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Wildlife–vehicle collisions are of increasing concern with regards to the continuous and accelerating anthropogenic development. Preventing and mitigating collisions with wildlife will require a better understanding of the environmental and biological drivers of collision risks. Because species of large mammals differ in terms of food requirements, habitat selection and movement behaviors we tested, at the management unit level, if the density of collisions with red deer, roe deer and wild boar differed in terms of spatial distribution and explanatory factors. From 20,275 documented collisions in France between years 1990 and 2006, we found marked differences in the most influential environmental factors accounting for the density of collisions among the three large herbivore species. The effect of road density was higher for the red deer than for the two other species and did not level off at our spatial-scale of observation. As expected, the annual hunting harvest—interpreted as a proxy of population abundance—was positively associated with the density of collisions for all species, being the strongest for red deer. While the collision density decreased with the proportion of forest in a management unit for wild boar, it increased with the fragmentation of forest for red deer that commute among forest patches between day and night. To reduce the number of wildlife–vehicle collisions, our results suggest to generalize road fencing and/or a control of abundance of large herbivore populations. Mitigation measures should target units where the collision risk is the highest for the most problematic species.  相似文献   

After autumn, early summer is the most important moose–vehicle collision (MVC) season in Finland. We surveyed temporal distributions and long-term changes in the timing of MVCs using data of daily collisions that occurred throughout a 4-month season (April–July) for the period 1989–2011. By uniting the road districts, we first divided Finland into five study regions and calculated the annual dates by which 50 % of all the MVCs of the study season had taken place (median dates). Then, using all of the present nine road districts as areal units, we determined if the beginning of the growing season and the median dates of MVCs were correlated. A total of 13,233 MVCs occurred during the study period. In every region, considering the selected 4-month annual period, the number of MVCs was the lowest in April but started to increase in May and was highest in June or July. The timing of the median dates for MVCs in all regions shifted to an earlier date and was positively correlated with the beginning of the growing season in every road district. We believe that the beginning of the growing season correlates with the timing of moose spring migration from wintering areas to summer pastures and further, with the timing of MVCs. Regardless of the ultimate reason behind our findings, we emphasize the practical importance of our results, namely how the onset of spring can help predict timing of spring MVCs. We recommend that warning campaigns informing road users coincide with the annually changing MVC season.  相似文献   

Roads and associated traffic have significant impacts on wildlife, from direct mortality caused by vehicle collisions to indirect effects when wildlife avoid roads, restricting access to important resources. Road mitigation measures such as constructing wildlife passages over or under the road with directional fencing have proven effective at reducing wildlife vehicle collisions while also enabling wildlife to safely cross the road. Highway mitigation projects are led by transportation agencies with a primary purpose of improving motorist safety. More recently, through the discipline of road ecology, considerations have included safe wildlife passage through transportation corridors. To prioritize road sections for mitigation, data sources include animal vehicle collision data collected by transportation agencies and connectivity models generated by wildlife professionals. We used a third data source, pronghorn observations collected by citizen scientists, and demonstrated its value to prioritize potential wildlife mitigation sites. Our results clearly demonstrate a misalignment of road mitigation sites using animal-vehicle collision data and those of rarer species of interest.  相似文献   

