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Marking procedures were combined with anatomical techniques to establish that in Funaria (1) the apical region does not act as an apical meristem contributing to seta growth, and (2) the subapical region contains an intercalary meristem the derivatives of which account for the elongation of the seta. In sporophytes that are 8 mm long there is a distinctive difference in the pattern of cell division in the apical and subapical regions. Large, undivided endothecial cells exist in the apical region, and a central strand of elongated cells occupies the analogous position in the subapical region. The apical region is earmarked to form the operculum and spore sac and part of the apophysis. There is an ontogenetic continuity between the seta and the lower portion of the apophysis, but the uppermost cells of the subapical region do not contribute to seta formation. Instead, these cells and those at the base of the apical region form a transitional zone between apical and subapical influences, and they account for most of the stomates that develop on the apophysis.  相似文献   

David Haig 《Annals of botany》2013,111(3):337-345


A moss sporophyte inherits a haploid set of genes from the maternal gametophyte to which it is attached and another haploid set of genes from a paternal gametophyte. Evolutionary conflict is expected between genes of maternal and paternal origin that will be expressed as adaptations of sporophytes to extract additional resources from maternal gametophytes and adaptations of maternal gametophytes to restrain sporophytic demands.


The seta and stomata of peristomate mosses are interpreted as sporophytic devices for increasing nutrient transfer. The seta connects the foot, where nutrients are absorbed, to the developing capsule, where nutrients are needed for sporogenesis. Its elongation lifts stomata of the apophysis above the boundary layer, into the zone of turbulent air, thereby increasing the transpirational pull that draws nutrients across the haustorial foot. The calyptra is interpreted as a gametophytic device to reduce sporophytic demands. The calyptra fits tightly over the intercalary meristem of the sporophytic apex and prevents lateral expansion of the meristem. While intact, the calyptra delays the onset of transpiration.


Nutrient transfer across the foot, stomatal number and stomatal aperture are predicted to be particular arenas of conflict between sporophytes and maternal gametophytes, and between maternal and paternal genomes of sporophytes.  相似文献   

Development of the intercalary meristem in the terete laminarialean species Chorda filum (L.) Stackhouse was studied in culture using light and transmission electron microscopy as well as by tracing elongation and cell divisions in various parts of the sporophyte. Growth of C. filum sporophytes could be classified into three developmental stages: (i) diffuse growth; (ii) basal meristematic growth; and (iii) intercalary meristematic growth. In the diffuse growth stage, elongation and cell division frequency were almost the same in each cell. In the basal meristematic growth stage, elongation and division of cells became localized in the tissues derived from the meristematic initial cell. Cells of the basal meristematic region contained smaller chloroplasts and many small opaque vesicles. In the intercalary meristematic growth stage, there was further elongation and differentiation of cells originating from the meristematic region, and this became more active in adjacent regions below the meristem than in regions above the meristem, causing the relative position of the intercalary meristem to shift towards the tip of the sporophyte. Meristematic cells of C. filum contained well-developed Golgi vesicles around the nucleus (perinuclear Golgi), many secretion vesicles and many small disk-shaped chloroplasts whose thylakoids were not well developed. Sporophytes of three other terete members of Laminariales, Chorda tomentosa Lyngbye, Pseudochorda nagaii (Tokida) Kawai et Kurogi, and Pseudochorda gracilis Kawai et Nabata, show diffuse growth and basal meristematic growth, but no intercalary meristematic growth. This suggests that the common ancestor of the Pseudochordaceae and Chordaceae had basal meristematic growth, and intercalary meristematic growth evolved more recently in C. filum.  相似文献   

Melchior , Robert C., and John W. Hall . (U. Minnesota, Minneapolis.) A calamitean shoot apex from the Pennsylvanian of Iowa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(9): 811–815. Illus. 1961.—A shoot apex of a calamitean stem is described from the Des Moines Series, Middle Pennsylvanian. Internodal elongation of the 7 preserved internodes follows a sigmoid curve. A large apical cell has produced derivatives in a fashion apparently comparable to those in Equisetum arvense, except for the number of cells in the first leaf primordium ring and, possibly, the intercalary meristem. Pith meristem developed close to the apical cell. Data from internodal cell elongation of hypodermal cells of the cortex are presented which demonstrate intercalary internodal growth; no intercalary meristems are preserved and the existence of intercalary meristems which might have produced a jointed stem like that of Equisetum is only inferred.  相似文献   

