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Anisophyllea disticha is characterized by strong shoot dimorphism. Orthotropic shoots with helically arranged scale leaves produce tiers of plagiotropic shoots, while plagiotropic shoots are anisophyllous and bear dorsal scale and ventral foliage leaves arranged in a unique tetrastichous system. In this study we compare the patterns of leaf development and primary vascular organization in the two types of shoots. Orthotropic shoots have an open vascular system with five sympodia. Expansion of orthotropic shoot scale leaves occurs from P1 to P10–12, and leaf tissues mature precociously. Plagiotropic shoots have a closed vascular system with six sympodia. Leaves in ventral and dorsal orthostichies do not differ significantly in size until ca. P15, but ventral leaves are distinct histologically from the second node in an orthostichy, P4–6. Ventral foliage leaves have a diffuse plate meristem, and leaf expansion continues until ca. P30. Differentiation of ventral and dorsal leaf trace procambium parallels the divergent patterns of leaf expansion. These observations demonstrate the strong correlation among shoot symmetry, leaf development, and vascular differentiation within dimorphic shoots of one species.  相似文献   

An actively growing cottonwood bud was embedded in epon-araldite and serially sectioned at 2 μm. The sections were analyzed microscopically with the optical shuttle system of Zimmermann and Tomlinson, and all data were quantitatively recorded relative to the apex and to leaf plastochron index (LPI). Analysis of the sections revealed an acropetally developing procambial system organized according to a precise phyllotaxy. Six procambial strands could be recognized and followed long before the leaf primordia that they would enter were evident at the apex. Origin of these strands coincided with developmental events both in the parent trace and its primordium and in the antecedent leaf on the same orthostichy. Once a primordium and its trace attained a certain stage of development, trace bundles began to develop basipetally from the primordium base. These trace bundles appeared to be the earliest progenitors of wood formation in cottonwood. It was concluded that the concept of residual meristem and its corollary, the hypothesis that acropetally developing procambial strands determine the inception sties of new primordia, apply to the cottonwood apex.  相似文献   

The structural patterns of the primary vascular systems in some species of Leguminosae and Rosaceae have been determined by tracing the longitudinal course of the vascular bundles in terminal stem segments. These systems are interpreted as consisting of sympodia. Each sympodium is composed of an axial bundle which is continuous through the length of the segment and from which arise trace bundles that supply leaves and axillary buds. A compact arrangement of vascular bundles seems to correlate with the woody habit. Regardless of the degree of compactness of the primary vascular system, the structural identity of the individual sympodia is maintained. The total number of vascular bundles at a particular level is related to the number of axial bundles in the system, the number of traces per leaf and per axillary bud, and the number of internodes traversed by the traces prior to entering a lateral appendage. Shrubs and trees have more vascular bundles than herbs. Data from this study and the literature indicate that the vascular system is predominantly of the open type in dicotyledonous plants which have helically arranged leaves and, further, that in such plants with a 3-trace, trilacunar nodal structure, the number of sympodia coincides with the number of orthostichies (which is also the denominator of the phyllotactic fraction). In open systems leaf gaps cannot be morphologically delimited. Because of the resemblance of the open type of angiosperm vascular system to that of certain gymnosperms, previously interpreted to have evolved from a protostele, we suggest that the eustele of angiosperms is homologous with the stele of gymnosperms. We believe, also, that angiosperms, like gymnosperms, are probably not characterized by leaf gaps of filicinean type. We provide, furthermore, a rationale for the view that the axial bundle of a sympodium is a cauline structure.  相似文献   

The ovules in Drimys winteri var. chilensis and D. lanceolata are consistently vascularized entirely by the ventral bundles, without contribution from the dorsal bundle(s) as generally assumed. The ovules are initiated in two rows, without any in “median” position. Post-initiatory differential growth of the carpel wall brings the lowermost ovules into apparently median position at maturity. The anomalous vascular supply to the lowermost ovules is thought to be related to concurrence of delayed initiation and development of these ovules with delayed differentiation of the vascular supply.  相似文献   

