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The protoplast of the non-articulated branched laticifer in the embryo and seedling of Asclepias syriaca L. was studied at the ultrastructural level and was found to differ from that of adjacent cell types. Embryonal laticifers possess numerous vesicles with electron-dense contents, but lack a large organized central vacuole. Plastids have few lamellae, possess phytoferritin, and accumulate small amounts of starch. Other organelles and membrane systems are similar to those in other cells. After germination, laticifers develop numerous elongated vacuoles by dilation of endoplasmic reticulum. Nuclei in laticifers within the hypocotyl of seedlings are highly lobed and possess dilated perinuclear spaces. Plastids and other organelles are similar to those observed in the protoplast of laticifers in the embryo. The latex or rubber component of the laticifer is not apparent in mature embryos of 72-hr seedlings.  相似文献   

We measured follicle production from a diallel cross among ten clones of the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca, to assess the relative contributions of maternal and paternal parents. Specific parental combinations differed in the ability to set fruit, indicated by a significant nuclear specific effect accounting for 28% of the observed variance in follicle production. Several mechanisms might contribute to this effect, including shared incompatibility alleles and expression of zygotic genotypes. The nuclear general effect was not significant, however, suggesting a lack of additive genetic variation for offspring control of fruit maturation. Maternal effects also had an important effect on follicle production, as demonstrated by a significant reciprocal general effect (26% of the variance), almost entirely due to a large maternal component. The small reciprocal general variance component attributable to paternal effects, and nonsignificant reciprocal specific effect, indicating little maternal parent-zygote interaction, suggest that female choice through selective follicle maturation was not important in this experiment. The clones varied in proportion of reproductive output through female function, but a significant tradeoff between male and female success was not detected.  相似文献   

We measured 10 characters of pollinaria, anthers, and alar fissures from the flowers of seven clones of common milkweed Asclepias syriaca L. to test whether significant differences existed among them. Strong among-clone differences existed for most of these characters. However, these differences were not correlated with each other, except for width of the alar fissure and width of the translator arm. Thus, these floral structures vary mostly in shape, rather than size per se. Few correlations among characters occurred at a within-clone level. Clones growing in the open and shade differed in half of the characters measured, but habitat did not substantially change the among-clone size patterns observed. The alar fissure–translator arm relationship might promote differential uptake of pollinia; however, A. syriaca does not exhibit a clear separation into donor and recipient clones.  相似文献   

Using cross-pollination experiments, pollinia viability of the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca L. (Asclepiadaceae) did not change significantly over the five-day life of the flowers, but stigma receptivity decreased over threefold over this period. During most of the season pollinators inserted over 90% of their pollinia into flowers during the first two days following anthesis. However, pollinators were scarce during the first few days of flowering, and they inserted over 60% of their pollinia into flowers three or more days old. This behavior potentially decreased outcrossing success and increased the relative male contribution of the flowers. Pollinator visitation patterns may play an important role in determining the functional sexuality of these plants.  相似文献   

Laticifers were identified in frozen sections of embryoids from callus and suspension cultures of Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) by an indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Sections were treated with the IgG fraction of rabbit anti-latex antiserum, produced with field-collected A. syriaca latex as a source of antigens, and with fluorescein-conjugated IgG fraction goat anti-rabbit IgG. Laticifers were identified by their fluorescence in embryoids dissected from 3–4-month-old callus cultures and in embryoids from 2-month-old suspension cultures. Laticifers are not present in early globular embryoids of A. syriaca but embryoids similar in shape to late globular stage zygotic embryos possess branching laticifers typical of zygotic material. Sections on control slides, treated with whole serum or IgG fraction from whole serum, both from an uninjected rabbit, contained no fluorescent cells. No laticifers were detected with the fluorescent antibody assay in A. tuberosa embryoids.  相似文献   

In Asclepias syriaca the overall inflorescence is an anthoclad in which the peduncles are non-axillary, each occurring about 60° away from the axil of a leaf. Ontogenetically, a peduncle is initiated when the stem apex expands laterally and bifurcates into separate apices, neither of which is subtended by any type of organ. One of the two apices continues as the functional apex of the stem (bifurcating again at each subsequent node), and the other functions as the apex of the peduncle. The peduncle first produces a bract and, then, a pedicel in the axil of the bract. Subsequent pedicels are each axillary to separate bracts. The pedicels, therefore, can be interpreted as ordinary lateral branches. However, because the bifurcations of the stem apex are not associated with subtending organs, the branching of the stem does not conform to expected monopodial or sympodial systems in the angiosperms. This suggests the possibility that each bifurcation of the stem apex is a true dichotomy. The anthoclad axis, thus, is a series of dichotomies. Although such a series may have been phylogenetically derived from a monopodial or sympodial ancestor, it is also possible that it may have been retained from a primitive, dichotomizing inflorescence.  相似文献   

