biosphere to biome scales are not well understood. Instead, SOC has come to be viewed as a large‐scale pool subjects to carbon flux. Better understanding exists for SOC processes operating at the scales of the pedon, aggregate and particle. At the landscape scale, the influence of large‐ and small‐scale processes has the greatest interaction and is exposed to the greatest modification through agricultural management. Policy implemented at regional or national scale tends to focus at the landscape scale without due consideration of the larger scale factors controlling SOC or the impacts of policy for SOC at the smaller SOC scales. What is required is a framework that can be integrated across a continuum of scales to optimize SOC management.  相似文献   

The eutrophication of lowland lakes in Europe by excess nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) is severe because of the long history of land‐cover change and agricultural intensification. The ecological and socio‐economic effects of eutrophication are well understood but its effect on organic carbon (OC) sequestration by lakes and its change overtime has not been determined. Here, we compile data from ~90 culturally impacted European lakes [~60% are eutrophic, Total P (TP) >30 μg P l?1] and determine the extent to which OC burial rates have increased over the past 100–150 years. The average focussing corrected, OC accumulation rate (C ARFC) for the period 1950–1990 was ~60 g C m?2 yr?1, and for lakes with >100 μg TP l?1 the average was ~100 g C m?2 yr?1. The ratio of post‐1950 to 1900–1950 C AR is low (~1.5) indicating that C accumulation rates have been high throughout the 20th century. Compared to background estimates of OC burial (~5–10 g C m?2 yr?1), contemporary rates have increased by at least four to fivefold. The statistical relationship between C ARFC and TP derived from this study (r2 = 0.5) can be used to estimate OC burial at sites lacking estimates of sediment C‐burial. The implications of eutrophication, diagenesis, lake morphometry and sediment focussing as controls of OC burial rates are considered. A conservative interpretation of the results of the this study suggests that lowland European meso‐ to eutrophic lakes with >30 μg TP l?1 had OC burial rates in excess of 50 g C m?2 yr?1 over the past century, indicating that previous estimates of regional lake OC burial have seriously underestimated their contribution to European carbon sequestration. Enhanced OC burial by lakes is one positive side‐effect of the otherwise negative impact of the anthropogenic disruption of nutrient cycles.  相似文献   

Lichens are one of the most iconic and ubiquitous symbioses known, widely valued as indicators of environmental quality and, more recently, climate change. Our understanding of lichen responses to climate has greatly expanded in recent decades, but some biases and constraints have shaped our present knowledge. In this review we focus on lichen ecophysiology as a key to predicting responses to present and future climates, highlighting recent advances and remaining challenges. Lichen ecophysiology is best understood through complementary whole-thallus and within-thallus scales. Water content and form (vapor or liquid) are central to whole-thallus perspectives, making vapor pressure differential (VPD) a particularly informative environmental driver. Responses to water content are further modulated by photobiont physiology and whole-thallus phenotype, providing clear links to a functional trait framework. However, this thallus-level perspective is incomplete without also considering within-thallus dynamics, such as changing proportions or even identities of symbionts in response to climate, nutrients, and other stressors. These changes provide pathways for acclimation, but their understanding is currently limited by large gaps in our understanding of carbon allocation and symbiont turnover in lichens. Lastly, the study of lichen physiology has mainly prioritized larger lichens at high latitudes, producing valuable insights but underrepresenting the range of lichenized lineages and ecologies. Key areas for future work include improving geographic and phylogenetic coverage, greater emphasis on VPD as a climatic factor, advances in the study of carbon allocation and symbiont turnover, and the incorporation of physiological theory and functional traits in our predictive models.  相似文献   

