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To study the function of proto-oncogene c-fos, we prepared an antisense plasmid that expresses in mammalian cells c-fos antisense RNA which is complementary to the endogenous c-fos mRNA. Upon transfection into undifferentiated F9 EC cells, the antisense plasmid directed constitutive expression of a large amount of c-fos antisense RNA. These cells were very low in the basal level of c-fos message and were unable to induce c-fos message when stimulated with interferon or phorbol ester. The failure to induce c-fos message led to the blockade of c-fos protein expression in these cells. Thus, these cells represented a c-fos defective phenotype. The blockade of c-fos gene expression seen in antisense-cells could be caused by rapid degradation of the c-fos message, since c-fos mRNA expression was rescued in these cells when treated with protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. We found that expression of c-myc gene was down-regulated in c-fos antisense-cells: Although control undifferentiated F9 cells constitutively expressed a high level of c-myc message, the antisense cells had a much lower amount of c-myc mRNA. Since p53 and heat shock gene 70 were expressed at comparable levels in control and antisense cells, c-myc gene expression appears to be regulated by c-fos gene in F9 EC cells. Lastly, these antisense cells grew as rapidly as control F9 cells and underwent differentiation after retinoic acid treatment, indicating that c-fos expression is not a prerequisite for differentiation of F9 cells.  相似文献   

Functionally rearranged immunoglobulin heavy-chain (gamma 2b) and light-chain (lambda 1 and kappa) genes were introduced into mouse L tk- cells by co-transformation with the Herpes virus tk gene. Cloned cell lines were selected in HAT medium and tested for the presence of transfected immunoglobulin gene sequences by Southern blotting analysis. It was found that the gamma 2b gene was accurately transcribed at a low level in transfected mouse L cells and cytoplasmic gamma 2b, heavy-chain protein was detected by immunoprecipitation of cell extracts. Light-chain genes, on the other hand, were not accurately transcribed. Instead, lambda 1 or kappa RNA species were detected which were approximately 200 to 300 bases longer than the authentic mRNAs. These results suggest that the expression of rearranged heavy-chain and light-chain genes are controlled differently and that these differences can be seen in transfected, non-lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

F9 embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into endoderm-like cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The mouse teratocarcinoma cell line, F9, has been used in many laboratories as the epitome of the “nullipotent” embryonal carcinoma cell line. However, careful inspection of F9 cultures reveals the presence of small numbers of cells which possess several properties of endoderm, particularly parietal endoderm, and which can be shown to derive from the embryonal carcinoma component. Furthermore, tumors of F9 cells include isolated patches of endoderm-like cells surrounded by a thick secretion resembling Reichert's membrane. The proportion of endoderm-like cells in F9 cultures can be increased to varying degrees by causing the cells to form aggregates and/or maintaining them at high density for several days, although the endoderm-like cells produced in these ways contribute very little to the formation of subcutaneous tumors from the resultant mixed cultures. Differentiated cell types other than endoderm are rarely observed in F9 monolayer or aggregate cultures, even after several weeks. Cloning studies support the view that most, if not all, F9 cells can differentiate, albeit at very low incidence.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, stem cells of teratocarcinoma, represent an excellent model to study the developmental mechanisms that, inappropriately reactivated, can drive tumorigenesis. EC cells are very aggressive, and grow rapidly when injected into adult syngeneic mice. However, when injected into blastocysts, they revert to normality, giving rise to chimeric animals. In order to study the ability of postimplantation embryonic environment to "normalize" tumorigenic cells, and to study their homing, we transplanted F9, Nulli-SCC1, and P19 EC cells into 8 to 15-day allogenic CD1 mouse embryos, into allogenic CD1 newborns, and into syngeneic adult mice, and evaluated tumor formation, spreading, and homing. We found that, although at all embryonic stages successful transplantation occurred, the chances of developing tumors after birth increased with the time of injection of EC cells into the embryo. In addition, using enhanced green fluorescent protein-expressing F9 cells, we demonstrated that the cells not giving rise to tumors remained latent and could be tracked down in tissues during adulthood. Our data indicate that the embryonic environment retains a certain ability to "normalize" tumor cells also during post-implantation development. This could occur through yet unknown epigenetic signals triggering EC cells' differentiation.  相似文献   

M J Rosenstraus  A J Levine 《Cell》1979,17(2):337-346
Pluripotent embryonal carcinoma cells can be triggered to differentiate in vitro by allowing them to form multicellular aggregates. Nullipotent embryonal carcinoma cells form aggregates, but further development is blocked. Pluripotent and nullipotent embryonal carcinoma cell lines were co-cultured to form mixed aggregates in order to determine whether a developmental signal produced by the pluripotent cell could induce the nullipotent cells to differentiate. Unlike pure pluripotent cell aggregates, aggregates from cultures initiated with a 1:1 mixture of pluripotent (PSA-1) and nullipotent (F9) cells formed endoderm but failed to differentiate further. The nullipotent cells did not produce a detectable soluble inhibitor of differentiation. A hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase-deficient subclone of the nullipotent cell line was used so that the fate of both nullipotent and pluripotent cells could be followed in autoradiographs of histological sections of aggregates labeled with 3H-hypoxanthine. Seven day old aggregates of pure pluripotent cell cultures contained endoderm, ectoderm and embryonal carcinoma cells. On the other hand, in 7 day old mixed cell aggregates, almost all the pluripotent cells became endoderm located on the outer surface of the aggregate. The nullipotent cells in the mixed aggregates assumed an internal position and remained embryonal carcinoma cells. Following the efficiency of plating of pluripotential cells in pure and mixed aggregates as a function of time showed that viable pluripotent embryonal carcinoma cells were lost at a 10 fold greater rate in mixed cell aggregates than in pure pluripotent cell aggregates. We conclude that nullipotent embryonal carcinoma cells in mixed aggregates with pluripotent cells exert a limitation on the ability of these pluripotent cells to differentiate.  相似文献   

