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Vegetative structural features of Idiospermum, a monotypic ranalean genus rediscovered in 1972, are described and contrasted with comparable features of Calycanthus and Chimonanthus (Calycanthaceae) to note resemblances and differences. The leaf trace pattern and nodal anatomy of Calycanthaceae and Idiospermaceae (one-trace and unilacunar) are very similar. The nodal anatomy of certain highly reduced leaves (scale leaves) of Idiospermum is, however, two-trace and unilacunar. The microscopic wood anatomy of Idiospermum is distinctively different in a number of respects from that of the Calycanthaceae. Although there are similarities, it is suggested that the floral anatomy and vegetative features of Idiospermum set it apart sufficiently from the Calycanthaceae to justify family rank as the Idiospermaceae.  相似文献   

The subterranean, monopodial caudex of Rhodiola rosea has unilacunar, two-trace nodes, whereas its annual leafy flowering shoots have the more common unilacunar, one-trace nodes. The double-traced unilacunar nodal structure of the highly specialized caudex is considered to be the advanced condition in this species as well as in the Crassulaceae in general. The character may be significant in evolutionary and systematics studies of the genus Rhodiola.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic studies of young sporophytes were undertaken to determine anatomical and morphological differences between a primitive (Lophosoria quadripinnata) and an advanced (Sphaeropteris elongata) tree fern. In both species the first leaf is simple, fanshaped, and possesses dichotomous venation. Later-formed leaves exhibit either a pinnate or bipinnate pattern of laminar dissection. As the sporophyte matures, the stelar pattern changes from a protostele to an amphiphloic siphonostele, and finally to a dictyostele in Sphaeropteris. Medullation of the protostele occurs either prior to or after the formation of the first leaf trace in both species. Differentiation of xylem in the shoot is acropetal and the appearance of mature protoxylem occurs closer to the apical meristem in Sphaeropteris. The nodal pattern varies within each species with a no gap 1-trace pattern characteristic for the first two or three leaves, depending upon the taxon. In Lophosoria subsequent leaves possess a unilacunar 1-trace nodal pattern, whereas a complete nodal series (1 gap 1-trace to 1 gap 6-trace) occurs in Sphaeropteris. Fusiform leaf gaps are noted in both species. The shoot apical meristem is dominated by a single apical cell, with an organized apical cell first found in P2. Stem, root, and petiole anatomy are discussed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of nodal anatomy of the Cunoniaceae has revealed an unusually diverse assemblage of nodal types, including patterns with “split-lateral” traces previously undescribed for dicotyledons. On the basis of leaf arrangement and nodal vascularization, six distinct nodal conditions are recognized in the family. The trilacunar, three-trace pattern is the ancestral type from which the multilacunar condition evolved by amplification in the number of lateral traces. The “split-lateral” condition, distinguished by the fusion of lateral leaf traces of adjacent leaves, or the bifurcation of a single trace, and their association with a “common gap,” probably evolved concomitant with the transition from opposite to whorled leaves. The characteristic interpetiolar stipules of the Cunoniaceae are vascularized by veins originating from lateral leaf traces, or by a combination of complete lateral traces and veins arising from lateral leaf traces. Both Aphanopetalum and Bauera possess unilacunar one-trace nodes. The most satisfactory family placement of both genera remains uncertain, although the unilacunar nodes of Bauera can reasonably be interpreted as a case of reduction from the trilacunar pattern in response to reduced plant size.  相似文献   

The basal stem anatomy of three young sporophytes of Psaronius from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas and Illinois is described. The origin of the second stelar cycle is demonstrated in the transition from a simple, amphiphloic siphonostele to a dicyclic dictyostele. Petioles with C-shaped vascular strands are attached to the stem in a one-third phyllotaxy. A root mantle is lacking. Basal stem anatomy of Psaronius is compared with that of living genera of the Marattiaceae.  相似文献   

