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红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>长期以来,野生动物(特别是兽类)监测面临着极大困难,具体表现在:(1)许多野生动物种群数量日渐减少,甚至濒临灭绝;(2)未经许可,许多珍稀种类禁止采集实体样本;(3)许多动物昼伏夜出,活动隐秘,很难观察到实体,甚至很难发现痕迹;(4)许多动物仅分布在人稀罕至的森林或其他生境中,监测难度大、成本高;(5)野生动物行为习性和生存空间多种多样,难以形成统一的监测方法和技术标准。20世纪90年代以来,"3S"技术、分子生物学技术、数码影像技术(如自动相机技术或红外相机技术  相似文献   

我国野生动物濒危程度不断加剧,有233种脊椎动物面临灭绝,约44%的野生动物呈数量下降趋势,非国家重点保护野生动物种群下降趋势明显。摘编自《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》(2011-2030年)  相似文献   

生境破碎化对生物多样性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨芳  贺达汉 《生态科学》2006,25(6):564-567
生境破碎化对生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响是当前国内外生态学家研究的热点问题之一。生境破碎化导致原生境的总面积减小,产生隔离的异质种群,从而影响个体行为特性、种群间基因交换、物种间相互作用及生态过程。生境破碎化的过程引起栖息地内部食物、繁殖场所、局部小气候、边缘效应等生物和非生物条件的变化,从而影响植物种群的大小和灭绝速率、扩散和迁入、遗传和变异以及存活力等,影响动物种群的异质种群动态、适宜生境比例、灭绝阈值、种间关系等。随着景观生态学与农业科学的融合,探索利用景观布局控制害虫发生将是人类利用生境破碎化为人类服务的一条新途径。  相似文献   

【背景】红火蚁入侵后对新发生地区生物多样性的影响及与土著物种的关系是入侵生物学研究的重点之一,解释红火蚁与类似生态位的土著蚂蚁的关系对全面了解该蚁入侵的生态学效应具有重要意义。【方法】通过野外模拟设置蚁巢,观察、记录距离红火蚁和黑头酸臭蚁蚁巢30 cm处诱集到的黑头酸臭蚁工蚁在红火蚁入侵前、入侵中及移除后的数量变化,研究短期入侵红火蚁实验种群与荒草地和荔枝园黑头酸臭蚁间的干扰竞争。【结果】红火蚁实验种群短期入侵对荒草地生境黑头酸臭蚁的干扰较明显,而对荔枝园生境黑头酸臭蚁的干扰较小;红火蚁未入侵荒草地生境黑头酸臭蚁受干扰最明显,移除红火蚁20 min后,处理诱饵上召集的黑头酸臭蚁数量才与入侵前差异不显著;红火蚁未入侵荔枝园生境黑头酸臭蚁受干扰最小,移除红火蚁仅5 min后,处理诱饵上黑头酸臭蚁数量就恢复到入侵前,甚至超过入侵前数量。【结论与意义】红火蚁入侵对黑头酸臭蚁的觅食行为存在较大的干扰抑制作用,其影响程度与生境的复杂性有着密切关系。研究结果可为了解红火蚁入侵的生态学效应提供证据。  相似文献   

【目的】明确区域性景观组成对玉米苗期捕食性天敌的生态学效应,可为开展玉米田有害生物生态调控提供理论基础。【方法】以山东省92块玉米田为研究区域,基于玉米苗期捕食性天敌种群数量、试验点的遥感影像和土地覆盖类型分类数据,运用混合效应模型分析了耕地、居住工业交通、草地、林地、水体5种土地覆盖类型的面积比例对玉米苗期捕食性天敌种群数量的影响。【结果】共调查到3 744头捕食性天敌,其中草间小黑蛛Erigonidium graminicolum(55.29%),龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(25.32%),小花蝽Orius similis(6.73%),八斑球腹蛛Theridion octomaculatum(4.01%),异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(3.58%)和三突花蛛Misumenops tricuspidatus(3.47%)为主要捕食性天敌。发现林地和水体生境对龟纹瓢虫的种群数量有显著的正效应,草地和水体生境对三突花蛛的种群数量有显著的正效应,水体和林地生境对捕食性天敌的总数量有显著正效应。【结论】华北农田景观中非作物生境作为捕食性天敌的资源库,在玉米苗期捕食性天敌维持中起重要作用。  相似文献   

