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Visual signal transduction is initiated by the photoisomerization of 11-cis retinal upon rhodopsin ligation. Unlike vertebrate rhodopsin, which interacts with Gt-type G-protein to stimulate the cyclic GMP signaling pathway, invertebrate rhodopsin interacts with Gq-type G-protein to stimulate a signaling pathway that is based on inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. Since the inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate signaling pathway is utilized by mammalian nonvisual pigments and a large number of G-protein-coupled receptors, it is important to elucidate how the activation mechanism of invertebrate rhodopsin differs from that of vertebrate rhodopsin. Previous crystallographic studies of squid and bovine rhodopsins have shown that there is a profound difference in the structures of the retinal-binding pockets of these photoreceptors. Here, we report the crystal structures of all-trans bathorhodopsin (Batho; the first photoreaction intermediate) and the artificial 9-cis isorhodopsin (Iso) of squid rhodopsin. Upon the formation of Batho, the central moiety of the retinal was observed to move largely towards the cytoplasmic side, while the Schiff base and the ionone ring underwent limited movements (i.e., the all-trans retinal in Batho took on a right-handed screwed configuration). Conversely, the 9-cis retinal in Iso took on a planar configuration. Our results suggest that the light energy absorbed by squid rhodopsin is mostly converted into the distortion energy of the retinal polyene chain and surrounding residues.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(3-4):297-322
The thermal stability of lipid-free rhodopsin in solutions of a homologous series of alkyltrimethylammonium bromide detergents and one nonionic detergent, dodecyl-β-maltoside, has been studied as a function of detergent concentration. Rhodopsin thermal stability increases with increasing chain length within the homologous series of ionic detergents, and for chain lengths greater than 10 carbon atoms increases with increasing detergent concentration up to a “critical” concentration that depends on the chain length. Stability also increases with increasing detergent concentration for rhodopsin in solutions of the nonionic detergent. These results may be rationalized in terms of the dependence of micelle packing density on the detergent chain length, head group, and concentration.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin, the photoreceptor of rod cells, absorbs light to mediate the first step of vision by activating the G protein transducin (Gt). Several human diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa or congenital night blindness, are linked to rhodopsin malfunctions. Most of the corresponding in vivo studies and structure-function analyses (e.g. based on protein x-ray crystallography or spectroscopy) have been carried out on murine or bovine rhodopsin. Because these rhodopsins differ at several amino acid positions from human rhodopsin, we conducted a comprehensive spectroscopic characterization of human rhodopsin in combination with molecular dynamics simulations. We show by FTIR and UV-visible difference spectroscopy that the light-induced transformations of the early photointermediates are very similar. Significant differences between the pigments appear with formation of the still inactive Meta I state and the transition to active Meta II. However, the conformation of Meta II and its activity toward the G protein are essentially the same, presumably reflecting the evolutionary pressure under which the active state has developed. Altogether, our results show that although the basic activation pathways of human and bovine rhodopsin are similar, structural deviations exist in the inactive conformation and during receptor activation, even between closely related rhodopsins. These differences between the well studied bovine or murine rhodopsins and human rhodopsin have to be taken into account when the influence of point mutations on the activation pathway of human rhodopsin are investigated using the bovine or murine rhodopsin template sequences.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(1-2):107-130
Reactions of the sulfhydryl groups of bovine rhodopsin in rod outer segment membranes have been investigated using 4,4′-dithiopyridine. This reagent is uncharged at neutral pH and rapidly equilibrates across phospholipid bilayers. Membrane-bound rhodopsin has two kinetically distinguishable sulfhydryl groups reactive to the reagent, this stoichiometry being unchanged by bleaching provided the sulfhydryl reactions themselves are carried out in the dark. The rates of the reactions, however, are substantially increased by bleaching. Irradiation of bleached membranes, either with white light or wavelengths in the neighborhood of 475 nm, results in an increase in the number of reactive sulfhydryls relative to that found for bleached membranes in the dark. A component of the light-driven reaction is dependent on the Ca2+ content of the medium.  相似文献   


