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The amphiploid Nicotiana suaveolens × N. langsdorffii, which is genetically constituted to produce tumors spontaneously late in development, can be induced to form them in the early seedling stage by treatment of the apical meristem with kinetin and indoleacetic acid. Application of H3-or C14-labeled plant-growth regulators resulted in most plants and notably with C14-labeled indoleacetic acid in a significant increase in the rate of tumor production over growth-regulator treatment alone. Endogenous radiation alone was shown to be tumefacient since radioactive nucleosides, tritiated water, and C14-sodium carbonate also enhance tumorization.  相似文献   

本文对湖南省酃县的蛇伤药毛萝藦(Marsdenia sinensis Hemsl.牛奶菜)应用较先进的实验研究方法进行了原植物形态,组织构造、组织解离和某些部分扫描电镜的观察研究,首次总结报导了牛奶菜的构造特征,并较全面地补充和修正了前人对牛奶菜原植物的形态描述,为签定牛奶菜提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

1. The loss in activity of crystalline pepsin solutions when exposed to beta and gamma rays from radium or to ultra-violet light is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in pepsin protein. 2. The rate of inactivation by ultra-violet light depends upon the pH and is a maximum at about pH 2.0.  相似文献   

About 12 hours after a leaf of Nicotiana glutinosa is inoculated with ancuba mosaic disease a band of necrotic material begins to form within the cell wall, usually between the lower epidermis and the spongy parenchyma. This band extends both laterally and towards the upper side of the leaf. At the same time, nuclear division is observed in the spongy parenchyma cells, but karyokinesis is not followed by cell division. As the necrotic mesh work extends the cells within it die and dry out. After about 3 days, the lesion consists of a meshwork of this necrotic material. The cells are all dead and the virus is isolated within the necrotic area, all interchange between the infected and healthy parts of the leaf having been prevented.
I am indebted to Fraulein Lina Cunow for assistance in making the preparations used in this study.  相似文献   

The tolerance of Musa balbisiana Colla seeds to gamma irradiation was found to be considerably greater than that of rhizomes of the parthenocarpic variety ‘Gros Michel': e.g., 11.8 krad reduced the germination of rhizomes 92% and of seeds approximately 15%. Intact seeds exposed to doses higher than 48 krad did not germinate in non-sterile soil, but, when scarified and cultured axenically after irradiation, seeds which received doses as high as 70 krad germinated. Embryos excised from seeds exposed to doses as high as 285 krad formed callus, indicating that not all metabolic processes were inhibited by these extremely high doses. There was considerable variation in radiation tolerance between seed lots which was not related to their age, moisture content, or pre-exposure viability. Germination of intact seeds appeared to be stimulated by doses of 3 or 9 krad. No lasting differences attributable to the level of irradiation were apparent in the development of seedlings derived from either intact or scarified seeds nor of plantlets derived from excised embryos. Conversely, there was a significant reduction, proportional to irradiation dose, in the growth of plants developing from rhizomes, emphasizing the greater radiation sensitivity of the vegetative propagule. The radiation tolerance of seed-borne microorganisms was considerably higher than that of the plant materials, indicating that gamma irradiation is not effective as a means of obtaining pathogen-free rhizomes or surface-sterilizing seeds of M. balbisiana.  相似文献   

双歧杆菌和乳杆菌在诱发抗肿瘤免疫中的作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
双歧杆菌和乳杆菌给封闭群昆明小鼠腹腔注射,在体内激活后,胸腺细胞和脾细胞对ConA刺激的增殖反应,脾贴附性细胞对YAC-1,L929的细胞毒作用,以及脾贴附性细胞产生对上述二株瘤细胞的肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)的活性都比对照动物明显增强。结果提示短双歧杆菌和嗜酸性乳杆菌给小鼠腹腔注射后,通过激活脾脏淋巴细胞和贴附性细胞(巨噬细胞)所介导的免疫功能而明显地增强宿主的抗肿瘤活性。  相似文献   

