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Six examples of a spicate inflorescence from the Middle Eocene Claiborne Formation in western Tennessee have been investigated. Individual flowers are small, alternately arranged, nearly sessile, and perfect. The style protrudes 2 mm beyond the floral envelope and terminates in a slightly swollen, rounded stigma. Both the style and the stigma are hairy. Ten stamens are exserted and extend 5 mm beyond the floral envelope. Anthers are small, versatile, and dehisce longitudinally. Pollen grains are tricolporate, tectate, and are in permanent tetrahedral tetrads 32 μm in diameter. Comparison of the fossil inflorescences with those of extant families having multiple pollen grain configurations suggests that the fossil inflorescences are most closely allied to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the Leguminosae. These are the first structurally documented remains of the Mimosoideae from the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

The winged fruits of Engelhardia have been reported in many early Tertiary floras in the northern Hemisphere. Recent systematic revisions of the extant genera, Engelhardia, Oreomunnea, and Alfaroa provide a helpful guide to the study of the fossil fruits. Fruit form, venation, nut septations and flower parts are features that separate the extant Asian Engelhardia from the American Oreomunnea. Four types of fossil winged fruits can be recognized in Middle Eocene sediments of southeastern North America: Engelhardia, Paraoreomunnea gen. n., Paleooreomunnea gen. n., and Pararengelhardia. Both Paleooreomunnea and Paraengelhardia represent extinct lines; no living forms have similar winged fruits. The fossil fruits of Engelhardia and Paraoreomunnea are similar to the fruits of extant Engelhardia and Oreomunnea, respectively. The fossil taxa reported in this paper were sympatric. The present allopatric distribution of Engelhardia and Oreomunnea is the result of Neogene regional extinctions. Engelhardia and Oreomunnea have probably been distinct genera since early Paleogene time.  相似文献   

Flowers from the Middle Eocene Claiborne Formation of western Tennessee have both floral and palynological features suggestive of affinities with the subfamily Celtidoideae of the Ul-maceae. Floral size, pollen size, and exine structure suggest that these flowers are intermediate between insect-pollinated ancestors and the modern wind-pollinated Celtidoideae. Thus, they represent the first direct fossil evidence supporting the widespread notion that at least some of the Amentiferae have been derived from insect-pollinated ancestors.  相似文献   

Three specimens of one type of fossil catkin from the Middle Eocene of Tennessee are excellently preserved and have been investigated morphologically. The flowers on these catkins are subtended by elongate, three-lobed bracts, are exclusively staminate, and have three conspicuous, obovate, perianth parts that bear large peltate scales. The stamens are well preserved and contain triporate pollen grains that are equivalent to the dispersed pollen genus Momipites. Floral morphology, cuticular features, and pollen indicate close affinities with the extant genera Engelhardia, Oreomunnea, and Alfaroa of the Juglandaceae; but because the fossil catkins are distinct and are a dispersed plant organ, they are placed in a new form genus: Eokachyra. These fossil flowers represent a rare opportunity to correlate the micro- and macrofossil record and to compare the relative rates of evolution of these features. The fossil catkins also demonstrate that much structural information may be gained from the study of fossil angiosperm flowers. The similarities between the staminate flowers of the fossil catkins and the staminate flowers of Engelhardia, Oreomunnea, and Alfaroa confirm the idea that this complex has had a long evolutionary history and suggest that the pollination system of certain extant genera was well developed during Middle Eocene times.  相似文献   

Leaf compressions, previously assigned to Rhamnus marginatus Lesquereux, were collected from the Middle Eocene Claiborne Formation of western Kentucky and Tennessee. The leaf architecture and cuticular features of over 40 compressions were carefully examined and compared to those of many extant species of Rhamnaceae and related families as well as fossil specimens previously assigned to this taxon. This leaf type appears to belong to the Rhamnaceae, however, it conforms more closely to species of several genera in the tribe Zizypheae than to those of Rhamnus or other genera in the tribe Rhamneae. Confident assignment to any specific genus within this complex of genera cannot be made on the basis of leaf characteristics alone and would require discovery and analysis of additional vegetative and reproductive organs. Because this fossil leaf form cannot be confidently assigned to any modern genus and earlier classifications appear to be improper, this leaf type has been reassigned to the taxon Berhamniphyllum claibornense gen. et sp. nov. The transfer of this leaf form at the tribe level reaffirms the need for close examination of taxonomic determinations made by early workers.  相似文献   

A study was made of the gross morphological characters and cuticular features of several fossil leaves of Knightiophyllum wilcoxianum Berry. These fossil leaves were collected from Eocene deposits exposed in three clay pits in western Tennessee. This investigation refutes the relationship of Knightiophyllum wilcoxianum to the modern genus Knightia and the family Proteaceae as suggested by E. W. Berry.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the gross morphology, fine venation and cuticular features of Leitneria fioridana Chapman, the single living representative of the order Leitneriales and Leitneria eocenica (Berry) Brown, presumbaly a related fossil species. In addition to the type material, newly collected fossil specimens were investigated from clay pits in the Middle Eocene, Claiborne Formation, of western Tennessee and Kentucky. Foliate stipules attached to the petioles of several specimens suggest the assignment of this fossil leaf type to the genus Leitneria is incorrect. The nature of the gross morphology, fine venation and cuticular features confirms the misidentification. Previously, various specimens of this fossil leaf type have been placed in eight species of seven genera in seven families of six angiosperm orders, none of which are correct systematically. The gross morphology, venation and cuticular characters of the fossil leaf are distributed among a few extant South American genera of arborescent Rubiaceae. The fossil is an extinct rubiaceous leaf type which cannot be placed within a single modern subfamily, tribe or genus of the family. The organ genus, Paleorubiaceophyllum is proposed for these leaves. Three varieties of a single fossil species, P. eocenicum, are recognized. One variety with epidermal cells nearly twice the size of the others may represent a polyploid population.  相似文献   

