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Crude seed-protein extracts of wheat and wheat relatives were fractionated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. Homology of fractions in the resulting spectra was used as a criterion of genetic affinity among the species and among their genomes. The spectra of Triticum monococcum (AA), T. dicoccum (AABB) and T. aestivum (AABBDD) confirmed evidence from conventional methods that the A and B genomes are different, that the dicoccum A genome is only partially homologous with the monococcum genome, and that the affinity between T. dicoccum and T. aestivum involves the A and B genomes about equally. They also showed the monococcum genome to have more affinity with the aestivum A or both A and D, than with the dicoccum A genome. Protein homologies permitted discrimination of distant as well as close affinities: the spectra of T. monococcum (AA) and Secale cereale (EE) showed no homologous fractions (r = 0.05), while the spectra of T. dicoccum and T. durum (both AABB) showed 10 homologous and 5 sub-homologous fractions out of 15 (r = 0.92). Previous evidence that an amphiploid spectrum comprises essentially the sum of the fractions in its parental spectra was verified by the dissimilar spectra of T. aestivum (AABBDD) and S. cereale (EE) which accounted for all of the fractions of their amphiploid hybrid, Triticale (AABBDDEE). The effect of each parent upon the amphiploid spectrum was proportional to the number of genomes it contributes.  相似文献   

Protein spectra from 4n and 6n species of Triticum were obtained by electrophoresis of seed extracts on polyacrylamide gels. Homologies among the species with regard to protein bands were tested by comparing each species with the standard T. dicoccum in a protein mixture spectrum. By reference to two pairs of homologous bands, each spectrum was then adjusted to the migration velocity of the standard by photographic enlargement. The homologies were found to be consistent with evidence from conventional methods regarding genome relationships among the Triticum polyploids. T. dicoccoides and other known AABB tetraploids showed nine fast-moving albumin homologues, while T. timopheevi and other known AAGG tetraploids showed seven. The two genomic groups had five albumin bands in common. The hexaploid (AABBDD) subspecies showed 12 albumin homologues, 9 of which were also homologous with the 9 of the AABB tetraploids and 3 of which were attributed to the D-genome donor. Differences among species within each of the tetraploid genomic groups and among the hexaploid subspecies were largely confined to the slow-moving bands of the gliadin series.  相似文献   

云南文山黄牛和迪庆黄牛遗传多样性的蛋白电泳研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水平淀粉胶蛋白电泳技术分析了云南文山黄牛和迪庆黄牛的33种血液蛋白及同工酶,共计37个遗传座位,其中6个座位检测到多态性。文山黄牛的多态座位百分比P=0.1389,平均杂合度H=0.0610,迪庆黄牛P=0.1667,H=0.0691。通过Nei氏遗传距离计算,运用PHYLIP3.5C软件包中的“UPGMA”,“CONTML”和“NEIGHBOR”法,结合前人报道的数据对10个黄牛品种进行聚类分析。结果得出:文山黄牛可能主要起源于瘤牛(Bosindicus),迪庆黄牛可能主要起源于普通黄牛(Bostaurus)。我们的结果提示,云南黄牛可能是由当地人驯化的野生牛群与外来的驯化牛群相结合并适应当地气候和环境逐渐形成的,因而在蛋白水平上具有较为丰富的多样性。  相似文献   

Abstract— Proteins of the brain extracts of 85 individual pigeons (Columba livia) were mapped by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The method is a modification of O'Farrell 'S technique and separates proteins first by charge and then by molecular weight. There were three proteins, A, B and D which had each a variant form. The positions of these six proteins on the gel corresponded to the following pH values and molecular weight values: protein A1, 6.4/43,000; A2, 6.6/43,000; B1, 5.7/41,000; B2, 5.8/40,000; D1, 6.2/22,000; D2, 6.2/21,000. The variants are genetically determined, since protein A, B and D each occurred in three phenotypes (A1, A1A2 and A2; B1, B1B2 and B2; D1, D1D2 and D2) corresponding to the three possible genotypes. From the observed frequencies of the phenotypes the following allele frequencies were calculated: allele A1, 72%; A2, 28%; B1, 15%; B2, 85%; D1, 74%; D2, 26%. A fourth protein named C occurred in four different forms (C1, 7.2/37,000; C2, 7.2/36,000; C3, 7.1/37,000; C4, 7.1/36,000) and six phenotypes (C1, C1C2, C2, C1C3, C2C3 and C4C3). This polymorphism is also interpreted as being genetically determined. The four alleles coding for the four protein C forms had the following frequencies: allele C1, 62%; C2, 27%; C3, 10.5%; C4, 0.5%.  相似文献   