11例肿瘤致癫痫病患者在脑皮质电图和深部电极描记监测致癫痫灶下,行肿瘤和致痫灶的切除。用免疫组织化学方法检测肿瘤和致痫灶内的细胞浆内胶质原纤维酸性蛋白、神经细丝、纤维联结蛋白和内皮细胞及电镜观察。发现致痫灶分别在肿瘤灶(5例)和肿瘤的周边区(6例)内,每一致痫灶内见残留神经元或变性的轴索由瘤性或增生的星形细胞的胶质原纤维或增生血管周细胞的胶原原纤维围绕或包绕;致痫灶内神经元固缩或空泡变性,线粒体肿胀、粗面内浆网扩张,轴索变性及髓鞘板层分离。结合上述所见,讨论了星形细胞在癫痫发作中的机理。  相似文献   

  1. Investigations were made on the influence of inorganic nitrogenouscompounds upon the the germination of tobacco seeds (Nicotianatabacum L. var. virginica (AGDH.) COM. "Bright Yellow") inducedby GA3, kinetin and ammonium salts of organic acids. Potassiumnitrate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrategreatly increase the germination of the seeds induced by theabove reagents, while these inorganic salts, given alone, arealmost ineffective in causing germination.
  2. Kinetin was shownto induce germination of tobacco seeds inthe dark. The discrepancywith the results of previous investigationsin this respectwas discussed.
  3. It was inferred that nitrogenous metabolismis involved in theprocess of dark-germination of tobacco seedsas induced by theabove-stated stimulating factors and promotedby inorganic nitrogenoussubstances.
(Received July 17, 1961; )  相似文献   

A solution of chymotrypsin on slight hydrolysis undergoes an irreversible change into new proteins, two of which are enzymes and have been isolated in crystalline form. The new crystalline enzymes, called beta and gamma chymotrypsins, differ from the original chymotrypsin as well as from each other in many physical and chemical respects, such as molecular weight, crystalline form, solubility, and combining capacity with acid. The new enzymes still possess the same enzymatic properties as chymotrypsin. It thus appears that the irreversible change from chymotrypsin to the new enzymes does not affect the structure responsible for the enzymatic activity of the molecule. The solubility curves of the new enzymes agree approximately with the curves for a solid phase of one component and furnish very good evidence that the preparations represent distinct substances. The various enzymes when mixed at the proper pH have a tendency to form mixed crystals of the solid solution type. Thus at pH 4.0 gamma chymotrypsin combines to form solid solution crystals with either alpha or beta chymotrypsin. Hence at this pH separation of gamma from either alpha or beta by means of fractional crystallization is impossible. At pH 5.0–6.0, however, each material crystallizes in its own characteristic form and at its own rate; thus a fractional separation of the various enzymes from each other becomes feasible.  相似文献   

Chronic gamma irradiation of an oak-pine forest on Long Island reduced populations of corticolous and terrestrial lichens in approximate proportion to the rate of irradiation. The decline in species diversity was approximately linearly related to logarithmic increases in daily radiation exposure. While a daily exposure of 2700 R/day was estimated to have reduced diversity to 50% in the first year, a linear extrapolation of diversity, coefficient of community and similarity curves to zero suggested that certain lichens would survive 3 years' exposure at daily rates of 5,000–10,000 R, possibly more. There was an apparent threshold at 300 R/day for radiation effects on the composition of lichen communities; changes in relative density occurred at lower exposures. The crustose forms were more resistant than foliose or fruticose forms, an observation which parallels previous observations that the most radio-resistant higher plants tend to be of short, stature.  相似文献   

Some of the underlying parameters of the classical H ertwig Effect were delineated in this study. It was shown that the irradiation of Rana pipiens sperm with an incremental regime of ultraviolet is accompanied by an initial decrease in viability followed by its recrudescence at higher doses. The most impaired survival is concomittant with aneuploid chromosomal conditions. The types of growth abnormalities are also seen to be somewhat dose-specific particularly at 8 sec where acephalic embryos seem to characterize the various aneuploid states observed. This paves the way for a detailed study of both the relationship between aneuploidy, growth anomalies and the important question of the mechanism of chromosomal loss (or removal). That more fundamental, perhaps molecular, events may underlie the H ertwig Effect is further demonstrated by the severe depression in mitotic activity that accompanies the aneuploid conditions.  相似文献   