The frond of Ophioglossum consists of a sterile segment and a fertile segment or spike. An investigation of fertile spike elongation reveals that growth of the spike proceeds by activity of an intercalary meristem located in the most distal region of the peduncle subtending the sporangial area. Anatomical comparisons of all regions of developing spikes, counts of mitotic figures along the length of spikes of various ages, determination of cell lengths of peduncle ground parenchyma cells, and historadioautography of spikes treated with H3-thymidine confirms the presence in the apical portion of the peduncle of a region of frequently dividing cells intercalated between two regions of more mature tissues. Marking experiments indicate that the petiole of the sterile segment of the frond elongates in a similar fashion. Although this type of intercalary meristem is rather common in angiosperm flower scapes and peduncles, this is the first detailed analysis of this type of growth in a pteridophyte genus.  相似文献   

A histogenetic investigation of the synandrous androecium and syncarpous gynoecium in the flower of Downingia bacigalupii Weiler (Campanulaceae; Lobelioideae) was undertaken for the purpose of comparing the modes of initiation, early growth and fusion in these floral whorls with that reported previously for the perianth in this species. Stamens are initiated as separate organs from the second tunica layer and underlying corpus regions of the concave floral meristem. Subsequent growth of stamens involves apical and intercalary growth in length and rudimentary marginal growth in breadth. Tissues of the four microsporangia originate from hypodermal sporangial initial cells and the filament is formed by intercalary growth at the base of the anther. Lateral fusion of stamens is ontogenetic and involves cuticular fusion of adjacent epidermal layers. The two emergent carpel primordia arise as crescentic organs by periclinal divisions in the second tunica layer and corpus zones. Carpel primordia also undergo apical and intercalary growth in length as well as extensive marginal growth in breadth. Radial growth in carpels is mediated by an adaxial meristem which shows its greatest concentration of activity at the carpel margins. Carpel fusion appears to be partially ontogenetic accompanied by zonal growth. Closure of the stylar canal is by the formation of a transmitting tissue derived from the protodermal layers of the adaxial carpel surfaces. A discoid nectary is initiated around the base of the style and formation of the inferior ovary is by intercalary growth of the base of the concave floral bud. The two parietal placentae originate as longitudinal outgrowths from the walls of the floral cup. Ovule initiation is simultaneous at first and then intercalary during subsequent elongation of the ovary. The ovules are anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. Stamen and carpel procambium shows a slight delay in differentiation when compared to that reported for the perianth and bract, but in all other respects carpels resemble other floral organs in their patterns of histogenesis and early growth. Stamens diverge from the other floral organs in their early pattern of growth, but a consideration of all features of their histogenesis suggests an appendicular rather than an axial interpretation of these organs.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic pulsations in the intercalary meristem of the leaf of Typha latifolia (Typhaceae) produce regular alternating sequences of vascular and stellate-celled diaphragms separated at first by rib-meristem derivatives. The collapse of these derivatives in the region of elongation in and above the intercalary meristem, and the separation of the diaphragms from each other, produce a mature compartmentalized leaf, the compartments bridged by porous diaphragms but separated from each other by rigid vascularized partitions.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: In vascular plants, leaf primordia prevent desiccation of the shoot apical meristem. Lacking leaves, the undifferentiated moss sporophyte apex is covered by the calyptra, a cap of maternal gametophyte tissue that is hypothesized to function in desiccation protection. Herein, we compare cuticle development on the calyptra and sporophyte to assess the calyptra's potential to protect the sporophyte from desiccation. As the first comprehensive study of moss sporophyte cuticle development, this research broadens our perspectives on cuticle development and evolution across embryophytes. ? Methods: Calyptrae and sporophytes at nine developmental stages were collected from a laboratory-grown population of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Tissues were embedded, sectioned, then examined using transmission electron microscopy. Epidermal cells were measured for thickness of the cuticle layers, cell wall thickness, and lumen size. ? Key results: The calyptra cuticle develops precociously and reaches maturity before the sporophyte cuticle. Calyptrae are covered by a four-layered cuticle at all stages, whereas sporophyte cuticle maturation is delayed until sporangium formation. The development and thickening of the sporophyte cuticle occurs in an acropetal wave. ? Conclusions: A multilayered calyptra cuticle at the earliest developmental stages is consistent with its ability to protect the immature sporophyte from desiccation. Young sporophytes lack a complex cuticle and thus may require protection, whereas in older sporophytes a mature cuticle develops. The moss calyptra is not a vestigial structure, but rather the calyptra's role in preventing desiccation offers a functional explanation for calyptra retention during the 450 Myr of moss evolution.  相似文献   

Budke JM  Goffinet B  Jones CS 《Annals of botany》2011,107(8):1279-1286

Background and Aims

The maternal gametophytic calyptra is critical for moss sporophyte development and ultimately sporogenesis. The calyptra has been predicted to protect the sporophyte apex, including the undifferentiated sporogenous region and seta meristem, from desiccation. We investigate the hypothesis that this waterproofing ability is due to a waxy cuticle. The idea that moss calyptrae are covered by a cuticle has been present in the literature for over a century, but, until now, neither the presence nor the absence of a cuticle has been documented for any calyptra.