西葫芦的单花粉蛋白电泳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对西葫芦(CucurbitapepoL.)的单花粉进行了蛋白电泳分析,结果表明在西葫芦花粉发育的不同阶段,其蛋白电泳图谱存在明显差异,结合细胞学观察结果,对这些差异进行了讨论。同时对同一杂合个体同一雄花相同发育阶段的不同花粉粒的蛋白电泳结果表明,它们之间也存在着差异。  相似文献   

Seed protein profiles were used to document the genome constitutions of seven Phlox taxa believed to be stabilized derivatives of hybridization between P. pilosa and P. carolina, P. drummondii or P. amoena. These species have very distinctive seed protein profiles. Analyses of profiles from these and other phloxes not involved in the reticulum (P. maculata, P. glaberrima and their hybrid derivative P. maculata subsp. pyramidalis) demonstrated that profile components are inherited as co-dominant units, alteration of ploidal level does not alter the profile, profile components may undergo segregation and recombination, and profile components in hybrids do not re-combine in vivo or in vitro to produce new proteins. The putative derivatives of hybridization between P. pilosa and P. carolin, i.e., P. pilosa subsp. detonsa, P. pilosa subsp. sangamonensis, P. floridana and P. pulcherrima, display protein profiles which are nearly summations of the parental patterns as do the putative derivatives of P. pilosa and P. drummondii. i.e., P. villosissima and P. aspera. The putative derivative of P. pilosa and P. amoena, i.e., P. pilosa subsp. deamii, displays a completely additive profile. Genome constitutions judged from morphological, cytological, and chromatographical data are fully corroborated by the protein profiles.  相似文献   

纸电泳—双波长扫描法测定鼠脑氨基酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 国内曾用纸层析法,玻璃纸电泳法测定神经组织中γ-氨基丁酸、谷氨酸、门冬氨酸。近年来有用上述方法或经分离后洗脱定量,或半定量测定其中一种氨基酸者,但操作较为繁琐。我们用纸电泳分离氨基酸,然后用双波长扫描直接定量,效果好,现将此法介绍如下: 一、样品的提取 昆明种小鼠(18—22g)或Wistar大鼠(188—220g) 断头后,鼠头立  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene ( rrn ) copy number in bacterial genomes is indicative of ecological strategies of bacteria and is critical for quantification of bacterial abundance in mixed populations using rrn- based approaches. For accurate assessment of rrn copies, a novel technical strategy by means of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction amplification analysis was introduced. Experimental and in silico analysis on a test bacterial culture Caulobacter crescentus proved it to be simple, effective, accurate and a good alternative to traditional time-consuming methods.


This method can be used for routine determination of gene copy number in most bacteria whose full genome sequences are not available. Moreover, the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis bands containing a target gene fragment can be determined and therefore constructing an expected fragments oriented genomic library is possible.  相似文献   

川金丝猴遗传多样性的蛋白电泳及其保护生物学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用同功酶粉凝胶电泳技术检测了严自甘肃摩天岭和陕西秦岭两个地区的19只川金丝猴(Rhinopithecusroxellanae)的44个遗传座位,没有发现多态座位。其平均遗传杂合度为0。这与滇金丝猴的平均遗传杂合度处于同一水平。  相似文献   