Human–wildlife conflict (HWC) is a significant challenge for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Effective mitigation of HWC requires a multidisciplinary, holistic, and comprehensive approach. In the past two decades, scientific research has focused on HWC. It can be expected that in the next few years, the number of HWC literature will continue to increase. In this study, the VOSviewer version 1.6.16, and Bibliometrix packages in R were used to conduct a quantitative review of the HWC literature and investigate its social network and development trends. The results show that 2197 publications about HWC have been published in 320 journals from 128 countries in 2003–2021. The United States is the largest producer with 893. Among all journals, Biological Conservation ranked first in terms of total link strength, number of links, documents, and citations. The analysis of keywords, development trends, and development themes shows that the research on HWC mainly includes three aspects: the conflict between humans and carnivores, conflict between humans and herbivores, and protection of the human dimension. The main focus of the research has shifted from the conflict itself to the coexistence of humans and wild animals through the integration of natural and economic factors. It is expected that HWC research will play a key role in generating the interdisciplinary scientific knowledge needed to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Conflicts between humans and mesopredators are frequent and widespread. Over the last decades, conflicts have led to the development and application of different mitigation methods to diminish the costs and damage caused by such conflicts. We conducted a systematic literature search and meta-analysis to assess the influence of different mitigation methods on 3 common nuisance species: raccoons (Procyon lotor), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis). A majority of the studies, from 1963‒2022, were conducted in North America, followed by Australia and Europe. The predation of wildlife species of conservation concern by nuisance species is the main reported source of conflict in the published literature. Lethal control is the most commonly tested method and is generally effective at reducing conflicts based on the calculated effect size. Barriers have mixed effects, with electric fences and nest exclosures both being effective, whereas conventional fences seem to be less effective. Repellents mimicking predators (e.g., guard animal, predator smell) are also effective. Conditioned taste aversion is a promising approach, but no precise product or chemical has proven to be effective. Many interventions suffered from a lack of validation through experimental approach. Research on human–mesopredator conflict mitigation would benefit from repeated studies using the same methods in similar contexts, thus reducing heterogeneity in the results, and by testing new and innovative methods.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that all highways in Hungary are built with fencing, there are still 5 % of traffic accidents that involve wildlife. Therefore, this study focused on the incidence of collisions along fenced roads. Wildlife–vehicle collision (WVC) hotspots were mapped, and the spatial frequencies were analysed with Poisson regression. In general, most WVCs and almost all of the roe deer fatalities occurred at highway intersections, or at interchanges. Red fox casualties also occurred at interchanges as well as at passages. Wild boar fatalities were not particularly frequent at interchanges but were recorded near railways that are parallel to highways; otter–vehicle collision hotspots were found near their habitats and migration corridors such as streams. For otter, badger and wild boar, we were able to examine the role of local population density; most WVCs happened in areas of high population density. The badger model predicted that badger kills were more likely where the fence was not buried in the soil. Most WVCs occur at interchanges because wildlife enters the right-of-way (ROW) at fence ends; or it enters at a fence gap and runs along the outside of fence and becomes funnelled onto the ROW at the interchanges. Interruption in the continuity and linearity are important factors in both cases. We concluded that the number of WVCs can be reduced significantly if animals were prevented from entering highway interchanges and proposals for mitigation were made. We also propose a tool to assist in alleviating WVCs, by mapping them in Google Maps and integrating hotspots into a car navigation system.  相似文献   

Prairie dogs have declined by 98% throughout their range in the grasslands of North America. Translocations have been used as a conservation tool to reestablish colonies of this keystone species and to mitigate human–wildlife conflict. Understanding the behavioral responses of prairie dogs to translocation is of utmost importance to enhance the persistence of the species and for species that depend on them, including the critically endangered black-footed ferret. In 2017 and 2018, we translocated 658 black-tailed prairie dogs on the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in central South Dakota, USA, a black-footed ferret recovery site. Here, we describe and evaluate the effectiveness of translocating prairie dogs into augered burrows and soft-released within presumed coteries to reestablish colonies in previously occupied habitat. We released prairie dogs implanted with passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) and conducted recapture events approximately 1-month and 1-year post-release. We hypothesized that these methods would result in a successful translocation and that prairie dogs released as coteries would remain close to where they were released because of their highly social structure. In support of these methods leading to a successful translocation, 69% of marked individuals was captured 1-month post-release, and 39% was captured 1-year post-release. Furthermore, considerable recruitment was observed with 495 unmarked juveniles captured during the 1-year post-release trapping event, and the reestablished colony had more than doubled in the area by 2021. Contrary to our hypothesis, yet to our knowledge a novel finding, there was greater initial movement within the colony 1-month post-release than expected based on recapture locations compared with the published average territory size; however, 1 year after release, most recaptured individuals were captured within the expected territory size when compared to capture locations 1-month post-release. This research demonstrates that while translocating prairie dogs may be socially disruptive initially, it is an important conservation tool.  相似文献   

