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Two species of diatoms were genetically transformed by introducing plasmid vectors containing the Escherichia coli neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II ) gene. Expression of the bacterial npt II gene in the diatoms was achieved using the putative promoter and terminator sequences from the acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene from the centric diatom Cyclotella cryptica T13L Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard. The vectors were introduced into C. cryptica and the pennate diatom Navicula saprophila NAVIC1 Lange-Bertalot and Bonik by microprojectile bombardment. Putative transformants were selected based on their ability to grow in the presence of the antibiotic G418, and production of the neomycin phosphotransferase protein by the transformed cells was confirmed by western blotting. The foreign DNA integrated into one or more random sites within the genome of the transformed algal cells, often in the form of tandem repeats. This is the first report of reproducible, stable genetic transformation of a chlorophyll c -containing alga .  相似文献   

We constructed a complete physical map and a partial gene map of the chloroplast genome of Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing clone 1020-1a (Bacillariophyceae). The 128-kb circular molecule contains a 17-kb inverted repeat, which divides the genome into single copy regions of65 kb and 29 kb. This is the largest genome and inverted repeat found in any diatom examined to date. In addition to the 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA genes, the inverted repeat contains both the ndhD gene (as yet unexamined in other diatoms) and the psbA gene (located similarly in one of two other examined diatoms). The Cyclotella chloroplast genome exists as two equimolar populations of inversion isomers that differ in the relative orientation of their single copy sequences. This inversion heterogeneity presumably results from intramolecular recombination within the inverted repeat. For the first time, we map the ndhD, psaC, rpofi, rpoCl, and rpoC2 genes to the chloroplast genome of a chlorophyll c-containing alga. While the Cyclotella chloroplast genome retains some prokaryotic and land plant gene clusters and operons, it contains a highly rearranged gene order in the large and small single copy regions compared to all other examined diatom, algal, and land plant chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

Information on the nutrient kinetics of Asterionella formosa Hass. and Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz. under either phosphate or silicate limitation was obtained for use in a Monod model and in a variable internal stores model of growth. Short-term batch culture growth experiments were fit to the Monod model and long-term semicontinuous culture experiments and short-term uptake experiments were fit to the variable internal stores model. Mathematical analysis indicates that the parameters of the 2 models may be expressed in terms of each other at steady state. The qualitative results of both batch and steady state culture methods agree. For limiting phosphate experiments. A. formosa is better able to grow at low PO4-P concentrations than C. meneghiniana, as shown by its lower K for PO4-P limited growth. The kQ of A. formosa compared to C. meneghiniana found in long-term semicontinuous culture indicates that A. formosa is almost an order of magnitude more efficient at using internal phosphate for growth. The qualitative results under silicate-limited growth of C. meneghiniana is less than that of A. formosa. The kQ from semicontinuous culture experiments indicates that C. meneghiniana is the more efficient at using internal silicate for growth. Nutrient uptake experiments showed more variability from a Michaelis-Menten relationship than short-term growth experiments. There were no significant differences between the 2 species in half saturation constants for either phosphate or silicate uptake. We observed a marked dependence of the coefficient of luxury consumption (R) of phosphate on the steady state growth rate. A. formosa has a higher R than C. meneghiniana.  相似文献   

Cyclotella meneghiniana grew heterotrophically in darkness when glucose in concentrations from 5 mg/liter to 10 g/liter was provided. The other compounds tested did not support growth. However, in continuous light (300 ft-c) growth wax not enhanced if glucose wax provided. Under diurnal conditions of light (300 ft-c) approximately 12–14 hr of darkness were required to observe the enhancement effects of glucose. Uptake studies with labeled glucose indicated that uptake is not dependent on glucose, but that it occurs only at low light intensities. Cells required 12–14 hr of darkness to develop the uptake system.  相似文献   

