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By means of a modification of the technique of the Osterhout apparatus it is possible to follow the production of CO2 from sodium lactate when acted upon by H2O2. The results of this process indicate that the reaction is not a simple one but is of an autocatalytic type. This conclusion is borne out by the fact that the determinations of H2O2 during the reaction show an increased amount of peroxide during the earlier stages of the reaction. This is considered to be due to the formation of a peroxide by the oxidation of the acetaldehyde (formed by the interaction of H2O2 and sodium lactate) with the oxygen of the air. When the reaction is carried out in an atmosphere of nitrogen no increase is observed. Further experiments in nitrogen tend to show that acetaldehyde is the end-product of the action of H2O2 alone. The effect of FeCl3 upon the reaction depends upon the previous treatment of the iron salt. If the iron solution is added to the H2O2 before mixing with the lactate there is an increased amount of CO2. If, however, the iron is added to the lactate before the addition of the peroxide, the action tends to inhibit the production of CO2. The reaction of H2O2 with sodium lactate is comparable to the action of killed yeast and methylene blue as determined by Palladin and his coworkers.  相似文献   

The rate of production of CO2 from sodium lactate when treated with H2O2 may be increased by the addition of a compound containing a sulfhydryl group, i.e. cystine. A small part of this increase in rate of CO2 is due to the action of the amino group as shown by the action of glycocoll. The results tend to show that the mode of action of H2O2 is one of dehydrogenation and that the action of the cystine is comparable to the Atmungskörper of Meyerhof.  相似文献   

Activity of hydrogen sulfide production from sulfite was studiedusing a copper-resistant yeast strain (R), its parent strain(P), and the culture of R in the medium without copper addition(R(0)). More hydrogen sulfide was produced under aerobic conditionthan under anaerobic condition. Sulfide producing activity wasin the order of R(0)>P>R under either condition. Stationaryphase cells produced more sulfide than logarithmic phase cellswhen cultured without copper, while the reverse was the casewith R, cultured in copper medium. Sulfide production was inhibitedby high concentrations of sulfite and by salicylaldoxime. Differencein the pathway from sulfite to sulfide was suggested betweenthe resistant strain (R and R(0)) and P in that the former wasmore sensitive to these inhibitors. 1 Present address: Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University,Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka  相似文献   

The rate of entrance of H2S into cells of Valonia macrophysa has been studied and it has been shown that at any given time up to 5 minutes the rate of entrance of total sulfide (H2S + S-) into the sap is proportional to the concentration of molecular H2S in the external solution. This is in marked contrast with the entrance of ammonia, where Osterhout has shown that the rate of entrance of total ammonia (NH3 + NR4 +) does not increase in a linear way with the increase in the external concentration of NH3, but falls off. The strong base guanidine also acts thus. It has been shown that the rate of entrance of H2S is best explained by assuming that it enters by diffusion of molecular H2S through the non-aqueous protoplasmic surface. It has been pointed out that the simple diffusion requires that the rate of entrance might be expected to be monomolecular. Possible causes of the failure of H2S to follow this relationship have been discussed.  相似文献   

Under anaerobic conditions and in the absence of CO2, the thermophilic blue-green alga Synechococcus lividus Y52-s, evolved hydrogen sulfide in both darkness and light. The mechanism of this process was investigated and compared with photo- and dark reductions in organisms representing several phyla. The photoproduction of H2S from either sulfate or thiosulfate was inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethyl urea (DCMU) and carbonyl m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone (m-Cl-CCP). The inhibitory effect of DCMU showed the requirement for photosystem II as electron donor. Inhibition by m-Cl-CCP also implicated ATP as an energy source. Monofluoroacetate partially inhibited photoproduction of H2S. This indicated that oxidative metabolism may act us a source of electrons to reduce the photooxidant under certain conditions. Thiosulfate acts only as electron acceptor and is reductively cleaved to S= and SO3=. Thiosulfate and sulfate appeared to replace CO2 in the light and O2 in darkness as electron acceptors. The phosphorylation uncouplers dinitrophenol and m-Cl-CCP stimulated dark H2S production.  相似文献   

A preadaptive purely aerobic utilization of galactose by yeast cells has been demonstrated. Hence, the adaptation by yeast to galactose is not to its utilization per se, but specifically to its metabolism by a glycolytic mechanism. An examination of this preadaptive oxidation of galactose reveals that it has many characteristics in common with the endogenous metabolism of yeast. Included among these are the similarities of the R.Q. values and the response of the Q OO2 and QCOCO2 O2 to KCN and iodoacetic acid. Further, a competitive interaction appears to exist between the endogenous respiration and the preadaptive oxidation of the galactose. The latter can replace the endogenous respiration as a source of energy for the adaptation to the fermentation of the galactose. Carbon balance studies of the galactose oxidation revealed that polysaccharide could be formed as a result of this metabolism during the preadaptive period. Non-adaptable cells were also found to possess the capacity to oxidize galactose in the complete absence of any ability to metabolize it anaerobically. The significance of these findings for the biochemistry and physiology of the adaptation is discussed.  相似文献   