Primary shoot vasculature has been studied for 31 species of Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae from serial transections and stained, decorticated shoot tips. The eustele of all species is interpreted as consisting of sympodia, one for each orthostichy. A sympodium is composed of a vertically continuous axial bundle from which arise leaf- and areole-trace bundles and, in many species, accessory bundles and bridges between axial bundles. Provascular strands for leaf traces and axial bundles are initiated acropetally and continuously within the residual meristem, but differentiation of procambium for areole traces and bridges is delayed until primordia form on axillary buds. The differentiation patterns of primary phloem and xylem are those typically found in other dicotyledons. In all species vascular supply for a leaf is principally derived from only one procambial bundle that arises from axial bundles, whereas traces from two axial bundles supply the axillary bud. Two structural patterns of primary vasculature are found in the species examined. In four species of Pereskia that possess the least specialized wood in the stem, primary vascular systems are open, and leaf traces are mostly multipartite, arising from one axial bundle. In other Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae the vascular systems are closed through a bridge at each node that arises near the base of each leaf, and leaf traces are generally bipartite or single. Vascular systems in Pereskiopsis are relatively simple as compared to the complex vasculature of Opuntia, in which a vascular network is formed at each node by fusion of two sympodia and a leaf trace with areole traces and numerous accessory bundles. Variations in nodal structure correlate well with differences in external shoot morphology. Previous reports that cacti have typical 2-trace, unilacunar nodal structure are probably incorrect. Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae have no additional medullary or cortical systems.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the nodal and vascular anatomy in the monotypic genera Metaxya and Lophosoria are discussed as they relate to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Cyatheaceae. Both genera are distinctive and primitive with respect to habit, stem and petiole indument, stelar pattern, and nodal anatomy. Metaxya possesses a prostrate, dorsiventral rhizome, whereas a short, upright radial stem occurs in Lophosoria. Trichomes occur on the stems and leaf petioles of these genera. Both Metaxya and Lophosoria have a spiral phyllotaxy, and adventitious buds occur on the petiole bases. The stelar pattern is basically a siphonostele, although frequently a dictyostele is found in Lophosoria. Accessory bundles are lacking in both genera. A characteristic petiole pattern is found in these genera, with an increase in complexity from an undivided strand in Metaxya to the three-parted petiole pattern in Lophosoria. Data from nodal and vascular anatomy indicate that these taxa are distinct from the other genera in the Cyatheaceae and belong in an independent position at the base of the Cyatheoid line, although in some respects an affinity to members of the Dicksoniaceae is indicated.  相似文献   

The leaf base vascularization in most of theRubiaceae corresponds to the unilacunar pattern with one complex trace. Only some species are known to have a trilacunar nodal pattern with three traces. In the unilacunar type one pair of smaller bundles separates from the complex lacunary leaf trace laterally, each soon forking into two arms: One arm becomes a marginal vein of the petiole, the other, besides supplying the stipules, forms a ± distinct vascular bridge within the cortex of the nodal flanks. In theRubieae this flank bridge develops as a very distinct vascular ring commissure out of which the whorled leaf-like appendages are vascularized; only the opposite true leaves receive their complex trace out of the lacunes directly. Axillary branches originate only from these true leaves.

The genus Penthorum L. consists of two species of perennial herbs, P. sedoides of eastern North America and P. chinense of eastern Asia. Penthorum has long been considered intermediate between Crassulaceae and Saxifragaceae. An anatomical study of both species was undertaken to contribute to a better understanding of the relationships of these plants. Prominent anatomical features of Penthorum include: an aerenchymatous cortex and closely-spaced collateral vascular bundles of stems; one-trace unilacunar nodes; brochidodromous venation, rosoid teeth bearing hydathodes, and anomocytic stomata of leaves; angular vessel elements with many-barred scalariform perforation plates and alternate to scattered intervascular pits; thin-walled non-septate fiber-tracheids; abundant homocellular erect uniseriate and biseriate rays; and absence of axial xylem parenchyma. In general, Penthorum possesses neither the morphological nor the anatomical synapomorphies which define Crassulaceae, and features shared with Saxifragaceae are largely symplesiomorphous. Thus Penthorum is probably best classified in the monogeneric Penthoraceae.  相似文献   

As a rule,Gentianaceae exhibit a double unilacunar nodal pattern. Upon leaving the lacun, the complex leaf trace divides first into three branches, and then into five or more bundles which become the leaf veins. OnlyGentiana lutea (andG. punctata) as well asMenyanthes trifoliata differ from all other species investigated by their multilacunar nodes. BothCentaurium andOrphium within the cortex form a completely closed bundle ring around the nodal flanks from smaller bundles which depart from the lateral branches of the complex leaf traces.