During Drosophila phototransduction, the G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) Rhodopsin (Rh1) transduces photon absorption into electrical signal via G-protein coupled activation of phospholipase C (PLC). Rh1 levels in the plasma membrane are critical for normal sensitivity to light. In this study, we report that Protein Kinase D (dPKD) regulates Rh1 homeostasis in adult photoreceptors. Although eye development and retinal structure are unaffected in the dPKD hypomorph (dPKDH), it exhibited elevated levels of Rh1. Surprisingly, despite having elevated levels of Rh1, no defect was observed in the electrical response to light in these flies. By contrast the levels of another transmembrane protein of the photoreceptor plasma membrane, Transient receptor potential (TRP) was not altered in dPKDH. Our results indicate that dPKD is dispensable for eye development but is required for maintaining Rh1 levels in adult photoreceptors.  相似文献   

视紫红质是感光细胞中的一种视色素,在光线的接收和视觉电位的产生方面具有重要的生理作用,由视紫红质介导的过度光信号传导是光性视网膜变性的主要原因。近年的研究表明,视网膜色素上皮细胞中的RPE65蛋白作为影响视紫红质再生的关键因素,与视网膜光损伤的易感性密切相关。就视紫红质和RPE65蛋白在光致视网膜变性中的作用机理作一探讨。  相似文献   

The quantum mechanical–molecular mechanical (QM/MM) theory was applied to calculate accurate structural parameters, vibrational and optical spectra of bathorhodopsin (BATHO), one of the primary photoproducts of the functional cycle of the visual pigment rhodopsin (RHO), and to characterize reaction routes from RHO to BATHO. The recently resolved crystal structure of BATHO (PDBID: 2G87) served as an initial source of coordinates of heavy atoms. Protein structures in the ground electronic state and vibrational frequencies were determined by using the density functional theory in the PBE0/cc‐pVDZ approximation for the QM part and the AMBER force field parameters in the MM part. Calculated and assigned vibrational spectra of both model protein systems, BATHO and RHO, cover three main regions referring to the hydrogen‐out‐of‐plan (HOOP) motion, the C?C ethylenic stretches, and the C? C single‐bond stretches. The S0–S1 electronic excitation energies of the QM part, including the chromophore group in the field of the protein matrix, were estimated by using the advanced quantum chemistry methods. The computed structural parameters as well as the spectral bands match perfectly the experimental findings. A structure of the transition state on the S0 potential energy surface for the ground electronic state rearrangement from RHO to BATHO was located proving a possible route of the thermal protein activation to the primary photoproduct. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The visual pigments of fish are thought to be adapted to the variable spectral qualities of aquatic light environments. Most research on the role of natural selection on the evolution of rhodopsins and dim-light vision in fish has focused on variation among species and higher taxa. In this issue, Larmuseau et al. reveal substantial intraspecific sequence variation in RH1 (the rhodopsin gene) in sand gobies ( Pomatoschistus minutus ). Using population genetics and molecular evolution approaches, they detect positive selection on RH1 and find evidence for adaptation to local light conditions.  相似文献   

All basolateral sorting signals described to date reside in the cytoplasmic domain of proteins, whereas apical targeting motifs have been found to be lumenal. In this report, we demonstrate that wild-type rhodopsin is targeted to the apical plasma membrane via the TGN upon expression in polarized epithelial MDCK cells. Truncated rhodopsin with a deletion of 32 COOH-terminal residues shows a nonpolar steady-state distribution. Addition of the COOH-terminal 39 residues of rhodopsin redirects the basolateral membrane protein CD7 to the apical membrane. Fusion of rhodopsin''s cytoplasmic tail to a cytosolic protein glutathione S-transferase (GST) also targets this fusion protein (GST–Rho39Tr) to the apical membrane. The targeting of GST–Rho39Tr requires both the terminal 39 amino acids and the palmitoylation membrane anchor signal provided by the rhodopsin sequence. The apical transport of GST–Rho39Tr can be reversibly blocked at the Golgi complex by low temperature and can be altered by brefeldin A treatment. This indicates that the membrane-associated GST–Rho39Tr protein may be sorted along a yet unidentified pathway that is similar to the secretory pathway in polarized MDCK cells. We conclude that the COOH-terminal tail of rhodopsin contains a novel cytoplasmic apical sorting determinant. This finding further indicates that cytoplasmic sorting machinery may exist in MDCK cells for some apically targeted proteins, analogous to that described for basolaterally targeted proteins.  相似文献   

