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中国北亚热带油橄榄(城固32)开花生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究北亚热带内陆地区油橄榄(Olea europaea L.)开花物候、开花样式及花器官特征,探讨其有性繁殖系统的特点。试验对西秦岭南坡地区油橄榄(城固32)的开花生物学进行研究,统计开花进程,雄花和两性花在花序上的着生位置和数量,测定雄花和两性花形态指标并切片观察,电镜扫描分析雄花与两性花花粉粒。结果表明:(1)在北亚热带北缘内陆气候条件下油橄榄花期集中在5月,单株花期15~20 d,盛花期持续4~6 d;(2)油橄榄具有雄全同株的性系统且花器官较小,雄花及两性花都具有正常发育的雄蕊。通过制作石蜡切片观察,发现两性花的雌蕊正常发育,而雄花只有较小的子房和败育的柱头;(3)雌蕊是两种花型花器官生物量差异的主要部位,两性花雌蕊的生物量明显比雄花大(P<0.01),树体分化出雄花投入的资源更少;(4)雄花与两性花在花粉量、花粉粒大小上差异不显著,在着生位置上,花序轴顶花全部为两性花,雄花出现在花序轴的中部和基部的几率分别是21.13%和30.77%。油橄榄品种城固32具有典型的雄全同株现象,雄花更倾向于在花序上出现的位置在行使它雄性功能方面并无优势可言,而且雄花花粉粒在数量、活力方面也没有优势,但是雄花的出现增加了花粉数量和P/O值,提高了植株的雄性适合度,雄花的出现也降低了两性花落花导致的树体资源浪费,保障其在资源有限的环境中能够繁殖最大化。  相似文献   

In long-lived plants, sexual expression can be highly variable in time and space. The extent to which sexual dimorphism of flowers is expressed in the same or in separate individuals, may have implications for the plants’ dependence on pollen vectors, the compatibility of the pollen received, and the potential for setting fruit. Here, we account for variability in sexual expression in the small tree Acacia caven, which produces hermaphrodite and male flowers on the same or in separate individuals. We focus on whether individual sexual expression influences fruit set, which latter has been reported to be extremely low in this species. Individual sexual expression, estimated as the hermaphrodite: male flowers ratio was variable both within and among plants across two reproductive seasons. Though male flower production could be very high (up to 99% of the flowers), all trees produced both flower types within the same individual, thus confirming andromonoecy in this species. More interestingly, hermaphrodite: male flowers ratio had a negative effect on fruit set. This pattern was consistent across two reproductive seasons and suggests that maleness should favor female function. Similar trends found in other plant species with the same sexual system support the hypothesis that male flowers of andromonoecious species may contribute to reduce self-pollen interference compared with hermaphrodite flowers. By favoring the deposition of compatible pollen grains and increasing fruit set, maleness would then help to maintain andromonoecy in this and other andromonoecious species.  相似文献   

I describe patterns of sex allocation and gamete packaging in the andromonoecious lily Zigadenus paniculatus. In this species, pistil length was continuously, but bimodally, distributed within plants, and smaller pistils contained fewer mature ovules. In hermaphrodite flowers, ovule number per flower increased with blooming rank in small plants but decreased with blooming rank in large plants. Flowers with pistils less than three-fourths stamen length almost never produced fruits and were classified as males. The pedicel, tepals, stamens, and pistil of hermaphrodite flowers were all heavier than those of males. Hermaphrodite flowers were concentrated on the terminal raceme, males on the lower racemes. In combination with acropetal blooming, this spatial separation of flower types resulted in a seasonal decline in the proportion of open flowers that were hermaphrodite. However, individual flowers were protandrous, so that the population sex ratio, initially strongly male-biased, declined as the season progressed. Hand pollinations showed that plants were self-incompatible. Inflorescence size was positively correlated with bulb size, and plants with large inflorescences had a higher proportion of male flowers. Nutrient supplementation had no effect on inflorescence size, but increased the proportion of hermaphrodite flowers. Nutrient-supplemented plants also began blooming earlier than controls. I discuss these patterns in relation to the adaptive significance of andromonoecious breeding systems.  相似文献   

