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Tucker , Shirley C. (u . Minnesota, Minneapolis.) Ontogeny of the floral apex of Michelia fuscata. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(4): 266—277. Illus. 1960.–The floral apex of Michelia fuscata, although determinate, has a prolonged period of activity. It undergoes an increase in average height and diameter through the time of initiation of stamens, followed by a decrease in average size during initiation of successive carpels. The floral apex also shows periodic or plastochronic fluctuation in size and configuration between initiation of tiers of appendages at nearly the same level and time. Plastochrons of different duration alternate in an orderly sequence in the floral meristem.  相似文献   

Dormant seeds of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) were stratified and then planted in the greenhouse. Changes occurring in the shoot apex during germination and growth of the seedlings were observed and are described. Cell divisions in germinating embryos are first noted on the flanks of the apex near the cotyledons. From these loci, mitotic reactivation proceeds up the flanks of the apex and inward toward cells of the rib meristem. Cells are dividing actively in all regions of the shoot apex of seedlings 12 days after planting, but no cytohistological zonation is evident due to differences in staining intensity and in cell and nuclear size. In 64-day-old seedlings the mitotic rate is reduced and the characteristic zonation of pine apices begins to appear. Zonation is even more evident in older seedlings. These observations are discussed in relation to the concept of initials and to theories concerning factors which regulate growth in the shoot apex.  相似文献   

Structurally preserved ultimate vegetative shoots and attached foliage of Sphenophyllum multirame and two additional taxa from Upper and Middle Pennsylvanian coal balls are described. Shoot axes of all taxa are delimited by small cube-shaped epidermal cells and contain three isolated strands of protoxylem tracheids separated by undifferentiated procambial cells. Metaxylem maturation is delayed for some distance below the apical meristem. Branches originate from a single protoxylem strand and are contiguous with the subjacent leaf trace for a short distance. Sphenophyllum multirame is considered a valid taxon. It is suggested that shoot and foliar anatomical characteristics may form valid criteria for species delimitation within the genus, and S. reedae is delimited by such characteristics. An additional form is tentatively suggested as a possible new species. Anatomical similarities between 5. reedae and Peltastrobus reedae suggest that these taxa represent vegetative and reproductive structures of the same plant.  相似文献   

Shoot tips of Colophospermum mopane (Kirk ex Benth.) Kirk ex Léonard produce leaves which at maturity are bifoliate and devoid of stipules. Investigation of their early ontogeny, however, shows that these leaves begin as trifoliate structures partially enclosed by their stipules. The latter are fused along their mid regions, forming a tongue-like “connector.” The lower chamber of this stipule pair harbors the apical meristem while the upper compartment enfolds the two lateral leaflets. The terminal leaflet, histologically resembling the stipules, also fulfills a similar function by covering the top portion of its sister leaflets. Anatomically, the shoot apex displays a pendulum symmetry, with rather steep elevation of that internode portion which subtends the newly formed primordium. Some comparisons with the shoot apex of Hymenaea are drawn.  相似文献   

The phloem of most fossil plants, including that of Sphenophyllum, is very poorly known. Sphenophyllum was a relatively small type of fossil arthrophyte with jointed stems bearing whorls of leaves ranging in form from wedge or fan-shaped to bifid, to linear. The aerial stem systems of the plant exhibited determinate growth involving progressive reduction in the dimensions of the stem primary bodies, fewer leaves per whorl, and smaller and simpler leaves distally. The primary phloem occurs in three areas alternating in position with the arms of the triarch centrally placed primary xylem. Cells of the primary phloem, presumably sieve elements, are axially elongate with horizontal to slightly tapered end walls. In larger stems with abundant secondary xylem and secondary cortex or periderm, a zone of secondary phloem occurs whose structure varies in the three areas opposite the arms of the primary xylem, as opposed to the three areas lying opposite the concave sides of the primary xylem. The axial system of the secondary phloem consists of vertical series of sieve elements with horizontal end walls. In the areas opposite the protoxylem the parenchyma is present as a prominent ray system showing dilation peripherally. Sieve elements in the areas opposite the protoxylem arms have relatively small diameters. In the areas between the protoxylem poles the secondary phloem sieve elements have large diameters and are less obviously in radial files, while the parenchyma resembles that of the secondary xylem in these areas in that it consists of strands of cells extending both radially and tangentially. An actively meristematic vascular cambium has not been found, indicating that this layer changed histologically after the cessation of growth in the determinate aerial stem systems and was replaced by a post-meristematic parenchyma sheath made up of axially elongate parenchyma lacking cells indicative of being either fusiform or ray initials. A phellogen arose early in development in a tissue believed to represent pericycle and produced tissue comparable to phellem externally. Normally, derivatives of the phellogen underwent one division prior to the maturation of the cells. Concentric bands of cells with dark contents apparently represent secretory tissue in the periderm and cell arrangements indicate that a single persistent phellogen was present. Sphenophyllum is compared with other arthrophytes as to phloem structure and is at present the best documented example of a plant with a functionally bifacial vascular cambium in any exclusively non-seed group of vascular plants.  相似文献   

简要回顾Sphenophyllum Koenig和Sphenophyllum Brongniart的研究历史,详细讨论该属命名中存在的问题。这两者是基于相同的模式(即Sphenophyllites emarginatus Brongniart,1822)建立的。根据2006年《国际植物命名法规》(维也纳法规)规则32.1,14.4和附录Ⅲ,Sphenophyllum Koenig因没有明确的发表日期(出版年),故为非法名称,应予废弃;而Sphenophyllum Brongniart因广为使用已被提议为保留名,其命名异名Sphenophyllites Brongniart,1822应被废弃。因此,正确名称应是Sphenophyllum Brongniart,1828。  相似文献   

