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Three rabbit vessels, the carotid and pulmonary arteries and the jugular vein were investigated to identify vascular monoreceptor systems (either ETA or ETB) to be used in structure-activity studies on endothelins and their antagonists. The RbCA has been found to behave as a monoreceptor ETA preparation, since it shows much greater sensitivity to ET-1 than to ET-3 and is insensitive to IRL 1620. The contractile response of the RbCA to ET-1 is reduced in the presence of BQ-123 but is not influenced by BQ-788. The RbPA behaves as a pure ETB system when stimulated with the ETB selective agonist IRL 1620. The contractile effect of IRL 1620 is reduced in the presence of BQ-788 but is not influenced by BQ-123. The RbJV responds to ETA and to IRL 1620 with contractions that are reduced by both BQ-123 and BQ-788, respectively. The RbJV appears to be a mixed ETA and ETB system in which the two functional sites play an equivalent role in the stimulatory contractile response.Thus, contractile ETA and ETB receptors have been found in arterial and venous vessels of the rabbit and some of these vessels provide sensitive and selective (either ETA or ETB) preparations that appear to be adequate for pharmacological studies on ET receptor agonists or antagonists.  相似文献   

Coordinated contraction of the heart is essential for survival and is regulated by the cardiac conduction system. Contraction of ventricular myocytes is controlled by the terminal part of the conduction system known as the Purkinje fiber network. Lineage analyses in chickens and mice have established that the Purkinje fibers of the peripheral ventricular conduction system arise from working myocytes during cardiac development. It has been proposed, based primarily on gain-of-function studies, that Endothelin signaling is responsible for myocyte-to-Purkinje fiber transdifferentiation during avian heart development. However, the role of Endothelin signaling in mammalian conduction system development is less clear, and the development of the cardiac conduction system in mice lacking Endothelin signaling has not been previously addressed. Here, we assessed the specification of the cardiac conduction system in mouse embryos lacking all Endothelin signaling. We found that mouse embryos that were homozygous null for both ednra and ednrb, the genes encoding the two Endothelin receptors in mice, were born at predicted Mendelian frequency and had normal specification of the cardiac conduction system and apparently normal electrocardiograms with normal QRS intervals. In addition, we found that ednra expression within the heart was restricted to the myocardium while ednrb expression in the heart was restricted to the endocardium and coronary endothelium. By establishing that ednra and ednrb are expressed in distinct compartments within the developing mammalian heart and that Endothelin signaling is dispensable for specification and function of the cardiac conduction system, this work has important implications for our understanding of mammalian cardiac development.  相似文献   

1. 125I-Endothelin (ET)-1 binding to the rat anterior pituitary gland was saturable and single, with a K d of 71 pM and a B max of 120 fmol/mg.2. When 1.0 M BQ-123 (ETA antagonist) was added to the incubation buffer, the binding parameters were 8.3 pM and 8.0 fmol/mg, whereas 10 nM sarafotoxin S6c (ETBagonist) exerted little change in these binding parameters (K d,72pM;B max, 110 fmol/mg).3. ETB receptor-related compounds such as sarafotoxin S6c, ET-3, IRL1620, and BQ-788 competitively inhibited 125I-ET-1 binding, only when 1.0 M BQ-123 was present in the incubation buffer.4. Thus, the ETB receptor is capable of binding ET-1 when the ETA receptor is being occupied by BQ-123. A collaboration mechanism between the ETA and the ETB receptor may function in the recognition of ET-1, a typical bivalent ligand.  相似文献   

1. The receptor autoradiographic method done on the rat lower brain stem and cerebellum plus 125I-endothelin-1, BQ-123, an antagonist for the endothelin ETA receptor, and sarafotoxin S6c, an agonist for the ETB receptor, revealed minute amounts of the ETA receptor coexisting with the ETB receptor in the caudal solitary tract nucleus of the rat lower brain stem.2. The ETB receptor is present predominantly in other parts of the lower brain stem.3. Knowledge of the heterogeneous distribution of the central endothelin receptor subtypes aids in understanding the neurophysiology of endothelins.  相似文献   