Crozier PS  Stevens MJ  Woolf TB 《Proteins》2007,66(3):559-574
Rhodopsin is the prototypical G-protein coupled receptor, coupling light activation with high efficiency to signaling molecules. The dark-state X-ray structures of the protein provide a starting point for consideration of the relaxation from initial light activation to conformational changes that may lead to signaling. In this study we create an energetically unstable retinal in the light activated state and then use molecular dynamics simulations to examine the types of compensation, relaxation, and conformational changes that occur following the cis-trans light activation. The results suggest that changes occur throughout the protein, with changes in the orientation of Helices 5 and 6, a closer interaction between Ala 169 on Helix 4 and retinal, and a shift in the Schiff base counterion that also reflects changes in sidechain interactions with the retinal. Taken together, the simulation is suggestive of the types of changes that lead from local conformational change to light-activated signaling in this prototypical system.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that regulate invertebrate visual pigment absorption are poorly understood. Studies of amphioxus Go-opsin have demonstrated that Glu-181 functions as the counterion in this pigment. This finding has led to the proposal that Glu-181 may function as the counterion in other invertebrate visual pigments as well. Here we describe a series of mutagenesis experiments to test this hypothesis and to also test whether other conserved acidic amino acids in Drosophila Rhodopsin 1 (Rh1) may serve as the counterion of this visual pigment. Of the 5 Glu and Asp residues replaced by Gln or Asn in our experiments, none of the mutant pigments shift the absorption of Rh1 by more than 6 nm. In combination with prior studies, these results suggest that the counterion in Drosophila Rh1 may not be located at Glu-181 as in amphioxus, or at Glu-113 as in bovine rhodopsin. Conversely, the extremely low steady state levels of the E194Q mutant pigment (bovine opsin site Glu-181), and the rhabdomere degeneration observed in flies expressing this mutant demonstrate that a negatively charged residueat this position is essential for normal rhodopsin function in vivo. This work also raises the possibility that another residue or physiologic anion may compensate for the missing counterion in the E194Q mutant.  相似文献   

We discuss unique mechanisms typical in the elementary processes ofbiological functions. We focus on three topics. Excitation energytransfer in the light-harvesting antenna systems of photosyntheticbacteria is unique in its structure and the energy transfer mechanism. Inthe case of LH2 of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila, the B850 intra-ringenergy transfer and the inter-ring energy transfer between B800 and B850take place by the intermediate coupling mechanism of energy transfer. Theexcitonic coherent domain shows a wave-like movement along the ring, andthis property is expected to play a significant role in the inter-ringenergy transfer between LH2's. The electron transfer in biological systemsis mostly long-range electron transfer that occurs by the electrontunneling through the protein media. There is a long-standing problem thatwhich part of protein media is used for the electron tunneling root. As aresult of our detailed analysis, we found that the global electron tunnelingroot is a little winded with a width of a few angstrom, reflecting theproperty of tertiary and secondary structures of the protein and it isaffected by the thermal fluctuation of protein structure. Photoisomerizationof rhodopsin is very unique: The cis-transphotoisomerization ofrhodopsin occurs only around the C11 = C12 bond in the counterclockwisedirection. Its molecular mechanism is resolved by our MD simulation studyusing the structure of rhodopsin which was recently obtained by the X-raycrystallographic analysis.  相似文献   

Green flagellate algae are capable of the active adjustment of their swimming path according to the light direction (phototaxis). This direction is detected by a special photoreceptor apparatus consisting of the photoreceptor membrane and eyespot. Receptor photoexcitation in green flagellates triggers a cascade of rapid electrical events in the cell membrane which plays a crucial role in the signal transduction chain of phototaxis and the photophobic response. The photoreceptor current is the earliest so far detectable process in this cascade. Measurement of the photoreceptor current is at present the most suitable approach to investigation of the photoreceptor pigment in green flagellate algae, since a low receptor concentration in the cell makes application of optical and biochemical methods so far impossible. A set of physiological evidences shows that the phototaxis receptor in green flagellate algae is a unique rhodopsin-type protein. It shares common chromophore properties with retinal proteins from archaea. However, the involvement of photoelectric processes in the signal transduction chain relates it to animal visual rhodopsins. The presence of some enzymatic components of the animal visual cascade in isolated eyespot preparations might also point to this relation. A retinal-binding protein has been identified in such preparations, the amino acid sequence of which shows a certain homology to sequences of animal visual rhodopsins. However, potential function of this protein as the phototaxis receptor has been questioned in recent time.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) provides a mechanism for the transport of cilium-specific proteins, but the mechanisms for linkage of cargo and IFT proteins have not been identified. Using the sensory outer segments (OS) of photoreceptors, which are derived from sensory cilia, we have identified IFT–cargo complexes containing IFT proteins, kinesin 2 family proteins, two photoreceptor-specific membrane proteins, guanylyl cyclase 1 (GC1, Gucy2e) and rhodopsin (RHO), and the chaperones, mammalian relative of DNAJ, DnajB6 (MRJ), and HSC70 (Hspa8). Analysis of these complexes leads to a model in which MRJ through its binding to IFT88 and GC1 plays a critical role in formation or stabilization of the IFT–cargo complexes. Consistent with the function of MRJ in the activation of HSC70 ATPase activity, Mg-ATP enhances the co-IP of GC1, RHO, and MRJ with IFT proteins. Furthermore, RNAi knockdown of MRJ in IMCD3 cells expressing GC1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) reduces cilium membrane targeting of GC1-GFP without apparent effect on cilium elongation.  相似文献   