In E. marginata 12 nonarticulated laticifer initials arise in the cotyledonary node of the young embryo during the early heart stage. The initials arise progressively in the developing embryo, the first laticifers differentiating simultaneously with or shortly before the elements of the pro-cambium. The laticifers occupy a position lateral to the six procambial strands which are formed in the embryo. Upon subsequent growth each laticifer becomes vacuolated and nuclear division unaccompanied by cytokinesis results in the formation of a coenocytic protoplast. The enlarging laticifer produces several branches, one growing into the cotyledon, another growing down along the hypocotyl penetrating toward the root meristem, and one or several growing along intercellular spaces of adjacent cells. No fusion of these branches with one another or adjoining parenchyma cells was observed.  相似文献   

Cross-comparisons of nectar production data are complicated because different workers use bags made of various materials to exclude animal visitors. Using clonal populations of Asclepias syriaca and A. exaltata in northern Virginia, we carefully measured the effects of four bagging treatments (bridal veil, pellon, paper, plastic) on microenvironment (temperature, relative humidity) and nectar production (volume, concentration, sucrose amount) over the course of a day. In general, bridal veil bags changed the microenvironment least relative to unbagged controls. Plastic bags resulted in higher temperatures and constantly higher relative humidities. Temperature and relative humidity were also elevated, though less dramatically, in paper and pellon bags. Under more humid conditions, flowers contained larger volumes of more dilute nectar. Therefore, researchers who wish to obtain nectar production data that reflect natural field conditions should use bridal veil, or a material with similar properties, to bag inflorescences. We also performed a watering experiment, involving the addition of the equivalent of a 10-cm rain to the A. syriaca plot. After watering, nectar volumes and sucrose amounts were increased approximately twofold.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of self-pollination on fruit- and seed-set in Asclepias exaltata, a self-incompatible milkweed. A total of 1,380 hand-pollinations were performed on 138 flowers in each of five treatments. In each treatment, two pollinia were placed in adjacent stigmatic chambers, which transmitted pollen tubes to the same ovary. Treatments 1 and 2 involved simultaneous placement of two self-pollinia (treatment 1) or two cross-pollinia (treatment 2) into adjacent stigmatic chambers. No fruits were produced after self-pollinations, but 23% of the cross-pollinated flowers matured fruits. The three remaining experimental pollination treatments were self-pollination preceding cross-pollination by 24 hr (treatment 3), simultaneous self- and cross-pollination (treatment 4), and cross-pollination preceding self-pollination by 24 hr (treatment 5). Compared with that in flowers receiving only cross-pollen, fruit-set in treatments 3–5 was reduced 81%, 49%, and 29%, respectively. Seed-set was also significantly reduced in flowers receiving self-pollen 24 hr in advance of the cross-pollen. Using genetic markers, we observed that only 0.6% of seeds resulted from self-pollination. Our data strongly suggest that self-pollination in milkweeds not only wastes pollen but also greatly reduces the number of ovules and ovaries that might otherwise mature fruits and seeds after cross-pollination.  相似文献   

A series of experimental pollinations involving three sympatric species provided strong evidence for physiological and/or genetic barriers to hybridization in Asclepias. Pollen tubes were observed to penetrate the style in some interspecific crosses of all species pairs. Aniline blue fluorescence microscopy also demonstrated pollen tube penetration of foreign ovules following pollinations between A. incarnata and A. verticillata. However, none of the 279 total pollinations attempted between species yielded mature seed, indicating the presence of late pre-fertilization or early post-fertilization incompatibility. Intraspecific pollinations in greenhouse and field populations revealed greater crossability between populations than within populations of a single species. Self-pollinations of A. verticillata were unsuccessful, while 29% and 4% of those of A. incarnata and A. syriaca, respectively, yielded mature follicles. It is suggested that the potential for autogamy, combined with floral mechanisms requiring pollination by insects, insure the advantages of both the genetic variability promoted by outcrossing and the reproductive assurance of uniparental reproduction. Strong reproductive barriers between species reduce the change of intergradation where species occur sympatrically.  相似文献   

A series of hand-pollination experiments was performed to test the hypothesis that pollination timing determines which flowers produce pods in Asclepias speciosa, a species with few ovaries maturing into fruit. A comparison of fruiting of different aged ovaries showed that throughout anthesis, pistils are equally receptive to pollen tube penetration and growth. Pollen declines in vigor as flowers age as indicated by comparisons of different aged pollen both in vitro and in vivo. However, the overall effect of this decline on fruiting in the field is lessened by a simultaneous decline during anthesis in the rate of pollinium removal by insect pollinators. Within an umbel, earlier pollinated flowers are more likely to form mature pods than flowers pollinated 2 days later, apparently as a result of within umbel competition between developing pods for limited resources. The longer the delay between pollinations within umbels, the more mature pods form, probably as a result of a decline in intensity of competition between pods. Pollinations during the afternoon result in fewer mature pods and seeds than morning and evening pollinations, although fruiting is not dependent on humidity or temperature at the time of pollination. Differences in mature pod production between treatments were not significant for any experiment indicating that ecological or evolutionary factors other than pollination timing have the greatest effect on fruiting.  相似文献   