Summary 1. We studied the effects of BQ-123, a selective ETA receptor antagonist, on125I-endothelin-1 (125I-ET-1) binding to cell surface receptors in surgically excised human meningiomas and on ET-1-induced DNA synthesis in cultured human meningioma cellsin vitro, using a quantitative receptor autoradiographic technique with radioluminography and3H-thymidine incorporation, respectively.2. All of the human meningiomas expressed high-affinity binding sites for125I-ET-1, regardless of differences in histological subtypes (K d=2.6±0.2 nM,B max=374±93 fmol/mg; mean ± SE;n=9).3. BQ-123 competed for125I-ET-1 binding to sections of meningiomas with IC50s of 3.2±0.9×10–7 M, and 10–4 M BQ-123 displaced 80% of the binding.4. ET-1 significantly stimulated DNA synthesis in cultured human meningioma cells, up to 170% of the basal level in the presence of 10–9 M ET-1. BQ-123 inhibited ET-1 (10–9 M)-induced DNA synthesis in meningioma cells, in a dose-dependent manner, and 10–5 M BQ-123 reduced it to 120% of the basal level.5. The number of meningioma cells determined after 4 days in culture was dose dependently increased in the presence of ET-1 (10–9 and 10–7 M). The growth rate of meningioma cells, incubated with 10–9 M ET-1, was reduced by 50% in the presence of 10–7 M BQ-123.6. Our data suggest that (a) human meningioma cells express a large number of ETA endothelin receptors, with a small proportion of non-ETA receptors linked to proliferation of the cells, and (b) ET receptor antagonists, including BQ-123, might prove to be effective treatment for patients with meningioma.  相似文献   

1. Interaction in the recognition of endothelin-1 (ET-1), a typical bivalent ET receptor-ligand, between ETA and ETB receptors was investigated in the rat anterior pituitary gland, using our quantitative receptor autoradiographic method with tissue sections preserving the cell-membrane structure and ET receptor-related compounds.2. In saturation binding studies with increasing concentrations (0.77–200 pM) of 125I-ET-1 (nonselective bivalent radioligand), 125I-ET-1 binding to the rat anterior pituitary gland was saturable and single with a K D of 71 pM and a B max of 120 fmol mg–1. When 1.0 M BQ-123 (ETA antagonist) was added to the incubation buffer, binding parameters were 8.3 pM of K D and 8.0 fmol mg–1 of B max, whereas 10 nM sarafotoxin S6c (ETB agonist) exerted little change in these binding parameters (K D, 72 pM; B max, 110 fmol mg–1).3. Competition binding studies with a fixed amount (3.8 pM) of 125I-ET-1 revealed that when 1.0 M BQ-123 was present in the incubation buffer, ETB receptor-related compounds such as sarafotoxin S6c, ET-3, IRL1620 (ETB agonist), and BQ-788 (ETB antagonist) competitively inhibited 125I-ET-1 binding with K is of 140, 18, 350 pM, and 14 nM, respectively, however, these compounds were not significant competitors for 125I-ET-1 binding in the case of absence of BQ-123.4. In cold-ligand saturation studies with a fixed amount (390 pM) of 125I-IRL 1620 (ETB radioligand), IRL1620 bound to a single population of the ETB receptor, and no change was observed in binding characteristics in the presence of 1.0 M BQ-123. 125I-IRL1620 binding was competitively inhibited by ET-1 and ET-3 in the absence of BQ-123, with K is of 20 and 29 pM, respectively, the affinities being much the same as those of 29 nM, in the presence of 1.0 M BQ-123.5. Two nonbivalent ETA antagonists, BQ-123 and PD151242, were highly sensitive and full competitors for 125I-ET-1 binding (5.0 pM), in the presence of 10 nM sarafotoxin S6c.6. Taken together with the present finding that mRNAs encoding the rat ETA and the ETB receptors are expressed in the anterior pituitary gland, we tentatively conclude that although there are ETA and ETB receptors with a functional binding capability for ET receptor-ligands, the ETB receptor does not independently recognize ET-1 without the aid of the ETA receptor. If this thesis is tenable, then ET-1 can bridge between the two receptors to form an ETA–ETB receptor heterodimer.  相似文献   

The synthesis of an important set of 3-furfurylxanthine derivatives is described. Binding affinities were determined for rat A1 and human A2A, A2B and A3 receptors. Several of the 3-furfuryl-7-methylxanthine derivatives showed moderate-to-high affinity at human A2B receptors, the most active compound (10d) having a Ki of 7.4 nM for hA2B receptors, with selectivities over rA1 and hA2A receptors up to 14-fold and 11-fold, respectively. Affinities for hA3 receptors were very low for all members of the set.  相似文献   