At an early stage of growth gametophytes support the sporophytes of ferns. Young sporophytes become independent of gametophytes when the first leaves develop. Although large fern gametophytes produce multiple archegonia simultaneously, only one sporophyte is typically established on one gametophyte. The number of sporophytes is believed to be controlled in two possible directions, from gametophyte to sporophyte or from preceding sporophyte to another sporophyte. To investigate the effects of gametophytes on their sporophytes, we studied the relationship between organic matter production by gametophytes and the growth of young sporophytes of Thelypteris palustris. We cut gametophytes in half (CGs) to reduce the gametophytes’ production of matter. There was no significant difference between the growth of sporophytes on intact gametophytes (IGs) and that on CGs. According to our estimates, based on the rate of organic matter production, the large gametophyte was able to produce two or more sporophytes. The resources required for CGs to make similar-sized sporophytes was twice that for IGs. In polyembryony each of the multiple sporophytes was similar in size to the single sporophytes. Resource limitation does not seem to explain why fern gametophytes establish single sporophytes.  相似文献   

While homosporous ferns are potentially capable of producing totally homozygous sporophytes in one generation via selfing of their bisexual gametophytes, laboratory analyses indicate that a variety of mechanisms promote gametophytic outcrossing. The operation of these mechanisms in natural sporophyte populations, however, has not been previously demonstrated. Laboratory analyses of gametophyte ontogeny show that Bommeria hispida is obligately outcrossing. Electrophoretic data presented here indicate that individuals from natural sporophyte populations of this species are highly heterozygous. Electrophoretic data, therefore, corroborate evidence from the in vitro analysis of gametophyte development and demonstrate that sporophytes of B. hispida in nature typically are products of outcrossing between genetically different gametophytes. Extrapolations from the literature, together with our findings, indicate that outcrossing mechanisms may operate frequently in ferns, thereby maintaining genetic variability between individuals within populations. This evidence questions whether most ferns are highly inbred and therefore predominantly homozygous.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the nodal and leaf anatomy of Bonnetiaceae was completed in order to provide evidence for evaluation in relation to systematics. Nodal anatomy is trilacunar, three-trace or unilacunar, one-trace. Basic leaf anatomical features of the family include: complete or incomplete medullated vascular cylinder in petiole; paracytic mature stomata with encircling ridges; large mucilaginous cells in the adaxial surface of mesophyll; periclinal divisions in upper surface layers; and discrete patches of phloem within the vascular bundles. Especially noteworthy is the presence in some genera of foliar vascular bundles enveloped by a sheath composed of two concentric regions, i.e., an inner region consisting of multiple layers of fibers and an outer specialized endodermis composed of thin-walled cells with Casparian strips. Leaves are variable with respect to lamina and cuticle thickness, relative amount and number of palisade and spongy layers, venation of lamina, and the presence or absence of sclereids and crystals in the mesophyll. A major feature in the evolution of Bonnetiaceae is development of a highly divergent, essentially parallel, leaf venation that is superficially similar to that of some monocotyledons and apparently unique among dicotyledons. Foliar anatomy provides important characters for the recognition of subgroups within Bonnetiaceae and is consistent with the segregation of Bonnetiaceae from Theaceae.  相似文献   

Sporophytes of some epiphytic species in the fern genus Pyrrosia exhibit Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), generally considered to be a derived physiological response to xeric habitats. Because these species alternate between independent sporophytic and gametophytic generations yet only the sporophyte has been characterized physiologically, experiments were conducted to determine the photosynthetic pathways present in mature sporophytes, immature sporophytes, and gametophytes of Pyrrosia longifolia. Diurnal CO2 exchange and malic acid fluctuations demonstrated that although the mature sporophytes exhibited CAM, only C3 photosynthesis occurred in the gametophytes and young sporophytes. Consideration of the above results and those from previous studies, as well as the life cycle of ferns, indicates that the induction of CAM probably occurs at a certain developmental stage of the sporophyte and/or following exposure to stress. Elucidation of the precise mechanisms underlying this C3-CAM transition awaits further research.  相似文献   

