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Fertile eggs of Toxocara pteropodis, passed in the faeces of juvenile flying-foxes, were ovoid to spheroid in shape with a diameter range of 80-110 microns. The shell was often seen to comprise 4 layers: a fine inner lipid layer, a thicker clear chitinous layer, an equally thick outer vitelline layer and a pitted outermost, proteinaceous uterine layer of variable thickness. Infertile eggs were less uniform in shape and generally did not have well-defined shell layers, the formation of which is triggered by sperm penetration of the oocyte. The eggs of this species are bulkier than those of related ascaridoids, apparently because of a thicker external coat which, while not providing mechanical strength, is thought to protect against desiccation. Scanning electron microscopical findings suggest that the outer layer is not applied directly by uterine cells, but forms by the gradual deposition of secretions in the uterine lumen, regardless of whether the oocyte has been fertilized.  相似文献   

Studies in juvenile Pteropus poliocephalus showed an average daily egg production by Toxocara pteropodis of 25,000 per female, with concentrations of up to 16,000 epg. regardless of whether eggs were fertile or infertile. Production commenced as early as 35 and as late as 48 days post-partum and rose to plateau average levels over about 10 days. For 23 days one bat passed infertile eggs which, over 2 days, were then replaced completely by fertile eggs. The implicit delay in maturation of a male nematode suggests that transmammary passage of larvae to suckling bats may persist for at least 3 weeks. Patency was terminated by the spontaneous expulsion of worms. If male worms were lost first, the egg output converted from fertile to 100% infertile within 48 h and the females were devoid of spermatozoa, suggesting that T. pteropodis copulate at least once daily. In prolonged infections, worm fecundity and egg fertility diminished, so that females with stored spermatozoa were producing mixtures of fertile and infertile eggs.  相似文献   

Infection in mice with Toxocara pteropodis was investigated. In mice fed infective eggs, third-stage larvae hatched out and penetrated the mucosa, predominantly that of the lower intestine. They travelled via the portal vein to the liver, where they remained at least 14 months. They grew in length from 430 +/- 15 micron, at three days post infection (p.i.), to 600 +/- 50 micron, at six to nine weeks p.i., after which time growth ceased. Blood eosinophilia appeared at 28 days p.i., and eosinophil levels continued to rise gradually beyond this time. In female mice the larvae did not migrate from the liver in response to pregnancy or lactation. When infective eggs were inoculated subcutaneously or intra-peritoneally, larvae hatched out and ultimately appeared in the liver in larger numbers than seen with oral infections.  相似文献   

Observations on the development of Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) in the dog   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SPRENT JF 《Parasitology》1958,48(1-2):184-209

High population densities of Longidorus macrosoma were recorded in the field under raspberry, blackcurrant and cherry, and low densities under grass and alternating spring barley and fallow. Comparison of population development in the field within and between the rows of raspberry and under fallow, suggested that multiplication and development of the nematode was related to the availability of growing host roots, but the nematode was unable to complete its life-cycle within 1 yr. The nematode was distributed to at least 60 cm depth in association with raspberry. In glasshouse pot tests, the nematode took at least 1 yr to complete its life-cycle on raspberry and was unable to do so during the period of the experiment on ryegrass and in fallow soil.  相似文献   

The previously unknown life-cycle of Cooperia fuelleborni, parasitic in impala, is described. The morphology of the developmental stages are compared to those of other Cooperia spp. The similarity between C. fuelleborni and C. curticei is discussed as well as the differences between those two species. The morphological studies showed that C. fuelleborni is closely related to C. curticei of sheep, but also has some affinity with the cattle parasite C. punctata and C. oncophora.  相似文献   