The break‐up of the Soviet Union in 1991 triggered cropland abandonment on a continental scale, which in turn led to carbon accumulation on abandoned land across Eurasia. Previous studies have estimated carbon accumulation rates across Russia based on large‐scale modelling. Studies that assess carbon sequestration on abandoned land based on robust field sampling are rare. We investigated soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks using a randomized sampling design along a climatic gradient from forest steppe to Sub‐Taiga in Western Siberia (Tyumen Province). In total, SOC contents were sampled on 470 plots across different soil and land‐use types. The effect of land use on changes in SOC stock was evaluated, and carbon sequestration rates were calculated for different age stages of abandoned cropland. While land‐use type had an effect on carbon accumulation in the topsoil (0–5 cm), no independent land‐use effects were found for deeper SOC stocks. Topsoil carbon stocks of grasslands and forests were significantly higher than those of soils managed for crops and under abandoned cropland. SOC increased significantly with time since abandonment. The average carbon sequestration rate for soils of abandoned cropland was 0.66 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 (1–20 years old, 0–5 cm soil depth), which is at the lower end of published estimates for Russia and Siberia. There was a tendency towards SOC saturation on abandoned land as sequestration rates were much higher for recently abandoned (1–10 years old, 1.04 Mg C ha?1 yr?1) compared to earlier abandoned crop fields (11–20 years old, 0.26 Mg C ha?1 yr?1). Our study confirms the global significance of abandoned cropland in Russia for carbon sequestration. Our findings also suggest that robust regional surveys based on a large number of samples advance model‐based continent‐wide SOC prediction.  相似文献   

Soil organic C sequestration and stabilization in karstic soils of Yucatan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tropical semiarid soils of northwestern Yucatan, Mexico, haveexceptionally high organic matter (OM) contents, between 50 and 150 g Ckg–1. The soils are formed on limestone and form amosaic of shallow black lithosols surrounding rock outcrops and deeper redrendzinas at slightly lower relief. Traditionally, these soils were managedunder shifting cultivation with an uncommonly short cultivation period of only2years followed by a long bush fallow. We examined OM mineral associationsusing size and density fractionations of two soils after 1 and 12 years offallow in a search for factors responsible for the high OM stability, shortcultivation period and poor productivity. Light-fraction OM accounted for up to38% of total soil OM and was responsible for almost all the OM accretion duringfallow. Red soils contained half as much OM as black soils. Lower average OMcontents of silt-size aggregates of red soils were due to a lower proportion ofOC-rich agregates, not to differences in composition of individual aggregateclasses. Expandable clays were practically absent in both soil types andsesquioxides were not related to OM contents or stability. Fine-sized secondarycarbonates, undetectable to X-ray, impreganted light fraction OM and stabilizedaggregates, and may be the principal cause of the OM accumulation.Mineralisation of coarse OM accumulated during fallow was impeded in bothsoils,but to a greater extent in the more calcareous black soils, so that relativelyundecomposed OM accumulates to well above the levels that are typical for othersemiarid tropical soils. Limited OM turnover will limit nutrient release, whichmay limit the agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

Despite 20 years of effort to curb emissions, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions grew faster during the 2000s than in the 1990s, which presents a major challenge for meeting the international goal of limiting warming to <2 °C relative to the preindustrial era. Most recent scenarios from integrated assessment models require large‐scale deployment of negative emissions technologies (NETs) to reach the 2 °C target. A recent analysis of NETs, including direct air capture, enhanced weathering, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage and afforestation/deforestation, showed that all NETs have significant limits to implementation, including economic cost, energy requirements, land use, and water use. In this paper, I assess the potential for negative emissions from soil carbon sequestration and biochar addition to land, and also the potential global impacts on land use, water, nutrients, albedo, energy and cost. Results indicate that soil carbon sequestration and biochar have useful negative emission potential (each 0.7 GtCeq. yr?1) and that they potentially have lower impact on land, water use, nutrients, albedo, energy requirement and cost, so have fewer disadvantages than many NETs. Limitations of soil carbon sequestration as a NET centre around issues of sink saturation and reversibility. Biochar could be implemented in combination with bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. Current integrated assessment models do not represent soil carbon sequestration or biochar. Given the negative emission potential of SCS and biochar and their potential advantages compared to other NETs, efforts should be made to include these options within IAMs, so that their potential can be explored further in comparison with other NETs for climate stabilization.  相似文献   