D. W. Snow 《Ibis》1971,113(2):194-202
In spite of a considerable literature on fruit-eating, the general evolutionary implications of fruit as a source of food for birds have been neglected. A preliminary attempt is made to explore the evolutionary and ecological consequences of fruit-eating, considered as a mutual interaction between parent plant and dispersal agent. The relationship considered is that obtaining between fleshy fruits and the “legitimate” fruit-eating birds which digest the fleshy part of the fruit and void the seed intact. Evolutionary aspects of seed-eating are also briefly discussed. The “strategies” adopted by fruits for dispersal by birds result in the production of abundant food supplies which are easy of access and exploitable by many species of birds. By contrast, the predation of birds on insects leads to a heterogeneous, sparse and cryptic food supply, to exploit which many different hunting techniques are necessary. Two important evolutionary developments in birds are attributed to these differences in food supply: there tend to be more species in families of insectivorous than of frugivorous birds, and lek behaviour in tropical forest has evolved in predominantly frugivorous birds. The seasonal succession of fruits in temperate latitudes is discussed, and contrasted with the situation in the tropics, using examples from Europe and Trinidad. In general, the succession of ripe fruits in Europe seems to be adapted to the seasonal shifts of the bird populations, and the more nutritious fruits tend to have a more southerly distribution and to ripen later than the more succulent fruits. In the tropics the distinction between nutritious and succulent fruits seems to be largely one of habitat. The constant succession of ripe fruits throughout the year in the tropics probably depends on competition for dispersal by frugivorous birds, which thus ensure the maintenance of their own food supply. This may be regarded as a symbiosis at the level of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

家蝇卵巢在体外培育中摄取卵黄蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚和  郑文惠 《昆虫学报》1994,37(3):266-270
本文报道家蝇Musca domestica卵巢在体外培养条件下,摄取异硫氰萤光素标记的家蝇卵黄蛋白的特点。用Grace's培养液标记蛋白浓度为2mg/m1,在27℃条件下培养2小时,卵巢摄取量依赖于培养液中卵黄蛋白浓度和温度,摄取高峰在羽化后48小时,正值卵母细胞发育阶段进入6-8时期。培养液中加入JHIII,能促进摄取,JHIIl的浓度和摄取量无明显相关性。乌本苷、牛血清蛋白和叠氮钠显著抑制卵巢的摄取活动。  相似文献   

中华鲟天然群体蛋白质水平遗传多样性贫乏的初步证据   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为阐明我国Ⅰ级珍稀水生保护动物中华鲟天然群体的遗传结构和遗传多样性特征,为其资源的监测量民保护提供科学依据,采用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳技术对中华鲟天然群体进行了蛋白质遗传多态性研究。共研究了15种蛋白质,有4种蛋白无活呈活性很低,在有活性的11种蛋白中人测得26个座位;在26个座位中,只有1个座位(MDH-1)为多态座位。中华鲟多态座位比例(P)为3.90%,遗传杂合度(H)为0.04,均远远低于  相似文献   

用来自日本和美国的立枯丝核菌8个融合群11个类群代表菌株进行可溶性蛋白质电泳,其结果表明,各融合群及亚群之间电泳图谱有显著差异,而同一类群菌株的电泳图谱则相似。分析来源于华东等地已鉴定的融合类群117个菌株的电泳图谱显示,同一融合群内菌株,虽然采集地区、寄主植物或致病力不同,其蛋白质图谱仍十分相似;而不同融合类群的菌株,即使在同一田块中同一种寄主植物上引起相似病害,其图谱也显示出明显差异。本文就上述可溶性蛋白质图谱显示的结果与其它研究者在血清学、DNA同源性.酯酶等生化水平上对融合群的研究结果进行了比较和探讨。  相似文献   

用全细胞可溶性蛋白电泳和多位点酸电泳对15株天山根瘤菌(Rhizobium tianshanense)和其它10株快慢生根瘤菌进行聚类分析,结果表明R.tianshanense种内菌株关系密切而与其它种不同。分析时将全细胞蛋白电泳图谱分为254等份,根据每等份内条带的有无进行聚类,结果与数值分类基本一致,说明用该方法对全细胞蛋白电泳结果进行聚类可以作为根瘤菌的分群手段;用所有出现的109种迁移率对17种多位点酶的电泳结果作聚类分析,得到与全细胞蛋白电泳相似的结果。  相似文献   

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