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The large seeds of Opuntia basilaris Engelm. & Bigel. show an unusually high percentage of germination, followed by a rapid development of the seedling during the first 30 days of growth. The primary root has six xylem arms alternating with six phloem poles around a large central pith. Development of metaxylem opposite each of the primary phloem poles results in the formation of eight collateral bundles. Secondary and tertiary roots have four xylem and phloem poles with xylem developing to the center of the stele. The transition zone is characterized by a gradual disappearance of all but two of the primary xylem arms of the root. Metaxylem development in the central portion of the transition zone interconnects the protoxylem poles forming a primary xylem cylinder around the central pith. The collateral bundles pass through the transition zone essentially without change.  相似文献   

The embryo of Rhizophora mangle L. is initially attached to the integument by a long multiseriate suspensor. Its basal cells lyse, and intrusive growth of the endosperm envelops the embryo, forces the micropyle open, and often carries the embryo out of the integument. Thus, “germination” is effected by growth of the endosperm rather than of the embryo. The surface of the endosperm differentiates into a layer of peculiar transfer cells. The cotyledonary body initiates as a toroidal primordium, which later becomes lobed; most of the free portions ultimately fuse. After “germination,” the axis of the viviparous seedling grows by a diffuse intercalary meristem below the cotyledonary node. Before seedling abscission, the shoot apex produces three pairs of leaves, the first of which aborts, leaving the rest of the plumule protected by their stipules. The (immersed) radicle apex is nearly inactive, but lateral roots arise early in seedling development; these are usually the first or only roots to grow during establishment. Ten provascular strands “differentiate” in the cotyledons; a hollow provascular cylinder develops in the hypocotyl. Initial vascular differentiation in the latter is of many alternate poles of xylem and phloem; later, de novo differentiation of metaxylem opposite the protophloem poles, and vice versa, produces collateral bundles. Xylem maturation is endarch over most of the length of the hypocotyl, but tangential and random series of metaxylem vessels occur in the radicle end.  相似文献   

Structure of the embryo sac and development of the proembryo of Acer saccharinum L. are described from paraffin sections. The embryo sac is monosporic and identical to the 8-nucleate Polygonum type in all respects. Cell, nuclear, and nucleolar sizes are constant within a narrow range and sharply distinctive for all components of the mature sac. Polar nuclei fuse before double fertilization. The longitudinal axis of symmetry of the egg, zygote, and proembryo is variously oriented with respect to the longitudinal axis of the embryo sac and is determined by the point of attachment of the presumptive egg cell to the sac wall. Subsequent development of the young embryo is responsive to aligning factors within the embryo sac and is collateral with the longitudinal axis of the sac. The first segmentation is transverse to the longitudinal axis of the zygote; the second and third are transverse in the basal cell and longitudinal in the apical cell. Descendants of ci form a short irregular suspensor; ca and m give rise to the apical and basal halves respectively of the embryo proper. The contribution of the proembryonic tiers to the older embryo differs in embryos of different initial orientation. Distribution and orientation of mitosis in the proembryo are shown in two accumulation maps.  相似文献   

The anatomy, morphology and gross histochemistry of the germinating embryo and seedling of Paulownia tomentosa (Scrophulariaceae) is described. Cytohistological changes in the shoot apex are correlated with anatomical and histochemical differences. During the first days of germination and before leaf primordia are formed, there is a gradual increase in staining for cytoplasmic protein and RNA. Once the first leaves are initiated, the staining for these compounds remains constant in the central mother-cell zone, and further increase in protein and RNA is confined to the developing leaf primordia. Starch grains are found in all areas of the very young apex, but with anatomical maturity the grains are restricted to the central mother-cell zone. Some electron micrographs point up special cytological features.  相似文献   

This investigation begins with the late zygote and traces ultrastructural development to the late globular stage of the embryo. Two nucleoli and satellite nucleoli sometimes occur in the zygote nucleus. Mitochondria, dictyosomes, cytoplasmic ribosomes, rough ER, and lipid bodies are numerous in the zygote. Microbodies are occasionally seen. The cell wall becomes well developed before the first division. No plasmodesmata occur in the zygote wall. The basal cell of the proembryo and the suspensor cells of the later embryo have very dense cytoplasm with a high concentration of cytoplasmic ribosomes. The nuclei are very electron opaque. The terminal cell and the cells of the embryo proper have a fine structure similar to that of the zygote. Plastids increase in number, size, starch content, and amount of thylakoid lamellae as the embryo develops. Mitochondria are numerous and appear active at all stages. Dictyosome activity, ribosomal aggregation, and the amount of ER are highest during the late globular stage. Lipid bodies are present up to the early globular stage, then disappear. The inner cell walls of the embryo are thin and have many plasmodesmata. These walls begin to thicken at the late globular stage, and at this time the size of the embryo begins to show an increase over that of the zygote. The results show a corresponding increase in the amount and activity of the metabolic machinery as the development of the embryo progresses. Lipids are probably more important as a nutrient source in the zygote and early embryo; starch becomes more important in the late stages. Absorption of nutrient material into the embryo sac and developing embryo appears to be from the chalazal end.  相似文献   