The flowers of Silene littorea may be female or hermaphrodite, and an individual may show any of three sexual phenotypes: female-flowers-only, hermaphroditeflowers-only, or mixed-type. We estimated the relative frequencies and fruit sets of each flower type and each sexual phenotype in eleven S. littorea populations in northwest Spain. For all plants and sites combined, 18% of flowers were female and 82% hermaphrodite. Individuals either had only female flowers (6%), only hermaphrodite flowers (43%), or had both flower types (51%). The relative frequencies of female and hermaphrodite flowers, and of sexual phenotypes, vaned among populations. There was no significant effect of flower sex on its probability of setting fruit. Differences among individual plants within populations had the most prominent role in explaining variation among flowers in probability of setting fruit, while population and its interaction with flower sex had a negligible and nonsignificant influence. Mean fruit set per plant did not differ significantly between sexual phenotypes. Neither population nor its interaction with sexual phenotype accounted for significant amounts of between-plant variance in fruit set.  相似文献   

何爽  谭敦炎 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1652-1660
新疆阿魏是特产于我国新疆的伞形科阿魏属多年生一次结实草本植物,属于国家二级保护的濒危植物。其种群中除了该科植物典型的雄全同株个体以外,还具有一定数量雄性不育的雌株。为了探究新疆阿魏的雄性不育现象及其影响因素,该文从细胞形态学角度对种群中的雌株以及雌花的形态特征进行了观测,采用石蜡切片技术对功能性雌花雄蕊的花药败育过程进行了观察。结果表明:(1)雌株3月底萌动,4月中旬进入花期,5月底果实成熟;物候期与雄全同株个体相同。(2)植株高度(71.00±10.92) cm和直径(71.67±17.64) cm、一级分支(23.83±2.04);基生叶长(33.41±11.63) cm、宽(24.47±8.60) cm;在植株大小、基生叶大小等方面雌株与雄全同株个体无差异。(3)在雌株上,一级分支和二级分支均为雌花序,均可结实;雌花序的伞幅数/每复伞花序(13.22±4.70)、花数/每花序(12.03±2.30)、总花数/每复伞花序(159.08)均高于两性花序;雌株比雄全同株个体产生更多可结实的花,形成更多具有杂种优势的异交后代。(4)雌花序中,花排列紧密,花间距小于两性花序和雄花序;开花时...  相似文献   

开花植物性系统特征是植物在长期适应进化过程中逐渐形成的繁殖策略, 它在一定程度上影响了物种的种群结构及其在生境中的分布格局, 因此性系统特征一直是植物进化与生态学领域的研究热点。本研究于2012年和2020年在吉林省金川泥炭沼泽湿地, 通过样地调查取样的方法, 研究了湿地植物大花百合(Lilium concolor var. megalanthum)的性系统特征以及不同性别表型植株的比例、密度及空间分布格局, 并探究了大花百合植株个体大小和其性别表达的联系, 比较了不同性别表型的花粉实际可育性和来源不同的花粉授粉处理结实后的种子活力。结果显示, 个体水平上, 大花百合具有雄花植株、两性花植株和雄花两性花同株(即雄全同株) 3种性表型; 种群水平上, 具有雄花的个体充当父本, 通过花粉向下一代传递基因, 而具有两性花的个体主要充当母本, 通过胚珠实现基因的传递。2020年大花百合雄花植株占种群内开花植株的39.14%, 相比2012年雄花植株比例增加了22.80%; 大花百合种群分布密度为0.06株/m2, 较2012年下降了0.09株/m2。从2012年到2020年, 总体表现为种群密度降低, 雄花植株相对比例增加的趋势。两性花植株和雄花植株在小尺度范围主要呈聚集分布, 随着尺度增大, 趋于随机分布。雄花植株显著小于两性花植株, 但鳞茎资源分配显著高于两性花植株。大花百合植株的性表达遵循大小依赖的性分配假说: 个体较小的植株表达为雄花植株, 而个体较大的植株则为两性花植株或雄全同株。在不同授粉处理下的结籽率和种子萌发结果表明, 大花百合自花授粉结籽率和坐果率显著低于异花授粉, 雄花植株和两性花植株花粉可育性以及对两性花植株授粉后所获得种子活力无显著差异。大花百合雄花植株的出现可能是对有限环境资源条件适应的结果, 反映了湿地条件下该植物在生长和繁殖资源之间的权衡策略, 在长期的湿地演变过程中, 这种性系统特征的出现具有一定的适应性意义。  相似文献   