The epidermis of the calyptra, leafy gametophyte and sporophyte sporangia of the moss Funaria hygrometrica were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Thicknesses of individual cuticle layers were quantified and compared statistically. The immunochemistry antibody (LM19) specific for pectins was used to locate cell wall material within the cuticle.

Key Results

A multi-layered cuticle is present on the calyptra of F. hygrometrica, including layers analogous to the cuticular layer, cell wall projections, electron-lucent and electron-dense cuticle proper observed in vascular plants. The calyptra rostrum has a cuticle that is significantly thicker than the other tissues examined and differs by specialized thickenings of the cuticular layer (cuticular pegs) at the regions of the anticlinal cell walls. This is the first documentation of cuticular pegs in a moss.


The calyptra and its associated cuticle represent a unique form of maternal care in embryophytes. This organ has the potential to play a critical role in preventing desiccation of immature sporophytes and thereby may have been essential for the evolution of the moss sporophyte.  相似文献   

The pathway from the intercalary frond meristem to distal frond portions was blocked in experimental sporophytes of Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour. in January by cutting 2 or 3 holes (15–25 mm diameter) 5 cm from the base of the frond. This procedure resulted in the formation of sori adjacent to the distal edge of the holes within 5–10 weeks. Frond portions that were cut at least 20 cm away from the stipe–frond transition readily formed sori within 5–7 weeks after isolation from the rest of the thallus. These findings suggest that the basal actively dividing and expanding part of the laminarian frond is the source of inhibitors of sporangium formation that move in a distal direction and keep the young frond free of sori during the season of rapid growth (i.e. during the first part of the year). The natural occurrence of sori during the season of slow growth (i.e. the second part of the year in the Northern Hemisphere) may be due to reduced synthesis and export of inhibitors of sporangium formation from the more or less resting basal meristem.  相似文献   

Gametophytes, when grown in the immediate vicinity of a Thelypteris normalis sporophyte—in soil or in sterile culture on agar—showed a reduced number of cells and an altered gross morphology. This is attributed to the action of the thelypterins, which are inhibitors released from T. normalis sporophytes. Growth inhibition of the gametophytes was greatest when thelypterins were added during early stages of gametophyte development. Removal of thelypterin A permitted resumption of growth. Thelypterin A noncompetitively inhibited auxin-enhanced elongation of A vena coleoptiles. The growth of T. normalis root segments was not affected by thelypterins. The growth of young sporophytes of T. normalis was inhibited by mature sporophytes.  相似文献   

Sporophytes of Fossombronia foveolata, Lophocolea heterophylla, Pellia epiphylla, Ptilidium pulcherrimum, and Riella affinis were surgically isolated from host gametophyte tissues and treated with 14CO2. Sporophytes of all five species are capable of fixing CO2 in the light. Sporophyte/gametophyte ratios for 14CO2 fixation/mg fresh weight range between 0.12 and 0.39. Corresponding ratios for chlorophyll content are 1.07 to 3.30. Of the total 14CO2 fixed by excised Lophocolea sporophytes, 40% can be attributed to the photosynthetic activity of haploid spores. Enveloping gametophytic tissues (calyptra and pseudoperianth) inhibit photosynthesis of attached sporophytes by as much as 50%. For sustained growth, sporophytes rely on organic nutrients supplied by the gametophyte: radioactivity of Lophocolea sporophytes increases significantly after application of 14C-glucose to host gametophytes. Surgically isolated sporophytes develop slowly in mineral culture, without significant increase in dry weight. The assumption that hepatic sporophytes are at least partly autonomous with respect to organic nutrition (an assumption that figures prominently in speculation on the evolutionary origin of the sporophyte) is confirmed.  相似文献   

The terminal regions of Oscillatoria princeps Vaucher display cells which differ from intercalary cells of the same trichome. These end cells have an extensively thickened calyptra replacing normal crosswalls. The thylakoids are extensively disrupted in terminal cells and the cytoplasm displays general disorganization characteristic of necrotic cells. The development of terminal regions occurs within a 5 day period following breakage of the trichome and appears characteristic of O. princeps. The ecological implications of terminal region differentiation are also considered including reaction to variations in current, temperature and light intensities.  相似文献   

