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In Picea abies seedlings the distance below the base of the shoot apical dome to the first protoxylem (px) to be differentiated in the internodes beneath is a linear function of apical dome basal diameter. By using mathematical relations derived in earlier papers of this series, we computed the morphogenic age in plastochrons and the chronometric age in days of the internode in which px is first differentiated (npx). As the seedlings age from 30 to 140 days, the distance from the base of the apical dome to px increases from 186 to 295 μm, the n of npx increases from 16 to 53, but the chronometric age of npx remains within the range of 10 to 12 days. Protoxylem differentiation in young internodes is, therefore, more closely related to chronometrie age than it is to morphogenic age or to distance from the base of the shoot apical dome.  相似文献   

Developing embryos in immature Picea abies seeds already have well-delineated shoot apical meristems with clearly evident cytohistological zonation. During early seedling development the zonation characteristic of gymnospermous apical meristems is attained. Seedling development is also accompanied by an approximately threefold increase in apical dome diameter. The latter approaches a steady state about 140 days after germination. Seedlings display a spiral phyllotaxis consisting of a contact parastichy system, usually of the primary Fibonacci series. As the seedlings age and apical domes enlarge, higher Fibonacci number-pairs characterize their phyllotaxis. Mathematical analysis of the relation between cumulative leaf number and age revealed that the length of the plastochronic time interval declines from about 18.5 hr to 5.7 hr as seedling age increases from 20 to 140 days.  相似文献   

Shoot apical meristems of Picea abies seedlings can be cultured on a relatively simple, defined, basal medium. Dome-like explants initially about 200 μ tall, without externally obvious primordia, and having dry weights of about 3 μg, usually initiate 5–10 new primordia within a week. They typically show 10- to 30-fold dry weight increases in three weeks. None of the 5,000 meristems cultured has produced any basal callus. Growth is strongly influenced by both the type and concentration of agar used to gel the medium. Dry weight yield increases as agar concentration decreases. This is probably partly due to increased diffusion rates of enzymes or other large molecules through more dilute agar gels but possibly also partly ascribable to unknown agarborne inhibitors. About half of the agar concentration effect can be eliminated by substituting glucose and fructose for sucrose in the medium. This suggests that diffusion of invertase through the agar gel in this medium may be a growth limiting factor. Growth of cultures is also promoted by autoclaving sucrose in the presence of the agar. The basis of this effect is not yet understood.  相似文献   

Excised shoot apical meristems of Picea abies seedlings grow and develop primordial leaves when cultured on Millipore (mixed esters of cellulose) filter membranes lying on a simple, defined medium gelled with agarose. When the cultures are removed from the membranes, each leaves a spot of altered light transmission, spectral characteristics, hygroscopicity, and chemical reactivity. These spots are the manifestation of deposition in the membrane pore space of polysaccharides, lignin-like components, and probably other substances. Deposition of water-insoluble, Schiff's reagent-positive substances can be detected in the filter membranes after only 3–6 hr exposure to a meristem and continues for 10–15 days or longer. Precursors of the insoluble deposition materials can diffuse through at least nine layers of Millipore membrane before deposition at a site remote from living cells. Placement of a dialysis membrane between the meristem and the Millipore membrane prevents detectable deposition in the latter. The observations are consistent with the hypothesis that apical meristems can synthesize and export mobile precursors of cell wall components as well as any substances necessary to promote their condensation or polymerization into insoluble materials at remote sites. The system may be useful in studying synthesis of cell wall components and investigating the functional role of growth regulators in shoot apical development.  相似文献   