We conducted a comparative anatomical study of the petiole of 16 taxa belonging to the tribe Sorbarieae (Rosaceae) (Adenostoma, 2 spp.; Chamaebatiaria, 1 sp.; Sorbaria, 6 spp., 3 vars., and 1 forma; and Spiraeanthus, 1 sp.) and the related genus Lyonothamnus (1 sp. and 1 ssp.). The distal, medial and proximal regions of petioles were transversely sectioned using conventional embedding and staining methods. Cuticles, crystals, trichomes and pericyclic fiber patterns were observed and studied. Three types of vascular nodal patterns were recognized: Type 1 was seen in Chamaebatiaria, Lyonothamnus, and Spiraeanthus (simple‐trace nodal pattern with slightly curved or U‐shaped vascular bundle); type 2 was found in Adenostoma (multiple‐traces nodal pattern with free vascular bundles); and type 3 was unique to Sorbaria (bundles fused to form a siphonostele nodal pattern). Some petiolar anatomical characteristics (e.g. cuticles, crystals, trichomes, vascular nodal pattern, and pericyclic fiber patterns) were found to provide useful information for taxonomic studies within Sorbarieae. On the basis of these characteristics, a dichotomous key for identification at the generic/specific level is provided. We also report a structural change in the vascular bundles from the stem‐leaf transitional zone to the leaf medial zone.  相似文献   

Field and morphological observations were made of the young sporophytes of rheophyticOsmunda lancea and its related drylandO. japonica, and the rheophyte's adaptation in the early sporophytic stages was discussed. Mature plants ofO. lancea andO. japonica do not occur in dryland and rheophytic habitats, respectively, but their very young sporophytes rarely grow there. The young sporophytes ofO. lancea differ considerably from those ofO. japonica in having the relatively short petioles with thin-walled epidermal cells, early lamina partition, cuneate leaf- and pinna-base, oblique (not horizontal) lamina disposition, a fine network of spongy tissue in the 4th and older leaves, and dense epicuticular wax deposits on leaf epidermis. They seem to relate to the flexibility of petioles and the toughness and flood-tolerance of blades, and make the young sporophytes adapted to the rheophytic habitat.Osmunda japonica lacking those characteristics disappears from the rheophytic habitat during the early ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   

Foster , Adriance S. (U. California, Berkeley), and Howard J. Arnott . Morphology and dichotomous vasculature of the leaf of Kingdonia uniflora. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47 (8): 684–698. Illus. 1960.—An intensive study of the nodal anatomy, petiolar vasculature and open dichotomous venation of the leaf of Kingdonia has revealed a type of foliar vascular system of unusual morphological and phylogenetic interest. The vascular supply at the nodal level consists of 4 collateral traces which diverge from a single gap into the sheathing leaf base. This type of nodal anatomy is perhaps primitive, and comparisons are made with the unilacunar nodes and the 2- and 4-parted leaf trace systems characteristic of many angiospermous cotyledons and the foliage leaves of certain woody ranalian genera. The petiole of Kingdonia is vascularized by 2 pairs of bundles which represent the upward continuation of the 4 leaf traces. A transition from an even (4) to an odd (3) number of strands occurs near the point of attachment of the 5, lobed, cuneiform lamina segments to the petiole. Each of the 2 abaxial bundles dichotomizes and the central derivative branches fuse to form a double bundle which enters the base of the median lamina segment. The 2 adaxial petiolar bundles diverge right and left into the bases of the paired lateral segments of the lamina. An analogous type of transition from an even to an odd number of veins occurs in many angiospermous cotyledons which develop a definable mid-vein. But, in Kingdonia, the bundles which enter the bases of the lamina segments give rise to systems of dichotomizing veinlets devoid of “mid-veins.” Although the majority of the terminal veinlets enter the marginal teeth of the lamina segments, “blind” endings, unrelated to the dentations, occur in all the leaves studied. Typically, all of the vein endings in a given lobule of a lamina segment are derived from the same dichotomous vein system. However, in some leaves, a veinlet dichotomizes directly below a sinus and the branches diverge into the marginal regions of 2 separate lobules. The phylogenetic significance of the occurrence of open dichotomous venation in such an herbaceous angiosperm as Kingdonia is briefly discussed. From a purely morphological viewpoint, the Kingdonia type of venation invites direct comparison with the venation of Sphenophyllum, certain ferns or Ginkgo rather than with any of the known reticulate venation patterns of modern angiosperms. Although the foliar venation of Kingdonia may represent the result of evolutionary reversion, the very rare anastomoses which occur seem primitive in type rather than “vestiges” of a former system of closed venation.  相似文献   

