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The hypothesis that mycorrhizal colonization improves the soil–root conductance in plants was experimentally tested in a growth chamber using pot cultures of Agrostis stolonifera L. colonized by Glomus intraradices. Plants were grown in 50-l pots filled with autoclaved sand/silt soil (1:1), with and without the mycorrhizal fungus. Within the mycorrhizal treatment, half of the pots remained well watered, while the other half was subjected to a progressive water deficit. Soil water potential (estimated as plant water potential measured at the end of the dark period), xylem water potential measured at the tiller base, transpiration rate, and soil water content were monitored throughout the experiment. Soil–root hydraulic conductance was estimated as the ratio between the instantaneous transpiration rate and the soil and xylem water potential difference. To obtain cultures with similar nutritional status, the P in the modified Hoagland’s nutrient solution was withheld from the inoculated pots and applied only once a month. Even though there were no differences on growth or nutrient status for the mycorrhizal treatments, water transport was enhanced by the inoculum presence. Transpiration rate was maintained at lower xylem water potential values in the presence of mycorrhizae. The analysis of the relationship between soil–root hydraulic resistance and soil water content showed that mycorrhizal colonization increased soil–root hydraulic conductance as the soil dried. For these growing conditions, this effect was ascribed to the range of 6–10%.  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid zones of world, the majority of annual rainfall or irrigation water is lost due to high evaporation from the soil. The amount of available water in soil can be increased by surface mulching. However, the effect varies with soils, climate and kind of mulch material used. Some physiological and biochemical parameters of two olive cultivars (‘Konservolea’ and ‘Manzanilla’) as affected by different water-retention additives (organic, chemical and mineral mulches and hydrogel) and two amounts of irrigation water were studied in pot experiments during 2013. Water stress affects plant water relations and photosynthesis and caused oxidative stress in olive. Our results confirmed that water-retention additives partly mitigated the adverse effects of water stress on olive restoring most of the measured parameters similar to those of control unstressed plants. Mulching treatment enhanced antioxidative defenses and reduced water deficit-induced oxidative damage in olive compared to zero mulching treatment. The results indicated that de-oiled olive pomace mulch and pistachio shell mulch—as new mulch materials—proved to be very effective for soil water conservation under arid conditions. It can be concluded that water management through mulch application can strongly influence the cultivar response to water deficit.  相似文献   

Cities are recognised as key players in global adaptation and mitigation efforts because the majority of people live in cities. However, in Europe, which is highly urbanized and one of the most advanced regions in terms of environmental policies, there is considerable diversity in the regional distribution, ambition and scope of climate change responses. This paper explores potential factors contributing to such diversity in 200 large and medium-sized cities across 11 European countries. We statistically investigate institutional, socio-economic, environmental and vulnerability characteristics of cities as potential drivers of or barriers to the development of urban climate change plans. Our results show that factors such as membership of climate networks, population size, GDP per capita and adaptive capacity act as drivers of mitigation and adaptation plans. By contrast, factors such as the unemployment rate, warmer summers, proximity to the coast and projected exposure to future climate impacts act as barriers. We see that, overall, it is predominantly large and prosperous cities that engage in climate planning, while vulnerable cities and those at risk of severe climate impacts in the future are less active. Our analysis suggests that climate change planning in European cities is not proactive, i.e. not significantly influenced by anticipated future impacts. Instead, we found that the current adaptive capacity of a city significantly relates to climate planning. Along with the need to further explore these relations, we see a need for more economic and institutional support for smaller and less resourceful cities and those at high risk from climate change impacts in the future.  相似文献   

Data sharing has become an important issue in modern biodiversity research to address large scale questions. Despite the steadily growing scientific demand, data are not easily accessed. Why is this the case? This study explores the reasons for the reluctance to share data on the one hand and the motivations for sharing on the other by summarising results from > 60 interviews and > 700 survey participants within the biodiversity science community. As result, there is a clear commitment to share biodiversity data, but also a reluctance to actually do so due to a mixture of social and technical impediments, such as loss of control over data and lack of professional reward for sharing. This exploratory study summarises the formal and technical requirements for data sharing and reuse, stated by voluntarily participating scientists worldwide. To ensure sustainable data use, user friendly data infrastructure have to be expanded or newly designed, data management plans for all scientific investigations have to be promoted, training for the users has to be provided and motivational aspects at all stages of data submission and re-use have to be considered.  相似文献   