The life history, reproduction and development of Desmarestia menziesii J. Agardh from Antarctica is described. Unilocular sporangia occur singly or in small groups in the outermost cortical layer of the sporophyte. They are formed by periclinal division of cortex cells into a stalk cell and the sporangium initial. Meiospores germinate into dioecious microscopic filamentous gametophytes. As in other perennial Antarctic species of the Desmarestiales, gametangia are formed in culture under short-day conditions or in darkness. In nature, juvenile sporophytes should therefore be formed in winter. They develop only attached to the oogonium. At first they are uniseriate and elongate by means of an intercalary meristem located in their middle part. Laterals are formed predominantly in this region, and they subsequently give rise to secondary laterals. The branching pattern is opposite to alternate in both young and adult plants. Cortication of the main axis is initiated by filaments growing out from the lowermost cells of the primary laterals. In sporophytes of this developmental stage the meristem of the main axis is confined to a small region where cortication starts and above. Lateral branches elongate and become corticated in the same way as the main axis. In mature plants, cells of the inner cortex can become meristematic again and form a meristoderm which contributes to axis thickness by periclinal and anticlinal divisions. The observations are discussed in relation to possible evolutionary relationships in the genus Desmarestia and in the order Desmarestiales.  相似文献   

A comparative histogenetic investigation of the unifacial foliage leaves of Acorus calamus L. (Araceae; Pothoideae) was initiated for the purposes of: (1) re-evaluating the previous sympodial interpretation of unifacial leaf development; (2) comparing the mode of histogenesis with that of the phyllode of Acacia in a re-examination of the phyllode theory of monocotyledonous leaves; and (3) specifying the histogenetic mechanisms responsible for morphological divergence of the leaf of Acorus from dorsiventral leaves of other Araceae. Leaves in Acorus are initiated in an orthodistichous phyllotaxis from alternate positions on the bilaterally symmetrical apical meristem. During each plastochron the shoot apex proceeds through a regular rhythm of expansion and reduction related to leaf and axillary meristem initiation and regeneration. The shoot apex has a three- to four-layered tunica and subjacent corpus with a distinctive cytohistological zonation evident to varying degrees during all phases of the plastochron. Leaf initiation is by periclinal division in the second through fourth layers of the meristem. Following inception early growth of the leaf primordium is erect, involving apical and intercalary growth in length as well as marginal growth in circumference in the sheathing leaf base. Early maturation of the leaf apex into an attenuated tip marks the end of apical growth, and subsequent growth in length is largely basal and intercalary. Marked radial growth is evident early in development and initially is mediated by a very active adaxial meristem; the median flattening of this leaf is related to accentuated activity of this meristematic zone. Differentiation of the secondary midrib begins along the center of the leaf axis and proceeds in an acropetal direction. Correlated with this centralized zone of tissue specialization is the first appearance of procambium in the center of the leaf axis. Subsequent radial expansion of the flattened upper leaf zone is bidirectional, proceeding by intercalary meristematic activity at both sides of the central midrib. Procambial differentiation is continuous and acropetal, and provascular strands are initiated in pairs in both sides of the primordium from derivatives of intercalary meristems in the abaxial and adaxial wings of the leaf. Comparative investigation of foliar histogenesis in different populations of Acorus from Wisconsin and Iowa reveals different degrees of apical and adaxial meristematic activity in primordia of these two collections: leaves with marked adaxial growth exhibit delayed and reduced expression of apical growth, whereas primordia with marked apical growth show, correspondingly, reduced adaxial meristematic activity at equivalent stages of development. Such variations in leaf histogenesis are correlated with marked differences in adult leaf anatomy in the respective populations and explain the reasons for the sympodial interpretation of leaf morphogenesis in Acorus and unifacial organs of other genera by previous investigators. It is concluded that leaf development in Acorus resembles that of the Acacia phyllode, thereby confirming from a developmental viewpoint the homology of these organs. Comparison of development with leaves of other Araceae indicates that the modified form of the leaf of Acorus originates through the accentuation of adaxial and abaxial meristematic activity which is expressed only slightly in the more conventional dorsiventral leaf types in the family.  相似文献   

