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The mechanisms underpinning forest biodiversity‐ecosystem function relationships remain unresolved. Yet, in heterogeneous forests, ecosystem function of different strata could be associated with traits or evolutionary relationships differently. Here, we integrate phylogenies and traits to evaluate the effects of elevational diversity on above‐ground biomass across forest strata and spatial scales. Community‐weighted means of height and leaf phosphorous concentration and functional diversity in specific leaf area exhibited positive correlations with tree biomass, suggesting that both positive selection effects and complementarity occur. However, high shrub biomass is associated with greater dissimilarity in seed mass and multidimensional trait space, while species richness or phylogenetic diversity is the most important predictor for herbaceous biomass, indicating that species complementarity is especially important for understory function. The strength of diversity‐biomass relationships increases at larger spatial scales. We conclude that strata‐ and scale‐ dependent assessments of community structure and function are needed to fully understand how biodiversity influences ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Most ecosystems provide multiple services, thus the impact of biodiversity losses on ecosystem functions may be considerably underestimated by studies that only address single functions. We propose a multivariate modelling framework for quantifying the relationship between biodiversity and multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality). Our framework consolidates the strengths of previous approaches to analysing ecosystem multifunctionality and contributes several advances. It simultaneously assesses the drivers of multifunctionality, such as species relative abundances, richness, evenness and other manipulated treatments. It also tests the relative importance of these drivers across functions, incorporates correlations among functions and identifies conditions where all functions perform well and where trade‐offs occur among functions. We illustrate our framework using data from three ecosystem functions (sown biomass, weed suppression and nitrogen yield) in a four‐species grassland experiment. We found high variability in performance across the functions in monocultures, but as community diversity increased, performance increased and variability across functions decreased.  相似文献   

Resilience is increasingly being considered as a new paradigm of forest management among scientists, practitioners, and policymakers. However, metrics of resilience to environmental change are lacking. Faced with novel disturbances, forests may be able to sustain existing ecosystem services and biodiversity by exhibiting resilience, or alternatively these attributes may undergo either a linear or nonlinear decline. Here we provide a novel quantitative approach for assessing forest resilience that focuses on three components of resilience, namely resistance, recovery, and net change, using a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics. Under the pulse set scenarios, we explored the resilience of nine ecosystem services and four biodiversity measures following a one‐off disturbance applied to an increasing percentage of forest area. Under the pulse + press set scenarios, the six disturbance intensities explored during the pulse set were followed by a continuous disturbance. We detected thresholds in net change under pulse + press scenarios for the majority of the ecosystem services and biodiversity measures, which started to decline sharply when disturbance affected >40% of the landscape. Thresholds in net change were not observed under the pulse scenarios, with the exception of timber volume and ground flora species richness. Thresholds were most pronounced for aboveground biomass, timber volume with respect to the ecosystem services, and ectomycorrhizal fungi and ground flora species richness with respect to the biodiversity measures. Synthesis and applications. The approach presented here illustrates how the multidimensionality of stability research in ecology can be addressed and how forest resilience can be estimated in practice. Managers should adopt specific management actions to support each of the three components of resilience separately, as these may respond differently to disturbance. In addition, management interventions aiming to deliver resilience should incorporate an assessment of both pulse and press disturbances to ensure detection of threshold responses to disturbance, so that appropriate management interventions can be identified.  相似文献   