Light-driven ion-pumping rhodopsins are widely distributed in microorganisms and are now classified into the categories of outward H+ and Na+ pumps and an inward Cl pump. These different types share a common protein architecture and utilize the photoisomerization of the same chromophore, retinal, to evoke photoreactions. Despite these similarities, successful pump-to-pump conversion had been confined to only the H+ pump bacteriorhodopsin, which was converted to a Cl pump in 1995 by a single amino acid replacement. In this study we report the first success of the reverse conversion from a Cl pump to a H+ pump. A novel microbial rhodopsin (MrHR) from the cyanobacterium Mastigocladopsis repens functions as a Cl pump and belongs to a cluster that is far distant from the known Cl pumps. With a single amino acid replacement, MrHR is converted to a H+ pump in which dissociable residues function almost completely in the H+ relay reactions. MrHR most likely evolved from a H+ pump, but it has not yet been highly optimized into a mature Cl pump.  相似文献   

FTIR spectroscopy is advantageous for detecting changes in polar chemical bonds that participate in bacteriorhodopsin function. Changes in H-bonding of Asp85, Asp96, the Schiff base, and internal water molecules around these residues upon the formation of the L, M, and N photo-intermediates of bacteriorhodopsin were investigated by difference FTIR spectroscopy. The locations and the interactions of these water molecules with the amino acid residues were further revealed by use of mutant pigments. The internal water molecules in the cytoplasmic domain probably work as mobile polar groups in an otherwise apolar environment and act to stabilize the L intermediate, and carrying a proton between the Schiff base and the proton acceptor or donor. Similar internal water molecules were shown to be present in bovine rhodopsin.  相似文献   

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Light induced isomerization of the retinal chromophore activates biological function in all retinal protein (RP) driving processes such as ion-pumping, vertebrate vision and phototaxis in organisms as primitive as archea, or as complex as mammals. This process and its consecutive reactions have been the focus of experimental and theoretical research for decades. The aim of this review is to demonstrate how the experimental and theoretical research efforts can now be combined to reach a more comprehensive understanding of the excited state process on the molecular level. Using the Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin as an example we will show how contemporary time-resolved spectroscopy and recently implemented excited state QM/MM methods consistently describe photochemistry in retinal proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinal Proteins — You can teach an old dog new tricks.  相似文献   

In this paper we first review what is known about the kinetics of Meta II formation, the role and stoichiometry of protons in Meta II formation, the kinetics of the light-induced changes of proton concentration, and the site of proton uptake. We then go on to compare the processes that lead to the deprotonation of the Schiff base in bacteriorhodopsin with rhodopsin. We point out that the similarity of the signs of the light-induced electrical signals from the two kinds of oriented pigment molecules could be explained by bacteriorhodopsin releasing a proton from its extracellular side while rhodopsin taking up a proton on its cytoplasmic side. We then examined the pH dependence of both the absorption spectrum of the unphotolyzed state and the amplitude and kinetics of Meta II formation in bovine rhodopsin. We also measured the effect of deuteration and azide on Meta II formation. We concluded that the pK a of the counter-ion to the Schiff base of bovine rhodopsin and of a surface residue that takes up a proton upon photolysis are both less than 4 in the unphotolyzed state. The data on pH dependence of Meta II formation indicated that the mechanisms involved are more complicated than just two sequential, isospectral forms of Meta II in the bleaching sequence. Finally we examined the evidence that, like in bacteriorhodopsin, the protonation of the Schiff bases's counter-ion (Glu113) is coupled to the changing of the pK a of a protonatable surface group, called Z for rhodopsin and tentatively assigned to Glu134. We conclude that there probably is such a coupling, leading to the formation of the active form of Meta II.  相似文献   

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