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Eggert , Donald A. (Southern Illinois U., Carbondale.) Studies of Palerzoic ferns: The frond of Ankyropteris glabra. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 379–387. Illus. 1963—The major features of the frond of A. glabra are described on the basis of preserved parts found in Middle Pennsylvanian coal ball material from Illinois. The frond is planated and has well-developed foliar laminae. Primary pinnae arise from the petiole in 2 alternating series, and secondary pinnae arise in a similar fashion from the primary pinnae. Foliar laminae occur on the secondary pinnae and have dichotomous venation. The xylem of the petiole has a diupsilon configuration in the lower part of the axis, while higher in the petiole the xylem forms a strand resembling that of the European species A. westfaliensis. The xylem strands of the primary pinnae arise from the adaxial antennae of the petiolar vascular strand as somewhat C-shapcd bodies and develop antennae and become H-shaped at higher levels. A gap occurs in the antenna of the petiole vascular system above the level of departure of the primary pinna trace. Terete vascular strands occur in the secondary pinna axes which arise from the adaxial antennae of the xylem of the primary pinnae. The foliar laminae are relatively thin, have an irregular outline, and their histology is like that found in many living ferns. The frond of A. glabra illustrates that leaf evolution had progressed in at least one species of the coenopterid family Zygopteridaceae to the extent that an essentially 2-dimensional frond of modern aspect, and with well-developed foliar laminae, was present by Middle Pennsylvanian time.  相似文献   

The discovery of numerous specimens of the monostelic pteridosperm genus Microspermopteris in Pennsylvanian coal ball petrifactions from the Lewis Creek and What Cheer localities provides additional information about the anatomical and morphological variability within the genus. Specimens are now known up to 1.1 cm in diam that bear epidermal appendages in the form of variously-shaped trichomes. The external surface of the stem is further ornamented by longitudinal flaps of cortical tissue. Petioles exhibiting a single C-shaped vascular strand with abaxial protoxylem are produced in a 2/5 phyllotaxy. Large petiole bases that clasp the stem produce primary pinnae alternately. The presence of axillary branching appears similar to that reported in Callistopliyton and Lyginopteris. Triarch to polyarch adventitious roots, some with secondary tissues, are produced at both nodal and internodal regions. Of the currently recognized monostelic seed fern genera, Microspermopteris is most similar to Heterangium. Information is presented that supports current ideas regarding the evolution of the gymnospermic eustele from protostelic Devonian ancestors.  相似文献   

Phloem histology in the petioles of two genera of Pennsylvanian ferns is detailed from coal balls collected at various localities in North America. Both Ankyropteris and Anachoropteris have primary phloem that completely surrounds the central xylem trace and is separated from it by a parenchymatous sheath. Ankyropteris contains very narrow (about 13.5 μm diam) sieve elements and a few strands of phloem parenchyma. End walls are either horizontal or slightly oblique and sieve areas as well as scattered individual pores have been observed. Anachoropteris phloem contains two different sizes of sieve elements. Small sieve elements that surround the C-shaped trace are similar to those seen in Ankyropteris. Larger elements (approximately 50–120 μm in diam) are present only within the C-shaped trace, and are elongate (up to 2.5 mm) with very oblique end walls. Sieve areas on these large cells are conspicuous, 5–8.5 μm in diam and aggregated into groups. The cell wall within each sieve area appears to be composed of criss-crossed fibrillar material. Phloem anatomy in these two ferns is compared to that previously described in other Carboniferous vascular cryptogams, as well as that known from extant plants.  相似文献   

本文综述了外生菌根的形态学和解剖学特征,评价了这些特征用于外生菌根分类的价值,同时指出各种类型的形态学特征和解剖学特征与其营养吸收的关系。这些特征包括了菌根的颜色类型及变化、形状及分枝方式、外伸菌丝的多少及特征、根状菌索有无及分化、菌核有无及特征、菌套内外表面的菌丝排列及分化,菌套的切面特征,丹宁层厚度及分化、哈氏网的菌丝排列及厚度等。较详细阐述了100多年来,人们为外生菌根分类所作出的种种努力,并对各种分类方式作了简单的评价。  相似文献   

乌云伞的解剖学及花粉形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
八角莲属(Dysosma)是小檗科(Berberidaceae)一个重要属,全国共有7个种,大约分布于北纬23—32°,东经94—122°之间。湖北八角莲属有4个种,其中乌云伞(Dysosma lichuanensis Z. Cheng, sp. nev., ined.)为内定种,是多年生草本,它的形态特征与八角莲(Dysosma  相似文献   

现蕾期苍耳茎的解剖结构以初生结构为主。维管形成层已经形成,但次生结构尚不发达。茎表皮由普通表皮区和色斑区组成。叶的主脉维管组织与茎中维管组织排列方式类似,而不同于大多数双子叶植物。  相似文献   