Aim An important issue regarding biodiversity concerns its influence on ecosystem functioning. Experimental work has led to the proposal of mechanisms such as niche complementarity. However, few attempts have been made to confirm these in natural systems, especially in forests. Furthermore, one of the most interesting unresolved questions is whether the effects of complementarity on ecosystem functioning (EF) decrease in favour of competitive exclusions over an increasing productivity gradient. Using records from permanent forest plots, we asked the following questions. (1) Is tree productivity positively related to diversity? (2) Does the effect of diversity increase in less productive forests? (3) What metric of diversity (e.g. functional or phylogenetic diversity) better relates to tree productivity? Location Temperate, mixed and boreal forests of eastern Canada. Methods Over 12,000 permanent forest plots, from temperate to boreal forests, were used to test our hypotheses in two steps. (1) Stepwise regressions were used to identify the best explanatory variables for tree productivity. (2) The selected climatic and environmental variables, as well as density and biodiversity indices, were included in a structural equation model where links (paths) between covarying variables are made explicit, making structural equation modelling the best tool to explore such complicated causal networks. Results This is the first large‐scale demonstration of a strong, positive and significant effect of biodiversity on tree productivity with control for climatic and environmental conditions. Important differences were noted between the two forest biomes investigated. Main conclusions We show for the first time that complementarity may be less important in temperate forests growing in a more stable and productive environment where competitive exclusion is the most probable outcome of species interactions, whereas in the more stressful environment of boreal forests, beneficial interactions between species may be more important. The present work is also a framework for the analysis of large datasets in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (B‐EF) research.  相似文献   

The rate at which biological diversity is altered on both land and in the sea, makes temporal community development a critical and fundamental part of understanding global change. With advancements in trait‐based approaches, the focus on the impact of temporal change has shifted towards its potential effects on the functioning of the ecosystems. Our mechanistic understanding of and ability to predict community change is still impeded by the lack of knowledge in long‐term functional dynamics that span several trophic levels. To address this, we assessed species richness and multiple dimensions of functional diversity and dynamics of two interacting key organism groups in the marine food web: fish and zoobenthos. We utilized unique time series‐data spanning four decades, from three environmentally distinct coastal areas in the Baltic Sea, and assembled trait information on six traits per organism group covering aspects of feeding, living habit, reproduction and life history. We identified gradual long‐term trends, rather than abrupt changes in functional diversity (trait richness, evenness, dispersion) trait turnover, and overall multi‐trait community composition. The linkage between fish and zoobenthic functional community change, in terms of correlation in long‐term trends, was weak, with timing of changes being area and trophic group specific. Developments of fish and zoobenthos traits, particularly size (increase in small size for both groups) and feeding habits (e.g. increase in generalist feeding for fish and scavenging or predation for zoobenthos), suggest changes in trophic pathways. We summarize our findings by highlighting three key aspects for understanding functional change across trophic groups: (a) decoupling of species from trait richness, (b) decoupling of richness from density and (c) determining of turnover and multi‐trait dynamics. We therefore argue for quantifying change in multiple functional measures to help assessments of biodiversity change move beyond taxonomy and single trophic groups.  相似文献   

Over the past 150 years, Brazil has played a pioneering role in developing environmental policies and pursuing forest conservation and ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems. In particular, the Brazilian Forest Act, first drafted in 1934, has been fundamental in reducing deforestation and engaging private land owners in forest restoration initiatives. At the time of writing (December 2010), however, a proposal for major revision of the Brazilian Forest Act is under intense debate in the National Assembly, and we are deeply concerned about the outcome. On the basis of the analysis of detailed vegetation and hydrographic maps, we estimate that the proposed changes may reduce the total amount of potential areas for restoration in the Atlantic Forest by approximately 6 million hectares. As a radically different policy model, we present the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP), which is a group of more than 160 members that represents one of the most important and ambitious ecological restoration programs in the world. The AFRP aims to restore 15 million hectares of degraded lands in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome by 2050 and increase the current forest cover of the biome from 17% to at least 30%. We argue that not only should Brazilian lawmakers refrain from revising the existing Forest Law, but also greatly step up investments in the science, business, and practice of ecological restoration throughout the country, including the Atlantic Forest. The AFRP provides a template that could be adapted to other forest biomes in Brazil and to other megadiversity countries around the world.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems are critical to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through carbon sequestration. However, climate change has affected forest ecosystem functioning in both negative and positive ways, and has led to shifts in species/functional diversity and losses in plant species diversity which may impair the positive effects of diversity on ecosystem functioning. Biodiversity may mitigate climate change impacts on (I) biodiversity itself, as more‐diverse systems could be more resilient to climate change impacts, and (II) ecosystem functioning through the positive relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning. By surveying the literature, we examined how climate change has affected forest ecosystem functioning and plant diversity. Based on the biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning (B→EF), we specifically address the potential for biodiversity to mitigate climate change impacts on forest ecosystem functioning. For this purpose, we formulate a concept whereby biodiversity may reduce the negative impacts or enhance the positive impacts of climate change on ecosystem functioning. Further B→EF studies on climate change in natural forests are encouraged to elucidate how biodiversity might influence ecosystem functioning. This may be achieved through the detailed scrutiny of large spatial/long temporal scale data sets, such as long‐term forest inventories. Forest management strategies based on B→EF have strong potential for augmenting the effectiveness of the roles of forests in the mitigation of climate change impacts on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