Crop damage caused by herbivorous wildlife species on farms located within conservation landscapes, is a driver of human-wildlife conflict (HWC). Guarding of farms, whereby farmers spend the night out in the fields, in areas adjacent to protected areas is, therefore, very common in many African and Asian countries. Furthermore, guarding is often combined with other crop protection measures, but little is known about the efficacy of these measures.We examined the effect that different traditional and advanced crop protection measures (active and passive guarding strategies, barriers and combinations of measures) had on the magnitude of damaged crops. For this, we examined the cost of crop damage caused by a total of 20 wildlife species in two African and two Asian study areas, where different protection types were applied. Data was compared with the cost of crop damage on unprotected fields. We continuously used a standardised HWC assessment scheme over six years (2009–2014), based on site observations and measurements in addition to interviews with victims.The analysis of crop damage costs revealed substantial losses, especially from that caused by elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus) and other large herbivores, such as zebra (Equus quagga) and common eland (Taurotragus oryx). Once wildlife had entered the farms, it was found that crop protection measures by farmers were only able to reduce damage costs when applied as a communal, strategic guarding system. Surprisingly, all other traditional crop protection strategies have proven ineffective in reducing crop damage costs. Electrical fences actually increased the risk of crop damage when combined with guarding and the chasing of wildlife strategies. Therefore, we recommend reviewing the practice of traditional guarding strategies and the effectiveness of fences. Furthermore, we emphasise the need for objective evaluation of HWC mitigation strategies in the long-term.  相似文献   

Fluoroscopic analysis is an important tool for assessing in vivo kinematics of knee prostheses. Most commonly, a single-plane fluoroscopic setup is used to capture the motion of prostheses during a particular task. Unfortunately, single-plane fluoroscopic analysis is imprecise in the out-of-plane direction. This can result in reconstructing physically impossible poses, in which—for example—the femoral component intersects with the insert, as the normal pose estimation process does not take into account the relation between the components. In the proposed method, the poses of both components are estimated simultaneously, while preventing femur–insert collisions. In a phantom study, the accuracy and precision of the new method in estimating the relative pose of the femoral component were compared to those of the original method. With reverse engineered models, the errors in estimating the out-of-plane position decreased from 2.0±0.7 to 0.1±0.1 mm, without effects on the errors in rotations and the in-plane positions. With CAD models, the errors in estimating the out-of-plane position decreased from 5.3±0.7 mm (mean±SD) to 0.0±0.4 mm, at the expense of a decreased precision for the other position or orientation parameters. In conclusion, collision detection can prevent reconstructing impossible poses and it improves the position and motion estimation in the out-of-plane direction.  相似文献   

Collisions of vehicles with wildlife kill and injure animals and are also a risk to vehicle occupants, but preventing these collisions is challenging. Surveys to identify problem areas are expensive and logistically difficult. Computer modeling has identified correlates of collisions, yet these can be difficult for managers to interpret in a way that will help them reduce collision risk. We introduce a novel method to predict collision risk by modeling hazard (presence and movement of vehicles) and exposure (animal presence) across geographic space. To estimate the hazard, we predict relative traffic volume and speed along road segments across southeastern Australia using regression models based on human demographic variables. We model exposure by predicting suitable habitat for our case study species (Eastern Grey Kangaroo Macropus giganteus) based on existing fauna survey records and geographic and climatic variables. Records of reported kangaroo–vehicle collisions are used to investigate how these factors collectively contribute to collision risk. The species occurrence (exposure) model generated plausible predictions across the study area, reducing the null deviance by 30.4%. The vehicle (hazard) models explained 54.7% variance in the traffic volume data and 58.7% in the traffic speed data. Using these as predictors of collision risk explained 23.7% of the deviance in incidence of collisions. Discrimination ability of the model was good when predicting to an independent dataset. The research demonstrates that collision risks can be modeled across geographic space with a conceptual analytical framework using existing sources of data, reducing the need for expensive or time‐consuming field data collection. The framework is novel because it disentangles natural and anthropogenic effects on the likelihood of wildlife–vehicle collisions by representing hazard and exposure with separate, tunable submodels.  相似文献   