Krupnick  Gary A.  Weis  Arthur E. 《Plant Ecology》1998,134(2):151-162
Flower-feeding insects may influence the reproductive behavior of their host plant. In plants with labile sex expression, the ratio of maternal to paternal investment may change in response to damage, an effect that goes beyond the direct reduction of plant gametes. We examined the effects of floral herbivory by the beetle Meligethes rufimanus (Nitidulidae) on the ratio of hermaphroditic flowers to male flowers in an andromonoecious shrub, Isomeris arborea (Capparaceae) in southern California. Plants exposed to herbivory had a greater rate of flower bud abortion than those protected from herbivory. Exposed plants produced a greater proportion of hermaphroditic flowers to male flowers, although damaged inflorescences still produced fewer fruit. An additional manipulative experiment showed that the removal of pistils on inflorescences led to an increase in the proportion of hermaphroditic flowers. This suggests that the presence of fruit may lead to pistil suppression in developing flowers. Adaptive responses to herbivory which favor andromonoecy thus include the continued production of hermaphroditic flowers when floral damage is high (and hence low fruit set), and a switch to male flower production when floral damage is low (and fruit production increases). The consequences of an altered six ratio induced by insect herbivores may lead to indirect effects on both the male and female reproductive success of this plant.  相似文献   

在雌雄同株植物中, 花性别被认为是两性资源分配对环境条件的响应, 了解个体性别随时间的变化对探讨植物性系统的变异有重要意义。早春短命植物新疆郁金香(Tulipa sinkiangensis)多为两性花居群, 前期调查显示一些居群由雄花和两性花构成。为了探讨新疆郁金香雄花的发生与变化, 我们连续7年对一个居群的花性别及其变化动态进行了跟踪。结果显示: (1)该居群主要是由一朵花植株和两朵花植株构成, 分别占居群植株总数的74.5%和23.0%。两种性别的花随机分布在不同类型的单株上, 形成了以两性花植株为主, 含有雄株、雄花与两性花同株(andromonoecy)的居群结构。(2)雄花相对较小, 子房退化, 无胚珠发育, 在植株或居群中花期较晚出现。与相同大小的两性花相比, 雄花在单花花粉量、花粉败育率、花粉粒大小及形态、雄性功能等方面没有差异。(3) 7年间, 雄花在居群中的比例经历了2011-2014年间的显著下降(23.4-3.1%)和2015-2017年间相对稳定的零星分布(1.5-1.0%)两个阶段。居群中一朵花植株数量和两朵花植株数量在年份间呈波动性变化。(4)雄花的出现可能是植株受自身资源状况及环境条件等因素的影响在花性别选择上作出的可塑性反应。  相似文献   

Summary Individual plants in gynodioecious populations ofPhacelia linearis (Hydrophyllaceae) vary in flower gender, flower size, and flower number. This paper reports the effects of variation in floral display on the visitation behaviour of this species' pollinators (mainly pollen-collecting solitary bees) in several natural and three experimental plant populations, and discusses the results in terms of the consequences for plant fitness. The working hypotheses were: (1) that because female plants do not produce pollen, pollen-collecting insects would visit hermaphrodite plants at a higher rate than female plants and would visit more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female; and (2) that pollinator arrival rate would increase with flower size and flower number, the two main components of visual display. These hypotheses were generally supported, but the effects of floral display on pollinator visitation varied substantially among plant populations. Hermaphrodites received significantly higher rates of pollinator arrivals and significantly higher rates of visits to flowers than did females in all experimental populations. Flower size affected arrival rate and flower visit rate positively in natural populations and in two of the three experimental populations. The flower size effect was significant only among female plants in one experimental population, and only among hermaphrodites in another. The effect of flower number on arrival rate was positive and highly significant in natural populations and in all experimental populations. In two out of three experimental populations, insects visited significantly more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female and visited more flowers on many-flowered plants than on few-flowered plants, but neither effect was detected in the third experimental population. Because seed production is not pollen-limited in this species, variation in pollinator visitation behaviour should mainly affect the male reproductive success of hermaphrodite plants. These findings suggest that pollinator-mediated natural selection for floral display inP. linearis varies in space and time.  相似文献   