The macrolide antibiotic bafilomycin and the related synthetic compound SB 242784 are potent inhibitors of the vacuolar H+-ATPases (V-ATPase). It is currently believed that the site of action of these inhibitors is located on the membrane bound c-subunits of V-ATPases. To address the identification of the critical inhibitors binding domain, their specific binding to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the putative 4th transmembrane segment of the c-subunit was investigated using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and for this purpose a specific formalism was derived. Another peptide of the corresponding domain of the c′ isoform, was checked for binding of bafilomycin, since it is not clear if V-ATPase inhibition can also be achieved by interaction of the inhibitor with the c′-subunit. It was concluded that bafilomycin binds to the selected peptides, whereas SB 242784 was unable to interact, and in addition for bafilomycin, its interaction with the peptides either corresponding to the c- or the c′-subunit isoforms is identical. Since the observed interactions are however much weaker as compared to the very efficient binding of both bafilomycin and SB 242784 to the whole protein, it can be concluded that assembly of all V-ATPase transmembrane segments is required for an efficient interaction.  相似文献   

1. We further characterized the effect of endothelins (ETs) on receptor-mediated phosphoinositide (PI) turnover, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activation, and cGMP formation in whole rat adrenal medulla.2. The PI hydrolysis was assessed as accumulation of inositol monophosphates (InsP1) in the presence of 10 mM LiCl in whole tissue and the analysis of inositol-1-phosphate by Dowex anion exchange chromatography. NOS activity was assayed by monitoring the conversion of radiolabeled L-arginine to L-citrulline. Cyclic GMP formation was assessed as accumulation of cGMP in whole tissue in the presence of phosphodiesterase inhibition, and the amount of cGMP formed was determined by radioimmuno-antibody procedure.3. ET-1 and ET-3 increased PI turnover by 30% in whole adrenal medulla prelabeled with [3H] myoinositol. Both ETs isoforms, at equimolar doses, increased NOS activity and cGMP levels in similar degree. The selective ETB receptor agonist, IRL-1620, also increased cGMP formation, mimicking the effects of ETs, while IRL-1620 did not alter the PI metabolism. ETs-induced InsP1 accumulation and cGMP was dependent on extracellular calcium. The effect of ETs on PI turnover was inhibited by neomycin. The L-arginine analogue, N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NAME), and two inhibitors of soluble guanylyl cyclase, methylene blue and ODQ, significantly inhibited the increase in cGMP production induced by ETs or IRL-1620. The selective ETA receptor antagonist, BQ 123, inhibited the ETs-induced increase in PI turnover, while the selective ETB receptor antagonist, BQ 788, was ineffective. Likewise, BQ 788, significantly inhibited ET-1- or ET-3-induced NOS activation and cGMP generation but not ETs-induced InsP1 accumulation.4. Our data indicate that stimulation of PI turnover and NO-induced cGMP generation constitutes ETs signaling pathways in rat adrenal medulla. The former action is mediated through activation of ETA receptor, while the latter through the activation of ETB receptor. These results support the role of endothelins in the regulation of adrenal medulla function.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) induces contraction of vascular smooth muscle through binding to endothelin type A receptor (ETAR). COS-7 cells stably expressing high levels of the ETAR were established (designated COS-7(ETAR)). The COS-7(ETAR) cell bound [125I]ET-1 with a Kd of 932 ± 161 pM and a Bmax of 74 ± 13 fmol/2 × 105 cells. [125I]ET-1 binding was inhibited by ET-1 and the ETAR antagonist BQ-610, but not by the endothelin type B receptor (ETBR) antagonist BQ-788. In clones expressing two ETAR mutants containing D46N or R53Q substitutions in the first extracellular domain of the receptor, [125I]ET-1 binding activity was dramatically reduced. This suggests that these single amino acid substitutions alter the three-dimensional structure of the ligand-binding domain of the ETAR. Using COS-7(ETAR) cell, we showed that Ca2+ or Mg2+ was essential for ET-1 binding to the ETAR and that ET-1 treatment induced postreceptor signaling, that is, intracellular accumulation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and Ca2+ mobilization. The COS-7(ETAR) established in this study will be a useful tool for screening ET-1 antagonists for treating hypertension.  相似文献   