It is postulated that there is a causal relationship between mechanical stimulus and the rate of bone healing post fracture. However, despite numerous experimental studies in the literature, no quantifiable relationship has been proposed. It is hypothesized in the present study that the temporal rate of bone fracture healing, measured in terms of callus stiffening per week, can be described mathematically based on the relative motions between bone fragments at the initial stage of the healing process. To test this, a comparative reanalysis of experimental data found in the literature was conducted. These individual data sets described a relationship between an initial intermittently applied peak interfragmentary strain and the change in interfragmentary motion or the increase in callus stiffness over time. The data were converted into a relative increase in stiffness, which normalised the results and reduced inter-study variability. The rates of healing for the various initial strains were compared, and based on this a mathematical phenomenological model was derived. Error analyses were then performed, which showed a high level of congruence between the in-vivo and simulated rates of healing. The results of the comparative analysis revealed that there is a positive correlation between the rate of callus stiffening and interfragmentary strain. Finally, the proposed model has shown for the first time that a quantifiable cause–and–effect relationship exists between the rate of bone healing and mechanical stimulus.  相似文献   

The investigations of habitat conditions on the variability of selected population features in the two invasive, annuals with different life-history traits were conducted in the years 2008–2010, in the Polish part of the Carpathian Mountains in communities characterized by the gradual decrease of light availability. The individuals of Impatiens glandulifera were surveyed along roadsides, in willow thickets, as well as inside and along the edges of the riparian forest, whereas the individuals of Bidens frondosa were observed in riverside gravels characterized by a different species composition. Each year, the number and density of individuals (stems) occurring in the particular sites were examined, as well as the height and the fruit production in 30 randomly chosen stems were surveyed. Moreover, the number of seeds per fruit, the diaspore dimensions and the seedling recruitment in laboratory conditions were examined during each season. As the values of height of individuals, number of fruits per stem, number of seeds per fruit, as well as the seedling abundance in some groups were not consistent with the normal distribution and the variances were not homogeneous, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used in statistical analyses. Much greater number and density of individuals of Impatiens glandulifera were found in riparian forest, than in willow thickets and along the roadsides. In all sites the number and density of individuals increased steadily in consecutive seasons. The great number and density of Bidens frondosa individuals observed in shady and partly shady sites during the first year of studies raised in the second year and subsequently dramatically decreased in the third season. The lowest number and density of individuals noted in the first season in unshaded site raised substantially in subsequent years. The height of stems, as well as seed and fruit production of both taxa diminished with a decrease of height of neighboring plants. The seed dimensions presented the spatial and temporal variability, whereas the number of seedlings among consecutive years and in successive sites did not differ. The considerable height of the individuals of Impatiens glandulifera, high production of large fruits and seeds in open and dry roadside areas can contribute to more effective ballistic dissemination, while substantial seedling recruitment enables the colonization of new, perhaps more advantageous sites. On the other hand, lower individual height, as well as fruit and seed production and considerable seedling emergence allow the population to last and to gradually extend the area in forest communities. The considerable abundance of the high-statured Bidens frondosa individuals, substantial production of large capitula and achenes contribute to long persistence of populations in open and sun-lit sites. The gradually decrease in the height of the stems, achene number and size observed in partly-shaded and shaded places might allow to long-distance dispersal of seeds by animals, while substantial seedling recruitment might contribute to establishment in new areas.  相似文献   

Restoration of wetlands is a high priority world-wide. Peat extraction areas can be restored by rewetting, however affecting the environment. It could be expected to turn the drained peat-cutover area from a source to a sink of most elements. This study examined effects of such rewetting on peat, hydrology and water chemistry over 15 years at two sites in Sweden; the nutrient-poor Porla peatland and the nutrient-rich Västkärr peatland. Rewetting caused minor changes to peat chemistry, but at the Västkärr site ammonium concentrations increased in superficial peat layers while nitrate decreased. In terms of hydrology, rewetting of the Porla site decreased annual runoff and both high and low discharges. Water pH at the Porla site stayed fairly stable, but at the Västkärr site pH, after an initial 4 years dip, gradually increased to higher values than before rewetting. Water colour and organic matter content were fairly stable, but slightly lower values were found after 15 years than in initial 4–5 years. The concentrations of base cations and of inorganic N were lower after rewetting, while total P was higher. However, these impacts could change from an initial phase as the wetlands in the long-term perspective develop into mires.  相似文献   

Gerhard Maier 《Hydrobiologia》1990,203(3):165-175
The embryonic and postembryonic development times, time interval between clutches, and longevity of two common cyclopoid copepods — Eucyclops serrulatus and Cyclops strenuus — were studied at constant temperatures (5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25 °C), using algae and protozoans as food. Both, E. serrulatus and C. strenuus showed a considerable temperature tolerance and adaptability. Embryonic development times were similar in both species but postembryonic development times were shorter in E. serrulatus. Time intervals between successive clutches were relatively variable at all temperatures in both species. Longevity was shorter in E. serrulatus than in C. strenuus. The embryonic and postembryonic development of E. serrulatus was short relative to that of littoral copepods; the development of C. strenuus was similar or shorter than that of other species of the genus Cyclops.  相似文献   