Cyclotella nana and Thalassiosira fluviatilis were grown in chemostat and turbidostat units in 1/3 strength artificial seawater supplemented with nutrients and vitamin B12 in excess except for phosphorus (P) which in concentrations of 50 or 100 μg/liter was limiting. Different chemostat and turbidostat settings produced different cell numbers per unit volume which, since external P was practically nil, corresponded to varying amounts of bound P per cell. Growth rate plotted vs. P per cell follows a saturation curve. While no growth occurs at a certain minimum content of bound P, half the maxi-mum growth rate is observed at twice the minimum level of P,3/4 of the maximum at 3 times the minimum level, etc., the maximum growth rate being defined as that observed during growth unrestricted by P supply at a given set of conditions (light, temperature, salinity, etc.). Temperature and light were varied from 13.5 to 24 C and from 2000 to 6000 lux (continuous and intermittent). An abnormal growth curve was found with C. nana at 24 C and 6000 lux continuous light. Any change in P content of the cells significantly alters cell composition as reflected in P distribution in acid-soluble, lipid, and acid-insoluble fractions and in organic carbon content. External P does not immediately enter our equation for growth rate but is one of the factors deter-mining rate of P uptake and therefore bound P per cell. Conditions governing uptake, however, cannot be adequately controlled in a chemostat and there fore should be determined in a different experimental approach.  相似文献   

UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase activity was detected in cell-free extracts of the diatom Cyclotella cryptica TI3L Reimann, Lewin and Guillard. When assayed in the direction of UDPglucose formation, the enzyme had maximal activity at pH 7.8 and was stimulated by Mg2+and Mn2+ions. 3-Phosphoglycerate and inorganic phosphate had little effect on enzymatic activity, and the enzyme was relatively insensitive to feedback inhibition from UDPglucose (K, > I millimolar). A glucan was formed from UDP-[14C]glucose in cell-free extracts of C. cryptica. This glucan had a median molecular weight of 4600 (as determined by gel filtration chromatograbhy) and could be hydrolyzed by laminarinase. Partial acid hydrolysis of the glucan resulted in the formation of glucose and laminaribiose. but not cellobiose. These results suggest that the synthesis of chrysolaminarin (the major storage carbohydrate of diatoms) occurs via the activity of UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase. followed by glucosyl transfer from UDPglucose to the growing β-(1–3)-linked glucan.  相似文献   

The effects of silicon deficiency on the metabolism and composition of lipids in Cyclotella cryptica T13L Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard were examined. Silicon-deficient cells had higher levels of neutral lipids (primarily triacylglycerols) and higher proportions of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids than silicon-replete cells. After 4 h of silicon deficiency, the percentage of newly assimilated NaH14CO3 partitioned into lipids increased from 27.6% to 54.1%, whereas the percentage partitioned into chrysolaminarin decreased from 21.6% to 10.6%. In addition, pulse-chase experiments with NaH14CO3 indicated that the amount of 14C in the total cellular lipid fraction increased by 32% after 12 h of silicon deficiency despite the absence of additional photoassimilable 14C. Therefore, the accumulation of lipids in response to silicon deficiency appears to be due to two distinct processes: (a) an increase in the proportion of newly assimilated carbon partioned into lipids, and (2) a slow conversion of previously assimilated carbon from non-lipid compounds into lipids  相似文献   

Twenty-one species (23 isolates) of marine diatoms were examined for their capacity to utilize analogs of cyanocobalamin for growth at the ecologically significant concentration of 4 ng 1-1. Yields due to the analogs were compared to those produced by B12. Responses of the various clones to the analogs were not all-or-none, but varied continuously; thus, assigning the clones to the conventional B12 specificity types is a convenient but arbitrary classification. The use of 10 and 1% levels of response is suggested for such classification. At the 10% level of response, 11 clones had coliform, 4 lactobacillus, and 8 mammalian specificity patterns. At the 1% response level, 14 had coliform, 5 lactobacillus, and 4 mammalian specificities. All clones exceed the 10% response level on all benzimi-dazole-containine analogs tested. Few clones showed definite enough patterns of response to make them potentially useful for differential bioassay. The clones suggested are clone 675-D (Bidclulphia sp.?), clone F;-3 (Fragilaria sp.?), and the estuarine clone of Cyclotella nana (3H).  相似文献   