Sequence homologues of the bacterium Streptomyces violaceoruber and sea anemone Nematostella vectensis PLA2 pfam09056 members were identified in several bacteria, fungi and metazoans illustrating the evolution of this PLA2 sub-family. Comparison of their molecular structures revealed that bacteria and fungi members are part of the GXIV of PLA2s while metazoan representatives are similar with GIX PLA2 of the marine snail Conus magus. Members of GXIV and GIX PLA2s show modest overall sequence similarity (21–35%) but considerable motif conservation within the putative Ca2+-binding, catalytic sites and cysteine residue positions which are essential for enzyme function. GXIV PLA2s of bacteria and fungi typically contain four cysteine residues composing two intramolecular disulphide bonds. GIX PLA2 homologues were identified in cnidarians and molluscs and in a single tunicate but appear to be absent from other metazoan genomes. The mature GIX PLA2 deduced peptides contain up to ten cysteine residues capable of forming five putative disulphide bonds. Three disulphide bonds were identified in GIX PLA2s, two of which correspond to those localized in GXIV PLA2s. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that metazoan GIX PLA2s cluster separate from the bacterial and fungal GXIV PLA2s and both pfam09056 members form a group separate from the prokaryote and eukaryote GXIIA PLA2 pfam06951. Duplicate PLA2 pfam09056 genes were identified in the genomes of sea anemone N. vectensis and oyster Crassostrea gigas suggest that members of this family evolved via species-specific duplication events. These observations indicate that the newly identified metazoan pfam09056 members may be classified as GIX PLA2s and support the idea of the common evolutionary origin of GXIV and GIX PLA2 pfam09056 members, which emerged early in bacteria and were maintained in the genomes of fungi and selected extant metazoan taxa.  相似文献   

Serum vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) is structurally very similar to serum albumin (ALB); both have three distinct structural domains and high cysteine-content. Yet, functionally they are very different. DBP possesses high affinity for vitamin D metabolites and G-actin, but ALB does not. It has been suggested that there may be cross-talk among the domains so that binding of one ligand may influence the binding of others. In this study we have employed 2-p-toluidinyl-6-sulfonate (TNS), a reporter molecule that fluoresces upon binding to hydrophobic pockets of DBP. We observed that recombinant domain III possesses strong binding for TNS, which is not influenced by 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH-D3), yet TNS fluorescence of the whole protein is quenched by 25-OH-D3. These results provide a direct evidence of cross-talk among the structural domains of DBP.  相似文献   

1. We used the quantitative receptor autoradiographic method plus 125I-endothelin-1 (125I-ET-1), BQ-123, a specific antagonist for the endothelin ETA receptor, and sarafotoxin S6c, a selective agonist for the ETB receptor to investigate the ET receptor in the rat pituitary gland.2. The method revealed that the BQ-123-sensitive ETA receptor was present predominantly in the anterior lobe and Rathke's pouch.3. The posterior lobe contained BQ-123-sensitive ETA and sarafotoxin S6c-sensitive ETB receptors, in almost the same proportion. There was no significant 125I-ET-1 binding to the intermediate lobe.4. Knowledge of the heterogeneous distribution of ET receptor subtypes in the pituitary gland supplies information that will be pertinent to physiological investigations of the gland.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake of vitamin B(12) (cobalamin, Cbl) is mediated by a receptor expressed on the plasma membrane that binds transcobalamin (TC) saturated with Cbl and internalizes the TC-Cbl by endocytosis. A few reports have described the characterization of the receptor protein. However, many discrepancies have emerged in the functional and structural properties of the receptor and therefore, the identity and primary structure of this protein remains unconfirmed. In this report, we provide evidence of a 58 kDa monomeric protein as the likely receptor for the uptake of TC-Cbl and that the functional activity is not associated with a 72/144 kDa monomer/dimer with immunoglobulin Fc structural domain that has been purported to be the receptor in a number of publications.  相似文献   

The highly potent but modestly selective N-(2-amino-4-methoxy-benzothiazol-7-yl)-N-ethyl-acetamide derivative 2 was selected as the starting point for the design of novel selective A2B antagonists, due to its excellent potency, and good drug-like properties. A series of compounds containing nonaromatic amides or ureas of five- or six-membered rings, and also bearing an m-trifluoromethyl-phenyl group (shown to impart superior potency) was prepared and evaluated for their selectivity against the A2A and A1 receptors. This work resulted in the identification of compound 30, with excellent potency and high selectivity against both A2A and A1 receptors.  相似文献   

