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The original material of Quercus undulata Torr. was collected by Edwin James on Major Long's expedition to the Rockies in 1820. The type locality was stated by Torrey as “sources of the Canadian and the Rocky Mountains.” Evidence is here adduced that the type locality is on Ute Creek, a tributary of the Canadian River, in northeastern New Mexico. The site was found to harbor Q, gambelii, Q. grisea, and numerous intermediate hybrid forms. Certain of the latter match the type of Q. undulata quite closely. The type sheet includes three elements—a branchlet regarded as the type, a twig of Q. grisea, and an isolated acorn of Q. havardii. Torrey's new species was illustrated by a figure which does not closely resemble the type, but which is more similar to Q. havardii. The acorn of Q. havardii on the type sheet must have been collected in the Texas Panhandle or western Oklahoma, where Long's party would have encountered this species. In my opinion, Torrey's figure could have been drawn from a specimen collected there, which, except for the isolated acorn, has since been lost.  相似文献   

Browne , Edward T., Jr . (U. of Kentucky, Lexington.) Morphological studies in Aletris. I. Development of the ovule, megaspores and megagametophyte of A. aurea and their connection with the systematics of the genus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(2): 143–147. Illus. 1961.—Development in a North American species of this variously classified genus has shown great similarity with the development in several genera of Hutchinson's Liliaceae-Narthecieae: Pleea, Tofieldia, Nanhecium and ∗∗∗Metaparthecium. The ovules are anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellate and arranged in 4 rows in each locule of the tricarpellate pistil. There is a hypostase and an obturator. The primary archesporial cell is hypodermal. This undergoes a division to form a wall cell and the megaspore parent cell (MPC). The megaspores usually have a linear arrangement although occasionally a T-shaped tetrad may be formed. Most frequently the chalazal megaspore functions, but rarely the one adjacent to it may enlarge instead. Megagametophyte development is of the Polygonum type. A characteristic narrowed chalazal constriction is formed during the development of the megagametophyte. It is recommended on the basis of this information that Aletris be classified with the genera of the Liliaceae-Narthecieae.  相似文献   

C. NIVEN 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):61-66
Species worldwide are threatened due to various factors including habitat transformation and degradation. The Gurney's Sugarbird Promerops gurneyi is a bird species endemic to southern Africa. It is a nectarivorous species that is highly dependent on Protea woodland areas in the eastern parts of southern Africa and makes seasonal migrations between these localities. Although many of these habitats have been destroyed by human development activities, the start of commercial Protea farms in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands may provide alternative habitat and year-round food resources for sugarbirds. Presence/absence of Gurney's Sugarbird on seven KwaZulu-Natal Protea farms were recorded monthly for one year (2006–2007) and compared to past distributions from 1980 and 1992. Sugarbirds were found to be resident for the entire year on some farms and breeding. The total distribution of Gurney's Sugarbird has extended with the development of Protea farms, as has its seasonal distribution and its breeding range. Our results also highlight the reliance that sugarbirds have on Protea whether indigenous or exotic species. More research on the interactions between Gurney's Sugarbirds and the commercial Protea farms is needed.  相似文献   

In northeastern Iowa and southwestern Wisconsin the flowers of Dicentra cuculiarla were found to be pollinated almost exclusively by Bombus bimaculatus nectar-foraging queens, which were phenologically synchronized in their emergence from hibernation with the flower's anthesis. Cinematographic and stereophotographic evidence indicated that pollen transfer was effected by the ventral side of the insect's head and anterior thorax contacting essential flower parts and to a lesser degree by the front and middle legs contacting pollen-laden edges of the inner petals. Lepidoptera, Diptera, and small Hymenoptera occasionally encountered on the flowers were ineffective in pollination. Abundant Apis mellifera pollen-foraging workers regularly effected pollination, but being an introduced species it exhibits no naturally developed pollination adaptation to the flower. Nectar spur perforation by B. affinis nectar-foraging queens did not affect plant fertility, and this behavior was related only in part to forager tongue length. Nectar-foraging behavior of B. bimaculalus queens on the flowers was correlated with the phenological development of the annual insect colonies.  相似文献   

Details of structure and reproduction, particularly pre- and postfertilization development, are given for the first time in Pseudogloiophloea halliae. In general, the author's observations agree with what is known for most species of the genus. Some remarks on the identity of 3 species of Pseudogloiophloea in the tropical and subtropical American Atlantic shores are also included.  相似文献   

