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《Research in virology》1990,141(2):161-169
One-hundred spleens from HIV-infected patients which were studied by conventional morphological and immunohistochemical methods exhibited alterations in lymphatic tissue as well as in the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS): these were probably related directly to HIV infection of lymphocytes and MPS cells. There was ample evidence of impairment of macrophage activation, accompanied by decreased expression of functional markers and an enhanced reactivity with antibodies against S100 protein. This impairment of macrophage function is related to the particular morphology and aggressive clinical behaviour of some opportunistic infections in AIDS.  相似文献   

Intranuclear coccidiosis of testudines (known as TINC) is an emerging disease in chelonians. Although endogenous stages were repeatedly detected in various tissues, attempts to find the oocysts in faeces failed, leaving the question of the transmission and classification of the causative agent of TINC unresolved. We recorded small spherical oocysts (∼6–7 μm in diameter) of an eimeriid coccidium in faeces of a leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis). Sporulated oocysts were used for the experimental oral inoculation of juvenile coccidia-free tortoises representing 5 species (S. pardalis, Testudo graeca, T. hermanni, T. horsfieldii, and Geochelone sulcata). The oocysts’ association with TINC was confirmed based on clinical signs, histopathological findings of intranuclear endogenous stages of the coccidium in many organs (including intestine), and by the partial 18S rDNA sequence analysis of the DNA isolated from organs of the experimentally infected animals and from a single naturally infected as well as from all experimentally infected tortoises. Breeding colonies of chelonians should be screened for this pathogen in order to prevent its further spread and unwanted introduction into endangered free-ranging chelonian populations.  相似文献   

To understand the rules by which axons lay down their synaptic boutons we analyzed the linear bouton distributions in 39 neurons (23 spiny, 13 smooth) and 3 thalamic axons, which were filled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) during in vivo experiments in cat area 17. The variation of the total number of boutons and the total axonal length was large (789–7912 boutons, 12–126 mm). The overall linear bouton density for smooth cells was higher than that of spiny cells and thalamic afferents (mean ± sd, 110 ± 21 and 78 ± 27 boutons per mm of axonal length). The distribution of boutons varied according to their location on the tree. Distal axon collaterals (first and second order segments in Horton-Strahler ordering) of smooth neurons had a 3.5 times higher, spiny cells and thalamic afferents a 2 times higher bouton density compared to the higher order (more proximal) segments. The distribution of interbouton intervals was positively skewed and similar for cells of the same type. In most cases a γ-distribution fitted well, but the distributions had a tendency to have a heavier tail. To a first approximation these bouton distributions are consistent with both diffuse and specific models of interneuronal connections. Quite simple rules can explain these distributions and the connections between the different classes of neurons.  相似文献   

Epiascidiate leaves are those foliar organs whose adaxial (ventral) side is the inside of a tube. Such tubular leaves are found in Nepenthaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Cephalotaceae, and Lentibulariaceae. Throughout botanical history these leaves have received considerable attention because of their bizarre morphology and problems of interpretation. This paper documents the attempts of the last 150 years to correctly understand their organographic nature. All epiascidiate foliar organs are structurally similar in their early ontogeny, each forms a distinctive adaxial outgrowth (Querzone), and the diverse morphologies of the mature organs seem to be modifications upon a similar primordial ground plan. Typologically these leaves are directly related to peltate leaves and phyllodes (non-petiolar,sensu Boke). Except for certain, highly speculative,de novo theories, such as the “foliar runner” theory of Croizat, all misinterpretations of the nature of epiascidiate leaves are directly attribuable to earlier errors in ascertaining the organography of typologically related leaf forms. Accordingly, the sympodial tubular leaf (Roth) is rejected, as is the petiolar nature of tubular leaves (de Candolle). The typological relationships of these leaves to unifacial foliar organs (Troll) seems well substantiated from both an organographic and a histogenetic viewpoint. The peltate carpel theory (?elakovský; Troll) is, in reality, an epiascidiate carpel theory. The idea of a fundamentally tubular carpel seems correct from both a typological and phylogenetic standpoint. To comprehend the various contradictory interpretations which have been used to explain morphologically complex problems, as well as to understand the genesis of morphological theories, it is necessary to acquire an accurate historical perspective of the subject.  相似文献   