Growth rate as well as rate of glucose uptake of C. cryptica depends on glucose concentration in the medium according to saturation kinetics. The K g for growth is 1.9 × 10?5 M, and the K t, for glucose transport is 5.8 × 10?5 M. The maximum growth rate in the dark on glucose is considerably slower than the light-saturated growth rate at the same temperature, and does not appear to be determined by the capacity of the cell for glucose uptake. The glucose transport process is highly specific, and depends on energy metabolism. The Q 10 for the process is 2.2 (15–2.5 C). Glucose taken up by the cells is almost, quantitatively phosphorylated within 10 min, either through the transport process itself or by a high affinity kinase system in the cells.  相似文献   

The cellular iron (Fe) quota of centric diatoms has been shown to vary in response to the ambient dissolved Fe concentration; however, it is not known how centric diatoms store excess intracellular Fe. Here, we use synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence (SXRF) element mapping to identify Fe storage features in cells of Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal and Thalassiosira weissflogii G. A. Fryxell et Hasle grown at low and high Fe concentrations. Localized intracellular Fe storage features, defined as anomalously high Fe concentrations in regions of relatively low phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), silicon (Si), and zinc (Zn), were twice as common in T. weissflogii cells grown at high Fe compared to low‐Fe cells. Cellular Fe quotas of this strain increased 2.9‐fold, the spatial extent of the features increased 4.6‐fold, and the Fe content of the features increased 14‐fold under high‐Fe conditions, consistent with a vacuole storage mechanism. The element stoichiometry of the Fe features is consistent with polyphosphate‐bound Fe as a potential vacuolar Fe storage pool. Iron quotas increased 2.5‐fold in T. pseudonana grown at high Fe, but storage features contained only 2‐fold more Fe and did not increase in size compared to low‐Fe cells. The differences in Fe storage observed between T. pseudonana and T. weissflogii may have been due to differences in the growth states of the cultures.  相似文献   

The diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. (SAG 1020‐a) was cultured under high‐light (HL) and low‐light (LL) conditions with either high (12 μM) or low (1 μM) iron in the media. Changes in cell morphology, especially cell volume and chloroplast size, were observed in cells grown under low iron. In contrast, HL had a much stronger influence on the photosynthetic apparatus. PSII function was unimpaired under lowered iron supply, but its quantum efficiency and reoxidation rate were reduced under HL conditions. As reported before, HL induced changes in antenna polypeptide composition. Especially the amount of Fcp6, an antenna protein related to LI818 and known to be involved in photoprotection, was increased under HL but was significantly reduced under lowered iron. The diatoxanthin content correlated with the amount of Fcp6 in isolated FCPa antenna complexes and was thus increased under HL and reduced under low iron as well. While the diatoxanthin (Dt) content of whole cells was enhanced under HL, no decrease was observed under lowered iron supply, ruling out the possibility that the decreased amounts in FCPa were due to a hampered diadinoxanthin de‐epoxidase activity under these conditions. Thus, diatoxanthin not bound to FCPa has to be responsible for protection under the slight reduction in iron supply used here.  相似文献   

Attraction of male gametes of Allomyces to sirenin concentrations as low as 10−-10 m has been demonstrated. Increasingly strong responses are observed to concentrations up to 10−-6 m. The response is slightly weaker at 10−-5 m and very weak at 10−-4 m. Microscopic studies suggest that the attraction comes into the category of tropotaxis, a direct approach to a sirenin source occurring. Male gametes have been shown to inactivate sirenin. The possibility that this inactivation is an adaptation process enabling the gametes to maintain sirenin sensitivity over a 100,000-fold concentration range is discussed.  相似文献   

The plant hormone, gibberellic acid (GA), stimulated growth of a marine diatom, Cyclotella cryptica Reimann, Lewin and Guillard. Four concentrations of GA (5 × 20 × 25 × and 35 × 10?6 g/mL) were added to axenic cultures of C. cryptica. Changes in cell densities, measured by cell counts and turbidimetric readings, confirmed that GA at 20 × 10?6 g/mL produced maximum stimulation. There was an increase in the total number of cells produced and a shorter lag phase of growth at this concentration. Coulter counter measurements of cell size, as well as ocular micrometer measurements, indicated there was no significant variation in cell volumes of GA grown cells over that of the controls.  相似文献   

