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Cytogenetic evidence suggests that Tripsacum andersonii may be a natural hybrid between Zea and Tripsacum. In this paper we show sequences that hybridize to the transposable elements Mul and Spm are found in T. andersonii and all Zea species examined. However, no hybridizable sequences are observed in the five other Tripsacum species surveyed. These results suggest that Mu and Spm elements became components of the Zea genome after the divergence of Zea and Tripsacum, and they strongly support the cytological evidence that T. andersonii is a Zea-Tripsacum hybrid. Examination of nuclear ribosomal genes of T. andersonii also supports the hybridization hypothesis and identifies the Zea parent as Zea luxurians. The Tripsacum parent could not be conclusively identified, but the ribosomal gene data suggest that the species of Tripsacum section Fasiculata most closely resemble T. andersonii. Restriction site patterns of two chloroplast DNA sequences indicate that the maternal parent was a species of Tripsacum. These results are complemented by morphological evidence regarding the origin of T. andersonii.  相似文献   

A total of 235 accessions of Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. representing natural populations from 88 locations distributed throughout ten states of the United States were collected in the wild and studied morphologically and cytologically. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied to 17 morphological characters recorded for 868 specimens from the 88 locations, which were further combined into 25 groups to facilitate analysis. Multivariate F ratios for six comparisons involving different groups were highly significant, indicating that the populations were significantly different on the basis of all 17 characters. Non-significant MANOVA F ratios for two comparisons between sympatric diploid and polyploid accessions showed them to be morphologically similar. Discriminant function (DF) analysis was employed to determine which characters contributed towards group discrimination. No one variable was found to distinguish between groups; rather, a combination of characters was necessary, and the combination changed with each comparison. Accessions were mainly either diploid (2n = 36) or tetraploid (2n = 72), with two triploids (2n = 54) reported from separate locations in Texas. Cytological data revealed that diploids and tetraploids occupy a more sympatric distribution than previously supposed. Morphological analysis suggested that diploids could not always be distinguished from polyploids on the basis of morphology alone, unless the appropriate characters were used. Information from cytological and morphological data showed Tripsacum dactyloides to be composed of many populations covering a wide range of variability, with each population possessing a characteristic combination of morphological attributes. It was concluded that T. dactyloides can be most meaningfully analyzed in terms of particular geographic regions, rather than attempting to elucidate natural relationships by correlating data from the entire United States.  相似文献   

Representatives of P. maculata ssp. maculata and P. glaberrima ssp. interior and 36 putative hybrids were collected from a population in central Indiana. Chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of nine diagnostic components in P. maculata ssp. maculata and eight such components in P. glaberrima ssp. interior. Putative F1 hybrids contained all or most of the parental marker components; markers of the non-recurrent parent were absent in the two classes of putative backcross progeny. The characters of P. maculata ssp. pyramidalis are a composite of those present in P. maculata ssp. maculata and P. glaberrima ssp. interior, and the former is virtually identical to certain hybrids from the population in question. The contention that P. maculata ssp. pyramidalis is a stabilized derivative of natural hybridization between these taxa is substantiated by the presence of all of the diagnostic constituents of the putative parents on its chromatograms. It is the author's opinion that the definitive data which chromatography affords will be invaluable in elucidating the complex pathways of evolution in Phlox.  相似文献   

A comparative physiological analysis was conducted on a hybrid swarm involving P. maculata subsp. maculata and P. glaberrima subsp. interior. The population contained an array of segregates and introgressants. Hybrids displayed a high degree of heterogeneity in their physiological attributes, some characters being intermediate to, similar to, or transgressing those of the parental taxa. For example, both net photosynthetic rates and net photosynthetic/dark respiratory ratios were enhanced in the hybrids, and the level of enhancement was associated with the level of morphological intermediacy. Conversely, no enhancement was noted in either respiration rates or foliar fresh weight/ovendry weight ratios of the hybrids. Because of physiological imbalance, about one-third of the hybrids were eliminated early in their development. Representatives of P. maculata subsp. pyramidalis, a putative stabilized derivative of hybridization between the above two parental species, were intermediate in most physiological features and closely resembled some natural hybrids. The data verify that the physiological features of subspecies pyramidalis can be assembled through recombination of the P. maculata and P. glaberrima genomes.  相似文献   

Geographical and temporal variation in gene exchange between two endemic land snail species, Mandarina aureola and Mandarina ponderosa, was studied on Hahajima Island of the Bonin Islands. Allozyme variation in modern samples, and variation in the color and shell morphology of modern and fossil samples, suggest a complex geographical and historical pattern of hybridization. These two species occur in sympatry, and their shell morphologies and protein genotypes are markedly divergent. However, many specimens of M. aureola, collected from the middle region of the island, exhibit intermediate shell morphologies and possess marker alleles of M. ponderosa. Fossil samples of the two species strongly suggest that these intermediates were hybrids with M. ponderosa that were produced since the end of the Pleistocene. Each of these species, in addition, is subdivided into two genetically and morphologically divergent parapatric races. Interspecific hybridization appears to have produced genetical and morphological admixture among these four distinctive groups of populations. The past distribution and geographic variation of M. ponderosa can be traced in the distribution of M. ponderosa-derived genotypes in current populations of M. aureola. Temporal changes of the color pattern in the fossil populations of hybrids suggest that the traits introduced from M. ponderosa to M. aureola have been affected by natural selection and could replace traits of living species when advantageous. Moreover, these introgressed genes appeared to provide novel properties that enabled M. aureola to advance into a new environment. Relatively independent change in shell color and morphology further suggests mosaic evolution following the hybridization events. Connectively, these data reveal how hybridization events may be an important source of evolutionary novelties and make it clear that the phenomenon of reticulate evolution cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

