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Anomalous secondary thickening occurs in the main axis of Bougainvillea spectabilis as a result of a primary thickening meristem which differentiates in pericycle. The primary thickening meristem first appears in the base of the primary root about 6 days after germination and differentiates acropetally as the root elongates. It begins differentiating from the base of the hypocotyl toward the shoot apex about 33 days after germination. The primary thickening meristem is first observable at the base of the first internode about 60 days after germination. It then becomes a cylinder in the main axis of the seedling. No stelar cambial cylinder forms in the primary root, hypocotyl, or stem because vascular cambium differentiation occurs neither in the pericycle opposite xylem points in the primary root nor in interfascicular parenchyma in the hypocotyl or stem. The primary vascular system of the stem appears anomalous because an inner and an outer ring of vascular bundles differentiate in the stele. Bundles of the inner ring anastomose in internodes, whereas those of the outer ring do not. Desmogen strands each of which is composed of phloem, xylem with both tracheids and vessels, and a desmogic cambium, differentiate from prodesmogen strands in conjunctive tissue. The parenchymatous cells surrounding desmogen strands then differentiate into elongated simple-pitted fibers and thick-walled fusiform cells that are about the same length as the primary thickening meristem initials. 相似文献
F. A. L. CLOWES 《The New phytologist》1978,81(3):663-669
C. Y. CHANG 《The New phytologist》1935,34(1):21-29
Histological observations of the leaf lettuce ‘Black Seeded Simpson’ showed the dormant embryo to possess two visible leaves and a flkat to slightly depressed plumular apex. Observations conducted over a 12-day period of germination and growth showed the development of L1 and L2, emergence of L3 and L4, and periodic changes in size of the apex which were associated with leaf emergence. Thus the dormant embryo of Lactuca appears to be considerably more advanced in development than was previously believed. The shoot apex appeared flat to slightly depressed at all developmental stages studied. 相似文献
Herbert B. Tepper 《American journal of botany》1964,51(8):859-865
Dormant seeds of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) were stratified and then planted in the greenhouse. Changes occurring in the shoot apex during germination and growth of the seedlings were observed and are described. Cell divisions in germinating embryos are first noted on the flanks of the apex near the cotyledons. From these loci, mitotic reactivation proceeds up the flanks of the apex and inward toward cells of the rib meristem. Cells are dividing actively in all regions of the shoot apex of seedlings 12 days after planting, but no cytohistological zonation is evident due to differences in staining intensity and in cell and nuclear size. In 64-day-old seedlings the mitotic rate is reduced and the characteristic zonation of pine apices begins to appear. Zonation is even more evident in older seedlings. These observations are discussed in relation to the concept of initials and to theories concerning factors which regulate growth in the shoot apex. 相似文献
Melchior , Robert C., and John W. Hall . (U. Minnesota, Minneapolis.) A calamitean shoot apex from the Pennsylvanian of Iowa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(9): 811–815. Illus. 1961.—A shoot apex of a calamitean stem is described from the Des Moines Series, Middle Pennsylvanian. Internodal elongation of the 7 preserved internodes follows a sigmoid curve. A large apical cell has produced derivatives in a fashion apparently comparable to those in Equisetum arvense, except for the number of cells in the first leaf primordium ring and, possibly, the intercalary meristem. Pith meristem developed close to the apical cell. Data from internodal cell elongation of hypodermal cells of the cortex are presented which demonstrate intercalary internodal growth; no intercalary meristems are preserved and the existence of intercalary meristems which might have produced a jointed stem like that of Equisetum is only inferred. 相似文献
Otto L. Stein 《American journal of botany》1975,62(3):303-310
Shoot apices of Hymenaea courbaril are representative of those of many distichous plants, showing sharp intraplastochronic changes as a result of differential growth of the most recently formed primordium and the apical meristem proper. However, an unusual feature of this species is the complex arrangement of stipules. These enclose their own leaves as well as younger structures. Furthermore, the midregions of the stipules fuse ontogenetically at their bases, separating the newly formed leaf from the young shoot. Examination of apices of H. courbaril and H. stilbocarpa with the SEM shows similar morphological features in these two species. 相似文献
The mosquito fern, Azolla filiculoides Lam., was grown in a growth chamber on a nitrogen-free culture solution at 24 C under the following photoperiod: 16 hr light/8 hr darkness. Shoot tips were fixed every 2 hr for 24 hr to determine the mitotic index for the apical cell, immediate derivatives, and remaining cells to the level of the first leaf or lateral shoot primordium. Mitotic indices were 6.9%, 6.5% and 6.3%, respectively. The colchicine method was employed to determine the cell-cycle durations and duration of mitosis for the same populations of cells. The cell-cycle duration and duration of mitosis of the apical cell were 28.2 hr and 2.8 hr, respectively; for the immediate derivatives, 26.7 hr and 2.5 hr; for the remaining cells, 23.6 hr and 2.1 hr. Conclusions: the apical cell is as mitotically active as its immediate derivatives, and there is no evidence of a quiescent apical cell. 相似文献
Equisetum scirpoides Michx., propagated from a single clone, was grown in a controlled growth chamber at 24 ± 1 C under a photoperiod of 16 hr light/8 hr darkness. The apical cell of aerial vegetative shoots gives rise to derivatives (merophytes) in a helical sequence. Each newly formed merophyte divides anticlinally to form two superposed cells that are parallel to a lateral face of the apical cell. Radial longitudinal divisions then take place in the two superposed cells. Shoot tips were fixed every 2 hr for 24 hr to determine the mitotic index of the apical cell, six subjacent cells, and the remaining cells above the level of leaf initiation. Average mitotic indices for the 24-hr period were 3.9%, 3.9%, and 7.0%, respectively. The results indicate that the apical cell is quite active mitotically; there was no clear evidence of endopolyploidy in cells of the shoot apex, young leaves or in the developing cortex, based upon cytophotometric measurements of DNA content. 相似文献
M. L. Christianson 《American journal of botany》1986,73(7):947-958
Chimeral seedlings from a “semigametic” strain of cotton were used as the basis for a clonal analysis of events in the progressive organization of the nascent shoot apex. At the time the proembryo becomes a globular stage embryo with a distinct dermatogen, the surface of the embryo contains an eight-celled compartment for each cotyledon, a two-celled compartment for the first leaf, a one-celled compartment for the second leaf, and a three-celled compartment for the apical initials and all subsequent leaves and aerial structures. The developmental history of the first two leaves differs in a fundamental way from that of all the other leaves. 相似文献
Dennis Wm. Stevenson 《American journal of botany》1976,63(6):852-856
Cytohistologically, the shoot apex of Botrychium multifidum is composed of three zones—a zone of surface initials in which there is usually a centrally located apical cell, a zone of subsurface initials, and a cup-shaped zone that is subdivided into a pheripheral zone and a rib meristem. The results of cytohistochemical tests for total protein, RNA, total carbohydrate, histones, and DNA localization support this concept. Thus, the cytohistological zonation of the apical meristem of the Ophioglossales is essentially identical to that of the Filicales, and furthermore, is comparable to that of the seed plants. 相似文献