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Chromosome pairing was studied in the following hybrids: Hibiscus radiatus-meeusei (tetraploid F1), H. sabdariffa-meeusei (tetraploid F1 and spontaneous allooctoploid F2), and hexaploid H. acetosella-(sabdariffa-meeusei). Genome constitutions of the species adduced from these data are symbolized as follows: H. radiatus and H. acetosella, AABB; H. meeusei, AAXX; H.sabdariffa, XXYY or AAYY.  相似文献   

Menzel , Margaret Y. (Florida State U., Tallahassee), and James B. Pate . Chromosomes and crossing behavior of some species of Sansevieria. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 230—238. Illus. 1960.–Approximately 20 species (28 clones) studied were diploids, tetraploids or hexaploids of the basic numbers x = 20; about 40% of the taxa were polyploid. All species had similar karyotypes, except for chromosome number. Five of 12 combinations of diploid species gave fertile F1 hybrids; 4 studied cytologically showed 20 bivalents at metaphase I. Two triploid interspecific hybrids showed high trivalent frequencies. In contrast, multivalent formation in polyploid species was variable but rather low. Morphological relationships appeared reticulate among and between diploids and polyploids and did not coincide with barriers to crossing or to hybrid fertility. The following tentative hypothesis concerning relationships in the genus is proposed: Sansevieria is monophyletic and speciation has proceeded through genetic variation and hybridization at the diploid level and by allopolyploidy (of the segmental type) ; a low level of chromosome differentiation has accompanied speciation such that complete pairing occurs in diploid hybrids, but considerable preferential pairing occurs in allopolyploids. The occurrence of both polyploid and hybrid vigor, the fertility of hybrids between species differing greatly in morphology and physiology, and the high potential for vegetative propagation make the genus a favorable subject for breeding based on interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

Salt stress may impose osmotic and respiratory costs on nonhalophytes that limit the availability of carbohydrates for growth. This was examined in kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) by the analysis of soluble carbohydrates, starch, and respiration rates in mature and expanding leaves from plants exposed to moderate salt stress. Plants were grown for 35 days in solution culture at 1, 37, and 75 mM NaCl under greenhouse conditions. Total carbohydrates increased in mature and expanding leaves with increasing salinity. The majority of this increase was as starch. Mature leaf respiration also increased under salt stress. The net accumulation of non-osmotically active carbohydrates in expanding leaves suggests that growth was not limited by the generation or availability of carbohydrates but rather by the ability of the plant to effectively utilize this substrate in osmotic adjustment and growth.  相似文献   

洋麻(Hibiscus cannabinus)一生中叶形态的变化有着一定的规律性(雅库希金1947)。茎上基部的叶子为锯齿卵形,中部为深裂叶,叶子的分裂程度随着叶子的层次逐渐加大,菜片由3裂、5裂、发展到7裂。以后分裂的程度开始下降由7裂降到5裂、3裂。顶端的叶子篇锯齿狭长叶。根据以上的现象,可以看出随着洋麻发育的进程叶片分裂的程度有着周期性的变化。洋麻可以用缩短光照的处理来加速它的开花结实。在短光照条件下的洋麻是否因为光照期的缩短加速了叶形态周期性的变化?当洋麻从短光照的条件下进入长光照之  相似文献   

Kenaf responded to salt stress in a manner that was typical of moderately salt tolerant non-halophytes. Increase in leaf area was more sensitive to salinity than either leaf emergence rate or dry matter accumulation. Dry weight was reduced only above a threshold of approximately 37 mM NaCl while leaf area was already significantly reduced at this salt concentration. Measurement of epidermal cell cross sectional area and epidermal cell numbers showed that the salt induced reduction in leaf area was due primarily to smaller epidermal cell size. Epidermal cell numbers were also significantly reduced by salinity. Stomatal density increased with increasing salt stress and there was no effect on leaf thickness.  相似文献   

木槿属几种植物的染色体数目及其倍性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用去壁低渗火焰干燥法进行染色体制片分析了木槿属Hibiscus植物裂瓣槿H. schizopetalus (Masters) Hook. f.)、木芙蓉H. mutabilis L.以及扶桑H. rosa sinensis L. 4个栽培变种的染色体数目.结果表明裂瓣槿染色体数目为2n=42木芙蓉2n=92扶桑2n=84重虹中玫槿2n=105; 橙黄中玫槿2n=138; 洋红中玫槿2n=147.裂瓣槿、扶桑、重虹中玫槿、洋红中玫槿之间存在倍性关系,其染色体基数为x=21.通过对植物形态特征以及染色体数目的观察分析推测红色中玫槿可能为洋红中玫槿和裂瓣槿的杂交种.  相似文献   

Pedicel abscission in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was investigated by light and electron microscopy. During the pre-abscission period endoplasmic reticulum declined somewhat, dictyosomes increased in number and apparent activity, and mitochondria maintained their numbers. The observations suggested that dictyosomal vesicles were migrating to and fusing with the plasma membrane. The enzyme acid phosphatase was associated with dictyosomes and dictyosomal saccules, with small vacuoles and invaginations of the plasma membrane, and in the paramural region between the plasma membrane and the cell wall. Our interpretation is that acid phosphatase, (and probably also the enzymes involved in cell wall dissolution) are transported via an endoplasmic reticulum-dictyosome-vesicle carrier system to the paramural regions of the cell. In more general terms, our observations support the view that the enzymes involved in the cell wall hydrolysis of abscission are synthesized within a compartmentalized, lysosomal system prior to their release and action.  相似文献   