The genera of the Opuntioideae are surveyed for certain spine and glochid structures. Retrorse scabrosity of both spines and glochids is regarded as characteristic of the subfamily. Critical differences are noted in the bases of the glochids, flattened fish-tail forms being found in Opuntia, Nopalea, Cylindropuntia, Tephrocactus, and Tacinga, and enlarged, rounded, hollow forms in Pterocactus and Grusonia. Small unflattened bases are found in Pereskiopsis and Quiahentia. Minor variations of the flattened form of glochid base are noted in Cylindropuntia, Austrocylindropuntia, and Opuntia brasiliensis; and the possible significance of the structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Tucker , Shirley C. (U. Minnesota, Minneapolis.) Phyllotaxis and vascular organization of the carpels in Michelia fuscata. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(1): 60–71. Illus. 1961.—Phyllotaxis pattern and vascular organization are closely related in the floral receptacle of Michelia fuscata (Magnoliaceae). The carpels arise in a spiral or helix. They are initiated alternately along each of 7, 8 or 10 helical parastichies according to a complex repetitive sequence. The pattern of the dorsal carpellary trace fusions is orderly for each of the 10 flowers investigated. The dorsal carpellary traces in each parastichy diverge from the same vascular sympodium. Among flowers one finds differing numbers of parastichies, differing angles of divergence, and varying sequences of parastichies which reflect the order of carpel initiation. The angle of divergence, although consistent for any 1 parastichy in a flower, can vary greatly between parastichies. The nature and importance of the organizers which determine appendage position at the apical meristem are considered. Changes in apical size, configuration, and activity are shown to be related to phyllotaxis.  相似文献   

Foster , Adriance S. (U. California, Berkeley), and Howard J. Arnott . Morphology and dichotomous vasculature of the leaf of Kingdonia uniflora. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47 (8): 684–698. Illus. 1960.—An intensive study of the nodal anatomy, petiolar vasculature and open dichotomous venation of the leaf of Kingdonia has revealed a type of foliar vascular system of unusual morphological and phylogenetic interest. The vascular supply at the nodal level consists of 4 collateral traces which diverge from a single gap into the sheathing leaf base. This type of nodal anatomy is perhaps primitive, and comparisons are made with the unilacunar nodes and the 2- and 4-parted leaf trace systems characteristic of many angiospermous cotyledons and the foliage leaves of certain woody ranalian genera. The petiole of Kingdonia is vascularized by 2 pairs of bundles which represent the upward continuation of the 4 leaf traces. A transition from an even (4) to an odd (3) number of strands occurs near the point of attachment of the 5, lobed, cuneiform lamina segments to the petiole. Each of the 2 abaxial bundles dichotomizes and the central derivative branches fuse to form a double bundle which enters the base of the median lamina segment. The 2 adaxial petiolar bundles diverge right and left into the bases of the paired lateral segments of the lamina. An analogous type of transition from an even to an odd number of veins occurs in many angiospermous cotyledons which develop a definable mid-vein. But, in Kingdonia, the bundles which enter the bases of the lamina segments give rise to systems of dichotomizing veinlets devoid of “mid-veins.” Although the majority of the terminal veinlets enter the marginal teeth of the lamina segments, “blind” endings, unrelated to the dentations, occur in all the leaves studied. Typically, all of the vein endings in a given lobule of a lamina segment are derived from the same dichotomous vein system. However, in some leaves, a veinlet dichotomizes directly below a sinus and the branches diverge into the marginal regions of 2 separate lobules. The phylogenetic significance of the occurrence of open dichotomous venation in such an herbaceous angiosperm as Kingdonia is briefly discussed. From a purely morphological viewpoint, the Kingdonia type of venation invites direct comparison with the venation of Sphenophyllum, certain ferns or Ginkgo rather than with any of the known reticulate venation patterns of modern angiosperms. Although the foliar venation of Kingdonia may represent the result of evolutionary reversion, the very rare anastomoses which occur seem primitive in type rather than “vestiges” of a former system of closed venation.  相似文献   