The members of the CRF peptide family, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), urocortin I (Ucn I), urocortin II (Ucn II) and urocortin III (Ucn III) coordinate endocrine and behavioral responses to stress. CRF has also been demonstrated to stimulate dopamine (DA) synthesis.In our study, a superfusion system was used to investigate the effects of this peptide family on striatal DA release following electrical stimulation. The involvement of the CRF receptors was studied by pretreatment of rat striatal slices with selective CRF antagonists. CRF and Ucn I increased the release of [3H]DA while Ucn II and Ucn III were ineffective. The CRFR1 antagonist antalarmin inhibited the [3H]DA release induced by electrical stimulation and enhanced by CRF and Ucn I. The CRFR2 antagonist astressin-2B was ineffective.These results suggest that CRF and Ucn I mediate DA release through the activation of CRFR1. Ucn II and Ucn III are not involved in this process.Special Issue Dedicated to Miklós Palkovits.  相似文献   

Two Chinese cultivars of Glycine max, namely Heidou and Jindou, were exposed to ambient and supplemental levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation simulating a 24% depletion in stratospheric ozone over a 9-week growing period at an outdoor experimental site. Enhanced UV-B irradiation significantly reduced leaf, stem and root biomass, and plant height in the Heidou cultivar. These changes were associated with a diminished photosynthetic (net CO2) rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and water use efficiency, and accompanied by decreased foliar chlorophyll a and b, and total carotenoid concentrations and elevated foliar flavonoid levels. In contrast, the Jindou cultivar displayed only a significantly reduced stem mass and stomatal conductance, but no changes in pigment composition under elevated UV-B. The greater tolerance of elevated UV-B exposures by the Jindou cultivar was attributed partly to its higher foliar flavonoid content, smaller leaf size, thicker leaf cuticle and scabrous (hairy) lamina. Nevertheless both the Heidou cultivar and the less UV-B sensitive Jindou cultivar displayed an altered carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in their tissues following exposure to elevated UV-B. Such carbon isotope composition changes in plant tissues suggested a means of early detection of photosynthetic disruption in plants with anticipated increase in UV-B due to stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   