郭金  杨小艳  邓洪平 《植物学报》2017,52(2):202-209
已有的资料将柃木属(Eurya)描述为严格的雌雄异株植物, 性别变异现象极为少见。目前仅在柃木(E. japonica)和钝叶柃(E. obtusifolia)等少数种类中报道过两性花的存在。近几年笔者发现细枝柃(E. loquaiana)存在性别变异现象, 性别变异株上具有不同性别类型的花。该文从单花和植株水平分析了细枝柃的性别表达特性, 并对不同类型花的花部构件生物量分配进行比较分析。结果表明, 细枝柃具有6种类型的花, 从单花水平上看, 细枝柃性别有雌性、雄性及两性3种类型; 细枝柃性别在植株水平上体现较为复杂, 有雌株, 雄株, 雌花和两性花同株, 雄花和两性花同株, 雌雄异花同株及雌花、雄花、两性花同株6种类型; 在细枝柃花部构件生物量分配中, 雄花(包括雄株花和变异株雄花)花部构件生物量分配中雄蕊生物量的分配低于雌花(包括雌株花和变异株雌花)中雌蕊生物量的分配; 两性花中, 雄蕊生物量分配低于雌蕊, 这是其优化资源分配的手段, 进而获取最大适合度收益。  相似文献   

Intrapopulational variation in biomass allocation to male vs. female function was quantified for the hermaphroditic plant Ipomopsis aggregata in terms applicable to sex allocation models. The proportions of flower biomass put into the corolla and calyx averaged 0.59 and 0.20 and were relatively constant across plants. The proportions in the stamens and pistil averaged 0.13 and 0.08, with considerable variation among plants. Phenotypic gender at the time of flowering ranged from 0.34 to 0.77 female. Pistil dry weight was correlated with stigma exsertion. Stamen weight was correlated with corolla width, which influences male pollination success, and was also correlated with anther position and pollen production. Female reproductive success as estimated by seeds per flower showed no detectable relationship with initial allocation of biomass at the time of flowering, but decreased in accelerating fashion with the proportion of final biomass including seeds that was allocated to male function.  相似文献   

The bulbous geophyte Fritillaria montana is partially self‐compatible and capable of switching gender. Small flowering plants produce only single male flowers, but larger plants produce hermaphrodite or, rarely, male and hermaphrodite flowers. Eight populations in peninsular Italy were sampled to determine the frequency and size distributions of male and hermaphrodite plants, and to determine the relationship of plant size to male and hermaphrodite flower production. Male plants were significantly smaller than hermaphrodites and made up 14.5–47.8% (100% in one small population) of flowering plants within populations. There were no significant differences in male fitness among female‐sterile and hermaphrodite flowers, as they both possessed full and comparable fertilizing power. Therefore, the gender variation observed in F. montana is likely to depend on resource‐dependent sex allocation. From an evolutionary perspective, we highlight the occurrence of similar mechanisms of gender variation in other representatives of the order Liliales. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 323–333.  相似文献   

簇花芹(Soranthus meyeri)是古尔班通古特沙漠中常见的、具雄全同株性系统的伞形科多年生早春短命植物。该文对簇花芹花期性比(两性花数/总花数)与植株大小的关系及其开花式样进行了研究, 重点对花期大小依赖的性别资源分配进行了讨论。结果表明: 2006-2008年簇花芹群体水平的性比分别为0.69 ± 0.03、0.62 ± 0.03和0.69 ± 0.02, 彼此间无显著差异( p > 0.05), 表明其性比是相对稳定的, 可能受遗传因素的控制。雄花生物量与花粉量均比两性花的小, 说明产生雄花比产生两性花所需资源少。一级复伞形花序比二级复伞形花序具有较多的两性花, 说明前者易从植株上获得资源用于增加雌性适合度; 而后者产生较多的雄花以避免在雌性功能上资源投入的浪费, 增大花展示以吸引更多传粉者来增加花粉输出总量, 提高其整体适合度。植株水平的性比与地上营养器官的生物量间呈正相关关系, 说明较大个体对雌性功能的投资较大, 雌性繁殖成功受资源限制。复伞形花序内各伞形花序几乎同时向心开放, 且所有两性花及花序均为雄性先熟, 雌雄阶段完全分离, 但一级复伞形花序比二级复伞形花序早开放约5天, 彼此开花重叠期约为1天。这些特征对于一级复伞形花序进行异株异花授粉以及植株内不同级别花序间的同株异花传粉、避免雌雄功能间的干扰具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Andromonoecy is hypothesized to evolve as a mechanism enabling plants to independently allocate resources to female and male function. If staminate flower production is a mechanism to regulate allocation to female function (i.e., fruit production), then large-fruited species should be more strongly andromonoecious than smaller-fruited taxa because more resources are required to mature large fruit. We combined phylogenetically independent contrast analyses with extensive phenotypic characterization under common greenhouse conditions to examine the predicted relationship between fruit mass and the strength of andromonoecy among 13 species in Solanum sections Acanthophora and Lasiocarpa. The strength of andromonoecy, defined as the proportion of staminate flowers produced within inflorescences, was significantly and positively associated with fruit mass in both na?ve and phylogenetically independent analyses. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that andromonoecy functions as a mechanism to regulate allocation to female function and suggest that the strength of andromonoecy is also associated with resource limitation. In general, we find that strong andromonoecy appears to arise via reductions in hermaphroditic flower number. However, increases in staminate flowers have also contributed to transitions to strong andromonoecy in certain species. Finally, our analyses identified a suite of correlated characters (flower size, ovary width, fruit mass) that are associated with changes in the sexual expression of andromonoecy.  相似文献   

