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Nieman , R. H., and Leon Bernstein . (U. S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, Calif.) Interactive effects of gibberellic acid and salinity on the growth of beans. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(9): 667–670. 1959.—Dwarf red kidney bean plants, grown from the primary leaf stage to maturity on a graded salt series (0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 atm. O.P. NaCl added to a base nutrient solution), showed a progressive and highly significant growth depression with increasing concentration of NaCl. At low levels of salinity (0 and 1.5 atm. O.P.), gibberellic acid applied as a spray to primary leaves, in concentrations of 10 and 100 p.p.m. in distilled water, increased the stem length, fresh and dry wt. of both the top and the root, the yield of green beans, area per leaf, and the total leaf area per plant. At high levels of salinity (3.0 and 4.5 atm. O.P.) growth was so severely suppressed that the expression of all gibberellin effects, except the increase in stem length, was essentially prevented. Gibberellin was, therefore, ineffective in overcoming the salt-induced suppression of growth. An increased rate of water use per unit leaf area was quite consistently observed with the gibberellin-treated plants. This may be simply the result of the increased exposure to light and to air movement of leaves on an elongated stem.  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid (GA) treatment of vegetative shoots of Xanthium leads to a change in phyllotaxis as diagnosed in transverse sections of apical buds. A method of analysis is proposed for estimating the phyllotactic parameters, the plastochron ratio, a, and the divergence angle, α, from measurements of the angular and radial positions of leaf primordia in sections. GA treatment significantly decreases the plastochron ratio, a, from 1.35 in controls, to 1.19 in GA-treated plants, as shown by an analysis of variance, but has no significant effect on the divergence angle. The estimates of a and α are compared with the parameters of theoretical phyllotaxis models, leading to the designation (2, 3) for controls, and (3, 5) for GA-treated plants, where the integers 2, 3, and 5 designate sets of contact parastichies. The change in a is interpreted as indicating a change in the relative position at which leaf primordia are initiated in the apical meristem, and this effect is discussed in relation to theories of leaf initiation.  相似文献   

The effects of spraying potato plants (var. Majestic) with gibberellic acid and kinetin were investigated. Gibberellic acid increased both leaf area and dry-matter production over the short period of the experiment, but there were indications that this would not persist at maturity. Kinetin alone depressed leaf area and dry-matter production, but this did not occur in the presence of gibberellic acid. The mean net assimilation rate measured over a 2-week period was not significantly reduced by gibberellic acid.  相似文献   

多胺和赤霉素在莴苣种子萌发中的作用及其相互关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
非感光性莴苣(挂丝红品种)种子于22℃下萌发率在80%左右,而28℃下不萌发。22℃下外源亚精胺显著促进种子萌发,多胺生物合成抑制剂DFMA和DCHA明显抑制种子萌发,而DFMO无效。22℃诱导种子萌发过程中内源腐胺和亚精含量显著高于28℃下它们的含量。GA3处理能诱导28℃下种子的萌发,单独外源亚精胺处理效果不大,而外源亚精胺对GA3诱导效应有促进作用。DF-MA和DCHA能抑制GA3诱导28℃  相似文献   

1.芦苇在缺硼时,茎中的纤维细胞短,当供给硼酸(浓度1—200μmol/l)后,纤维细胞增长,但以100μmol/l 浓度最为适宜。单独使用赤霉酸也有增长效果。硼酸(200μmol/l)和赤霉酸(50μmol/l)混合施用时效果最佳,纤维细胞的长度增加最多,长宽比也增大,同时植株增高。2.显微观察表明,硼酸和赤霉酸混合处理还能增加纤维细胞的数目和纤维细胞层的厚度。3.在硼酸和赤霉酸混合处理下,H~3-葡萄糖大量渗入到纤维细胞壁中。4.实验说明,硼酸和赤霉酸都对纤维细胞的生长发育有影响。两者混合施用还有协同效应。  相似文献   

