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Landscape effects on crop pollination services: are there general patterns?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pollination by bees and other animals increases the size, quality, or stability of harvests for 70% of leading global crops. Because native species pollinate many of these crops effectively, conserving habitats for wild pollinators within agricultural landscapes can help maintain pollination services. Using hierarchical Bayesian techniques, we synthesize the results of 23 studies – representing 16 crops on five continents – to estimate the general relationship between pollination services and distance from natural or semi-natural habitats. We find strong exponential declines in both pollinator richness and native visitation rate. Visitation rate declines more steeply, dropping to half of its maximum at 0.6 km from natural habitat, compared to 1.5 km for richness. Evidence of general decline in fruit and seed set – variables that directly affect yields – is less clear. Visitation rate drops more steeply in tropical compared with temperate regions, and slightly more steeply for social compared with solitary bees. Tropical crops pollinated primarily by social bees may therefore be most susceptible to pollination failure from habitat loss. Quantifying these general relationships can help predict consequences of land use change on pollinator communities and crop productivity, and can inform landscape conservation efforts that balance the needs of native species and people.  相似文献   

Males traditionally predominate at upper achievement levels. One general view holds that this is due only to various social factors such as the 'glass ceiling' and lack of female role models. Another view holds that it occurs partly because of innate ability differences, with more males being at upper ability levels. In the last few decades, women have become more achievement focused and competitive and have gained many more opportunities to achieve. The present study examined one intellectual domain, international chess, to quantify its gender differences in achievement and to see if these have been diminishing with the societal changes. Chess is a good test domain because it is a meritocracy, it has objective performance measures, and longitudinal data of a whole population are available. Performance ratings overall and in the top 10, 50 and 100 players of each sex show large gender differences and little convergence over the past three decades, although a few females have become high achievers. The distribution of performance ratings on the January 2004 list shows a higher male mean and evidence for more male variation, just as with traits such as height. Career patterns of players first on the list between 1985 and 1989 show that top males and females entered the list at about the same age but females tend to play fewer games and have shorter careers. In this domain at least, the male predominance is large and has remained roughly constant despite societal changes.  相似文献   

Synthesis This study compared the decomposability of leaf, twig and wood litter from 27 co‐occurring temperate rainforest tree species in New Zealand. We found that interspecific variation in decomposition was not coordinated across the three litter types. Analysis of the relationships between functional traits and decomposition revealed that traits predictive of wood decomposition varied among the species independently from traits predictive of the decomposition of leaf and twig litter. We conclude that efforts to understand how tree species influence C, N and P dynamics in forested ecosystems through the decomposition pathway need to consider the functional traits of multiple plant structures. Plant functional traits are increasingly used to evaluate changes in ecological and ecosystem processes. However our understanding of how functional traits coordinate across different plant structures, and the implications for trait‐driven processes such as litter decomposition, remains limited. We compared the functional traits of green leaves and leaf, twig and wood litter among 27 co‐occurring tree species from New Zealand, and quantified the loss of mass, N and P from the three litter types during decomposition. We hypothesised that: a) the functional traits of green leaves, and leaf, twig and wood litter are co‐ordinated so that species which produce high quality leaves and leaf litter will also produce high quality twig and wood litter, and b) the decomposability of leaf, twig and wood litter is coordinated because breakdown of all three litter types is driven by similar combinations of traits. Trait variation across species was co‐ordinated between leaves, twigs and wood when angiosperm and gymnosperm species were considered in combination, or when angiosperms were considered separately, but trait coordination was poor for gymnosperms. There was little coordination among the three litter types in their decomposability, especially when angiosperms and gymnosperms were considered separately; this was caused by the decomposability of each of the three litter types, at least partially, being driven by different functional traits or trait combinations. Our findings indicate that although interspecific variation in the functional traits of trees can be coordinated among leaves, twigs and wood, different or unrelated traits predict the decomposition of these different structures. Furthermore, leaf‐level analyses of functional traits are not satisfactory proxies for function of whole trees and related ecological processes. As such, efforts to understand how tree species influence C, N and P dynamics in forested ecosystems through the decomposition pathway need to consider functional traits of other plant structures.  相似文献   