Vernalized seeds of Pinus lambertiana were scarified and planted in perlite. At 5, 8, 10, 13 and 16 days after planting, seedlings were selected for morphological examination and histochemical study. The shoot apical meristem consisted of a relatively homogeneous population of cells at 5 days. Cytohistological zonation was observed in the meristem by the eighth day and needle primordia initiation began at this time. Acid phosphatase (AP) activity was high in the extreme tip of the apex at 5 days. At 8 days AP activity was intense in the peripheral zone but weak in the apical initial and central mother cell zones. The apical meristem of the 10–16-day-old seedlings exhibited high AP activity in the peripheral zone only during the early stages of needle primordia initiation. The distribution of cytoplasmic and nuclear protein-bound SH was correlated with cytohistological zonation. Protein-bound SH was distributed relatively uniformly at 5 days, but by the eighth day the 4 cytohistological zones contained differential quantities. Succinic dehydrogenase (SD) activity was observed throughout the apex at 5 days, but by the eighth day the apical initial and central mother cell zones exhibited differentially greater levels of SD activity. Irradiation with 500 R of X-rays at 7 days after planting completely inhibited needle primordia initiation and disrupted the cytohistological zonation of the apex. Correlated with the inhibition of needle primordia initiation was the loss of SD activity in the apical initial and central mother cell zones. Irradiation also resulted in the gradual loss of protein-bound SH from the cytoplasm of the apical initial, central mother cell and peripheral zone.  相似文献   

Shoot apical meristems of Echinocereus engelmannii have only a tunica-corpus organization at germination, but the corpus rapidly develops central mother cells, a peripheral zone and a pith-rib meristem. The manner in which nutrition, darkness and various growth regulators at several concentrations and in several combinations affect the development of zonation was examined by growing derooted seedlings on agar which contained the nutrients or growth regulators. Benzylaminopurine was able to elicit the formation of the pith-rib meristem in an otherwise non-zonate corpus. Also, the rate of leaf initiation was greatly increased. Gibberellic acid severely inhibited the formation of corpus zones but had little effect on leaf initiation. Indoleacetic acid had no effects other than mild inhibition of zonation and a slight retardation of leaf initiation. Abscisic acid was strongly inhibitory. Sucrose only slightly increased the rate of leaf formation and did not affect apex size or zonation. To more closely examine the cytokinin-induced effects on the apical meristem, several growth regulators were applied in combination with the most effective concentration of cytokinin. Certain combinations were able to interfere with several of the cytokinin-induced responses, while other cytokinin-induced responses occurred even in the presence of high concentrations of these other growth regulators. Leaf initiation and meristem morphogenesis appeared to be remarkably stable and insensitive to the presence of most hormones except cytokinin and gibberellin.  相似文献   

More than 100 primary root segments from dormant seeds, 100 radicular segments from immature embryos, 450 whole immature embryos, and a number of whole seedlings of C. gronovii were studied under in vitro cultivation in the presence of such growth-regulating factors as: coconut milk, casein hydrolysate, auxins, kinetin, adenine, gibberellic acid, and additional B vitamins as supplements to White's medium. In normal embryogeny early swelling of the basal pole of the embryo and profuse production of epidermal hairs upon germination are superficial characteristics of Cuscuta which resemble seedling root growth in other plants. At no time is there evidence of a primary-root meristem, nor at any time do cotyledons develop. It was not possible to induce root formation experimentally from any of the starting embryonic materials, nor from stems which were cultured to maturity culminating in the production of flowers after 6 months of in vitro cultivation, nor from callus derived from the radicular pole of the embryo. The undifferentiated radicular pole frequently gave rise to rapidly growing callus from which new shoots were formed spontaneously, although some immature embryos completed normal embryogeny. Embryo size and subsequent type of development were not strictly correlated but there was a tendency toward the following patterns. Embryos less than 0.4 mm in length lost their original form, callused evenly throughout and became masked by development of buds over the entire surface. Embryos 0.4–1.2 mm were most apt to retain their original form; callus developed at the radicular pole but not at the shoot pole. Embryos 1.5 mm and larger frequently gave rise to radicular callus but also grew normal shoots. Embryo inoculants which had begun to coil were most apt to complete normal embryogenesis. No correlation could be drawn between the addition of specific growth regulators or combinations of regulators and specific patterns of development. It is suggested that in the evolution of Cuscuta from autotrophic ancestors, the loss of both cotyledons and roots was a single embryonic event and so complete that even under the influence of a highly modified biochemical environment it would be impossible to derive roots from dodder tissue. The usual interpretation of the dodder haustorium as a highly modified adventitious root in all probability is not valid. Is is further suggested, however, that this loss of root and cotyledon is not a necessary consequence of the evolution of the parasitic mode of nutrition, nor of the gross adult growth form.  相似文献   