1. Leaf‐cutting ants (LCAs) have often been denoted as ecosystem engineers because of their multifarious effects on the vegetation, particularly via nest‐driven environmental changes. However, the non‐trophic impacts of LCAs on forest dynamics via foliage harvesting across sizeable foraging zones (so‐called associated ecosystem engineering) are still poorly investigated. 2. Here, light availability and sapling assemblages were assessed within foraging areas and ant‐free control zones of 16 Atta cephalotes colonies located in a large remnant of Atlantic forest in northeastern Brazil. 3. Canopy openness and total light transmission were 1.4 and 1.6 times higher in foraging zones than in control areas. In parallel, sapling density and species richness decreased constantly from control to foraging zone plots. Additionally, shade‐tolerant species exhibited reduced abundance across foraging zones. A non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination based on taxonomic similarity primarily segregated foraging zone and control plots; foraging zone plots converged to be more similar to each other as well. Finally, some plant species emerged as indicators of LCA‐free zones. 4. These results suggest that LCA foraging activity in the forest canopy directly increases the light availability and indirectly affects the recruitment and the structure of local plant assemblages. 5. Such a biologically significant effect on the light environment and its cascades confirms LCAs as potent ecosystem engineers, particularly as a plant assembly force, which operates beyond the spatial reach of their well‐described nest effects.  相似文献   

Tropical forests will experience relatively large changes in temperature and rainfall towards the end of this century. Little is known about how tropical trees will respond to these changes. We used tree rings to establish climate‐growth relations of a pioneer tree, Mimosa acantholoba, occurring in tropical dry secondary forests in southern Mexico. The role of large‐scale climatic drivers in determining interannual growth variation was studied by correlating growth to sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, including the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Annual growth varied eightfold over 1970–2007, and was correlated with wet season rainfall (r=0.75). Temperature, cloud cover and solar variation did not affect growth, although these climate variables correlated with growth due to their relations with rainfall. Strong positive correlations between growth and SSTA occurred in the North tropical Atlantic during the first half of the year, and in the Pacific during the second half of the year. The Pacific influence corresponded closely to ENSO‐like influences with negative effects of high SSTA in the eastern Pacific Niño3.4 region on growth due to decreases in rainfall. During El Niño years growth was reduced by 37%. We estimated how growth would be affected by the predicted trend of decreasing rainfall in Central America towards the end of this century. Using rainfall predictions of two sets of climate models, we estimated that growth at the end of this century will be reduced by 12% under a medium (A1B) and 21% under a high (A2) emission scenario. These results suggest that climate change may have repercussions for the carbon sequestration capacity of tropical dry forests in the region.  相似文献   