Anther removal from stamens whose filaments are 1–3 mm long restricts filament elongation to approximately 60% of the normal length. Removal of one-third to one-half of the anthers affects only the antherless filaments and does not appear to inhibit the growth of the other organs of the flower. Filament growth inhibition induced by anther removal involves both an inhibition of epidermal cell elongation along the length of the filament and also an inhibition of cell division. There is no evidence that the inhibition of filament growth is a response to damage caused by anther removal. Rather, it is suggested that anther removal severs a normal hormonal relationship existing between the anther and the developing filament. The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) in lanolin paste stimulated the elongation of the antherless filaments to achieve an average of 87% of the filament length of adjacent intact stamens. The closer a filament is to having attained its final number of cells before anther removal, the closer does its length come to reaching the final length of filaments in intact stamens. The elongation of these antherless filaments with the application of GA3 was accompanied by elongation of the epidermal cells of the filament to normal, or in some cases greater than normal, lengths. There is no evidence that GA3 application affected the inhibition of epidermal cell devision induced by anther removal. The results of this study support the suggestion of Plack that emasculation-induced inhibition in the growth of floral organs and its reversal by GA3 is a general phenomenon.  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) and the growth retardant AMO-1618 on ovule formation in excised pistils of Nigella sativa L. were studied by sterile culture techniques. Gibberellic acid promoted pistil growth and inhibited ovule formation. The role of endogenous gibberellins in ovule formation and pistil growth was investigated by adding AMO to the basal medium. Both pistil lengths and ovule formation were reduced significantly with increasing concentrations of AMO. The addition of low concentrations of GA3 to the medium restored pistil growth but did not reverse the inhibitory effect of AMO on ovule formation. The addition of kinetin or indoleacetic acid (IAA) to the medium containing AMO had no effect on pistil lengths. However, with the addition of 10−7 m kinetin, the number of ovules in pistils was increased but not to the levels found in pistils grown in the absence of AMO.  相似文献   

The comparative activity of three morphactins, n-butyl-9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylate (IT 3233), 9-hydroxy-fluorene-9-carboxylicacid (IT 3235) and methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxy fluorene-9-carboxylate(IT 3456) on the action of gibberellic acid (GA3) were examinedutilizing dwarf pea (Progress No. 9), dwarf corn (strain d-5),CCC dwarfed Alaska pea, and embryoless barley half-seeds. When applied either prior to or simultaneously with GA3 themorphactins were without effect in reducing the response ofthe dwarf peas to the gibberellin. In fact IT 3233 and IT 3235in combination with GA3 produced taller plants than the GA3controls. Similar results were observed using CCC dwarfed Alaskapeas. The morphactins did, however, produce several morphologicaleffects on the peas. In addition, they were effective in breakingapical dominance in the peas. The morphactins were also withouteffect on the dwarf corn bioassay and no morphological changeswere observed. In the embryoless barley half-seeds the morphactins did notinhibit the response of the tissue to the GA3. Also, the morphactinsdid not exhibit gibberellin-like properties. The results suggest that morphactins do not compete with gibberellinfor similar sites of action. 1Published with the approval of the Director of the MichiganAgricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article Number 3917.  相似文献   

不同基肥对退化坡地及牧草产量和质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了不同基肥组合处理对退化坡地的改造利用和对牧草生产的影响.在相同的肥水管理条件下,以“鸡粪+牛粪+石灰”的基肥组合(A)处理退化坡地土壤,可使皇草、杂交狼尾草、矮象草和墨西哥玉米的年产量比“猪粪+牛粪+石灰”的组合(B)处理分别高出9.7%、12.8%、43.0%和9.9%,前者(A)生产出的牧草的粗蛋白含量略高于后者(B),粗纤维含量略低于后者,而粗灰分含量显著高于后者.  相似文献   

Abscission of debladed petioles of Coleus was observed following spray applications of gibberellic acid (GA) to the foliage. Sprays were applied to some branches which were left intact (inducing branches), or to adjacent branches whose leaves were later debladed (induced branches). In all experiments three applications of GA were made after which the induced branches were debladed, but in one series deblading was delayed for a week after the last spray application. All treatments resulted in accelerated petiole abscission relative to the controls. Differences between the results of these experiments and the results of similar, earlier experiments with indoleacetic acid (IAA) are discussed. The evidence suggests that GA accelerates abscission by a different mechanism than does IAA.  相似文献   

Maleic hydrazide (MH) and gibberellic acid (GA) were applied alone and in combination at various doses to dwarf and tall varieties of garden pea, and their effect on stem extension measured. Combinations of MH and 3-indolylacetic acid (IAA) were also studied. Stern extension of dwarf peas was accelerated by GA and inhibited by MH. Their effects were not additive, since MH reduced the response to GA at all concentrations of each tested. IAA did not affect stem extension, whether applied alone or in combination with MH. Stem extensions of tall peas was not affected by GA or IAA alone. MH severely inhibited growth and this inhibition was not reduced either by GA or by IAA. At low doses MH broke apical dominance and side branches developed; extension of these was stimulated by GA and IAA and extension of the main axis correspondingly still further reduced. The results show that MH prevents the response to GA of GA-sensitive plants. It is suggested that the rapid growth of tall peas, as compared with that of dwarfs, and their lack of response to GA, are due to a greater capacity to synthesize a 'GA-like hormone'. Growth of tall peas is much more drastically inhibited by MH than that of dwarf peas and the suggestion is made that the inhibition of shoot growth induced by MH is due primarily to blocking the activity of the postulated 'GA-like hormone'.  相似文献   

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