类胡萝卜素对亚油酸甲酯氧化的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究溶液中类胡萝卜素对2 ,2’ -偶氮二 (2 ,4短杠二甲基戊腈 ) (AMVN)引发的亚油酸甲酯氧化的抑制作用及色素的消耗变化。表明 β-胡萝卜素 ,叶黄素及胭脂树橙都按依赖于剂量的方式抑制亚油酸甲酯氢过氧化物的形成。41.7×10 -6mol/L的叶黄素及玉米黄质的抑制活性相近 ,高于β-胡萝卜素与胭脂树橙的活性 ,后两者活性近似。在83.3×10 -6mol/L浓度下鸡油菌黄质活性高于叶黄素 ,后者又高于 β-胡萝卜素与胭脂树橙 ,最后两者仍近似。结果表明下列五种类胡萝卜素对亚油酸甲酯氧化的抑制能力为 :鸡油菌黄质>玉米黄质≈叶黄素> β-胡萝卜素≈胭脂树橙。类胡萝卜素在抑制脂质氧化过程中 ,本身逐渐损失消耗 ,4h后在试验所用浓度下最高剩余量不超过20 %。其中鸡油菌黄质与胭脂树橙的消耗速度慢于 β-胡萝卜素与玉米黄质。  相似文献   

1. It had been shown in previous papers that when a collodion membrane has been treated with a protein the membrane assumes a positive charge when the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution with which it is in contact exceeds a certain limit. It is pointed out in this paper that by treating the collodion membrane with a protein (e.g. oxyhemoglobin) a thin film of protein adheres to the membrane and that the positive charge of the membrane must therefore be localized in this protein film. 2. It is further shown in this paper that the hydrogen ion concentration, at which the reversal in the sign of the charge of a collodion membrane treated with a protein occurs, varies in the same sense as the isoelectric point of the protein, with which the membrane has been treated, and is always slightly higher than that of the isoelectric point of the protein used. 3. The critical hydrogen ion concentration required for the reversal seems to be, therefore, that concentration where enough of the protein lining of the membrane is converted into a protein-acid salt (e.g. gelatin nitrate) capable of ionizing into a positive protein ion (e.g. gelatin) and the anion of the acid used (e.g. NO3).  相似文献   

1. The velocity of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalase as a function of (a) concentration of catalase, (b) concentration of hydrogen peroxide, (c) hydrogen ion concentration, (d) temperature has been studied in an attempt to correlate these variables as far as possible. It is concluded that the reaction involves primarily adsorption of hydrogen peroxide at the catalase surface. 2. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalase is regarded as involving two reactions, namely, the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, which is a maximum at the optimum pH 6.8 to 7.0, and the "induced inactivation" of catalase by the "nascent" oxygen produced by the hydrogen peroxide and still adhering to the catalase surface. This differs from the more generally accepted view, namely that the induced inactivation is due to the H2O2 itself. On the basis of the above view, a new interpretation is given to the equation of Yamasaki and the connection between the equations of Yamasaki and of Northrop is pointed out. It is shown that the velocity of induced inactivation is a minimum at the pH which is optimal for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. 3. The critical increment of the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalase is of the order 3000 calories. The critical increment of induced inactivation is low in dilute hydrogen peroxide solutions but increases to a value of 30,000 calories in concentrated solutions of peroxide.  相似文献   