The development of zonation in the shoot apical meristems of 28 species of cacti was examined. At germination the embryonic apex may have one of three types of organization: 1) tunica/corpus; 2) tunica/central mother cells/corpus; 3) tunica/central mother cells/peripheral zone/pith-rib meristem. Apices of the third type have complete zonation and undergo little or no further structural development. Both of the other types develop the missing zones. First, the apices become mitotically active, and peripheral zone characters develop in the outer corpus. Simultaneously, or slightly later, the central mother cells differentiate if they are not yet present. The final step is the formation of the pith-rib meristem. The sequence of appearance of the zones was constant throughout all species examined, but the time of appearance of only one zone could be correlated with any other morphogenetic process: the development of peripheral zone characteristics in the outer corpus occurs with or before the beginning of leaf production. The development of zonation appears to be independent of apical size, shape, or age, either real age or plastochron age. This has been interpreted to indicate that the metabolic mechanism controlling the development of zonation in shoot apical meristems is largely autonomous and independent of other aspects of morphogenesis occurring in the seedling. Also, the fact that leaf initiation and shoot axis production can both occur before the development of either the central mother cells or the pith-rib meristem indicates that neither of these zones is essential for these two apical morphogenetic activities.  相似文献   

The development of leaves on apically stable, periclinal chimeras was studied in a number of dicot genera. The mutant cell layers of the shoot apex and the tissues derived from them were as active developmentally as the normal layers. Ontogeny was the same in these chimeras as in nonchimeras, and growth of their leaves can be outlined as follows. Formation of the buttress, the axis, and the lamina of simple dicot leaves were independent events. In each the first growth included derivatives of the apical layers, usually three in number, found in the apex of the shoot and the lateral buds. Most cell divisions in the outer layers (L-I and L-II) were anticlinal relative to the new structures. Therefore, in the proximal regions of the buttress, axis (petiole and midrib), and lamina, the derivative cells of L-I and L-II were usually present in single layers. The rest of the internal tissue was from L-III. As formation of the axis and the lamina proceeded, derivatives of L-II replaced L-III internally in the distal and marginal regions leaving cells of L-III behind. Both the determinate growth of leaves and the pattern of cell divisions at and near the leading edges of growth meant that no cells in the leaf were comparable to the initial cells of the shoot apex. As the lamina extended, there were extensive intercalary cell divisions, both anticlinal and periclinal, so that in any given region of a leaf the layers of internal cells were from either L-II or L-III. At any point along the axis, L-III participated or did not participate in laminar extension. At any given stage in laminar growth either of two sister cells in any internal layer divided either a few times or extensively. The extreme variability in direction and frequency of cell division during leaf development was under an overriding genetic control, which resulted in the normal or typical size, shape and thickness of leaves.  相似文献   

Parke , Robert V. (Colorado State U., Fort Collins.) Initial vascularization of the vegetative shoot, of Abies concolor. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(5): 464–469. Illus. 1963.—In the dormant winter bud, the future vascular system of the shoot exists as a rather ill-defined system of procambial strands, which extends acropetally from the scale traces through a plate of thick-walled, deeply staining cells, the crown, and into the axis and the numerous foliar primordia making up the telescoped shoot. Each foliar primordium receives a single procambial strand or leaf trace. The procambial strands differentiate acropetally. No differentiated vascular tissue was observed in the dormant shoot. As the shoot elongates in the spring, vascular differentiation progresses at a rapid rate. In the leaf traces, protophloem differentiates acropetally. The protoxylem, which appears first in the axial region of the trace, differentiates acropetally into the foliar primordium and basipetally into the stem. The first-formed phloem elements are short-lived. They are nucleate and without sieve areas. In the protoxylem, the first-formed tracheids are mostly of the annular or spiral-thickened type.  相似文献   