The selective, high affinity A2B adenosine receptor (AdoR) antagonists that were synthesized by several research groups should aid in determining the role of the A2B AdoR in inflammatory diseases like asthma or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and angiogenic diseases like diabetic retinopathy or cancer. CV Therapeutics scientists discovered the selective, high affinity A2B AdoR antagonist 10, a 8-(4-pyrazolyl)-xanthine derivative [CVT-6883, Ki(hA2B)=22 nM; Ki(hA1)=1,940 nM; Ki(hA2A)=3,280; and Ki(hA3)=1,070 nM] that has favorable pharmacokinetic (PK) properties (t1/2=4 h and F>35% rat). Compound 10 demonstrated functional antagonism at the A2B AdoR (KB=6 nM) and efficacy in a mouse model of asthma. In two phase 1 clinical trials, CVT-6883 was found to be safe, well tolerated, and suitable for once daily dosing. A second compound 20, 8-(5-pyrazolyl)-xanthine, has been nominated for development from Baraldi’s group in conjunction with King Pharmaceuticals that has favorable A2B AdoR affinity and selectivity [Ki(hA2B)=5.5 nM; Ki(hA1) >1,000 nM; Ki(hA2A) >1,000; and Ki(hA3) >1,000 nM], and it has been demonstrated to be a functional antagonist. A third compound 32, a 2-aminopyrimidine, from the Almirall group has high A2B AdoR affinity and selectivity [Ki(hA2B)=17 nM; Ki(hA1) >1,000 nM; Ki(hA2A) >2,500; and Ki(hA3) >1,000 nM], and 32 has been moved into preclinical safety testing. Since three highly selective, high affinity A2B AdoR antagonists have been nominated for development with 10 (CVT-6883) being the furthest along in the development process, the role of the A2B AdoR in various disease states will soon be established.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study is to elucidate the effect of sphingomyelin on interfacial binding of Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Substitution of Asn-1 with Met caused a reduction in enzymatic activity and membrane-damaging activity of PLA2 toward phospholipid vesicles, while sphingomyelin exerted an inhibitory effect on the biological activities of native and mutated PLA2. Incorporation of sphingomyelin reduced membrane fluidity of phospholipid vesicles as evidenced by Laurdan fluorescence measurement. The results of self-quenching studies, binding of fluorescent probe, trinitrophenylation of Lys residues and fluorescence energy transfer between protein and lipid revealed that sphingomyelin altered differently membrane-bound mode of native and mutated PLA2. Moreover, it was found that PLA2 and N-terminally mutated PLA2 adopted different conformation and geometrical arrangement on binding with membrane bilayer. Nevertheless, the binding affinity of PLA2 and N-terminal mutant for phospholipid vesicles was not greatly affected by sphingomyelin. Together with the finding that mutation on N-terminus altered the gross conformation of PLA2, our data indicate that sphingomyelin modulates the mode of membrane binding of PLA2 at water/lipid interface, and suggest that the modulated effect of sphingomyelin depends on inherent structural elements of PLA2.  相似文献   

Syntheses and biological activities of imidazo-, pyrimido- and diazepino[2,1-f]purinediones containing N-alkyl substituents (with straight, branched or unsaturated chains) are described. Tricyclic derivatives were synthesized by the cyclization of 8-bromo-substituted 7-(2-bromoethyl)-, 7-(3-chloropropyl)- or 7-(4-bromobutyl)-theophylline with primary amines under various conditions. Compound 22 with an ethenyl substituent was synthesized by dehydrohalogenation of 9-(2-bromoethyl)-1,3-dimethyltetrahydropyrimido[2,1-f]purinedione. The obtained derivatives (5–35) were initially evaluated for their affinity at rat A1 and A2A adenosine receptors (AR), showing moderate affinity for both adenosine receptor subtypes. The best ligands were diazepinopurinedione 28 (Ki = 0.28 μM) with fivefold A2A selectivity and the non-selective A1/A2A AR ligand pyrimidopurinedione 35 (Ki A1 = 0.28 μM and Ki A2A = 0.30 μM). The compounds were also evaluated for their affinity at human A1, A2A, A2B and A3 ARs. All of the obtained compounds were docked to the A2A AR X-ray structure in complex with the xanthine-based, potent adenosine receptor antagonist—XAC. The likely interactions of imidazo-, pyrimido- and diazepino[2,1-f]purinediones with the residues forming the A2A binding pocket were discussed. Furthermore, the new compounds were tested in vivo as anticonvulsants in maximal electroshock, subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole (ScMet) and TOX tests in mice (i.p.). Pyrimidopurinediones showed anticonvulsant activity mainly in the ScMet test. The best derivative was compound 11, showing 100 % protection at a dose of 100 mg/kg without symptoms of neurotoxicity. Compounds 6, 7, 8 and 14 with short substituents showed neurotoxicity and caused death. In rat tests (p.o.), 9 was characterized by a high protection index (>13.3). AR affinity did not apparently correlate with the antiepileptic potency of the compounds.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11302-013-9358-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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