The reaction in ether-methanol between 2'-deoxyguanosine and diazomethane or its ethyl or n-butyl homologue gives 1-, O(6)- and 7-alkyl-2'-deoxyguanosine. N(2),O(6)-Dimethyl-2'-deoxyguanosine was also detected. The hydrolysis of the methyl and the ethyl derivatives gives the corresponding alkylguanines: the O(6)-alkyl-2'-deoxyguanosines were sequentially hydrolysed, first to 2-amino-6-alkoxypurines, subsequently to guanine. The mass spectra of O(6)-alkyl-2'-deoxyguanosines (methyl and ethyl) and of the corresponding 2-amino-6-alkoxypurines were determined. The reaction of diazomethane with thymidine afforded O(4)-methylthymidine, in addition to the previously detected 3-methylthymidine.  相似文献   

Monacolin K, an inhibitor for cholesterol synthesis, is the secondary metabolite of Monascus species. The formation of the secondary metabolites of the Monascus species is affected by cultivation environment and method. This research uses sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), potato (Solanum tuberosum), casava (Manihot esculenta), and dioscorea (Dioscorea batatas) as the substrates and discusses the best substrate to produce monacolin K. The results show that Monascus purpureus NTU 301, with dioscorea as the substrate, can produce monacolin K at 2,584 mg kg−1, which is 5.37 times to that resulted when rice is used as the substrate. In addition, more amount of yellow pigment can be found in Monascus-fermented dioscorea than in Monascus-fermented rice. The certain composition of yellow pigment is identified as monascin, which has been shown as an antiinflammation agent exhibiting potent inhibitory effects on 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced inflammation in mice in previous studies. Therefore, dioscorea is concluded to be the best substrate for Monascus species to produce the cholesterol-lowering agent—monacolin K and antiinflammation agent—monascin.  相似文献   

A central problem in biology concerns the mechanisms by which linear nucleic acid codes are translated into the 3-dimensional dynamic architecture of cells. The contents of cells are restricted in their movement by skeletons in their nuclei and cytoplasm. Every cell has an individual arrangement of skeletal components, which vary in time and space, while maintaining shape, internal order, and mechanical continuity with neighbouring cells. The precise pattern is realized by gene products that self-assemble at organizing centers oriented by delicate local stresses. However, the epidermis of caterpillars shows that other factors may contribute to skeletal patterns. The epidermis of caterpillars is composed of syncytial cell doublets formed by the retention of midbodies from mitosis to mitosis. It is an epithelium of Siamese twin cells. The interesting feature of these twins is that they have similar or even mirror image nuclear and cytoplasmic patterns. In most cells, sibling similarities are too short-lived to be noticed. In twin cells, the structural similarities are conserved, giving evidence for somatic inheritance, that is the survival and replication from one cell generation to the next of 3-dimensional arrangements that may not be completely specified by the nature and activity of the genetic material.  相似文献   

Ultra sonic transmitters (cylindrical, 1.5 cm diameter × 7 cm long) with three‐week battery life were used to examine the heart rate and electrocardiogram (ECG) of cod in swimming experiments. The maximum heart rate was observed when the period between the recovery (T) wave and the initial wave (P) of the ECG was zero and was limited by the P to T period which was not observed to vary in an individual. Low heart rates were observed in resting fish and maximum rates were associated with exhaustion and cruising swimming. Maximum rates continued during periods of oxygen debt repayment and during anaesthesia as long as oxygen was supplied to the gills. Brief inhibition of heart rate was associated with sudden stimuli and during maximum swimming exertion. The significance of rate change and its relation to the aerobic and anaerobic states is discussed.  相似文献   