The experiments described above show that the rate of digestion and the conductivity of protein solutions are very closely parallel. If the isoelectric point of a protein is at a lower hydrogen ion concentration than that of another, the conductivity and also the rate of digestion of the first protein extends further to the alkaline side. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the rate of digestion and the degree of ionization (conductivity) of gelatin solutions is the same, and the curves for the ionization and rate of digestion as plotted against the pH are nearly parallel throughout. The addition of a salt with the same anion as the acid to a solution of protein already containing the optimum amount of the acid has the same depressing effect on the digestion as has the addition of the equivalent amount of acid. These facts are in quantitative agreement with the hypothesis that the determining factor in the digestion of proteins by pepsin is the amount of ionized protein present in the solution. It was shown in a previous paper that this would also account for the peculiar relation between the rate of digestion and the concentration of protein. The amount of ionized protein in the solution depends on the amount of salt formed between the protein (a weak base) and the acid. This quantity, in turn, according to the hydrolysis theory of the salts of weak bases and strong acids, is a function of the hydrogen ion concentration, up to the point at which all the protein is combined with the acid as a salt. This point is the optimum hydrogen ion concentration for digestion, since the solution now contains the maximum concentration of protein ions. The hydrogen ion concentration in this range therefore is merely a convenient indicator of the amount of ionized protein present in the solution and takes no active part in the hydrolysis. After sufficient acid has been added to combine with all the protein, i.e. at pH of about 2.0, the further addition of acid serves to depress the ionization of the protein salt by increasing the concentration of the common anion. The hydrogen ion concentration is, therefore, no longer an indicator of the amount of ionized protein present, since this quantity is now determined by the anion concentration. Hence on the acid side of the optimum the addition of the same concentration of anion should have the same influence on the rate of digestion irrespective of whether it is combined with hydrogen or some other ion (provided, of course, that there is no other secondary effect of the other ion). The proposed mechanism is very similar to that suggested by Stieglitz and his coworkers for the hydrolysis of the imido esters. Pekelharing and Ringer have shown that pure pepsin in acid solution is always negatively charged; i.e., it is an anion. The experiments described above show further that it behaves just as would be expected of any anion in the presence of a salt containing the protein ion as the cation and as has been shown by Loeb to be the case with inorganic anions. Nothing has been said in regard to the quantitative agreement between the increasing amounts of ionized protein found in the solution (as shown by the conductivity values) and the amount predicted by the hydrolysis theory of the formation of salts of weak bases and strong acids. There is little doubt that the values are in qualitative agreement with such a theory. In order to make a quantitative comparison, however, it would be necessary to know the ionization constant of the protein and of the protein salt and also the number of hydroxyl (or amino) groups in the protein molecule as well as the molecular weight of the protein. Since these values are not known with any degree of certainty there appears to be no value at present in attempting to apply the hydrolysis equations to the data obtained. It it clear that the hypothesis as outlined above for the hydrolysis of proteins by pepsin cannot be extended directly to enzymes in general, since in many cases the substrate is not known to exist in an ionized condition at all. It is possible, however, that ionization is really present or that the equilibrium instead of being ionic is between two tautomeric forms of the substrate, only one of which is attacked by the enzyme. Furthermore, it is clear that even in the case of proteins there are difficulties in the way since the pepsin obtained from young animals, or a similar enzyme preparation from yeast or other microorganisms, is said to have a different optimum hydrogen ion concentration than that found for the pepsin used in these experiments. The activity of these enzyme preparations therefore would not be found to depend on the ionization of the protein. It is possible of course that the enzyme preparations mentioned may contain several proteolytic enzymes and that the action observed is a combination of the action of several enzymes. Dernby has shown that this is a very probable explanation of the action of the autolytic enzymes. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the activity of the pepsin used in these experiments agrees very closely with that found by Ringer for pepsin prepared by him directly from gastric juice and very carefully purified. Ringer''s pepsin probably represents as pure an enzyme preparation as it is possible to prepare. There is every reason to suppose therefore that the enzyme used in this work was not a mixture of several enzymes.  相似文献   

Various cultures (previously described), which oxidize thiosulfate in mineral media have been studied in an attempt to determine the products of oxidation. The transformation of sodium thiosulfate by Cultures B, T, and K yields sodium tetrathionate and sodium hydroxide; secondary chemical reactions result in the accumulation of some tri- and pentathionates, sulfate, and elemental sulfur. As a result of the initial reaction, the pH increases; the secondary reactions cause a drop in pH after this initial rise. The primary reaction yields much less energy than the reactions effected by autotrophic bacteria. No significant amounts of assimilated organic carbon were detected in media supporting representatives of these cultures. It is concluded that they are heterotrophic bacteria. Th. novellus oxidizes sodium thiosulfate to sodium sulfate and sulfuric acid; the pH drops progressively with growth and oxidation. Carbon assimilation typical of autotrophic bacteria was detected; the ratio of sulfate-sulfur formed to carbon assimilated was 56:1. It is calculated that 5.1 per cent of the energy yielded by the oxidation of thiosulfate is accounted for in the organic cell substance synthesized from inorganic materials. This organism is a facultative autotroph. The products of oxidation of sodium thiosulfate by Th. thioparus are sodium sulfate, sulfuric acid, and elemental sulfur; the ratio of sulfate sulfur to elemental sulfur is 3 to 2. The pH decreases during growth and oxidation. The elemental sulfur is produced by the primary reaction and is not a product of secondary chemical changes. The bacterium synthesizes organic compounds from mineral substances during growth. The ratio of thiosulfate-sulfur oxidized to carbon assimilated was 125:1, with 4.7 per cent of the energy of oxidation recovered as organic cell substance. This bacterium is a strict autotroph.  相似文献   

When cells of Nitella are placed in buffer solutions at pH 9, there is a very slow and gradual increase in the pH of the sap from pH 5.6 to 6.4 (when death of the cells takes place). If the living cells are placed in 0.002 per cent dye solutions of brilliant cresyl blue at different pH values (from pH 6.6 to pH 9), it is found that the rate of penetration of the dye, and the final equilibrium attained, increases with increase in pH value, which can be attributed to an increase in the active protein (or other amphoteric electrolyte) in the cell which can combine with the dye.  相似文献   

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