In olive (Olea europaea L.), the formation of functionally staminate flowers rather than fully functional hermaphrodites is one of the major factors limiting fruit set, as flowers with aborted pistils are incapable of producing fruit. Studies conducted on various angiosperm species have shown a correlation between flower abortion and starch content. Thus, it is important to know if starch content plays a role in regulating pistil development in olive and if so, what mechanism regulates starch distribution. Cyto-histological observations of staminate and hermaphrodite olive flowers show that pistil development in staminate flowers is interrupted after the differentiation of the megaspore mother cell. At that stage, starch grains were only detected in the ovary, style and stigma of the hermaphrodite flowers. No starch was observed in the pistils of the staminate flowers. This finding suggests a tight correlation between starch content and pistil development. The secondary origin of starch within the flower is indicated by low chlorophyll content in the gynoecium, undetectable Rubisco activity in the pistils of these two kinds of flowers and by the ultrastructure of the plastids observed by transmission electron microscope analysis. The plastids have few thylakoid membranes and grana and in the staminate flowers appeared very similar to proplastids. Considering differences in starch content between staminate and hermaphrodite flowers and the secondary origin of the starch, differences in pistil development in the staminate and hermaphrodite flowers could be related to differences in the sink strength of these two types of flowers.  相似文献   

The evolution of large floral displays in hermaphroditic flowering plants has been attributed to natural selection acting to enhance male, rather than female, reproductive success. Proponents of the “pollen-donation hypothesis” have assumed that maternal resources, rather than levels of effective pollination, limit fruit set. We investigated the pollen-donation hypothesis in an experimental population of poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata, where effective pollination did not limit fruit set. Specifically, we examined the effects of flower number per plant, and flower number per umbel on male reproductive success (number of fruits sired) and female reproductive success (number of fruits matured). In 1990, a paternity analysis was performed on fruits collected from 53 plants whose inflorescences were not manipulated. Flower number per plant was significantly correlated with male success, but not with plant gender. Flower number per plant was also significantly correlated with female success, but umbel number and stem number per plant together explained more than half (58%) the variation in female success. The percentage of fruit set was not significantly correlated with flower number per plant. Plants with large floral displays did not disproportionately increase in male reproductive success, relative to female success, as predicted by the pollen-donation hypothesis. In 1991, the effect of flower number per umbel on male and female reproductive success was investigated. Flower number per umbel was manipulated on four umbels per plant by removing flowers to leave 6, 12, or 18 flowers in each umbel. Plants with the largest umbels effectively pollinated twice as many flowers on other plants, but produced only 1.35 times as many fruits as plants with 6 and 12 flowers per umbel. Relative maleness of plants with large umbels was nearly twice that of small and medium umbels. Although these observations are consistent with the pollen-donation hypothesis at the level of umbels, they are problematic, because much of the variation in flower number per umbel exists within, rather than among, plants in natural populations. Thus, plants consist of both reproductively male (large) and female (small) inflorescences, which act to increase total reproductive success. It is therefore inappropriate to explain the evolution of large floral displays in milkweeds solely in terms of potential male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Flowering plant density can increase number of visits and fruit set in multi-flowering plants, however this aspect has not been studied on few flower species. We studied the effects of individual floral display and plant density on the fruit production of the epiphytic, moth-pollinated orchid, Ryncholaelia glauca, in an oak forest of Chavarrillo, Veracruz, Mexico. Species is non-autogamous, and produced one flower per flowering shoot each flowering season. We hypothesized that orchids with more flowering shoots and those on trees with clumps of conspecific should develop more fruits than isolated ones. R. glauca population flowers synchronouly, and individual flowers last up to 18 days, with flowers closing rapidly after pollination. Individuals produced few flowers per year, although some plants developed flowers in both seasons and fewer of them developed fruits both years. There was no relationship between flower number per orchid, or per host tree, with the number of fruits developed per plant. Host trees with flowering and fruiting orchids were randomly dispersed and the pattern of distribution of flowering and fruiting plants was not related. Apparently, pollinators visit the flowers randomly, with no evidence of density dependence. The fruit set of R. glauca was as low as fruit set of multi-flowered orchids moth pollinated, suggesting that fruit set on moth pollinated orchids could be independent of the number of flowers displayed.  相似文献   