Two pluripotential mouse cell lines, the OTT 6050-derived cell line TCE and the embryo-derived stem cell line BLC-1, were injected into blastocysts to analyze their developmental potential. The contribution of TCE cells to the embryo was found to be limited and sporadic. There was no indication of a preferential colonization of extraembryonal membranes or developmentally related tissues in adult chimeras. BLC-1 cells failed to colonize the embryo. This indicates that a normal karyotype, pluripotency, and cell surface markers which are shared by cells of early embryos are not necessarily sufficient markers for their ability to participate in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Expression of c-myb in embryonal carcinoma cells and embryonal stem cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mouse c-myb has been implicated in the regulation of differentiation and proliferation of haematopoietic cells. Analysis of the chromatin structure of the promoter region of c-myb in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells and embryonal stem (ES) cells reveals a DNAse I-hypersensitive site coincident with a site found in c-myb-expressing haematopoietic cells, but absent in murine fibroblasts (which do not express c-myb). EC and ES cells were found to express c-myb mRNA, albeit at a level lower than found in haematopoietic cells. Differentiation of ES cells into embryoid bodies resulted in an elevated level of c-myb expression.  相似文献   

Murine embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into a varied spectrum of cell types. We observed the abundant and precocious development of neuronlike cells when embryonal carcinoma cells of various pluripotent lines were aggregated and cultured in the presence of nontoxic concentrations of retinoic acid. Neuronlike cells were also formed in retinoic acid-treated cultures of the embryonal carcinoma line, P19, which does not differentiate into neurons in the absence of the drug. The neuronal nature of these cells was confirmed by their staining with antiserum directed against neurofilament protein in indirect immunofluorescence experiments. Retinoic acid-treated cultures also contained elevated acetylcholinesterase activity. Glial cells, identified by immunofluorescence analysis of their intermediate filaments, and a population of fibroblastlike cells were also present in retinoic acid-treated cultures of P19 cells. We did not observe embryonal carcinoma, muscle, or epithelial cells in these cultures. Neurons and glial cells appeared in cultures exposed to retinoic acid for as little as 48 h. We found no evidence for retinoic acid toxicity, suggesting that the effect of the drug was to induce the development of neurons and glia rather than to select against cells differentiating along other developmental pathways.  相似文献   

Nonimmortalized mouse mammary epithelial cells expressing Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase from a murine amphotropic packaged retroviral vector were injected into the epithelium-divested mammary fat pads of syngeneic mice. Mammary glands formed from the injected mammary epithelial cells contained ductal and lobular cells, both of which expressed beta-galactosidase when examined in situ more than 12 months later. These results indicate that stable recombinant gene expression can be achieved in vivo in the mammary gland without altering the growth properties of normal mammary epithelium.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the P19 line of embryonal carcinoma cells develops into neurons, astroglia, and fibroblasts after aggregation and exposure to retinoic acid. The neurons were initially identified by their morphology and by the presence of neurofilaments within their cytoplasm. We have more fully documented the neuronal nature of these cells by showing that their cell surfaces display tetanus toxin receptors, a neuronal cell marker, and that choline acetyl-transferase and acetyl cholinesterase activities appear coordinately in neuron-containing cultures. Several days before the appearance of neurons, there is a marked decrease in the amount of an embryonal carcinoma surface antigen, and at the same time there is a substantial decrease in the volumes of individual cells. Various retinoids were able to induce the development of neurons in cultures of aggregated P19 cells, but it did not appear that polyamine metabolism was involved in the effect. We have isolated a mutant clone which does not differentiate in the presence of any of the drugs which are normally effective in inducing differentiation of P19 cells. This mutant and others may help to elucidate the chain of events triggered by retinoic acid and other differentiation-inducing drugs.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid induces the differentiation of NTERA-2 cl. D1 human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells into neurons, cells permissive for the replication of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and other cell types that cannot as yet be classified but are distinguishable from the stem cells. We tested several additional agents for their ability to induce the differentiation of these EC cells. No differentiation was induced by butyrate, cyclic AMP, cytosine arabinoside, the tumor promoter 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), or the chemotherapeutic agent cis-diaminedichloroplatinum, although morphological changes were detected at the highest concentrations of these agents that permitted cell survival. However, retinal, retinol, 5-bromouracil 2'deoxyribose (BUdR), 5-iodouracil 2'deoxyribose (IUdR), hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA), dimethylacetamide (DMA), and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) all induced some neuronal differentiation, but to a lesser extent than retinoic acid. Also, BUdR, IUdR, HMBA, and DMA induced the appearance of many cells permissive for the replication of HCMV. Differentiation was, in all cases, accompanied by the loss of SSEA-3, a globoseries glycolipid antigen characteristically expressed by human EC cells. However, another glycolipid antigen, A2B5, which appears in 60%-80% of differentiated cells 7 days following retinoic acid induction, was detected in less than 20% of the cells induced by the other agents studied. This implies that the HCMV-permissive cells induced by retinoic acid are not identical to those induced by BUdR, IUdR, and DMA.  相似文献   

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