Könitz reported that far-red irradiation near the middle of the photoperiod of an inductive cycle completely inhibited flower initiation in Chenopodium amaranticolor. The present studies with C. amaranticolor and other short-day plants have not revealed any such effect of far-red treatments on flower initiation or development. Thus, since Bünning's proposal of a diurnal variation in the sensitivity of plants to far-red light is based solely on Könitz's data, it would appear to require further verification.  相似文献   

Corokia, a genus of shrubs of New Zealand, eastern Australia, and certain Pacific islands, was first placed in Rhamnaceae, later in Cornaceae, and most recently next to Argophyllum, subfamily Escallonioideae, in Engler's monograph of the Saxifragaceae. Most manuals still list Corokia under Cornaceae from which it is readily excluded by several characters, including pluricellular T-shaped trichomes, ligulate petals, vascular bundles running longitudinally through the center of the inferior gynoecium, histology and germination of the woody endocarp, and a conspicuous subepidermal layer of tannin-containing cells. Corokia collenettei, endemic to the isolated island Rapa, retains the most primitive floral characters of the genus. Anatomical comparison of Corokia flowers with flowers of Argophyllum shows similarities that probably indicate affinity, but the relation of these two genera to others in Engler's subfamily Escallonioideae is unclear. Engler's inclusion of Berenice and Carpodetus with Corokia and Argophyllum in a tribe Argophylleae seems especially artificial.  相似文献   

Mullins , J. Thomas . (U. Florida, Gainesville.) The life cycle and development of Dictyomorpha gen. nov. (formerly Pringsheimiella), a genus of the aquatic fungi. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(5): 377–387. Illus. 1961.—The chytrid, Pringsheimiella, originally described by Couch (1939), is renamed Dictyomorpha, because of the previous use of the name Pringsheimiella for an alga. The development and life cycle of the fungus are described. It has been found that the resting spores are initiated by the fusion of isoplanogametes. Couch's observations on heterothallism are confirmed. The validity and relationships of Dictyomorpha are discussed.  相似文献   

A. Guillet 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):252-255
Guillet, A. 1979. Aspects of the foraging behaviour of the Shoebill. Ostrich 50:252-255.

The foraging behaviour of the Shoebill Balaeniceps rex. in relation to the bird's habitat and morphology, is described. The Shoebill preys on fish in shallow water, and uses platforms of floating vegetation as fishing sites. The Shoebill's behaviour in stalking, detecting and capturing prey is compared with foraging techniques used by herons and storks. The Shoebill uses a peculiar and complicated technique, called “collapsing”, for capturing prey.  相似文献   

The effects of pH, light intensity, temperature, oxygen and dehydration on nitrogenase activity in the free-living and endophytic Nostoc sp. of Blasia are described. The endophyte exhibits greater nitrogenase activity at lower pH's than the free-living alga. Maximal activity in the free-living alga is attained at much lower light intensities than those required by the endophyte. Both algae have low activities below 10°C, the free-living alga showing high activity above 12°C and the endophyte above 17°C. Increasing pO2 levels cause a decrease in activity in both algae. The free-living alga is more tolerant to dehydration than the endophyte, although both algae are protected by mucilage. The results are discussed and possible benefits resulting from the symbiosis, with respect to nitrogen fixation rates, considered.  相似文献   

In an attempt to define a medium and to investigate the effects of glycine, floral buds of Aquilegia were grown in culture on coconut milk and defined media containing either White's minerals or a new mineral formula, with and without glycine. Development obtained on the best defined medium was 66 to 76% of that achieved on the equivalent coconut-milk medium. The inability of buds to achieve development equal to that on the coconut-milk medium may be partially explained by the existence of a barrier to carpel formation and development. The effect of glycine on floral buds grown on a defined medium was dependent not only upon the minerals used but also on the stage of development of the bud. With White's minerals, glycine inhibited the development of buds in early and intermediate stages but was slightly promotive with buds in later stages. With the new minerals, glycine was slightly promotive with early and intermediate stages of development but was inhibitory with later stages. Further work is necessary before development on a defined medium will equal or exceed development on the coconut-milk medium.  相似文献   