<正>保护生物多样性刻不容缓据估计,中国有10.9%的高等植物处于濒危或受威胁状态,其中,裸子植物、兰科植物等高达40%以上。野生动物濒危程度不断加剧,有233种脊椎动物面临灭绝,约44%的野生动物呈数量下降趋势,非国家重点保护野生动物种群下降趋势明显。因此,开展生物多样性保护刻不容缓。  相似文献   

秦岭地处我国中西部, 生物地理位置重要, 拥有丰富的生物多样性, 有大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)、秦岭羚牛(Budorcas bedfordi)、金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)和朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)等4个秦岭森林旗舰物种, 被称为“秦岭四宝”。利用红外相机技术开展秦岭野生动物的非损伤性监测不仅可以为秦岭山系提供物种名录信息, 还可以为了解秦岭野生动物的行为和活动格局提供科学数据。清华大学环境学院生态团队自2009-2020年在秦岭中段南坡先后实施了7个项目, 对秦岭南坡的4个保护区进行了野生动物监测, 面积达1,113 km 2(26.5 km × 42 km), 红外相机位点数267个, 相机日数152,160天, 共获取红外相机照片855,260张。共鉴定出27种野生兽类和63种野生鸟类, 并应用这些照片数据开展了信息挖掘工作, 对野生动物行为、稀有物种、与生境的关系, 以及人为活动对野生动物的影响等领域进行了研究, 已取得部分成果。在此基础上建立了“秦岭中段野生动物多样性的红外相机监测数据库平台”, 供团队内部及合作者使用。通过10年的监测, 我们提出未来研究建议: (1)对于非常偶见的物种, 还需要更长的时间并在更多样化的生境布设相机, 以获取更多影像数据评估其现状; (2)数据库需要在更大程度和深度上进行信息挖掘, 尤其在种间关系、物种-生境关系、种群动态等方面; (3)对典型大种群数量的物种(如秦岭羚牛和野猪Sus scrofa)及食物链顶端大型捕食动物(如金钱豹Panthera pardus)进行种群动态研究, 为整个秦岭生态系统的健康持续提供科学支撑; (4)利用数据库的数据及今后红外相机监测数据进行野生动物疾病的发生发展监测研究。  相似文献   

随着人类和其他生物赖以生存的环境破碎化程度的加剧,许多以前是连续分布的物种,目前不得不在破碎化生境(斑块)中求生存,所以,种群在破碎化生境(斑块)中分布问题的研究对生物保护和生境重建意义重大.本文运用Leslie矩阵和Markov链建立了一个具年龄结构的种群在破碎化生境中随时间动态变化的分布模型,讨论了种群在该生境中持续存在以及灭绝的条件.  相似文献   

<正>陆生脊椎动物是生物多样性保护和管理评价的重要指示类群(Morrison et al.,2007;Liu et al.,2013)。全球多数生态系统中,许多大中型脊椎动物的种群数量在急剧下降,不少物种甚至遭遇灭顶之灾。而人类活动影响(如猎杀、森林砍伐、外来物种侵入、栖息地破坏和片断化等)是引起这些野生动物种群和群落变化的直接或间接原因(Morrison et al.,2007)。同时,野生动物种群和群落变化对生态系统其他物种也产生了严重的生态后果,如食果动物的  相似文献   