Patterns of activity in the vascular cambium of Carboniferous arborescent lycopods (Paralycopodites and Stigmaria) were studied by analysis of serial tangential sections of the secondary xylem. The analysis assumes that cell patterns in the wood accurately reflect those of the corresponding cambium. An evaluation using indirect evidence indicates that the assumption is valid as far as can be determined from comparison with living plants. The tracheids of the secondary xylem enlarge in a centrifugal pattern, suggesting a progressive enlargement of the fusiform initials. There is no evidence of periodic anticlinal division of these initials, and it is proposed that the increase in cambial circumference was accommodated primarily by an increase in fusiform initial size. In some axes with abundant secondary xylem there is evidence that isolated initials or groups of initials sporadically subdivided to form numerous, spindle-shaped meristematic cells. Some of these cells subsequently developed into typical cambial initials. Tissues presumably formed during the cessation of cambial growth in Lepidodendron and Stigmaria are described; the structure of the tissues is suggestive of a postmeristematic parenchymatous sheath. It is concluded that cambial activity in these arborescent cryptogams was clearly different from that of modern seed plants, further attesting to the distinctive nature of this ancient group.  相似文献   

The vascular system in the stems of Nymphaea odorata and N. mexicana subgenus Castalia, and N. blanda subgenus Hydrocallis consists of continuing axial stem bundles with eight being the usual number. The stem bundles are concentric and xylem maturation is mesarch. Xylem elements consist of tracheids with spirally or weakly reticulated secondary wall thickenings. The phloem is made up of companion cells and short sieve tube members with simple sieve plates that are nearly transverse. At the node each leaf is supplied with two lateral leaf traces and a median leaf trace. A root trace is also present and supplies a series of adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds develop directly from the apical meristem and occupy leaf sites in a single genetic spiral. Each flower or vegetative bud is related to a leaf through specific spatial and vascular association. The related leaf is separated from the related flower by three members of the genetic spiral and occupies an adjacent orthostichy. Vascular tissue for the related flower arises from the inner surfaces of the four stem bundles supplying leaf traces to the related leaf and extends through the pith to the flower or vegetative bud via a peduncle fusion bundle. The vascular system organization in the investigated species of Castalia and Hydrocallis is not typically monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous, nor can it be considered transitional between them. The ontogeny of the vascular system is similar to typical dicotyledons and the investigated species of Nymphaea can, therefore, be considered to represent highly specialized and modified dicotyledons.  相似文献   

The floral development and vascular anatomy of Nitraria retusa were investigated in order to understand its characteristic androecium of 15 stamens and to clarify the systematic position of the genus relative to Zygophyllaceae. Sepals arise in a helical sequence and are relatively small at maturity. Petals are initiated almost simultaneously or in a rapid helical sequence. Five stamen primordia arise opposite the sepals. Next, two other antesepalous primordia are incepted centrifugally to the first primordia on the remaining receptacular surface. The outer stamens tend to be squeezed between the petals and upper stamens and appear to make up an antepetalous whorl of stamens. Three carpels arise from a low ringwall and grow into a hairy trilocular pistil. In each locule a single pendulous ovule is present. Disclike nectarial tissue is initiated in pits between the stamens and petals. Long trichomes develop on its surface. It is concluded that the androecium is linked with a haplostemonous condition because the stamens of each triplet develop on strictly localized sectors. The distinction between stamens arising on complex primordia and the inception of three independent units is explained by the “principle of variable proportions.” The vasculature also tends to confirm that the outer stamen pairs belong to antesepalous triplets.  相似文献   