Mouillot D  Mason NW  Wilson JB 《Oecologia》2007,152(4):729-737
The relation between functional traits and abundance of species has the potential to provide evidence on the mechanisms that structure local ecological communities. The niche-limitation/limiting-similarity hypothesis, derived from MacArthur and Levins’ original concept, predicts that species that are similar to others in terms of functional traits will suffer greater competition and hence be less abundant. On the other hand, the environment-filtering/habitat-optimum hypothesis predicts that groups of species with functional traits that are close to the optimum for that environment, and are therefore similar to other species, will be more abundant. We propose a new niche-assembly model for predicting the relative abundance of species in communities from their functional traits, which can detect the patterns that would be expected from either of these hypotheses. The model was fitted to eight plant communities sampled in the Lake Ohau district of New Zealand. For seven of the sites, the patterns could not be distinguished from that expected under a null model. However, in one site there was highly significant departure from the null model in the direction expected from the niche-limitation hypothesis. The site was probably the most productive of those examined. It is possible that competition for light rather than belowground resources, or faster recovery from disturbance, allowed greater predictability. Surprisingly, the predictability was seen when just the presences of a species’ neighbours in trait space were taken into account, but not when the potential effects of those neighbours were weighted by their abundance. For three of the four model types, the effects of species on each other were consistently negative: a significant trend. These results contradict the various neutral models of ecological communities.  相似文献   

Are there real differences among aquatic and terrestrial food webs?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, aquatic and terrestrial ecologists have put forward several hypotheses regarding similarities and differences in food-web structure and function among these ecosystem types. Although many of these hypotheses explore why strong top-down effects and trophic cascades might be less common in terrestrial than in aquatic ecosystems, there is little theoretical or empirical evidence available to support or refute these hypotheses. Many unanswered questions remain about potential differences across ecosystem types: progress will require empirical studies designed within a broader context that allows for more direct comparisons.  相似文献   

Fisher''s principle states that natural selection favours an equal number of male and female births at the population level, unless there are sex differences in rearing costs or sex differences in mortality before the end of the period of parental investment. Sex differences in rearing costs should be more pronounced in low- than in high-resource settings. We, therefore, examined whether human development index and sex differences in child mortality contribute to the natural variation in human sex ratio at birth across the globe. As predicted by Fisher''s principle, the proportion of male births increased with both increasing male-biased childhood mortality and level of development of each country. However, these relationships were absent after accounting for spatial autocorrelation in the residuals, which our inference is conditioned on. This work shows how the failure to account for residual spatial autocorrelation can lead to incorrect conclusions regarding support for predictions from sex allocation theory.  相似文献   

The study of global environmental change and its effect on biodiversity and ecosystem function is at an exciting crossroads, at which ideas developed largely through theory and small-scale experiments are now being tested with ecosystem services as they are delivered to people in real-world landscapes. Pollinators and pollination are emerging as a model system for exploring these questions, which inherently required working large spatio-temporal scales. In this Invited View, I discuss current questions that are at the leading edge of this research. I first point out some surprising knowledge gaps in our understanding of pollinators’ response to global change. I then outline several ways in which current understanding of the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship might be transformed by studies conducted at large spatio-temporal scales. Specifically, I propose two hypotheses that relate to the number of species required to saturate ecosystem function, and to the mechanisms through which biodiversity stabilizes ecosystem function over space or time.  相似文献   

Among primate species there is pronounced variation in the relationship between social status and measures of stress physiology. An informal meta-analysis was designed to investigate the basis of this diversity across different primate societies. Species were included only if a substantial amount of published information was available regarding both social behavior and rank-related differences in stress physiology. Four Old World and three New World species met these criteria, including societies varying from small-group, singular cooperative breeders (common marmoset and cotton top tamarin) to large-troop, multi-male, multi-female polygynous mating systems (rhesus, cynomolgus, talapoin, squirrel monkeys, and olive baboon). A questionnaire was formulated to obtain information necessary to characterize the stress milieu for individuals in particular primate societies. We standardized cortisol values within each species by calculating the ratio of basal cortisol concentrations of subordinates to those of dominants in stable dominance hierarchies and expressing the ratio as a percentage (relative cortisol levels). The meta-analysis identified two variables that significantly predicted relative cortisol levels: subordinates exhibited higher relative cortisol levels when they (1). were subjected to higher rates of stressors, and (2). experienced decreased opportunities for social (including close kin) support. These findings have important implications for understanding the different physiological consequences of dominant and subordinate social status across primate societies and how social rank may differ in its behavioral and physiological manifestations among primate societies.  相似文献   