Eggert , Donald A. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) Studies of Paleozoic ferns: Tubicaulis stewartii sp. nov. and evolutionary trends in the genus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(8): 594–602. Illus. 1959.—Tubicaulis stewartii, a new species of the order Coenopteridales is described. The specimen was derived from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Berryville, Illinois, and is characterized by having a lacunar middle cortex, a well-developed integumentary system bearing uniseriate hairs, and xylem parenchyma organized into vertically anastomosing strands. In addition, multiseriate (somewhat transitional to reticulate) bordered pitting is present in the petiolar metaxylem elements, while those of the stem stele are multiseriate scalariform. The habit is intermediate between that of a form such as Osmunda and a tree fern, having an upright tapering stem which gives off prominently decurrent petioles in a 2/5 divergence. A reinvestigation of the type specimen of the most closely allied species, T. multiscalariformis, of Upper-Middle Pennsylvanian age, has shown that it has similar features in the cortex, metaxylem, and integumentary layers. Tubicaulis multiscalariformis and T. stewartii form a distinct group in the 6 species now known, whose evolution has most likely involved the retention of a more primitive form of pitting (multiseriate scalariform) with parenchymatization of the xylem. The remaining species of the genus have not developed xylem parenchyma but have developed circular bordered pitting. The relationships of the genus to other genera in the Coenopteridales remain obscure.  相似文献   


Mc Gahan , Merritt W. (Central Research Labs., United Fruit Co., Norwood, Massachusetts.) Studies on the seed of banana. II. The anatomy and morphology of the seedling of Musa balbisiana. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(7): 630–637. Illus. 1961.—The first external evidence of germination of the seed of Musa balbisiana is the displacement of the micropylar plug by the elongation of the hypocotyl-radicle axis. As the hypocotyl and epicotyl emerge from the micropylar collar, the seminal adventitious roots become apparent and the cotyledonary sheath surrounding the epicotyl emerges as a coleoptile-like structure. Subsequent growth results in the elongation of the first leaves beyond the cotyledonary sheath and the rapid elongation of the adventitious root system. The vascular transition occurs between the cotyledon and the radicle. The sheath is considered to be only analogous to the coleoptile of the grasses.  相似文献   

Eoangiopteris goodii sp. n. is described from Upper Pennsylvanian coal balls from Ohio (Shade locality) containing isolated pecopterid pinnules approx. 7 × 9 mm that bear up to 20 linear synangia on the lower surface. The synangia extend at right angles from the midrib to the downturned pinnule margins and measure 2.0–3.5 mm in length. Individual synangia are compact and are composed of 10–19 sporangia that have their bases embedded in an elongate parenchymatous pad. In longitudinal section sporangia measure 0.4 × 2.0 mm and have acute elongate, curved apices. Spores average 70 μm in diam and are most similar to the dispersed spore genus Verrucosisporites. Eoangiopteris goodii differs from the generitype E. andrewsii Mamay in its greater size, pinnule histology, and spore type. Sporangium wall complexity and spore type of the two presently known species of Eoangiopteris are considered to be at about the same evolutionary level as the more primitive species of Scolecopteris. Construction of the synangia in Eoangiopteris is different from that of Scolecopteris and indicates that at least two evolutionary lines are recognizable within the Pennsylvanian Marattiales.  相似文献   

Telangium pygmaeum Graham is known from Upper Pennsylvanian coal balls from the Calhoun coal mine (Illinois). The species was described as possessing radial synangia consisting of 3-5 sporangia fused laterally for about f13 their length. Synangia were believed to be sessile and borne terminally or laterally on a branching rachis without lamina. Examination of new coal ball material of the same age indicates that the synangia are borne abaxially on the pinnules of a compound frond with the anatomy of a Psaronius leaf (Marattiales). Synangia are sessile and borne in two rows, one on either side of the pinnule midrib, under the unbranched lateral veins. Synangia are radial, 0.6 mm in diam, and consist of a ring of thin-walled sporangia fused to near their apices prior to dehiscence, but separating on dehiscence to release spores along their inner midline. Spores are spherical, trilete, 30-48 μm in diam, with a granulate ornamentation. The new genus Araiangium is proposed for this material based on the organization of the sessile thin-walled synangia. Araiangium is compared with other marattialean genera with sessile synangia (Acaulangium, Acitheca), and with the pedicellate synangia of various species of Scolecopteris. Criteria used in the delimitation of genera in Paleozoic anatomically preserved marattialean fertile foliage are discussed.  相似文献   

Leisman , Gilbert A. (Kansas State Teachers Coll., Emporia.) The morphology and anatomy of Callipteridium Sullivanti. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(4) : 281—287. Illus. 1960.–Previously undescribed pinnules of Callipteridium Sullivanti (Lesq.) Weiss have been studied in Iowa and Kansas coal balls. Conventional peel techniques revealed the anatomy while deliberately fracturing the coal ball revealed morphological features. Epidermal studies were also conducted after macerating small portions of the coal ball. Evidence indicates that these pinnules were borne on Myeloxylon petioles. Arguments are advanced for removing this species from the genus Alethopteris and returning it to Callipteridium.  相似文献   

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