Trees of Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees. display leaves that fall into discrete categories of form. Unlobed leaves, with undissected margins, predominate at proximal and distal nodes of shoots, while lobed leaves are most common at intermediate nodes. In this study we investigated the hypothesis that shoots of sassafras respond to environmental changes over the growing season by generating predictable nodal patterns for leaf morphology and physiology. We recorded leaf shape category and measured leaf surface area, node number, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, and photosynthesis in four trees. Over 1,000 measurements of photosynthesis were made in situ, using the LI-Cor LI 6200 portable photosynthesis system. The two trees growing under heavy shade had few lobed leaves (2.0% and 18.8%) and often had negative carbon balance, with positive net photosynthesis occurring during sun flecks. The two trees growing in more open conditions had many more lobed leaves (56.3% and 61.0%) and higher, less variable net photosynthetic rates. As indicated by chlorophyll and nitrogen contents, the highest leaf photosynthetic rates occurred at intermediate nodes (nodes six to nine), and this was shifted distally along the shoot during the growing season. Leaves at intermediate nodes also had the largest surface areas and the greatest frequency of lobing. In comparative experiments with models, lobing was shown to enhance free-convectional heat loss relative to unlobed leaves of the same surface area. Due to their large surface area, these leaves also have the highest rates of whole leaf photosynthesis. Under conditions of equivalent photosynthetically active radiation, lobed leaves had higher rates of net photosynthesis than did unlobed leaves. We conclude that shoots of sassafras produce groups of leaves with predictably different morphological and physiological specializations.  相似文献   

The primary xylem connection between the diarch parent root and the diarch lateral root was derived from the pericycle and stelar parenchyma. Early in lateral root development stelar parenchyma that was positioned between the parent xylem and the primordium divided transversely. These transverse divisions produced a plate of cells, most of which subsequently differentiated into vessel element connectors. After emergence of the lateral root, xylem maturation began in the stelar vessel element connectors and maturation proceeded acropetally into the lateral root. Protoxylem of the lateral root was connected to the metaxylem of the parent root via stelar vessel element connectors. The circular phloem connection was pericyclic in origin. Axial phloem connections which vascularized the lateral root were established with sieve tube elements of both parent phloem poles. Maturation of the phloem connection occurred prior to lateral root emergence. Transaxial phloem, positioned in arches above and below the lateral root vascular cylinder, was derived from the pericycle; and each arch consisted of three to four sieve tube elements. No transfer cells were found in the transaxial phloem.  相似文献   

The topologic arrangement of petiolar bundles varies within the length of the cottonwood petiole. Each petiolar bundle is formed by the subdivision and aggregation of acropetally differentiating subsidiary bundles in a predictable pattern. The subsidiary bundles provide vascular continuity between the stem and specific portions of the leaf lamina. Spot-labeling of individual veins with 14CO2, freeze substitution, and microautoradiography were used to establish the relation between the secondary veins of the lamina and the vasculature of the petiole. Within the petiole vasculature each subsidiary bundle was continuous with a specific portion of the lamina and seemed to have a separate function. Subsidiary bundles continuous with the central leaf trace were closely related functionally to the tip region of the lamina, while the subsidiary bundles continuous with the lateral leaf traces were functionally related to the middle and basal portions of the lamina.  相似文献   

Foliar ontogeny of Magnolia grandiflora was studied to elucidate possible unique features of evergreen leaves and their development. The apex of Magnolia grandiflora is composed of a biseriate or triseriate tunica overlying a central initial zone, a peripheral zone and a pith rib meristem. Leaf primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions on the apical flank of the tunica in its second layer. This initiation and expansion is seasonal just as in related deciduous magnolias. Following leaf initiation, a foliar buttress is formed and the leaf base gradually extends around the apex. As growth continues, separation of the leaf blade primordium from the stipule proceeds by intensified anticlinal divisions in the surface and subsurface layers near the base. Marginal growth begins in the blade primordium when it reaches approximately 200 μm in height and results in the formation of two wing-like extensions, the lamina. This young blade remains in a conduplicately folded position next to the stipule until bud break.  相似文献   

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