Wildlife occurring at aquacultural sites can ignite conflicts over resources managed by humans. A telephone survey concerning nuisance wildlife occurrence, perceptions of inflicted damage, and use of preventive measures at pond fisheries was conducted in 2003–2004 in eastern Poland. Significant economic losses to wildlife were reported by 80% of the respondents, with 41% claiming severe losses to more than one species. Serious damage was attributed primarily to otters Lutra lutra (56% of farms), cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo (26%), grey herons Ardea cinerea (23%), and beavers Castor fiber (21%). Two alien species, mink Neovison vison and muskrat Ondatra zibethicus, were widespread, but rarely blamed for causing substantial harm. Lethal controls were the most popular means of damage reduction and were more likely to be deployed at fish farms reporting significant losses. Cormorants, shot at half of the farms visited, were the most widely persecuted. Both otters and beavers were culled, notwithstanding their protection status and compensation payments available for beaver damage to ponds. The survey indicated poor cooperation between conservation authorities and fish farmers in managing wildlife concerns. Monitoring conflict interactions, i.e., wildlife occurrence and alleged damage at fish farms vs damage management processes, is an essential step toward conflict alleviation. Considering the wide range of species interacting with fisheries, adoption of more flexible policies to address the conflicts than a single-species conservation approach is recommended.  相似文献   

Understanding human-wildlife conflicts and monitoring their consequences, such as wildlife persecution, is crucial for biological conservation. Although most theoretical models suggest that the influence of value orientations on behavior is mediated by higher order constructs such as attitudes and norms, wildlife value orientations are widely used to assess human-wildlife relationships and to predict human behavior towards wildlife. We have no evidence of studies which have measured them in Mediterranean countries, where the highest biodiversity level in temperate Western countries is present. In spring 2016, we administered a questionnaire to local farmers in Central Italy to measure the association between wildlife value orientations and illegal killing of wildlife, in response to crop or poultry damages (n = 352). We obtained the prevalence of illegal killing with the Randomized Response Technique, ensuring complete individual protection to respondents. We modeled the effect of wildlife value orientations over illegal wildlife killing with a Bayesian logistic regression for three taxa: the red fox, the crested porcupine, and birds, as most of persecution by farmers in our study site is exerted towards them. We found that domination predicted illegal killing for the red fox only. On the other hand, mutualism predicted tolerance towards all the study taxa. Combining wildlife value orientations and the Randomized Response Technique can be a promising approach to explore human-wildlife conflicts and their consequences. Furthermore, the Mediterranean setting of our study filled existing geographical gaps about wildlife value orientations in Europe. We encourage future research on the application of wildlife value orientations to conflicts involving wildlife and extensive farmers, i.e., at large scale, as well as future large-scale research on wildlife value orientations in Europe.  相似文献   

Raptor nests on human-built structures represent a significant source of conflict, as they can result in bird mortality, fires, or power outages due to falling nest materials or animals connecting with energized conductors. Power companies typically try to mitigate these conflicts to avoid service disruptions. Performing mitigation measures across all potentially problematic power infrastructure is generally not a practical solution given logistical, time, or budgetary constraints. Therefore, there is a need for quantitative, landscape-scale tools to identify conflict risk and prioritize mitigation. We examined the influence of habitat and transmission infrastructure distribution on the potential risk of osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nesting-infrastructure conflict in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) power service area within Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Virginia, USA, using osprey nesting and conflict records from 1990–2020. We modeled risk using a 3-stage approach, which intersected a nesting habitat suitability model and density of infrastructure to evaluate the potential risk of conflict. Habitat suitability was greater on or near open water and closer to developed areas. Transmission line density was low (0.14 ± 0.29 lines/km2) and heterogenous across the service area with more lines within urban centers and near power facilities. Integrating habitat suitability and transmission infrastructure information revealed that very low and low-risk areas comprised 99% of the service area. Less than 1% comprised 1,113.7 km2 of moderate and 82.2 km2 of high or very high risk, mostly concentrated along major rivers and lakes, and around urban centers. Risk was more prevalent in the northeastern portion of the service area. This work presents a top-down approach to mitigating osprey–power infrastructure conflict, which allows for the prioritization of mitigation actions and can facilitate long-term coexistence with this protected species.  相似文献   