Excised stem sections of deepwater rice (Oryza sativa L.) containing the highest internode were used to study the induction of rapid internodal elongation by gibberellin (GA). It has been shown before that this growth response is based on enhanced cell division in the intercalary meristem and on increased cell elongation. In both GA-treated and control stem sections, the basal 5-mm region of the highest internode grows at the fastest rate. During 24 h of GA treatment, the internodal elongation zone expands from 15 to 35 mm. Gibberellin does not promote elongation of internodes from which the intercalary meristem has been excised. The orientation of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs) is a determining factor in cell growth. Elongation is favored when CMFs are oriented transversely to the direction of growth while elongation is limited when CMFs are oriented in the oblique or longitudinal direction. The orientation of CMFs in parenchymal cells of GA-treated and control internodes is transverse throughout the internode, indicating that CMFs do not restrict elongation of these cells. Changes in CMF orientation were observed in epidermal cells, however. In the basal 5-mm zone of the internode, which includes the intercalary meristem, CMFs of the epidermal cell walls are transversely oriented in both GA-treated and control stem sections. In slowly growing control internodes, CMF orientation changes to the oblique as cells are displaced from this basal 5-mm zone to the region above it. In GA-treated rapidly growing internodes, the reorientation of CMFs from the transverse to the oblique is more gradual and extends over the 35-mm length of the elongation zone. The CMFs of older epidermal cells are obliquely oriented in control and GA-treated internodes. The orientation of the CMFs parallels that of the cortical microtubules. This is consistent with the hypothesis that cortical microtubules determine the direction of CMF deposition. We conclude that GA acts on cells that have transversely oriented CMFs but does not promote growth of cells whose CMFs are already obliquely oriented at the start of GA treatment.  相似文献   

Five taxa representing the three tribes of the Cactaceae have similar patterns of stamen and carpel initiation but display differences in early receptacle development. The first ring of stamens and the carpels arise simultaneously from subsurface layers. The bases of carpels are congenitally connate. Additional stamens are initiated centrifugally. The shape of the floral meristem within the ring created by the first stamens varies. In Pereskia corrugata it remains broadly convex; in Opuntia engelmannii it forms a depression with a small convex central region; in Epiphyllum strictum it forms a broad shallow depression; in Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albispinus it develops a deep depression; and in Mammillaria compressa it develops a depression prior to stamen and carpel initiation. Changes in receptacle shape result from cessation of apical growth and activation of an intercalary ring meristem. These two processes occur earlier in ontogeny in the more advanced of these five taxa.  相似文献   

The post-meiotic stamen filament of Nigella hispanica L. under greenhouse conditions grows in length from 1 mm to approximately 10 mm at maturity in 16 days. Analysis of the filament epidermis suggests that the intercalary meristem is diffuse along the filament with a mid-point of activity near the center of the filament. The point of maximal activity, while initially central, is variable as cell division nears completion. Measurement of cell lengths along filaments suggests that an elongation gradient from base to tip is operative in filaments 1 mm and longer. Average cell lengths of epidermal cells increase faster than do those of terminal cells. Once average cell length begins to increase in any region of the epidermis it continues to do so until flower maturity. At maturity the longest epidermal cells are near the filament base and the shortest cells are at the tip. The differences between cell division and cell elongation patterns suggest that these two processes are controlled by different sites or substances. A comparison is made between the development of the Nigella filament and other determinate organs having intercalary meristems.  相似文献   

In order to assess the validity of various interpretations of tubular leaves of angiosperms, a histogenetic study of the ontogeny of adult leaves of Darlingtonia californica was undertaken. The adult leaf of Darlingtonia is characterized by a sheathing leaf base, an elongate ascidium, an overarching hood, and two “fishtail” appendages which arise near the leaf apex. A keellike growth, with two rows of alternate vascular bundles, traverses the tube from base to mouth. Ontogenetic studies show that the primordium arises by a monopodial rather than a sympodial mode of growth as previously reported. After the formation of a small, erect primordium, a restricted adaxial meristem is initiated that expands both adaxially and upwards. This “querzone” serves, in effect, to congenitally combine the two primordial margins during its extension. Growth and maturation of the subjacent portions cause tubular elongation in the leaf. Primordial apical divisions are later replaced by more general intercalary growth with acropetal and centrifugal maturation. The hood and fishtails are established early in ontogeny by adaxial growth of the primordial apex and subsequent activation of juxtaposed localized meristems. Comparative morphology has established that the epiascidiate leaf is a foliar appendage that undergoes certain specific morphogenetic modifications. It has a structural relationship to ensiform appendages of Acacia and Acorus as well as to peltate foliar organs. The early ontogeny of Darlingtonia leaves is considered to be homologous with other epiascidiate foliar organs, including some supposedly primitive carpels.  相似文献   

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