Markedly improved fixation of leaf tissues is obtained by means of a glutaraldehyde (or acrolein)-osmium tetroxide procedure, as compared with the results of potassium permanganate or osmium tetroxide fixation methods. The procedure has proved useful in all species so far examined. Chloroplasts are particularly well preserved. In this paper details of components of the ground-substance of Avena sativa plastids are presented. They include the following:—(i) The "tromacentre" is an area of aggregated fibrils, each 85 A in diameter, and of uncertain length. Individual fibrils may be composed of subunits. The whole aggregate is usually up to 1 µ in diameter, and is visible in thin sections in the light microcope. It is present at all stages of plastid development, and, under conditions of rapid synthesis in the plastid, it may be up to 2 µ in diameter. Evidence that it is proteinaceous is presented. Osmiophilic globules are often associated with it. (ii) Areas which resemble bacterial and blue-green algal nucleoplasms, containing fibrils approximately 30 A wide. These regions are smaller than the stromacentre and, like that structure, they occur in all stages of plastid development. Unlike it, there are several such areas per chloroplast. (iii) Particles which have some of the morphological and staining characteristics of ribosomes. Present at all stages of development, they are approximately two-thirds the size of the cytoplasmic ribosomes. They can occur in groups, thus resembling polyribosomes. (iv) The remaining material is granular, and may include dissociated portions of stromacentre material. The validity of the observations and their significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Six ecologically central (old field) and marginal (strip mine) populations of the hexaploid Rumex acetosella were collected, grown under uniform conditions, and examined for genetic and morphological variation. Extensive electrophoretic variation was found in alcohol dehydrogenase and phosphoglucose isomerase, while other enzymes surveyed showed little or no variation. Hedrick's genotypic measure of identity revealed mean values of 0.506 for central populations, 0.836 for marginal populations, and 0.633 for comparisons of central with marginal populations. Alcohol dehydrogenase phenotypes had significantly fewer electromorphs per individual in marginal populations. Clones of individuals from both environments were subjected to different watering regimes. No significant differences in root/shoot ratio, leaf number, total leaf area, or relative growth rate were found between strip mine and old-field individuals within each watering treatment, although significant differences were found between watering treatments. There are small, but significant amounts of isozyme differentiation between central and marginal populations, while there was no such differentation for morphological characters.  相似文献   

木槿的发育可塑性及种下分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
史刚荣 《植物研究》2003,23(3):340-344
对紫花单瓣木槿、紫花重瓣木槿和牡丹木槿在叶和花部性状上的发育可塑性研究表明,三个种下类群,特别是紫花单瓣木槿和牡丹木槿的叶片性状具有很大的发育可塑性,但花部性状的发育可塑性则相对很小,暗示着花部性状较叶片性状具有更大的分类价值。通过种下类群间表型性状的比较,发现牡丹木槿在叶缘、叶柄长度、花色、花冠直径、花梗长度、果实长宽比等性状上都与其它两个类群存在显著差异,从而建议将牡丹木槿确立为亚种(H. syriacus Linn. subsp. paeoniflorus (Gagnep.)G. R. Shi)  相似文献   

1. This paper presents cytological observations upon Dr. Loeb''s parthenogenetic frog material, with considerations upon the mechanism by which the diploid number and both sexes may be produced. 2. Both sexes of adults and tadpoles are present. 3. The chromosome number is diploid and probably 26 in both sexes. Sex chromosomes cannot be distinguished. 4. The chromosome numbers observed by other authors in parthenogenetic frog material are haploid, diploid, and variable. Their significance is considered. 5. The mechanism producing the diploid number, based on European observations, appears to be a doubling of the haploid number at some time after the second polar body is given off. 6. Overripeness may be a factor in producing both sexes of parthenogenetic frogs and tadpoles. 7. Genetic data indicate that the normal male is digametic and that there are differences of potency between male and female factors for sex which vary in frogs of the two races and in strains within the race. These differences have been interpreted by Witschi as forming a series of multiple allelomorphs.  相似文献   

绿豆(Phaseolus vadiatus L.)子叶切段在脱分化形成愈伤组织过程中,制备的染色质具有较高的RNA聚合酶活力;3天愈伤组绢的酶活力高于5天和7天的;3天、5天和7天加激素脱柱依次分分化形成的愈伤组织,其酶活力均比不脱分化的高一倍以上;用DEAE-纤维素酶部,依据层析洗脱性质和层析图谱及对α-鹅膏菌素的敏感程度,证明三个峰是RNA聚合Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。  相似文献   

Gametic and somatic chromosome numbers of eight Asian species belonging to Asplenium sect. Hymenasplenium were determined. Seven species were observed to have chromosome numbers based on x = 39, and one on x = 38. These chromosome numbers are exceptional in Asplenium which is well known to have chromosomes of n = 36 or multiples thereof. Decisions on the taxonomic status of the species of section Hymenasplenium were facilitated by cytological observations. Systematic recognition of this section is also supported by the peculiarity in the chromosome numbers, and evidence for the addition to the section of several other species is presented.  相似文献   

茅舍血厉螨核型及染色体的C带、G带的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文首次报道了一种革螨——茅舍血厉螨核型及染色体C带、G带的研究。用剖腹取卵法、玻璃纸压片、Giemsa染色,经分析茅舍血厉螨的核型,单倍体n=7,二倍体2n=14。 用氢氧化钡—吉姆萨技术显示茅舍血厉螨染色体C带。在第1、2、4、5染色体上出现恒定的C带部分,第3、6、7染色体上出现不恒定的C带部分。根据C带带型,茅舍血厉螨着丝点的位置可分为近中区域(sm),近端区域(St),末端区域(t)和末端点(T)四类。 G带分析用胰蛋白酶—吉姆萨技术显示。 本文对茅舍血厉螨的核型、革螨染色体研究中螨卵的收集方法和染液的改进、C带带型与着丝粒位置的确定和G带显带问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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