【目的】红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是世界最危险的有害入侵生物之一,2004年入侵我国华南地区,并给农林业安全、生态安全带来极大危害。调查并明确田间红火蚁觅食工蚁的食物种类及数量,不仅为评估红火蚁猎食对生态环境中节肢动物群落的影响,而且为红火蚁防治饵剂的改进提供科学依据。【方法】本研究采用蚁道剖析法,对华南地区桑园和荒地两种生境中红火蚁觅食工蚁搬运的固体残片取样和鉴定;依搬运工蚁及其固体残片尺寸进行测量分级并称重,以分析工蚁多态性与固体食物大小的关系;采用薄层色谱法和氨基酸分析法测定嗉囊液体样品的营养成分及含量。【结果】在华南地区桑园和荒地中,红火蚁觅食工蚁搬运回巢的固体食物包括固体的动物残片和植物种子,其中动物残片属于3门7纲21个类群(包括14个昆虫目),昆虫纲动物所占比例为总固体食物的45.53%~46.10%。工蚁偏好搬运长1.400±0.043 mm~2.306±0.063 mm和宽0.723±0.028 mm~1.261±0.051 mm的固体残片,其重量在0.203~0.413 mg之间。红火蚁觅食工蚁嗉囊液体由多种氨基酸、果糖和葡萄糖组成,在桑园和荒地采集到的红火蚁嗉囊液体样本中的氨基酸总含量分别为1 544.31 mg/L和861.48 mg/L,氨基酸种类分别为33种和32种,其中31种氨基酸为共有的。【结论】华南地区桑园和荒地中,红火蚁固体食物组成均以昆虫纲动物为主;参与固体残片搬运觅食蚁的80%属于中型工蚁,搬运较大型固体残片的大型工蚁仅占5%;红火蚁工蚁嗉囊液体含有丰富的氨基酸和单糖。  相似文献   

红火蚁入侵草坪过程中蚂蚁类群变动趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观察研究了红火蚁入侵草坪之后蚂蚁群落结构的变动趋势。对各处理区在不同时期的蚂蚁优势种进行了分析,结果表明,与对照区相比红火蚁入侵后各处理区的蚂蚁优势种发生了明显改变,红火蚁替代了原来的优势蚂蚁种类,并在数量上占主导地位,而且各处理区的蚂蚁类群多样性、均匀度降低,优势度明显增大。通过分析红火蚁入侵过程中各处理区的蚂蚁类群相似性,表明轻度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.25-0.50之间,为中等不相似;中度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.075-0.444之间,为中等不相似或极不相似;重度发生区与对照区的蚂蚁类群相似性系数q一直处在0.0-0.222之间,为极不相似,这也说明了不同的红火蚁危害程度对本地蚂蚁类群结构的影响是不同的,红火蚁种群数量越大,对本地蚂蚁类群的影响也越大,排挤或取代它们所需要的时间也越短。  相似文献   

化学防治对绿化带中红火蚁及本地蚂蚁的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋侦东  许益镌  陆永跃  黄俊  曾玲 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6148-6155
研究了饵剂、粉剂和灌巢3种不同施药方法对红火蚁的防治效果及对绿化带本地蚂蚁的影响.结果表明:从活动蚁巢和工蚁减退率两项指标来看,粉剂防治绿化带中红火蚁效果快速稳定,可以推广使用;饵剂防治作用较缓慢,处理35d后达到最好的防治效果;而灌巢虽然能在短期内有效地减少活动蚁巢数量,但对工蚁的防效较差,总体上不如粉剂和饵剂.此外,饵剂和粉剂都能显著降低绿化带本地蚂蚁的种类和数量,灌巢则对本地蚂蚁的影响较小.通过分析施药前后各处理区的蚂蚁类群多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数的变化,可以看出各处理区的蚂蚁类群多样性指数,均匀度指数和优势度指数与CK相比,都呈下降趋势,说明化学防治能有效压制红火蚁的数量,但同时也严重影响着本地蚂蚁.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wind energy development represents significant challenges and opportunities in contemporary wildlife management. Such challenges include the large size and extensive placement of turbines that may represent potential hazards to birds and bats. However, the associated infrastructure required to support an array of turbines—such as roads and transmission lines—represents an even larger potential threat to wildlife than the turbines themselves because such infrastructure can result in extensive habitat fragmentation and can provide avenues for invasion by exotic species. There are numerous conceptual research opportunities that pertain to issues such as identifying the best and worst placement of sites for turbines that will minimize impacts on birds and bats. Unfortunately, to date very little research of this type has appeared in the peer-reviewed scientific literature; much of it exists in the form of unpublished reports and other forms of gray literature. In this paper, we summarize what is known about the potential impacts of wind farms on wildlife and identify a 3-part hierarchical approach to use the scientific method to assess these impacts. The Lower Gulf Coast (LGC) of Texas, USA, is a region currently identified as having a potentially negative impact on migratory birds and bats, with respect to wind farm development. This area is also a region of vast importance to wildlife from the standpoint of native diversity, nature tourism, and opportunities for recreational hunting. We thus use some of the emergent issues related to wind farm development in the LGC—such as siting turbines on cropland sites as opposed to on native rangelands—to illustrate the kinds of challenges and opportunities that wildlife managers must face as we balance our demand for sustainable energy with the need to conserve and sustain bird migration routes and corridors, native vertebrates, and the habitats that support them.  相似文献   