The life-cycle of Procerovum varium (Digenea: Haplorchiinae) was studied experimentally and the morphology of stages in the life-cycle has been described and illustrated. Infections with adult flukes were found in the pond heron Ardeola grayii and heavy infections with metacercariae were found, attached to the liver of the fish Oryzias melastigma (Oryziatidae) occurring in a freshwater stream situated in Visakhapatnam, India. The cercariae developing in the snail Thiara tuberculatapossessed typical haplorchiine features and were characterised by the presence of numerous cystogenous glands. Early stages of metacercarial development occurred free in the muscles of the fish intermediate host. The larvae reached the liver at 5 days post-infection, encystment commenced 2 days later and 15-day-old metacercariae were found to be infective to chicks, ducks and mice that served as suitable experimental hosts. The adult flukes obtained from natural and experimental infections showed many intraspecific variations, especially in the size and shape of the expulsor which depend on the quantity of sperm it contains. The validity of various species described in the genus and differentiated on the basis of differences in the size of the expulsor has been examined. It is concluded that only three species of the genus, namely P. varium, P. cheni and P. calderoni, are valid. "P. sisoni" of Chen (1949) is confirmed as a synonym of P. varium. P. varium is reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) G. rostochiensis (Woll.) and G. pallida (Stone) are the most economically important pests of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in the UK and are widespread in ware potato growing regions in Europe. The new EU directive 2007/33/EC which came into effect July 1, 2010 aims to control their spread and limit further increases in populations. We are investigating the role of temperature in the life cycle of PCN to assess how this effects population multiplication in relation to managing PCN. Hatching and nematode development are stages in the life cycle that are affected by temperature and thus are important life stages that can be examined to determine the impact of temperature on the length of time required for one generation to be completed and the potential for final populations to increase on different potato genetic backgrounds. In some conditions a partial or complete second generation has also been observed within the growing season. Females have been observed on the surface of tubers and "pecking" skin damage can occur which may be a result of a second generation. We are investigating the influence of temperature on the potential for a second generation or the induction of diapause.  相似文献   

The protective effect of infectious agents against allergic reactions has beenthoroughly investigated. Current studies have demonstrated the ability of somehelminths to modulate the immune response of infected hosts. The objective of thepresent study was to investigate the relationship between Toxocaracanis infection and the development of an allergic response in miceimmunised with ovalbumin (OVA). We determined the total and differential blood andbronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells using BALB/c mice as a model. To this end, thelevels of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5 and IL-10 and anti-OVA-IgE were measured using anELISA. The inflammatory process in the lungs was observed using histology slidesstained with haematoxylin and eosin. The results showed an increase in the totalnumber of leukocytes and eosinophils in the blood of infected and immunised animalsat 18 days after infection. We observed a slight lymphocytic inflammatory infiltratein the portal space in all infected mice. Anti-OVA-IgE levels were detected insmaller proportions in the plasma of immunised and infected mice compared with micethat were only infected. Therefore, we concluded that T. canispotentiates inflammation in the lungs in response to OVA, although anti-OVA-IgElevels suggest a potential reduction of the inflammatory process through thismechanism.  相似文献   

Operons are a major feature of all prokaryotic genomes, but how and why operon structures vary is not well understood. To elucidate the life-cycle of operons, we compared gene order between Escherichia coli K12 and its relatives and identified the recently formed and destroyed operons in E. coli. This allowed us to determine how operons form, how they become closely spaced, and how they die. Our findings suggest that operon evolution may be driven by selection on gene expression patterns. First, both operon creation and operon destruction lead to large changes in gene expression patterns. For example, the removal of lysA and ruvA from ancestral operons that contained essential genes allowed their expression to respond to lysine levels and DNA damage, respectively. Second, some operons have undergone accelerated evolution, with multiple new genes being added during a brief period. Third, although genes within operons are usually closely spaced because of a neutral bias toward deletion and because of selection against large overlaps, genes in highly expressed operons tend to be widely spaced because of regulatory fine-tuning by intervening sequences. Although operon evolution may be adaptive, it need not be optimal: new operons often comprise functionally unrelated genes that were already in proximity before the operon formed.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Angiostrongylus mackerrasae are metastrongyloid nematodes that infect various rat species. Terrestrial and aquatic molluscs are intermediate hosts of these worms while humans and dogs are accidental hosts. Angiostrongylus cantonensis is the major cause of angiostrongyliasis, a disease characterised by eosinophilic meningitis. Although both A. cantonensis and A. mackerrasae are found in Australia, A. cantonensis appears to account for most infections in humans and animals. Due to the occurrence of several severe clinical cases in Sydney and Brisbane, the need for epidemiological studies on angiostrongyliasis in this region has become apparent. In the present study, a conventional PCR and a TaqMan assay were compared for their ability to amplify Angiostrongylus DNA from DNA extracted from molluscs. The TaqMan assay was more sensitive, capable of detecting the DNA equivalent to one hundredth of a nematode larva. Therefore, the TaqMan assay was used to screen molluscs (n=500) of 14 species collected from the Sydney region. Angiostrongylus DNA was detected in 2 of the 14 mollusc species; Cornu aspersum [14/312 (4.5%)], and Bradybaenia similaris [1/10 (10%)], which are non-native terrestrial snails commonly found in urban habitats. The prevalence of Angiostrongylus spp. was 3.0% ± 0.8% (CI 95%). Additionally, experimentally infected Austropeplea lessoni snails shed A. cantonensis larvae in their mucus, implicating mucus as a source of infection. This is the first Australian study to survey molluscs using real-time PCR and confirms that the garden snail, C. aspersum, is a common intermediate host for Angiostrongylus spp. in Sydney.  相似文献   