As in other hepatics, the young spermatid of Blasia pusilla contains a well-developed blepharoplast comprising a four-layered multilayered structure (MLS) and two overlying dimorphic basal bodies. The asymmetrical spline (S1 or upper stratum of the MLS) numbers 20 or 21 microtubules (MTs) at its anterior tip and reduces to eight at the posterior limit of the lamellar strip (LS). Behind this the shank of the spline is five or six tubules in width over most of its length, approximately one revolution of the circumference of the gamete. The three-microtubule spline aperture underlies the anterior basal body and like those of most hepatics, it is closed at its anterior end. The asymmetrical LS (approx. 2.0 μm in length) is characterized by a right-hand posterior notch which lies below the spline aperture at the region of the cartwheel configuration of the anterior basal body (ABB). The staggered dimorphic basal bodies overlap for approximately one third of their lengths. Both lie parallel to the long axis of the spline. As in other hepatics, the ABB (1.2 μm in length) is subapical and comprises an anterior hub extension with progressive rearward additions of lateral, dorsal and ventral triplets. Over most of its length (2.1 μm) the longer posterior basal body (PBB) consists of a distinct central hub and three ventral triplets. Transition zones of both basal bodies contain stellate configurations into which the two central axonemal MTs frequently extend. The blepharoplast of Blasia shows several features in common with leafy, simple thalloid and complex thalloid liverworts. Compared with the few Metzgeriales observed thus far, the LS is less elongate and the basal bodies less staggered. Dimensions of basal body components and spline dimensions, however, are comparable to those of most leafy and thalloid hepatics. Striking similarities with the complex thalloid liverworts include a posterior notch in the LS and a spline aperture three MTs wide.  相似文献   

W. K. Steele 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-3):68-82
Steele, W.K. 1992. Diet of Hartlaub's Gull Larus hartlaubii and the Kelp Gull L. dominicanus in the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. Ostrich 63:68-82.

Hartlaub's Larus hartlaubii and Kelp Gulls L. dominicanus in the southwestern Cape feed on a wide range of prey species. On average, Kelp Gulls feed on larger-sized prey than do the smaller Hartlaub's Gulls. In an undisturbed environment the preferred foraging habitats of Hartlaub's and Kelp Gulls are rocky shores and open, sandy beaches (where sand mussels Donax serra are common) respectively. However, as a result of man's activities, several new foraging habitats have become available including croplands, fishing harbours and refuse dumps. The provision of supplementary food at these new foraging habitats is likely to be the cause of a recent population increase. Kelp Gull chicks are fed predominantly “natural” prey which indicates that the population increase may not be due to enhanced reproductive success, but to improved post-fledging survival of juveniles, which are known to aggregate at sites where supplementary food is provided.  相似文献   

Beltian bodies of Acacia cornigera have evolved as multicellular structures which serve as food for protective ant colonies. At the ultrastructural level, Beltian body cells contain a large amount of protein and lipid that presumably contribute to the ant's nutrition. The non-soluble protein is aggregated into tubules of two size classes: one is present in both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, and has an individual tubule diam of 75 A, while another size class, located in the cytoplasm, has a diam of 280 A. These two classes of protein tubules aggregate into units that occupy a high percentage of a cortical cell's volume. Numerous lipid droplets are present in the cytoplasm, adding an energy source to the ant's diet. Each droplet is surrounded by a single layer of filaments, the molecular composition of which is unknown at this time. This study indicates that the evolutionary development of this tissue has produced a highly desirable food source for the inhabiting ants.  相似文献   

Population genetic models have shown that if genetic drift is strong and the rate of deleterious mutations is high, Muller's ratchet provides an advantage to sex. A previous study tested for the possibility that Muller's ratchet could work in RNA viruses, which are known to have very high mutation rates. Muller's ratchet was found to operate when lineages of the RNA bacteriophage φ6 were subjected to intensified genetic drift. The study did not determine, however, whether sex is advantageous to these viruses. We have examined whether sex can reverse the effects of Muller's ratchet by crossing nine φ6 lineages that were subjected to the ratchet in Chao's study. To determine whether there was a net advantage to sex, we analyzed the effect of crossing three lineages to all other lineages. Crossing increased significantly the fitness of two lineages, but it did not significantly affect the fitness of the third lineage. We argue that the minimal advantage of sex to these nine lineages is small, but positive. These results provide a possible scenario for the evolution of sex in an RNA phage like φ6.  相似文献   