Parental care benefits offspring through maternal effects influencing their development, growth and survival. However, although parental care in general is likely the result of adaptive evolution, it does not follow that specific differences in the maternal effects that arise from care are also adaptive. Here, we used an interspecific cross‐fostering design in the burying beetle species Nicrophorus orbicollis and N. vespilloides, both of which have elaborate parental care involving direct feeding of regurgitated food to offspring, to test whether maternal effects are optimized within a species and therefore adaptive. Using a full‐factorial design, we first demonstrated that N. orbicollis care for offspring longer regardless of recipient species. We then examined offspring development and mass in offspring reared by hetero‐ or conspecific parents. As expected, there were species‐specific direct effects independent of the maternal effects, as N. orbicollis larvae were larger and took longer to develop than N. vespilloides regardless of caregiver. We also found significant differences in maternal effects: N. vespilloides maternal care caused more rapid development of offspring of either species. Contrary to expectations if maternal effects were species‐specific, there were no significant interactions between caretaker and recipient species for either development time or mass, suggesting that these maternal effects are general rather than optimized within species. We suggest that rather than coadaptation between parents and offspring performance, the species differences in maternal effects may be correlated with direct effects, and that their evolution is driven by selection on those direct effects.  相似文献   

Little evidence of calculated reciprocity has been found in non-human primates so far. In this study, we used a simple experimental set-up to test whether partners pulled a sliding table to altruistically provide food to each other in short-term interactions. We tested 46 dyads of chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, brown capuchin monkeys and spider monkeys to examine whether a subject’s tendency to provide food to a partner was directly affected by the partner’s previous behaviour, by the species, by the condition (i.e., whether the partner could access the food provided by the subject) and by the social tolerance levels within each dyad. Chimpanzees and orangutans were the only species pulling significantly more when the partner could retrieve the food altruistically provided. However, no species reciprocated food exchanges, as subjects’ probability to pull was not affected by the previous number of the partner’s pulls, with the possible exception of one orangutan dyad. Although subjects clearly knew how the apparatus worked and easily obtained food for themselves, individuals did not usually take the opportunity to provide food to their partners, suggesting that calculated reciprocity is not a common behaviour and that food exchanges are usually not reciprocated in the short-term within dyads.  相似文献   

Assembly history, or the order of species arrival, can have wide-ranging effects on species, communities and ecosystems. However, it remains unclear whether assembly history primarily affects individual species, with effects attenuating at the level of communities and ecosystems or, alternatively, has consistent effect sizes across increasing levels of ecological organisation. We address this question using a field-based manipulation of assembly history of wood-inhabiting fungi. The largest effect sizes were observed for the frequency of some individual species, and mean effect sizes were lower for community metrics of fungi immigrating from the regional species pool. There was little evidence, however, of attenuation in effect sizes at the ecosystem level (carbon, nitrogen, decomposition) in comparison to the species or community level. These results indicate that assembly history can have strong effects on ecosystem properties even under natural levels of environmental variability.  相似文献   



Do the assemblages of pollination modes in restored (tree plantings) and secondary (naturally regenerated) forests change in comparison to primary forests, and how do these assemblages relate to species turnover at regional scale?


Southeast region of Brazil.


We classified tree species found in a total of 40 forest sites (18 primary, 11 restored, 11 secondary) according to pollination mode, based on the literature. We calculated and compared functional dissimilarity distances, amounts of species and accumulated abundance of pollination modes, and functional indices of richness and evenness between forest types.


Functional dissimilarity distances were much smaller than species dissimilarity distances within forest types (mean <20%, >80%, respectively), indicating a small variation in pollination modes between sites. Functional indices of richness and evenness did not differ between forest types. However, significant changes were found in the species and abundance proportions of several pollination modes. Primary forests were characterized by the predominance of generalized insect‐pollinated species, followed by secondary proportions of bee, wind and moth pollination; other pollination modes were underrepresented. In restored forests, reductions were found in generalized insect, moth, wind, fly, pollen‐consuming insect and very‐small insect pollination, whereas the species pollinated by bees and bats more than doubled. Smaller changes were found among secondary forests, including reductions in moth, fly and fig‐wasp pollination, whereas there were incremental changes in bee, beetle, big animal and small insect pollination.


Our results indicate a rather stable assemblage of pollination modes and also high ecological redundancy among trees regardless of the species replacement at the regional scale. Major changes among restored forests are probably in response to larger disturbance effects and/or restoration practices conducted in these sites. In contrast, smaller changes among secondary forests could be in response to smaller disturbance effects and natural selection processes, and also seem to suggest that highly resilient degraded areas are more likely to recuperate their functional diversity through natural regeneration alone. In both cases, however, efforts to recover such patterns should be encouraged to avoid possible negative effects in plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Can ecological relationships between bat species be predicted largely on the basis of morphology? This question was addressed by investigating skull morphology of two cryptic species of the pipistrelle bat. Since 45 Pipistrellus pipistrellus apparently eats larger prey than 55 P. pipistrellus, we predicted that it would have a larger overall skull size, a larger dentary apparatus, and a larger gape. To test these predictions, variables were measured from skulls of the two cryptic species, and comparisons made between them. In accordance with our predictions, overall skull size was larger in 45 P. pipistrellus than in 55 P. pipistrellus, and 45 P. pipistrellus had a longer lower jaw and the distance between the jaws at maximum gape was larger. In addition, 45 P. pipistrellus had longer upper canines, which may allow it to pierce harder prey items than 55 P. pipistrellus. Only some aspects of dietary differences between the two cryptic species could be explained by differences in skull morphology, and we suggest that empirical data, at least on diet and habitat use, are also required to explain mechanisms of resource partitioning among species in bat communities.  相似文献   