Mc Gahan , Merritt W. (United Fruit Co., Norwood, Mass.) Studies on the seed of banana. I. Anatomy of the seed and embryo of Musa balbisiana. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(3): 230–238. Illus. 1961.—The seed coat of Musa balbisiana Colla consists of a relatively thick outer integument and a 2–cell-layered inner integument. The entire seed coat is sclerified, but routine tests for lignin are negative. Within the outer integument there is a zone of unusual sclereids tentatively termed “multiluminate.” Between the inner integument and the remnants of the nucellus is a cuticle 10–12 μ thick. The micropylar plug and collar are typical of the genus. The chalazal mass is an annular region of gelatinous cells. The mature embryo is comprised of a massive cotyledon, an epicotyl with 1 leaf primordium, a primary root primordium, and several adventitious root primordia. Procambium is well developed, but no mature vascular elements are present in the embryo.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of early stages in embryogenesis in barley was examined. Post-fertilization shrinkage does not occur. Plasmodesmata were not observed in cell walls of the zygote and outer cell walls of embryos. There is little evidence of cellular specialization in earliest embryonic stages, and planes of cell division tend to be irregular although a pattern of cell disposition characteristic of some grass embryos can be discerned. The embryo appears polarized after 2–3 division cycles, but no evolving of dorsiventrality occurs during this period. A basal supensor cell “anchors” the embryo during early embryogenesis, but by about five division cycles the embryo loses its attachment to the nucellus and is completely surrounded by endosperm. An increase in number of ribosomes and mitochondria takes place during early embryogenesis, and mitochondrial dimensions are reduced. A shift in vacuole distribution occurs.  相似文献   

管花肉苁蓉茎异常结构的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
管花肉苁蓉茎内存在类似于单子叶植物的散生初生维管束。它由散生在基本分生组织中的原形成层束分化而成。在原形成层来分化的过程中,每个原形成层束可通过分离形成2—7个初生维管束,使初生维管束的数目迅速增加。当初生维管束开始正常次生生长时,正常维管束韧皮部外方的薄壁组织细胞或远离维管柬的薄壁组织细胞转变为异常形成层束。异常次生维管束与正常维管束以韧皮部相对或韧皮部并列的方式排列,或异常次生维管束单个存在于薄壁组织中。  相似文献   

芍药胚和胚乳早期发育的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道芍药(Paeonia lactiflora)的胚和胚乳的早期发育,主要结论是:1,开花后4—20天,合子核反复分裂形成多核原胚。2.原胚及胚乳游离核分裂均以有丝分裂为主,晚期有无丝分裂和多倍体核;3,细胞壁形成可由纺锤丝间和自由壁两种方式进行。原胚壁形成由合点端向珠孔端进行,胚乳则由胚附近向合点端发展。我们支持 Cave 等基于多核原胚提出的 Paeonia 与裸子植物平行演化的意见,同时认为 Paeonia 的多核原胚演化趋势是原胚由珠孔端至合点端功能分区的特化。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the embryo, endosperm, and testa throughout thedevelopment of charlock seeds is described. In mature seedsthe embryos are morphologically fully differentiated. Each embryoconsists of a shoot meristem with two large cotyledons but noleaf primordia, and a root meristem with a root cap. The embryois surrounded by a single layer of aleurone-like cells derivedfrom the endosperm and enclosed within the testa. Mucilagesand phenols which could greatly retard the diffusion of oxygeninto the tissues of the embryo are found in the testa. Dormancy,which appears to be induced by a shortage of oxygen, is probablyassociated with the presence of these covering layers.  相似文献   

The developmental anatomy of the primary root of Ipomoea purpurea was studied at several growth stages, beginning with the radicle. The radicle is generally composed of three superimposed tiers of initials, which produce the vascular cylinder, cortex, and columella; and a peripheral band of lateral rootcap-epidermal initials. The radicular cortex contains 16–19 immature laticifers; none of the tissue regions in the radicle contains mature cells. Following germination and during the first 2–3 cm growth of the primary root the apical meristem and its derivative tissues undergo a series of modifications. Root apical diameter decreases as cells in lateral portions of the rootcap elongate; meanwhile, the columella enlarges vertically. The relationship between cortical and columellar initials changes as fewer mitoses occur in the former while the latter remain active. In longer roots the columellar initials are directly in contact with the vascular initials. Cortical size diminishes during early root growth as cortical laticifers and their associated cells cease to be produced by the outer cortical initials and ground meristem. Early procambium, at the level of vascular pattern initiation, decreases in diameter by cellular reorientation, and the vascular cylinder decreases in overall diameter although the tetrarch pattern remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Weaver , Gerald M., and L. Fredric Hough . (Rutgers, The State Univ., New Brunswick, N. J.) Seedling growth studies of early-ripening peaches. I. Interrelationship between embryo maturity, growth substances and seedling growth. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(10): 718–724. Illus. 1959.—Peach fruits of ‘Raritan Rose’ were harvested 75, 83, 91, 99 and 107 days after full bloom. Embryos were excised, and cultured on artificial media. Growth responses following 8 wk. cold treatment varied considerably with embryo maturity. No correlation existed between seedling survival and the initial responses of shoots. Root growth of 83-day embryos exceeded that of all other stages of maturity. This was reflected in maximum seedling survival and vigor. Initial shoot growth was greatest from embryos harvested at 91 days and at maturity (107 days), but all shoots developed into rosettes which may expand slightly or develop normally from axillary buds. Bioassays of growth substances suggest a strong correlation between early shoot development and auxin concentration. Root growth-responses appeared to be correlated with a promotor-inhibitor balance. The results of wheat coleoptile assays of embryo extracts chromatographed in an isopropanol: ammonia: water solvent (8:1:1) suggest the presence of three growth promotors, in greatest concentration at Rf 0.70, but also at Rf values 0.10 and 0.30. Two growth inhibitors were present in embryo tissue at Rf values 0.27 and 0.96, the former decreasing in concentration with increasing embryo maturity.  相似文献   

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