利用透射电镜下正电荷铁蛋白标记技术,扫描电镜法和荧光偏振技术,发现ConA结合于Ehrlich腹水癌细胞表面可导致细胞成帽能力下降,入胞作用受抑,表面形态简化以及膜流动性下降等变化.讨论了这些变化之间的可能联系.  相似文献   

内源性NO在LPS和TNFα诱导离体兔肺动脉反应性变化中 …   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)和肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor alpha,TNFα)所致离体肺动脉反应性张力变化与肺动脉源性一氧化氮(nitric oxie,NO)的关系。方法:离体兔肺动脉环用LPS+TNFα、LPS或深剂孵育2h和6h,检测肺动脉对乙酰胆碱(ACh)、硝普钠(SNP)和苯肾上腺素(PE)的累积剂量反应,以及一氧化氮  相似文献   

兰州鲇与鲇消化系统的形态学及组织学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究黄河濒危鱼类兰州鲇(Silurus lanzhouensis)消化系统的形态学和组织学结构特点,以鲇(Silurus asotus)为对照,对兰州鲇消化系统形态学和组织学进行了深入研究。结果表明:(1)兰州鲇与鲇的消化道和消化腺形态相似,具有肉食性鱼类的特征。兰州鲇消化道较短,有发达的“U”型胃,胃内皱褶明显,无幽门盲囊,肠道短且粗,可分为前肠、中肠和后肠三部分,前肠粗大,后肠较细。两种鲇属鱼类都有独立致密的肝脏和胰脏。(2)兰州鲇的比肠长显著大于鲇(P < 0.05),比胃重、比肝胰脏重显著低于鲇(P < 0.05),但二者的比肠重无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(3)兰州鲇胃的皱襞幅度小于鲇,且环肌层比兰州鲇薄。兰州鲇与鲇前肠的肠黏膜均形成了大量皱襞,肠黏膜、褶皱粗大,但鲇的褶皱分支较细密。兰州鲇与鲇的后肠与前肠相比,肠腔变小,褶皱数量明显减少,高度降低。黏膜层分布有杯状细胞和柱状细胞。兰州鲇与鲇的肝脏肝小叶间缺少结缔组织,分界不明显,而兰州鲇肝细胞的密度大于鲇。综上所述,兰州鲇与鲇的消化系统相似,均符合肉食性鱼类消化系统特征,结合消化生理等研究结果,表明兰州鲇的消化能力弱于鲇,这可能是在自然情况下兰州鲇的分布区域及适应性不及鲇的原因之一。  相似文献   

The pollen of all four genera of Gronovioideae—Cevallia, Fuertesia, Gronovia, and Petalonyx—was examined in light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The pollen of Cevallia, of Fuertesia, and of Gronovia can be easily distinguished from each other and from all remaining Loasaceae. Only Petalonyx, with a striate tectum, shows a clear relationship to the Mentzelioideae and Loasoideae, the vast majority of which have striate-reticulate or striate tecta. The trichome data are mostly congruent with the pollen data: Cevallia, Fuertesia, and Gronovia each have a distinctive trichome not known to occur elsewhere in the family, while Petalonyx has only the common types. A cladistic analysis of Gronovioideae utilizing Mentzelia as the outgroup proposes that Cevallia, Gronovia, and Fuertesia are a sister group to Petalonyx within the subfamily. The relationships of the four genera to each other and of Gronovioideae to the Loasaceae are discussed.  相似文献   

白鲟肝脏和胰脏的组织学与形态学研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
姚承昌 《水生生物学报》1987,11(1):i003-i004
白鲟肝脏较大,可分为左右两大叶及小的中叶,胆囊位于右叶的凹缺内。肝板多由双层细胞构成,肝小叶不明显。肝内毛细胆小管由4个肝实质细胞围成。胰脏有3支,被厚的浆膜。胰岛明显。胰管与胆管汇合后共同开口于小肠最前部背面。对肝、胰实质细胞的显微或亚显微结构进行了描述。  相似文献   

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