Abstract. A lack of regeneration of shade‐intolerant canopy species has been reported in several subtropical South African forests. The subtropical forest of Hluhluwe‐Umfolozi Park, KwaZulu‐Natal, was examined in order to determine the extent of regeneration, the forest grain, dynamics and conservation value. Field sampling took the form of recording DBH for all woody species in 29 0.04‐ha circular plots, walking 5‐m wide transects in mature and marginal forest to record size classes of important species and analysis of 20 gaps. A community analysis was performed using the multivariate program TWINSPAN. Size‐class distributions indicate a lack of regeneration and suggest a prevalence of shade‐intolerant species in the canopy. The composition of the canopy and subcanopy are distinct from one another and the forest is coarse‐grained. Conservation of the present species composition could be aided by encouraging patch‐scale disturbance. It is hypothesized that swidden agriculture may have favoured the formation of the present forest canopy structure.  相似文献   

Long‐term trends in ecosystem resource use efficiencies (RUEs) and their controlling factors are key pieces of information for understanding how an ecosystem responds to climate change. We used continuous eddy covariance and microclimate data over the period 1999–2017 from a 120‐year‐old black spruce stand in central Saskatchewan, Canada, to assess interannual variability, long‐term trends, and key controlling factors of gross ecosystem production (GEP) and the RUEs of carbon (CUE = net primary production [NPP]/GEP), light (LUE = GEP/absorbed photosynthetic radiation [APAR]), and water (WUE = GEP/evapotranspiration [E]). At this site, annual GEP has shown an increasing trend over the 19 years (p < 0.01), which may be attributed to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. Interannual variability in GEP, aside from its increasing trend, was most strongly related to spring temperatures. Associated with the significant increase in annual GEP were relatively small changes in NPP, APAR, and E, so that annual CUE showed a decreasing trend and annual LUE and WUE showed increasing trends over the 19 years. The long‐term trends in the RUEs were related to the increasing CO2 concentration. Further analysis of detrended RUEs showed that their interannual variation was impacted most strongly by air temperature. Two‐factor linear models combining CO2 concentration and air temperature performed well (R2~0.60) in simulating annual RUEs. LUE and WUE were positively correlated both annually and seasonally, while LUE and CUE were mostly negatively correlated. Our results showed divergent long‐term trends among CUE, LUE, and WUE and highlighted the need to account for the combined effects of climatic controls and the ‘CO2 fertilization effect’ on long‐term variations in RUEs. Since most RUE‐based models rely primarily on one resource limitation, the observed patterns of relative change among the three RUEs may have important implications for RUE‐based modeling of C fluxes.  相似文献   

Tree cavities provide important habitat for wildlife. Effective landscape‐scale management of cavity‐dependent wildlife requires an understanding of where cavities occur, but tree cavities can be cryptic and difficult to survey. We assessed whether a landscape‐scale map of mature forest habitat availability, derived from aerial photographs, reflected the relative availability of mature trees and tree cavities. We assessed cavities for their suitability for use by wildlife, and whether the map reflected the availability of such cavities. There were significant differences between map categories in several characteristics of mature trees that can be used to predict cavity abundance (i.e. tree form and diameter at breast height). There were significant differences between map categories in the number of potential cavity bearing trees and potential cavities per tree. However, the index of cavity abundance based on observations made from the ground provided an overestimate of true cavity availability. By climbing a sample of mature trees we showed that only 5.1% of potential tree cavities detected from the ground were suitable for wildlife, and these were found in only 12.5% of the trees sampled. We conclude that management tools developed from remotely sensed data can be useful to guide decision‐making in the conservation management of tree cavities but stress that the errors inherent in these data limit the scale at which such tools can be applied. The rarity of tree cavities suitable for wildlife in our study highlights the need to conserve the tree cavity resource across the landscape, but also the importance of increasing the accuracy of management tools for decision‐making at different scales. Mapping mature forest habitat availability at the landscape scale is a useful first step in managing habitat for cavity‐dependent wildlife, but the potential for overestimating actual cavity abundance in a particular area highlights the need for complementary on‐ground surveys.  相似文献   

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