Pigs are proposed as a useful laboratory model for the investigationof taste preferences and other controls of ingestive behaviorin the newborn. Suckling pigs can be easily trained to feedthemselves from an artificial feeding apparatus so that intakecan be measured directly. In this manner preferences for glucose,sucrose, fructose and lactose were found in pigs 3 wk of age.The preference threshold for glucose is considerably higherthan that reported for more mature pigs. Taste aversion wasdemonstrated in suckling pigs 2 wk of age. After the taste ofglucose had been paired with LiCl injection, poisoned pigs didnot show the strong glucose preference shown by control pigs.In addition to oropharyngeal controls of intake, gastrointestinalcontrols of intake in the newborn pig were investigated.Loadsof milk or 5% glucose, but not 0.9% NaCl, given by gavage depressedsubsequent intake in piglets 1 wk of age. Caloric or glucostaticmechanisms, but not volume alone, appear to be involved in satietyin the newborn pig. *Supported by USPHS Special Fellowship 5F03 AM55321-02 to K.A.H.Request for reprints should be sent to Dr. K. A. Houpt, Dept.of Physiology, N.Y.S. College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca,New York 14853, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Parke , Robert V. (Colorado State U., Fort Collins.) Growth periodicity and the shoot tip of Abies concolor. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2) : 110-118. Illus. 1959.—The terminal shoot of Abies concolor shows a marked seasonal activity or growth periodicity of the meristmatic regions. Hence, the annual developmental sequence may be divided into three growth phases: the rest phase, during which the fully formed telescoped shoot remains in a state of suspended growth; the first growth phase, during which the telescoped shoot elongates rapidly and gives rise to numerous cataphylls; and, the second growth phase, during which shoot elongation is completed and a new unelongated axis bearing many needle primordia is formed. The shoot tip of Abies consists of 4 clearly definable cytohistological zones; the apical initials, the sub-terminal mother cells, the peripheral zone, and the zone of central tissue. The shape of the shoot tip and the volume of its various cytohistological zones change markedly during the annual growth sequence, but the basic zonation pattern remains the same.  相似文献   

Dormant seeds of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) were stratified and then planted in the greenhouse. Changes occurring in the shoot apex during germination and growth of the seedlings were observed and are described. Cell divisions in germinating embryos are first noted on the flanks of the apex near the cotyledons. From these loci, mitotic reactivation proceeds up the flanks of the apex and inward toward cells of the rib meristem. Cells are dividing actively in all regions of the shoot apex of seedlings 12 days after planting, but no cytohistological zonation is evident due to differences in staining intensity and in cell and nuclear size. In 64-day-old seedlings the mitotic rate is reduced and the characteristic zonation of pine apices begins to appear. Zonation is even more evident in older seedlings. These observations are discussed in relation to the concept of initials and to theories concerning factors which regulate growth in the shoot apex.  相似文献   

Development of complete plants was achieved from isolated shoot apical meristems of Nicotiana tabacum L., Daucus carota L., Nicotiana glauca Grah., Tropaeolum majus L., and Coleus blumei Benth. The explants consisted of only meristematic dome tissue with no visible leaf primordia. A simple nutrient medium composed of the Murashige and Skoog salt mixture, 100 mg/liter myo-inositol, 0.4 mg/liter thiamin-HCl, 1-2 mg/liter IAA, 30 g/liter sucrose, and 1% agar was adequate. Histologically there occurred principally tissue enlargement during the first 3-6 days, followed by appearance of bipolar organization in 6-9 days and formation of a well-defined root apex and initiation of first leaf primordium by 12 days.  相似文献   

The duration of mitosis and the cell cycle were determined for defined cell populations of the shoot apical meristem of Ceratopteris thalictroides Brong. by using the colchicine-induced metaphase accumulation technique. The results indicate that the apical cell is mitotically active and cycles at an apparently greater frequency than the cells of subjacent populations. Duration of mitosis was similar for all cells of the meristem. These results are correlated with mitotic indices of control apices, the geometry of the apex, and the mean number of cells in the meristem. Shoot apices from adult plants were examined to determine mitotic indices within the meristem; mitotic activity was again noted for the apical cell. These results contradict recent proposals that the pteridophyte apical cell serves as a unicellular quiescent center which lacks histogenic potential and offer experimental support for the classical concept of apical cell function in those fern shoot meristems which terminate in a single apical cell.  相似文献   

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