Megaherbivores perform vital ecosystem engineering roles, and have their last remaining stronghold in Africa. Of Africa's remaining megaherbivores, the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) has received the least scientific and conservation attention, despite how influential their ecosystem engineering activities appear to be. Given the potentially crucial ecosystem engineering influence of hippos, as well as mounting conservation concerns threatening their long-term persistence, a review of the evidence for hippos being ecosystem engineers, and the effects of their engineering, is both timely and necessary. In this review, we assess, (i) aspects of hippo biology that underlie their unique ecosystem engineering potential; (ii) evaluate hippo ecological impacts in terrestrial and aquatic environments; (iii) compare the ecosystem engineering influence of hippos to other extant African megaherbivores; (iv) evaluate factors most critical to hippo conservation and ecosystem engineering; and (v) highlight future research directions and challenges that may yield new insights into the ecological role of hippos, and of megaherbivores more broadly. We find that a variety of key life-history traits determine the hippo's unique influence, including their semi-aquatic lifestyle, large body size, specialised gut anatomy, muzzle structure, small and partially webbed feet, and highly gregarious nature. On land, hippos create grazing lawns that contain distinct plant communities and alter fire spatial extent, which shapes woody plant demographics and might assist in maintaining fire-sensitive riverine vegetation. In water, hippos deposit nutrient-rich dung, stimulating aquatic food chains and altering water chemistry and quality, impacting a host of different organisms. Hippo trampling and wallowing alters geomorphological processes, widening riverbanks, creating new river channels, and forming gullies along well-utilised hippo paths. Taken together, we propose that these myriad impacts combine to make hippos Africa's most influential megaherbivore, specifically because of the high diversity and intensity of their ecological impacts compared with other megaherbivores, and because of their unique capacity to transfer nutrients across ecosystem boundaries, enriching both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Nonetheless, water pollution and extraction for agriculture and industry, erratic rainfall patterns and human–hippo conflict, threaten hippo ecosystem engineering and persistence. Therefore, we encourage greater consideration of the unique role of hippos as ecosystem engineers when considering the functional importance of megafauna in African ecosystems, and increased attention to declining hippo habitat and populations, which if unchecked could change the way in which many African ecosystems function.  相似文献   

In land cover mapping, the complexity of landscapes is fitted into classes that may limit the recognition of natural variability. In this study, we tested the power of land cover classes (defined on the CORINE land cover classification scheme, a standardized legend set by EU for land cover inventory) to separate different vascular plant assemblages in forest ecosystems. In order to separately identify the role of different sources of inconsistency between land cover classes and species composition, we compared three different inventory processes, based on (i) dominant tree species as observed in the field, (ii) visual interpretation of remotely sensed images and (iii) semi-automatic supervised classification of satellite images. Our results underline that classifying forest ecosystems on the basis of their canopy species produces an over-simplification of habitat variability. Consequently, land cover maps based on non-specialized classification schemes should not be regarded as good proxies for plant biodiversity. If land cover maps are intended to describe and manage landscapes and their associated biodiversity, it is necessary to improve their capacity to represent the complexity of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Vilà M  Gómez A  Maron JL 《Oecologia》2003,137(2):211-215
The evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis predicts that introduced plants that are long liberated from their natural enemies may lose costly herbivore defense, enabling them to reallocate resources previously spent on defense to traits that increase competitive superiority. We tested this prediction by comparing the competitive ability of native St John's wort ( Hypericum perforatum) from Europe with introduced St John's wort from central North America where plants have long grown free of specialist herbivores, and introduced plants from western North America where plants have been subjected to over 57 years of biological control. Plants were grown in a greenhouse with and without competition with Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum). St John's wort from the introduced range were not better interspecific competitors than plants from the native range. The magnitude of the effect of ryegrass on St John's wort was similar for introduced and native genotypes. Furthermore, introduced plants were not uniformly larger than natives; rather, within each region of origin there was a high variability in size between populations. Competition with ryegrass reduced the growth of St John's wort by >90%. In contrast, St John's wort reduced ryegrass growth <10%. These results do not support the contention that plants from the introduced range evolve greater competitive ability in the absence of natural enemies.  相似文献   

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