土壤铁矿物形态转化影响有机碳固定研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋旭昕  刘同旭 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7928-7938
铁是地壳中丰度第四高的元素,其可通过多种方式影响土壤有机碳累积,尤其铁氧化物与土壤有机碳相互作用形成的稳定有机-矿物复合物,被认为是土壤可溶性有机碳长期固定的关键地球化学机制。促进土壤固定有机碳不仅可以提高土壤质量和肥力,还是应对全球气候变化的主要策略之一。然而,铁活跃的氧化还原反应和多样化的赋存形态,使其转化过程对土壤有机碳累积和稳定性的影响结果受到诸多生物和非生物因素调控。从不同角度,结合多学科的研究成果,综述了近年来国内外关于铁矿物形态转化影响土壤有机碳固定的相关研究,包括铁矿物形态转化过程、土壤有机碳固定机制、铁矿物形态转化影响土壤有机碳固定的机制及其主要影响因素(各种环境条件、自身的铁矿物性质、碳源质量等方面),强调铁在土壤有机碳固定过程中的重要作用。对铁固定土壤有机碳的相关研究提出了建议,为今后研究提供相关参考。  相似文献   

The ongoing climate crisis merits an urgent need to devise management approaches and new technologies to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations (GHG) in the near term. However, each year that GHG concentrations continue to rise, pressure mounts to develop and deploy atmospheric CO2 removal pathways as a complement to, and not replacement for, emissions reductions. Soil carbon sequestration (SCS) practices in working lands provide a low-tech and cost-effective means for removing CO2 from the atmosphere while also delivering co-benefits to people and ecosystems. Our model estimates suggest that, assuming additive effects, the technical potential of combined SCS practices can provide 30%–70% of the carbon removal required by the Paris Climate Agreement if applied to 25%–50% of the available global land area, respectively. Atmospheric CO2 drawdown via SCS has the potential to last decades to centuries, although more research is needed to determine the long-term viability at scale and the durability of the carbon stored. Regardless of these research needs, we argue that SCS can at least serve as a bridging technology, reducing atmospheric CO2 in the short term while energy and transportation systems adapt to a low-C economy. Soil C sequestration in working lands holds promise as a climate change mitigation tool, but the current rate of implementation remains too slow to make significant progress toward global emissions goals by 2050. Outreach and education, methodology development for C offset registries, improved access to materials and supplies, and improved research networks are needed to accelerate the rate of SCS practice implementation. Herein, we present an argument for the immediate adoption of SCS practices in working lands and recommendations for improved implementation.  相似文献   

In permafrost peatlands, the degradation of permafrost soil can raise soil temperature and alter moisture conditions, which increases the rate of loss of soil organic carbon (SOC). Here we selected three typical permafrost types that have very different active layer thicknesses but with soil originating from the same vegetation and which exist under comparable climatic conditions in the Da Xing’an mountain range: continuous permafrost, island permafrost, and island melting permafrost. To quantify the relative importance of control elements on SOC stabilization in these different permafrost types, we used correlation analysis to assess the relationship between organic carbon, physical and chemical properties and microorganisms, and explored the contribution of these factors to the accumulation of organic carbon. This study shows that the interaction between clay or silt, iron oxides and microorganisms have an important influence on the stability of organic carbon in permafrost peatlands.  相似文献   

中国农田土壤生态系统固碳现状和潜力   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:38  
研究在搜集和整理全国典型农业长期定位实验站数据的基础上,通过自建经验公式估算了不同管理措施下我国农田土壤的固碳能力和潜力.通过施用化肥、秸秆还田、施用有机肥和免耕措施,目前对我国农田土壤碳增加的贡献分别为40.51、23.89、35.83 Tg·a-1和1.17 Tg·a-1,合计为101.4 Tg·a-1,是我国目前能源活动碳总排放量的13.3%.通过情景分析发现,提高化肥施用量、秸秆还田量、有机肥施用量和推广免耕,可以使我国农田土壤的固碳量分别提高到94.91、42.23、41.38 Tg·a-1和3.58 Tg·a-1,合计为182.1Tg·a-1.农田土壤总的固碳潜力相当于目前我国能源活动碳排放量的23.9%,对于全球CO2减排具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

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