This review describing the role of P2Y receptors in neuropathological conditions focuses on obvious differences between results demonstrating either a role in neuroprotection or in neurodegeneration, depending on in vitro and in vivo models. Such critical juxtaposition puts special emphasis on discussions of beneficial and detrimental effects of P2Y receptor agonists and antagonists in these models. The mechanisms reported to underlie the protection in vitro include increased expression of oxidoreductase genes, like carbonyl reductase and thioredoxin reductase; increased expression of inhibitor of apoptosis protein-2; extracellular signal-regulated kinase- and Akt-mediated antiapoptotic signaling; increased expression of Bcl-2 proteins, neurotrophins, neuropeptides, and growth factors; decreased Bax expression; non-amyloidogenic APP shedding; and increased neurite outgrowth in neuronal cells. Animal studies investigating the influence of P2Y receptors in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) models for stroke prove beneficial effects of P2Y receptor antagonists. In MCAO mice and rats, the application of broad-range P2 receptor antagonists decreased the infarct volume and improved neurological outcome. Moreover, antagonists of the P2Y1 receptor, one of the most abundant P2Y receptor subtypes in brain tissue, decreased neuronal loss and improved spatial memory in rats after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Currently available data show a discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo models concerning the benefits of P2Y receptor activation in pathological conditions. In vitro models demonstrate protection by P2Y receptor agonists, but in vivo P2Y receptor activation deteriorates the outcome after MCAO and controlled cortical impact brain injury, a TBI model. To broaden the scope of the review, we additionally discuss publications that demonstrate detrimental effects of P2Y receptor agonists in vitro and publications showing protective effects of agonists in vivo. All these studies help to better understand the significant role of P2Y receptors especially in stroke models and to develop pharmacological strategies for the treatment of stroke.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Parental Care”.Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common complication following childbirth experienced by one in every five new mothers. Although the neural basis of PPD remains unknown, previous research in rats has shown that gestational stress, a risk factor for PPD, induces depressive-like behavior during the postpartum period. Moreover, the effect of gestational stress on postpartum mood is accompanied by structural modifications within the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)–limbic regions that have been linked to PPD. Mothers diagnosed with PPD are often prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant medications and yet little is known about their effects in models of PPD. Thus, here we investigated whether postpartum administration of Citalopram, an SSRI commonly used to treat PPD, would ameliorate the behavioral and morphological consequences of gestational stress. In addition, we examined the effects of gestational stress and postpartum administration of Citalopram on structural plasticity within the basolateral amygdala (BLA) which together with the mPFC and NAc forms a circuit that is sensitive to stress and is involved in mood regulation. Our results show that postpartum rats treated with Citalopram do not exhibit gestational stress-induced depressive-like behavior in the forced swim test. In addition, Citalopram was effective in reversing gestational stress-induced structural alterations in the postpartum NAc shell and mPFC. We also found that gestational stress increased spine density within the postpartum BLA, an effect which was not reversed by Citalopram treatment. Overall, these data highlight the usefulness of gestational stress as a valid and informative translational model for PPD. Furthermore, they suggest that structural alterations in the mPFC–NAc pathway may underlie stress-induced depressive-like behavior during the postpartum period and provide much needed information on how SSRIs may act in the maternal brain to treat PPD.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic, tetrameric NAD-linked hydrogenase from Nocardia opaca 1b can be separated in two dimeric substructures, an -dimer with NADH:electron acceptor oxidoreductase (diaphorase) activity and a -dimer which displays hydrogenase activity with artificial electron carriers. These two dimers were preparatively isolated by a FPLC Mono Q procedure in the absence of nickel and at alkaline pH values. The hydrogenase-active -dimer contained, as analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), 3.5–3.9 iron atoms and 1.3–1.7 nickel atoms per dimer molecule. EPR and Mössbauer spectra indicated the presence of a [4Fe-4S] cluster. This center turned out to be extremely labile towards oxidants. Oxidation led to irreversible convertion into a [3Fe-4S] form, thus representing an artifact and not a regulatory state of the cluster. The midpoint redox potential of the [4Fe-4S] cluster was determined to be -385 mV. Very weak EPR Ni signals of the -dimer were detectable in the oxidized as well as in the reduced state. The diaphorase-active -dimer was free of nickel and the iron content corresponded to 11.2–12.8 Fe atoms per dimer molecule. From EPR and Mössbauer measurements it was concluded that this dimer contained two [4Fe-4S] clusters, one [2Fe-2S] and one [3Fe-4S] cluster. In accordance with the results obtained for the dimer proteins, for the whole enzyme an iron content of 15.8–16.2 atoms per enzyme molecule have been determined. EPR spectra and spectrum simulations of the native hydrogenase corroborate the cluster assignments of the two dimers: in total the enzyme contains one [2Fe-2S] cluster, one [3Fe-4S] cluster and three [4Fe-4S] clusters.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine interactive and comparative effects of salinity and water stress on growth, proline accumulation, chlorophyll, carotenoid and macro nutrient content and antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POX), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in hydroponically grown maize (Zea mays L.cv DKC647) plants. Plants were treated two salt (NaCl) concentrations and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) to create water stress. The results obtained from this experiment show that high salinity reduced growth through decreasing shoot and root dry and fresh weight, chlorophyll, and carotenoid content, but PEG treatment had no significant effect on this parameters. Under NaCl and PEG 6000 treatment, uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients changed drastically. The high presence of Na+ in nutrient solution affected considerably the plant nutritional requirement, especially influencing the uptake of Ca2+ and K+, which were restricted for competition. Proline accumulation, and SOD, POX and PPO activities were increased with the increasing intensity of NaCl stress, but PEG 6000 treatment in addition to NaCl had more significant effect on this enzyme activities. These results suggest that maize plants may be increased proline content to maintain osmotic adjustment and increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes to have a better protection against active oxygen species (AOS) under salt and water stress.  相似文献   

To quantify the effects of soil temperature (Tsoil), and relative soil water content (RSWC) on soil respiration we measured CO2 soil efflux with a closed dynamic chamber in situ in the field and from soil cores in a controlled climate chamber experiment. Additionally we analysed the effect of soil acidity and fine root mass in the field. The analysis was performed on three meadow, two bare fallow and one forest sites. The influence of soil temperature on CO2 emissions was highly significant with all land-use types, except for one field campaign with continuous rain. Where soil temperature had a significant influence, the percentage of variance explained by soil temperature varied from site to site from 13–46% in the field and 35–66% in the climate chamber. Changes of soil moisture influenced only the CO2 efflux on meadow soils in field and climate chamber (14–34% explained variance), whereas on the bare soil and the forest soil there was no visible effect. The spatial variation of soil CO2 emission in the field correlated significantly with the soil pH and fine root mass, explaining up to 24% and 31% of the variability. A non-linear regression model was developed to describe soil CO2 efflux as a function of soil temperature, soil moisture, pH-value and root mass. With the model we could explain 60% of the variability in soil CO2 emission of all individual field chamber measurements. Through the model analysis we highlight the temporal influence of rain events. The model overestimated the observed fluxes during and within four hours of the last rain event. Conversely, after more than 72h without rain the model underestimated the fluxes. Between four and 72 h after rainfall, the regression model of soil CO2 emission explained up to 91% of the variance.  相似文献   

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