After decades of suppression, fire is returning to forests of the western United States through wildfires and prescribed burns. These fires may aid restoration of vegetation structure and processes, which could improve conditions for wildlife species and reduce severe wildfire risk. Understanding response of wildlife species to fires is essential to forest restoration because contemporary fires may not have the same effects as historical fires. Recent fires in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona provided opportunity to investigate long‐term effects of burn severity on habitat selection of a native wildlife species. We surveyed burned forest for squirrel feeding sign and related vegetation characteristics to frequency of feeding sign occurrence. We used radio‐telemetry within fire‐influenced forest to determine home ranges of Mexican fox squirrels, Sciurus nayaritensis chiricahuae, and compared vegetation characteristics within home ranges to random areas available to squirrels throughout burned conifer forest. Squirrels fed in forest with open understory and closed canopy cover. Vegetation within home ranges was characterized by lower understory density, consistent with the effects of low‐severity fire, and larger trees than random locations. Our results suggest that return of low‐severity fire can help restore habitat for Mexican fox squirrels and other native wildlife species with similar habitat affiliations in forests with a historical regime of frequent, low‐severity fire. Our study contributes to an understanding of the role and impact of fire in forest ecosystems and the implications for forest restoration as fire returns to the region.  相似文献   

Secondary compounds can contribute to the success of non‐native plant species if they reduce damage by native herbivores or inhibit the growth of native plant competitors. However, there is opposing evidence on whether the secondary compounds of non‐native plant species are stronger than those of natives. This may be explained by other factors, besides plant origin, that affect the potential of plant secondary compounds. We tested how plant origin, phylogeny, growth strategy and stoichiometry affected the allelopathic potential of 34 aquatic plants. The allelopathic potential was quantified using bioassays with the cyanobacterium Dolichospermum flos‐aquae. The allelopathic potential showed a strong phylogenetic signal, but was similar for native and non‐native species. Growth strategy was important, and emergent plants had twice the allelopathic potential as compared to submerged plants. Furthermore, the allelopathic potential was positively correlated to the foliar carbon‐to‐phosphorus (C:P) and total phenolic content. We conclude that eudicot plant species with an emergent growth strategy and high plant C:P ratio exhibit a high allelopathic potential. Unless non‐native plant species match this profile, they generally have a similar allelopathic potential as natives.  相似文献   

Livestock in high altitudes of Nepal and elsewhere, frequently and freely, use potential habitat of native wildlife for foraging. Such intrusion of ecologically similar domestic species is supposed to negatively impact the resident wildlife via ‘perceived’ and/or ‘real’ competitive interactions. Hence, assessment of dietary composition and overlap between herbivores is crucial to gain insight into the potential impacts via resource exploitation by foraging livestock. Also, evaluation of dietary composition of resident wildlife across seasons is important to decipher their seasonal resource needs. Within this context, microhistological technique, that makes use of fecal pellet for identification of plant species through comparison with reference slides of plant materials in the area, was used to assess dietary composition, breadth, and overlap between seasonally sympatric Himalayan musk deer and livestock in Nepal Himalaya. Musk deer and livestock were found to have significantly different dietary consumption and that partition was contributed by different species; meaning different plant species were associated to the diets of these two groups. Of notable, however, was a considerable ‘number’ of species (i.e., species richness) shared in diets by musk deer and livestock raising a concern of unchecked number of livestock with a potential to exploit and reduce the availability of shared plant species with musk deer. Also, seasonal dietary composition of musk deer significantly varied, with increased dietary breadth in winter, suggesting a potential for intraspecific competition for forage in winter because of limited availability of resources mediated by retarded growth and harsh conditions.  相似文献   