Monitoring of fish and crustaceans in the Wadden Sea (WS) must cope with rapid changes in distribution patterns, access to certain areas and gear efficiency. Application and limitations of a variety of fishing devices (fyke nets, gill nets, enclosures, stow nets, purse seines, beam trawls, push nets, beach seines, bottom trawls, pelagic trawls) are discussed with regard to different objectives of monitoring. Furthermore, the validity of data from three current monitoring programmes is also discussed. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Bellman, Jacquez, and Kalaba,Bull. Math. Biophysics,22: 181–198, 1960) a model of the processes occurring in the exchange of a drug between capillary plasma, extracellular space and intracellular space was developed. This included the possibility of a reaction between the drug and a component of the intracellular space. The equations developed thus describe the events within a capillary bed. In the present paper, a simplified model of the body is set up. Each organ is treated as a single capillary bed and is linked to other organs via the circulation, in the parallel and/or series arrangements found in the body. Mixing in the circulation is included at the simplest possible level. The concentration of drug entering any one capillary bed is determined by the concentrations leaving all other capillary beds, the time lags, and mixing involved in the circulation. The equations describing these processes in conjunction with the equations of the processes occurring within each capillary bed lead to a large set of differential-difference equations.  相似文献   

The results of palaeoecological studies of Holocene swamp and lake deposits of a number of endorheic depressions of the Kawar, Djado and Great Erg of Bilma region of eastern Niger are presented, comprising analysis of their stratigraphy, sedimentology, diatom flora and macrofossils.The investigations demonstrate that various palaeolakes have reacted differently in space and time and by type of lake to climatic conditions. Some of the lakes reacted rapidly to changes in the precipitation regime, as evidenced by changing size, level, water balance and water chemistry, while perennial freshwater lakes nearby show changes relatively independent of short-term climatic fluctuations. These facts suggest a more complex influence of local and regional geomorphological, hydrological and hydrogeological factors on the Holocene lake evolution than a mere climatic dependence. Beyond doubt humidity considerably increased during early and mid-Holocene periods, but the stratigraphical and ecological status obtained for individual endorheic depressions seems to be mainly a reflection of differences among groundwater catchments, aquifers of different size, local topographical conditions and changes in geomorphology (e.g. dune activity) — superimposed on the major climatic tendencies — and thus of a considerable diversity of palaeoenvironmental conditions occurring within the region at any given time of the Holocene.  相似文献   

“Neural” computation of decisions in optimization problems   总被引:101,自引:0,他引:101  
Highly-interconnected networks of nonlinear analog neurons are shown to be extremely effective in computing. The networks can rapidly provide a collectively-computed solution (a digital output) to a problem on the basis of analog input information. The problems to be solved must be formulated in terms of desired optima, often subject to constraints. The general principles involved in constructing networks to solve specific problems are discussed. Results of computer simulations of a network designed to solve a difficult but well-defined optimization problem-the Traveling-Salesman Problem-are presented and used to illustrate the computational power of the networks. Good solutions to this problem are collectively computed within an elapsed time of only a few neural time constants. The effectiveness of the computation involves both the nonlinear analog response of the neurons and the large connectivity among them. Dedicated networks of biological or microelectronic neurons could provide the computational capabilities described for a wide class of problems having combinatorial complexity. The power and speed naturally displayed by such collective networks may contribute to the effectiveness of biological information processing.  相似文献   

The use of averaging techniques permits a great increase in the resolution of time-locked waveforms in the electroencephologram.Averaged evoked potentials may be used to study sensory-sensory interactions and the effect of irritative and destructive lesions on the average evoked potential.More complex computations are possible once averages are derived, as was shown in the application of potential contour mapping, where considerable differences were noted between premature and newborn infants on the one hand and adults on the other.The flat, low voltage surface potential contour of the neonate was interpreted as reflecting a volume-conducted event having a distant, deep and midline source. Potential contour patterns in the adult were interpreted as showing predominantly neuronally propagated activity arising at the cortical surface.  相似文献   

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