Glucose transport capacity of C. cryptica increases in an exponential manner over 24 hr after transfer of the cells from light to complete darkness with little simultaneous increase in cell number. The transport system is rapidly inactivated when cells are transferred back to continuous light. Most of the inactivation takes place while there is still little changes in cell number. When grown on a continuous light regime, the capacity for glucose transport per cell depends on the light intensity. At intensities sufficient to saturate photosynthesis the glucose transport system is only about 5% that of dark-grown cells, while cells grown at intensities close to the light compensation point have about 30% of the capacity of dark-grown cells. The action spectrum for inactivation of glucose transport is identical to that for photosynthesis. Cells, whether grown under continuous light, in the dark in the presence of glucose, or kept in the dark without glucose, contain high levels of glucokinase and phosphofructokinase. The glucose transport system is highly specific for glucose; only galactose inhibits the uptake of glucose by about 50% when present at 10 times the concentration of glucose. The glucokinase is even more specific for glucose and is not inhibited by galactose. The phosphofructokinase is inhibited by high concentrations of ATP in cells grown under all conditions. cycloheximide inhibits the induction of glucose transport in the dark, but not the inactivation of the system in the light.  相似文献   

Twelve clones (seven species) representative of centric diatoms dominant in the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Gulf of Maine were isolated and rendered axenic. Genera included were Thalassiosira, Porosira and Chaetoceros. Unlike most centric diatoms studied previously, none of these has an absolute requirement for vitamin B12. However, B12 (5 ng.l-1) stimulated growth of most clones by eliminating or reducing the lag phase and increasing the growth rate. Bloom population densities developed 4–54 days earlier with B12 present. Several clones grown with B12 removed more than 80% of the vitamin from the medium. When grown in vitamin-free medium the cells put 0.01–0.7 ng.l-1 B12 into the medium. We conclude that vitamin B12 is of ecological significance even though the requirement for it is not absolute.  相似文献   

Diatom systematics depends almost entirely upon structure of the silica shell. It is not known to what extent the taxonomic species, as defined by shell structure, corresponds to the genetic species—i.e., to the reproductively isolated population. As an approach to this problem, we report here a comparison of enzymes by electrophoresis. We have examined the genetic constitution of a number of clones of (presumably) the same species for each of 2 closely related, centric diatom species: Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal and T. fluviatilis Hustedt. The 4 clones of T. fluviatilis form a distinct group, clearly separated from all the T. pseudonana clones. Within T. pseudonana, 4 estuarine clones and one reef clone form a group that is distinctly different from 4 oceanic clones. A single clone of T. pseudonana from the Continental Slope waters is intermediate between these 2 groups and probably shares genes with both groups, indicating that the 2 T. pseudonana groups are not genetically isolated. We conclude that i) within groups, isolates are closely related even though they originated from different continents; and, ii) T. pseudonana is subdivided into ecological races.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics and chloroplast ultrastructure of Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. were quantified while the organism was simultaneously adjusting to light and nutrient stress. Cells were grown in batch culture at either low or high light intensity on medium with a nitrogen/phosphorus molar ratio of 2:1 as a control, or with nitrogen or phosphorus deleted from the medium to create nutrient deficiencies. Analysis of variance indicated that light intensity, nutrient deficiency and duration of nutrient deficiency all had significant effects on cell growth, chlorophyll (Chl) concentration/cell, cellular fluorescence capacity (CFC), chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density. Because interactions existed among nutrient deficiency, extent of nutrient deficiency, and light intensity, all three must be considered together in order to describe accurately the physiology and chloroplast ultrastructure of the diatom. Significant correlations were found between the Chl/cell or CFC/cell and chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density. Through an increase in Chi concentration, chloroplast volume and thylakoid surface density, the cells successfully adapted to the conditions of low light intensity even while under nutrient stress. In contrast, less Chl/cell, smaller chloroplast volume and less thylakoid surface density were found at high light intensity.  相似文献   

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