From the past, species have been transferred among ecosystems trough traveling and global trade. The establishment and spread of such invasive species has caused significant damage to the economy, the environment, and human or native species health. This review compiles information on infections or contact with pathogens reported in raccoons (Procyon lotor). Raccoons are opportunistic carnivores native to North America. However, nowadays they are distributed across mainland Europe as a result of escaped pets and introductions. In their native range, raccoons are known to be host to a number of disease agents that could be transmitted to humans, domestic animals and other wildlife. Hence, the increase of raccoon populations and their geographic spread in Europe may result in new disease hazards. Raccoons have been identified as possible sentinels of diseases such as West Nile virus, and they pose a disease-related conservation risk by maintaining circulation of canine distemper virus. They also have the potential to participate in the maintenance of zoonoses including the raccoon roundworm Baylisascaris procyonis. Due its fast expansion and the large list of diseases, we conclude that the introduction of the raccoon has had adverse effects on health in Europe. This might well be the case of other invasive species, too. Hence, studies on invasive species health aspects are urgently needed to assess the risk of disease spread and eventually establish control measures.  相似文献   

The impact of the wildlife trade has been accentuated in the Internet age where social media platforms have offered accessible and consumer-friendly avenues in the way species are legally and illegally traded. We explored the exotic pet trade on a social media platform, Facebook, in Thailand. Over the 18-month period, we recorded 761 posts of primates and carnivores’ species, totalling 1190 individuals from 42 species.Using Generalised Linear Models, we developed hypotheses to explain price dynamics. Variables include, species’ native status (if species are found in Thailand), domestic protection (if species are protected under Thai wildlife laws), international regulation (species CITES listing) and species threatened status (species IUCN Red Listing). Overall, we found evidence of an anthropogenic Allee effect where exotic imports from South America and Africa were significantly more expensive than native species (Wald χ2 = 969.72, df = 13, p < 0.05). Trade in these legally imported non-native wildlife species contributed to 11% of posts. Illegal trade of native species contributed to 66% of posts. When considering only native species, trends toward an anthropogenic Allee effect were observed where protected illegal species called for higher prices than legal species.Illegal wildlife trade on Facebook was blatant, easily accessible and unchecked. Discrepancies in current domestic wildlife legislation lead to intentional evasion of laws and a lack of enforcement. Disproportionate desire for rare or protected species encourages a cycle of exploitation that threatens species to extinction.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of Mexico as importer, manufacturer, producer and distributor centre of reptile skins from non-native and native species, through a combination of documentary research and survey methods. A number of key findings were derived from this study. Although Mexico has adopted the “System for the Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use of Wildlife” (SUMA), the country still relies on reptile skins from non-native species. In contrast, the smaller numbers of skins used from native species mainly derive from captive breeding schemes that although biologically sustainable, provide no incentive for habitat conservation. Sustainable use of reptile skins from native species could positively encourage conservation in Mexico. However, as a megadiverse country with potential to produce wildlife, Mexico will have to implement an appropriate regulatory framework to support local communities to promote the sustainable use of native species.  相似文献   

Biofuels from agricultural sources are an important part of California's strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on foreign oil. Land conversion for agricultural and urban uses has already imperiled many animal species in the state. This study investigated the potential impacts on wildlife of shifts in agricultural activity to increase biomass production for transportation fuels. We applied knowledge of the suitability of California's agricultural landscapes for wildlife species to evaluate wildlife effects associated with plausible scenarios of expanded production of three potential biofuel crops (sugar beets, bermudagrass, and canola). We also generated alternative, spatially explicit scenarios that minimized loss of habitat for the same level of biofuel production. We explored trade‐offs to compare the marginal changes per unit of energy for transportation costs, wildlife, land and water‐use, and total energy produced, and found that all five factors were influenced by crop choice. Sugar beet scenarios require the least land area: 3.5 times less land per liter of gasoline equivalent than bermudagrass and five times less than canola. Canola scenarios had the largest impacts on wildlife but the greatest reduction in water use. Bermudagrass scenarios resulted in a slight overall improvement for wildlife over the current situation. Relatively minor redistribution of lands converted to biofuel crops could produce the same energy yield with much less impact on wildlife and very small increases in transportation costs. This framework provides a means to systematically evaluate potential wildlife impacts of alternative production scenarios and could be a useful complement to other frameworks that assess impacts on ecosystem services and greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

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