Field observations revealed the presence of fruit-producing (fruiting) and non-fruit-producing (non-fruiting) plants in two south central Oklahoma populations of Asclepias tuberosa L. Comparative measurements of floral characteristics between fruiting and non-fruiting plants indicated that fruiting plants have significantly larger alar fissure widths and a greater percentage of intact pollinaria. The smaller alar fissure width on flowers of non-fruiting plants apparently reduces the probability of successful pollinia insertions in these plants. Greater numbers of observed pollinia insertions into fruiting-plant fissures appear to be the result of the increased likelihood that pollinia, which are significantly narrower than the fissures of fruiting plants, will be inserted into fruiting-plant fissures than those of non-fruiting plants. Apparently non-fruiting plants act primarily as pollinia donors while fruiting plants act primarily as pollinia recipients. These characteristics of butterflyweed tend to promote a dimorphic, allogamous type of pollination.  相似文献   

Representatives of three genera of anthooerotes were examined: Phaeoceros, Notothylas, and Megaceros. Species of the first two genera were found to exemplify the typical anthocerote plastid condition. This condition is characterized by the presence in each cell of the gametophyte of only a single large chloroplast containing a “multiple” pyrenoid. The genus Megaceros, however, proved to be quite different. In two species of Megaceros the pyrenoid was observed to be composed of a highly subdivided thylakoid system of even greater complexity than the “multiple” pyrenoids of Phaeoceros. In another species only an indistinct “pyrenoid-like” area was noted while in a fourth species no evidence was found for any internal differentiation. Associated with these changes in plastid structure there are corresponding alterations in the number and the size of the chloroplasts. Together they indicate an evolutionary trend away from a primitive, algal-like condition to a more advanced land plant form.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹成熟卵形态和超微结构的研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
堵南山  姜焕伟 《动物学报》1995,41(3):229-234
中华绒螯蟹的成熟卵仅有初级卵膜,无次级和三级卵巢,质膜初期厚而多层,且具皱褶,卵核在卵的发育过程中变化很大,未发见中心粒,内质网和高尔基体均始见于蟹卵发育的初期,皮层颗粒先出现于蟹卵深部,随后移到卵的表层,无滋养细胞,蟹卵由卵泡细胞提供物质,形成卵黄,此外,还可直接从血淋巴内摄取卵黄前身物质。  相似文献   

Development of alkaloidal vesicles in laticifers of opium poppy, Papaver somniferum L., was investigated at the ultrastructural level. Laticifer initials possessed abundant endoplasmic reticulum throughout their dense cytoplasm. During differentiation the endoplasmic reticulum organized into long, folded sheets that were parallel to the longitudinal walls along the periphery of the cell. Vesicles appeared to be derived from dilation of endoplasmic reticulum. This relationship was confirmed through cytochemical data obtained with zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide and osmium tetroxide impregnation. Alkaloidal vesicles had electron-dense regions or caps that occurred early in laticifer differentiation, but these caps became less conspicuous in mature cells. Caps appeared to be derived from small particles which condensed along the inner surface of the vesicle membrane and subsequently accumulated at one or two positions along the membrane of the vesicle.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to investigate early development of latex ducts in Mammillaria heyderi (Cactaceae). Numerous vesicles (secondary vacuoles) form from invaginations of the plasmalemma near sites of wall thinning, from endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and from vesiculate grana of degenerate plastids. Dictyosomes, though they occur in young duct cells, do not seem to be responsible for the formation of vesicles. Cytoplasmic vesicles may contain fibrillar, globular, or crystalline materials, or may be devoid of any type of particulate matter. They may be responsible for storage of numerous laticiferous components. Lysosomal materials could be stored in some vesicles and contribute to the degradation of the protoplast. Some nuclei contain condensed chromatin and are subject to deformation and collapse. Mitochondria and lipid bodies are common in young duct cells but ER is rare. When ducts form in young tissues, plastids in the lumen do not produce starch grains or extensive membranous networks. The plastids eventually degenerate to become a part of latex. If ducts form in older, established tissues having mature plastids, the plastids undergo extreme modification.  相似文献   

扁豆成熟胚囊的超微结构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文对扁豆(Dolichos lablab)成熟胚囊的超微结构进行了研究,在成熟胚囊中,卵细胞和助细胞仅在珠孔端1/3有细胞壁,靠近合点端,卵细胞一助细胞,卵细胞-中央细胞,助细胞-中央细胞之间没有细胞壁存在,相邻细胞的质膜靠在一起,在卵细胞和中央细胞的质膜间,有些地方存在中等电子密度的物质,卵细胞的细胞质中含有很多的线粒体和质体,内质网和高尔基体较少,助细胞的珠孔端有一复杂的丝状器,靠近珠孔端的细胞质中有很多管状的内质网,表明助细胞可能具有分泌功能,在助细胞的合点端,含有丰富的粗糙内质网,助细胞和卵细胞的质膜之间有很多囊泡状的结构,中央细胞内含有丰富的线粒体,高尔基体和内质网,中央细胞的壁向内形成突起,在周缘细胞质中含有丰富的脂滴。  相似文献   

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