As part of a reinvestigation of the Eocene floras from southeastern North America, a leaf form similar to some that were formerly placed in the genus Aradia has been identified as Dendropanax. Studies of the fine venation and cuticular characters have been important in this identification. This is the first report of leaf material of the genus Dendropanax in the fossil record.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Gordoniopsis polysperma and two new species of Gordonia (Gordonieae, Camellioideae, Theaceae) are described based on fossil fruit and seed remains. These specimens are part of a large flora consisting of various plant organs from the middle Eocene Claiborne Formation in western Kentucky and Tennessee. Gordoniopsis is a five-valved loculicidally dehiscent capsule similar to capsules of Gordonia but differing in having unwinged seeds and a greater number of seeds per locule. The two Gordonia species are among the earliest unequivocal records of the genus and two of only four fossil Gordonia species known with in situ seeds. Two extinct genera, Gordoniopsis and Andrewsiocarpon, and the extant genus Gordonia in the tribe Gordonieae are known from the middle Eocene Claiborne flora, suggesting an early radiation within the tribe. Based on a survey of Recent fruits and seeds we concur with Keng's proposal to merge Laplacea with Gordonia.  相似文献   

A new fossil flower and inflorescence-bearing locality has been discovered in the Oligocene of the Texas Gulf Coast. The new flora is similar to the Middle Eocene Claiborne Flora of the southeastern USA, but the quality of preservation is sometimes better in the Oligocene fossils. One component of the new flora, a mimosoid legume inflorescence, appears identical with Eomimosoidea plumosa, first reported from the Claiborne Formation of western Tennessee. Investigations of these younger specimens indicate that the taxon had changed little during the Middle Eocene-Oligocene interval, and the better quality of preservation of the Texas specimens has provided further insights into the structure of the fossils. Comparisons of the fine structural details of the pollen of Eomimosoidea with similar pollen of extant mimosoids has confirmed that the fossil genus is indeed extinct and suggests that tetrahedral tetrads of columellate, tricolporate pollen grains are ancient, possibly primitive, in the Mimosoideae.  相似文献   

The discovery of specimens of Calamostachys binneyana in Lower Pennsylvanan petrifaction material in North America has provided additional information about the structure of this calamitean fructification. The cones consist of regularly spaced alternating whorls of bracts and sporangiophores. Bracts are fused in a disc except at the margin where the individual units become free. Sporangiophores are inserted at right angles to the cone axis and bear four axially directed sporangia. The vascular system of the North American specimens differs from that in other reports of the taxon in the presence of twelve vascular bundles in the cone axis. Each sporangiophore is supplied by a single vascular trace that departs from one axial bundle. There appears to be no constant relationship between the number of vascular bundles and the number of bracts. Spores are spherical, thin-walled, and of the Calamospora type. Relationships with other structurally preserved members in the genus are discussed in light of the diversity in structure demonstrated by the new specimens.  相似文献   

记述了在垣曲盆地郭家村火石坡地点发现的仓鼠类一新种和一个相似种———垣曲古亚鼠 (Palasiomysyuanquensissp .nov.)和垣曲古亚鼠相似种 (Palasiomyscf.P .yuanquensis )。新种以上臼齿前小尖不明显、m1下前边尖与下原尖相连、个体大等特点区别于属型种锥齿古亚鼠 (P .conulus)。古亚鼠化石在火石坡的发现为垣曲盆地可能存在中始新世伊尔丁曼哈期地层提供了又一证据。  相似文献   

垣曲盆地新发现的始爪兽类化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
记述了在垣曲盆地始新世地层两个层位中发现的始爪兽科化石 3个种 ,其中包括 1个新种———周氏路南兽 (Lunaniazhouisp .nov .)。新种与属型种杨氏路南兽不同在于个体小、齿冠低、下前尖和下前脊及下斜脊更退化。  相似文献   

Delevoryas , Theodore . (University of Illinois, Urbana.) Investigations of North American cycadeoids: trunks from Wyoming . Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(9): 778–786. Illus. 1960.—A study was undertaken of the cycadeoid trunks from Wyoming to more fully understand the morphology and evolutionary significance of these trunks and to determine the validity of the genus Cycadella. The stem named Cycadeoidea (or Cycadella) utopiensis is not the same morphologically as those from Carbon County, Wyoming, and because of its unknown source, it is not a reliable specimen for the study of cycadeoids from the Morrison formation. The Morrison, Carbon County specimens included in Ward's genus Cycadella were shown to have trunk structure, leaf bases, and cones like those in Cycadeoidea. The cone vascular bundle is derived from a fusion of 4 leaf traces. From the fused bundle complex, 4 leaf traces are separated farther out in the cortex, and 1 of these supplies the subtending leaf. In spite of the relatively complex pattern of cone trace formation, there does not seem to be any significant means of distinguishing specimens called Cycadella from the more common Cycadeoidea. Furthermore, it is evident that the genus Cycadeoidea represents a fairly homogeneous group with a wide geographic and geologic range. Pattern of formation of cone traces is interpreted as possible further evidence for regarding cycadeoid cones as portions of foliar systems.  相似文献   

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