A study of four species of Erysiphaceae (Uncinula salicis, Podosphaera leucotricha, Erysiphe cichoracearum, and Microsphaera diffusa) revealed that the binucleate stages of the ascocarp are initiated in a similar manner to those of Diporotheca rhizophila Gordon & Shaw. The “appendages” developing on immature ascocarps are considered to be receptive hyphae. Appendages characteristic of mature ascocarps are produced much later. Lysis of certain centrum cells occurs, and asci are initiated from some of the remaining binucleate centrum cells. Resorption of centrum cells by the asci is supported by this investigation, corroborating Björling's earlier studies on Erysiphe graminis.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the flagellar apparatus in the gonyaulacoid dinoflagellate. Ceratium hirundinella var. furcoïdes (Schröder) Hub.-Pest. was determined using serial section electron microscopy. The flagellar apparatus is quite large and consists of several components. The two basal bodies nearly abut at their proximal ends and are separated by an angle of approximately 120° The broad longitudinal microtubular root extends from the cell's left edge of the longitudinal basal body and bends around the sulcal/cingular depression into the cell's left antapical horn. A transverse striated fibrous root is associated with the transverse basal body and a narrow electron dense extension is present along the anterior edge of the transverse basal body. This study revealed severa1 hitherto unreported fibrous components of the flagellar apparatus that link the various microtubular and fibrous components to themselves and to the two striated collars. A large striated fibrous connective links the two striated collars to one another. This fibrous connective is linked to another striated fibrous connective that originates from the longitudinal basal body and lies perpendicular to the longitudinal microtubular root. The readily identifiable and numerous components of the Ceratium flagellar apparatus are comparable to those of other dinoflagellates. The combined presence of well dpveloped striated collars, a striated collar connective, and a basal body angle of approximately 120° indicates that this flagellar apparatus is most like that described for Peridinioid dinoflagellates. Important similarities are also noticeable between this flagellar apparatus and that of Oxyrrhis marina.  相似文献   

Mc Millan , C. (U. Texas, Austin.) Nature of the plant community. V. Variation within the true prairie community-type. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(6): 418–424. Illus. 1959.—Population samples of grass species were transplanted to Lincoln, Nebraska, from two grassland communities within the general distribution of the true prairie community-type. These represented extensive grassland areas near Watertown, South Dakota, and Manhattan, Kansas. True prairie relicts near Colorado Springs, Colorado and in the Black Hills of southwestern South Dakota were also studied in the transplant garden. Only in one species, Stipa spartea Trin., were the transplanted populations essentially similar in behavior. In 8 of the species, Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers., Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag., B. curtipendula (Michx.) Torr., Schizachyrium scoparium Nash, Andropogon gerardi Vitman, Panicum virgatum L., Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash, and Sporobolus heterolepis (A. Gray) A. Gray, the Manhattan populations were the latest flowering. In Elymus canadensis L., the Manhattan population was the earliest flowering. The abstraction of two communities into a true prairie type of community with other communities of similar species-populations is a convenient method for discussing distributional phenomena. However, extreme caution must be used in generalizing about characteristics other than distributional. If the 10 species in the present study were designated by letters, the Watertown and Manhattan communities could be compared ecologically as a b' c d e f g h i j and a b c' d' e' f' g' h' i' j'. The use of taxonomic relationship in vegetational studies is convenient for the reduction of sample size, but the vital aspect of studying variation within the species is in the determination of harmony between vegetation and its habitat. The relict communities are in adjustment with their habitats and represent the results of natural selection in favoring early-flowering variants within a number of different species. The key to distribution of the true prairie vegetation, widespread or relict, lies in the harmony between a habitat variable and a vegetation variable. Through natural selection, each stand of true prairie may be fundamentally different from any other stand.  相似文献   

J. M. Winterbottom 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):156-158
Hofshi, H., Gersani, M. &; Katzir, G. 1987. Urban nesting of Tristram's Grackles Onychognathus tristramii in Israel. Ostrich 58: 156–159.

Urban nesting of Tristram's Grackles Onychognathus tristramii is described. Nesting in the town of Arad, Israel, was first observed in the summer of 1983. Breeding behaviour was recorded during two seasons, in six nests. The behaviour of Tristram's Grackles resembled that of related Onychognathus species. The birds were monogamous. Breeding was from March to the end of June, and nests were built in holes and crevices in unoccupied buildings, 6–20 m above the ground. The nest was deep, cup shaped and built predominantly of green Tamarix branches. Three to four eggs were laid. Only the female incubated, while the male guarded. Both parents fed the young on insects fruit and human food remains. The nestlings remained in the nest for approximately 30 days. Parents continued to feed the fledglings for a week after they had left the nest. The fledglings formed juvenile flocks, two weeks after they had left the nest. The adults might then raise a second brood. The process of urbanization of the grackles is discussed.  相似文献   

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