BackgroundVisceral toxocariasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by Toxocara canis. The prevalence of this parasite in dogs, soil contamination and the resistance of eggs increase human exposure to the disease. Moreover, the difficulties of the control measures justify the need for alternative ones.AimsThe objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro ovicidal activity of fungi isolated from soils from public places in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on Toxocara canis.MethodsSamples of soil from ten localities were inoculated onto Petri dishes with 2% water–agar (WA) that contained antibiotics, and incubated at 25 °C/21 days. Isolated fungi were tested in vitro for ovicidal activity, with five replicates. One mL of an embryonated Toxocara canis egg suspension (103 eggs) was poured over the fungal cultures after 10 days of growth. At intervals of 7, 14 and 21 days, 100 eggs were removed from each plaque and evaluated by optical microscopy.ResultsAcremonium, Aspergillus, Bipolaris, Fusarium, Gliocladium, Mucor and Trichoderma were isolated from the soil. A significant ovicidal type 3 effect was observed in Trichoderma, Fusarium solani complex and Acremonium. Those isolates from the genus Trichoderma showed their ovicidal effect on the 14th day of fungus–egg interaction. The other fungal genera tested showed a type 2 effect.ConclusionsThese results suggest that the use of Trichoderma and Fusarium solani complex in biological control of T. canis is promising; however, further studies should be performed.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of Toxocara canis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bred as hunter, companion and pet, the dog has a long and honourable association with man. Yet the domestic dog can host a wide range of parasites - many of which can also infect humans. One of these, the ascarid nematode Toxocara canis (Fig. 1), is of particular interest because of retinal damage that may result from larvae becoming trapped in the eye. At the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London, about 20-30 patients with toxocariasis are treated annually. Widespread fouling of public parks, playgrounds and pedestrian areas with dog faeces - especially in large cities - is well -recognized as one of the main sources of Toxocara infection. Yet as Stephen Gillespie discusses here, epidemiological indicators vary widely and the risk of infection is often treated too lightly.  相似文献   

Mature specimens of Cucullanus heterochrous Rudolphi, 1802 (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) were obtained from the intestine of the flounder, Platichthys flesus, from Danish waters. Eggs embryonate in seawater but do not hatch. Fully developed larvae pressed out of eggs are 430 microm long with amphids and dereids and enclosed within the cuticle of a previous larval stage. Infective larvae are believed to be in their third stage. Experimental studies showed that the polychaetes, Nereis spp., Scoloplos armiger, Brada villosa and Capitella sp., may act as intermediate hosts. In N. diversicolor the larvae increase their length to 1 mm within four weeks (15 degrees C) without moulting. Experimental infections showed that larvated eggs are not infective to fish, whereas >550 microm long larvae from polychaetes survived in 4-24 cm long flounders and plaice, Pleuronectes platessa. Third-stage larvae 550 microm to 1.1 mm long were found in the submucosa of the intestine one week post infection. At a length of about 800 microm to 1.4 mm they moult to fourth-stage larvae. Fourth-stage larvae, immature and mature worms occur in the intestine and rectum. Fourth-stage larvae and adults survived experimental transfer from one flounder to another. Similar developmental stages survived for two weeks in the intestine of experimentally infected cod, Gadus morhua.  相似文献   

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