Herrera  Javier 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(2):219-225
In Tuberaria guttata, petal length, ovule number, and seeds per capsule raised steeply with increasing plant size (respectively, in the ranges 6-11 mm, 40-100, and 20-80), while the number of stamens varied relatively little (14-20). All flowers set fruit, and the rates of embryo abortion were independent of plant size and low on average. Individual fecundities had a markedly right-skewed frequency distribution (in the ranges 1-20 capsules and 20-1500 seeds per plant), which issued not only from plant size and flower production being positively correlated, but also from per-flower ovule numbers being directly proportional to plant size. Correlated variation of plant and ovary sizes amplified among-plant inequalities regarding fecundity; allowed larger plants to set ca. 50% more seed than expected on the basis of flower number only; and caused the slope of the size-fecundity relationship to be considerably steeper (at the population level) than if ovule number was a fixed trait. Corolla, ovary and androecium plasticity in Tuberaria are discussed in terms of environmental effects and developmental constraints.  相似文献   

Abstract: The proportions of hermaphrodite to staminate flowers in inflorescences of the andromonoecious species Caesalpinb calycina vary. Analysis of fruit position along the flowering rhachis, and also of the sex of floral buds in inflorescences with fruits set in different positions, indicate that fruiting success influences the sex of flowers in distal positions along the rhachis. Other reports of andromonoecy in caesalpinoid species are examined with reference to floral sex lability and the influence of fruit set.  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of sexual expression show extensive interspecific variation in the strength of andromonoecy (proportions of hermaphroditic and staminate flowers) among Solanum species in the monophyletic section Lasiocarpa. The roles of phenotypic plasticity and inter- and intra-inflorescence architecture in the diversification of andromonoecy within this small clade were analyzed. Four species that represent a range of expression of andromonoecy were examined. Staminate flowers produced within inflorescences ranged from 3% (S. candidum) to 7% (S. ferox) in weakly andromonoecious species and from 39% (S. pseudolulo) to 60% (S. quitoense) in more strongly andromonoecious species. Manipulation of fruit set on clonal replicates of multiple genotypes demonstrated variation among species for phenotypic plasticity. The strongly andromonoecious species, S. pseudolulo and S. quitoense, were not plastic and produced a large proportion of staminate flowers regardless of fruiting treatment, whereas S. candidum and S. ferox were phenotypically plastic and produced significantly more staminate flowers in the presence of developing fruit. Staminate flower production of all four species varied both within and among inflorescences. A greater proportion of staminate flowers were produced in distal (later produced) inflorescences. Within inflorescences, hermaphroditic flowers occurred in basal positions, whereas staminate flowers, when produced, occurred more distally. This pattern of staminate flower production is qualitatively the same in all species investigated; however, quantitative variation in the transition from hermaphroditic to staminate flower production within and among inflorescences is associated with variation in the strength of andromonoecy. At least three factors have contributed to the diversification of andromonoecy in section Lasiocarpa including the presence or absence of phenotypic plasticity in response to fruit set, quantitative variation in intra- and inter-inflorescence architectural effects, and total flower production.  相似文献   

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