THE ONTOGENY OF TRILOBITES   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


A general account of the stem apex organization in ferns is presented in support of the classical single apical cell concept. The range in variation of apical cells and of their modes of division are described. Evidence is brought out to indicate probable directing effects of the apical cell on modes of division of surrounding cells and on the leaf mother cell. Initiation of and eventual establishment of a stabilized apex in fern leaves is described. Of the more than 50 genera studied, the leaves of all are traceable to a single mother cell from which the leaf apical cell is cut out. Apical dichotomies are described in a number of genera as well as their effect on early leaf development. Results are discussed in a phylogenetic and morphogenetic context of leaf appendicularization.  相似文献   


Several developmental stages of primary roots of 13 species of Linum were studied. The basic pattern of root apex organization in three species consisted of a single tier of cortical initials. Ten species had a basic pattern of two tiers of cortical initials. Variations, manifested by either an increase or a decrease in the tiers of cortical initials, were observed in some roots in those species that had a basic pattern of two tiers of cortical initials. Although these variations were interpreted as being ontogenetic, there was no total reorganization of the root apex. There was anatomical and cytological evidence that a quiescent center is established in Linum roots.  相似文献   

Moore , Elizabeth J. (Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.) The ontogeny of the apothecia of Pyronema domesticum . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(1) : 37–44. Illus. 1963.—A single hyphal strand produces a cluster of antheridia and ascogonia, each pair of like or unlike sexual differentiation. Each cluster forms 1 apothecium. Plasmogamy is followed by nuclear migration from the antheridium, and an ascogenous system develops from each ascogonium. Concurrently, a sterile system of hyphae arises from the stalk cells supporting the ascogonia and antheridia. Apothecial expansion occurs as a result of the continuous proliferation of all structural elements. Comparisons are made with the closely related and easily confused P. omphalodes (= P. confluens).  相似文献   

Pigs are proposed as a useful laboratory model for the investigationof taste preferences and other controls of ingestive behaviorin the newborn. Suckling pigs can be easily trained to feedthemselves from an artificial feeding apparatus so that intakecan be measured directly. In this manner preferences for glucose,sucrose, fructose and lactose were found in pigs 3 wk of age.The preference threshold for glucose is considerably higherthan that reported for more mature pigs. Taste aversion wasdemonstrated in suckling pigs 2 wk of age. After the taste ofglucose had been paired with LiCl injection, poisoned pigs didnot show the strong glucose preference shown by control pigs.In addition to oropharyngeal controls of intake, gastrointestinalcontrols of intake in the newborn pig were investigated.Loadsof milk or 5% glucose, but not 0.9% NaCl, given by gavage depressedsubsequent intake in piglets 1 wk of age. Caloric or glucostaticmechanisms, but not volume alone, appear to be involved in satietyin the newborn pig. *Supported by USPHS Special Fellowship 5F03 AM55321-02 to K.A.H.Request for reprints should be sent to Dr. K. A. Houpt, Dept.of Physiology, N.Y.S. College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca,New York 14853, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Abstract— The long history of belief in a parallelism between ontogeny and a hierarchical order of natural things is reviewed. The meaning of von Baerian recapitulation is analyzed and its implications for cladistic methodology are discussed at two levels: ontogeny and homology. The basic problem inherent in the purported parallelism is that the order of natural things (i.e., the taxic approach to homology) is part of the "world of being" of Platonic ideas, whereas ontogeny and phylogeny (i.e., the transformational approach to homology) belong to Plato's "world of becoming." These two "genera of existence," as Plato put it, being and becoming, are incompatible but complementary views of nature.  相似文献   

Shoot apices of Saraca indica produce adult leaves that have 4 to 6 pairs of leaflets, whereas those of S. bijuga usually have only 2 pairs. In both species one leaflet pair is found during the juvenile phase. Juvenility lasts many plastochrons in S. bijuga but is restricted to a few in S. indica. The shoot apical meristems of these two taxa are similar in structure, cell number, and cell size; however, the shoot apex of Saraca bijuga is slightly more stratified, having 2–3 tunica layers as opposed to 1–2 in S. indica. For most of the plastochron the apical meristem in both species is situated laterally at the base of the most recently formed leaf. A newly forming primordium and its internode shift the apical meristem upward unilaterally; the meristem passes through a brief apical dome stage and becomes positioned 180° from its origin at the beginning of the plastochron. Hence, there is a true pendulum meristem in both species. In S. bijuga the maximum length of the youngest leaf primordium, just prior to the formation of its successor, is twice that of S. indica. The internodes immediately below the shoot apex and the axillary buds develop more rapidly in S. bijuga than in S. indica. It is suggested that the bijugate leaf of S. bijuga represents a case of neoteny in plants.  相似文献   

The shoot apex of Bougainvillea spectabilis consists of five zones: A two- or occasionally three-layered tunica, a central mother cell zone, a cambium-like zone, a rib meristem (central meristem), and a peripheral meristem. The presence of a cambium-like zone is somewhat unusual in the apex of vascular plants, having only been reported for a few taxa. In B. spectabilis the cambium-like zone is consistently present throughout the plastochron and all yearly seasonal periods.  相似文献   

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