Our study reveals trade-offs associated with human–wildlife conflicts in recreation areas. It is common for recreational users to face risks of wildlife attacks while hiking. Although some studies show that recreational users consider trade-offs between three dimensions of recreational experiences consisting of resource, social and management conditions, there are no studies addressing human–wildlife conflicts from the perspective of the trade-offs for the users. To better understand trade-offs considered by recreational users, we performed a discrete choice experiment. We conducted a questionnaire-based survey among recreational users at the Numameguri hiking trail in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, which has a high density of brown bears. Using a series of choice tasks, respondents indicated a preferred trail scenario from a group of alternatives. Scenarios varied in terms of their destinations (resource), crowding (social), management system (management) and bear encounter risk (bear appearances on the trail and bear appearances on mountain slopes seen from the trail). Results show that risk conditions have decisive, negative effects on satisfaction level for those hiking. Specifically, when the risk of encountering brown bears on the trail is high, user satisfaction cannot be increased on the other three dimensions. A consideration of only resource-, social- and management-based indicators is insufficient for understanding recreation experiences in areas with a high risk for human–wildlife conflict. At the recreation areas that are home to large wildlife, a guided tour may leave users more satisfied and safe from wildlife attacks. Understanding trade-offs related to the risk helps tour design and enhances the users’ experience.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is endemic in free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in MI, USA. Currently, the rates of farm visitation by deer and co-use of forage resources by cattle and deer are poorly understood. To evaluate the extent deer and livestock may share forage resources, we investigated farm, yard, and cattle-use area visitation by white-tailed deer and compared visitation with common livestock management practices. We fitted 25 female white-tailed deer near the bTB-infected zone in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula with global positioning system collars. Livestock management practices associated with farm visitation included presence of confined feeding pastures, number of cattle water sources, and the number of cattle pastures. Fewer farm visits occurred at night than during the day. A higher proportion of nighttime visits occurred between midnight and sunrise. Visitation to yards and cattle-use areas were similar: a higher proportion of visits occurred at night, and a higher proportion of nighttime visits occurred between midnight and sunrise. Multiple visits during the same day were common. Visitation increased through spring and peaked during the fawning season. Results suggest that mitigation and control efforts to guard against potential transmission of bTB should include the season and time of day during which deer visitation occurs. Furthermore, specific livestock management practices may contribute to farm visitation by deer. Deer visiting multiple farms may contribute to local area spread of bTB. Focusing risk mitigation efforts on individual deer that are most likely to visit farms may reduce potential bTB transmission.  相似文献   

Nicklen EF  Wagner D 《Oecologia》2006,148(1):81-87
Many plant species attract ants onto their foliage with food rewards or nesting space. However, ants can interfere with plant reproduction when they visit flowers. This study tests whether Acacia constricta separates visiting ant species temporally or spatially from newly opened inflorescences and pollinators. The diurnal activity patterns of ants and A. constricta pollinators peaked at different times of day, and the activity of pollinators followed the daily dehiscence of A. constricta inflorescences. In addition to being largely temporally separated, ants rarely visited open inflorescences. A floral ant repellent contributes to the spatial separation of ants and inflorescences. In a field experiment, ants of four species were given equal access to inflorescences in different developmental stages. On average, the frequency with which ants made initial, antennal contact with the floral stages did not differ, but ants significantly avoided secondary contact with newly opened inflorescences relative to buds and old inflorescences, and old inflorescences relative to buds. Ants also avoided contact with pollen alone, indicating that pollen is at least one source of the repellent. The results suggest A. constricta has effectively resolved the potential conflict between visiting ants and plant reproduction.  相似文献   

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