Embryogenesis in Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir, begins with a first division of the zygote which may be oriented transversely, obliquely, or rarely longitudinally. The orientation of the second division is also variable. Though the differentiation of suspensor and embryo proper occurs early, some derivatives of the terminal cell sometimes contribute to the suspensor. Provascular tissue “differentiates” after the initiation of the cotyledons. The radicle apical meristem originates subterminally, 5–10 cell layers from the juncture of the embryo proper and the suspensor. After germination, during early seedling establishment, radicle apical organization is of an unspecialized, columellate type. Vascular differentiation occurs before germination, and there are two loci of initial xylem differentiation: one in the hypocotyl and another in the median trace of the cotyledons. After germination, additional xylem differentiates de novo (without lateral or longitudinal continuity with already-mature vessels) inside the arcs of phloem in the hypocotyl, a pattern reported in few angiosperms. The cotyledonary node is one-trace, unilacunar.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate life history adaptations to cold climates, the leaf development, sporulation period, growing stage of gametophytes, and the frost and drought resistance of sporophytes and gametophytes of 67 fern species native to Kokkaido were studied. Most ferns common in Hokkaido are summer-green with leaves developing during late May to June and decaying during October. Most of the ferns in Hokkaido sporulate during August to early September. Spores dispersed from June to September germinate before winter begins, forming vegetative prothallia. Gametophytes mature only in the following summer. Thus in Hokkaido the gametophytes as well as perennial sporophytes are exposed to severe winter conditions. In order to correlate the life cycles of temperate ferns with winter cold stress, frost resistance of gametophytes, rhizomes, and leaves of sporophytes were determined. Maximal frost resistance of rhizomes reflects the stress conditions of their habitats: rhizomes of forest understory ferns are damaged at-5°to -17.5°C, epiphytic ferns and ferns of habitats exposed to severe frost sustained temperatures of -20° to-40°C. The leaves of winter-green and evergreen ferns resist frost ranging from -25° to -40°C. The leaves of summer-green ferns are killed by late frost below -5°C. With some exceptions, gametophytes of ferns growing on the forest floor resist frost to -40°C and are much hardier than sporophytes. These results suggest the possible restrictive effects of cold climate on the life span of leaves as well as on the sporulation period. If winter cold is one of the decisive factors for seasonality expression and habitat distribution of ferns, the sensitive generation must be the sporophyte rather than the gametophyte. The hardier gametophyte is therefore able to colonize habitats in which the sporophyte is excluded by frost if mechanisms of vegetative propagation are evolved.Contribution No. 2451 from The Institute of Low Temperature Science  相似文献   

Vegetative and reproductive anatomy and morphology are described for the first time for Tetracarpaea tasmannica Hook., a small shrub endemic to Tasmania. Tetracarpaea, a monotypic genus, has many characteristics of other woody Saxifragaceae, such as wood with solitary pores, scalariform perforation plates, sparse axial xylem parenchyma, tracheids, spiral thickenings in tracheary elements, and perforated ray cells. The tracheary elements of Tetracarpaea are much smaller than those characteristic of the Escallonioideae, a feature probably related to its montane forest habitat. Other features of Tetracarpaea inconsistent with most Escallonioideae include dark-staining deposits in the ray cells; a unilacunar, one-trace nodal pattern; lack of unicellular foliar trichomes; simple craspedodromous venation; areole development that is lacking or incomplete; straight and tapered veinlets; abaxial fibers associated with the foliar vascular bundles; and lack of bundle sheaths. The genus is further characterized by complete, hypogynous, tetramerous flowers. The essentially apocarpous gynoecium has multiovulate carpels, each supplied by three veins that reach the stigma. Ovules are anatropous, bitegmic, and crassinucellate. Lateral sepal bundles are derived either from the sepal midrib or from the petal-plane bundles; stamens are supplied by independent traces or by bundles originating from compound traces in both sepal- and petal-planes. The follicular fruits possess a sclerenchymatous endocarp and contain winged seeds that have a membranous testa, a ridged surface, and a cellular endosperm. Reproductive morphological and anatomical features are more consistent with features of the Saxifragoideae than with the Escallonioideae or the Cunoniaceae, although the essentially apocarpous gynoecium with multiovulate carpels is not found in these groups. Vegetative and reproductive characteristics indicate that Tetracarpaea is more closely related to Saxifragaceae than to Cunoniaceae. It is possible this isolated genus should have separate familial status.  相似文献   

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