A population of Physalis virginiana (Solanaceae) in Durham Co., North Carolina, which comprised about 40 individual plants in 1968, was reduced in size to four depauperate plants which were collected and studied in 1973. Concomitant with this reduction in population size is an increase in the proportion of individuals showing evidence of hybridization with the closely related P. heterophylla, also growing in the vicinity, from no evidence of hybridization in 1968 to 75% hybrid individuals (3 out of 4 surviving plants) in 1973. Two possible reasons are postulated for this hybridization: scarcity of P. virginiana pollen for cross-fertilization in this self-incompatible species and superiority of vegetative growth of hybrids in a changing habitat that has become unsuited for the survival of P. virginiana.  相似文献   

Nannochloris oculata Droop and Monallantus salina Bourrelly produce similar chloroplast pigments and show alike ultrastructural features separating them from the Chlorophyceae and Xanthophyceae, respectively, and linking them to the Eustigmatophyceae. It is proposed that N. oculata should be removed from the chlorophyceaen genus Nannochloris and transferred to a new taxon of coccoid eustigmatophytes containing the closely related M. salina: nomenclatural revisions are required for both strains.  相似文献   

Molecular studies have demonstrated a deep lineage split between the two gorilla species, as well as divisions within these taxa; estimates place this divergence in the mid-Pleistocene, with gene flow continuing until approximately 80,000 years ago. Here, we present analyses of skeletal data indicating the presence of substantial recent gene flow among gorillas at all taxonomic levels: between populations, subspecies, and species. Complementary analyses of DNA sequence variation suggest that low-level migration occurred primarily in a westerly-to-easterly direction. In western gorillas, the locations of hybrid phenotypes map closely to expectations based on population refugia and riverine barrier hypotheses, supporting the presence of significant vicariance-driven structuring and occasional admixture within this taxon. In eastern lowland gorillas, the high frequency of hybrid phenotypes is surprising, suggesting that this region represents a zone of introgression between eastern gorillas and migrants from the west, and underscoring the conservation priority of this critically endangered group. These results highlight the complex nature of evolutionary divergence in this genus, indicate that historical gene flow has played a major role in structuring gorilla diversity, and demonstrate that our understanding of the evolutionary processes responsible for shaping biodiversity can benefit immensely from consideration of morphological and molecular data in conjunction.  相似文献   

Genetic variation associated with the natural hybridization of Iris fulva and I. hexagona was investigated to test for the occurrence of introgression. These species have been viewed as a classic example of the process of introgressive hybridization (Anderson, 1949). However, more recent studies have concluded that there has not been an exchange of genetic material between I. fulva and I. hexagona (Randolph et al., 1967). Our analysis has involved the examination of both allopatric and parapatric populations of I. fulva and I. hexagona with reference to diagnostic ribosomal DNA markers. The pattern of variation in the parapatric population indicates the presence of the repeated backcrossing necessary to the process of introgressive hybridization. Indeed, in the region of parapatry, we suggest that localized introgression of ribosomal sequences has occurred into both I. fulva and I. hexagona. Significantly, we have also detected the presence of the diagnostic ribosomal markers from each species in allopatric populations of the alternate species. Our findings suggest that not only is introgressive hybridization presently occurring in parapatry between I. fulva and I. hexagona, but that past hybridization between these species has resulted in introgression into areas of allopatry.  相似文献   

Levin, 1). A. (U. Illinois, Urbana.) Natural hybridization between Phlox maculata and Phlox glaberrima and its evolutionary significance. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(7): 714–720. Illus. 1963.—Field and herbarium studies indicate that Phlox maculata ssp. pyramidalis is similar to P. glaberrima ssp. interior in a number of characteristics. A hybrid swarm involving P. maculata ssp. maculata and P. glaberrima ssp. interior was discovered which contained some plants that were almost identical to P. maculata ssp. pyramidalis. Crosses between P. maculata and P. glaberrima indicate that the 2 species cross readily. The chromosome complements of the 2 species are morphologically similar. These data suggest that P. maculata ssp. pyramidalis is a stabilized introgressant type.  相似文献   

Alston , R. E., and B. L. Turner . (U. Texas, Austin.) Natural hybridization among four species of Baptisia (Leguminosae). Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(2): 159–173. Illus. 1963.— Interspecific hybridization involving 4 species of Baptisia (B. leucophaea, B. sphaerocarpa, B. nuttalliana, and B. leucantha) has been studied by means of extensive field work and subsequent morphological and chromatographic analyses. As a result of these studies, numerous hybridizing populations involving any 2, 3 and, in 1 instance, 4 species have been located. Near Dayton, Texas, all 4 species and all 6 of the possible 2-way hybrid combinations have been found in a single field. Approximately 125 different chemical compounds have now been detected in the 4 species. Many of these compounds serve as species specific markers useful in the validation of specific hybrid types. Hybrids between B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa and between B. leucophaea and B. nuttalliana are numerous, and in these large hybrid swarms a chromatographic and morphological analysis of population structure is possible. The former combination provides an excellent opportunity for the utilization of chemical markers as criteria for introgressive hybridization. The hybrid B. leucantha × B. sphaerocarpa is frequently encountered and contains a large number of compounds species-specific for one or the other parental species. The other 3 hybrid types have been found infrequently. Certain hybrid types are generally similar morphologically (e.g., B. leucantha × B. sphaerocarpa as opposed to B. leucantha × B. nuttalliana), and chromatographic techniques are of great value in the absolute identification of such plants, especially in complex populations where backcrossing further complicates the interpretation of the background of a plant from exomorphic features alone.  相似文献   

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