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The germination characteristics of a population of the winter annual Phacelia dubia (L.) Trel. var. dubia from the middle Tennessee cedar glades were investigated in an attempt to define the factor(s) regulating germination in nature. Factors considered were changes in physiological response of the seeds (after-ripening), temperature, age, light and darkness, and soil moisture. At seed dispersal (late May to early June), approximately 50 % of the seeds were non-dormant but, would germinate only at low temperatures (10–15 C). As the seeds aged from June to September, there was an increase in rate and total percent of germination at 10, 15, and 20 C, and the maximum temperature for germination increased to 25 C. Little or no germination occurred at the June, July, and August temperatures in 0- to 2-month-old seeds, even in seeds on soil that was kept continuously moist during this 3-month period. At the September, October, and November temperatures 3- to 5-month-old seeds germinated to high percentages. In all experiments seeds germinated better at a 14-hr photoperiod than in constant darkness. Inability of 0- to 2-month-old seeds to germinate at high summer temperatures allows P. dubia dubia to pass the dry summer in the seed stage, while increase in optimum and maximum temperatures for germination during the summer permits seeds to germinate in late summer and early fall when conditions are favorable for seedling survival and eventual maturation.  相似文献   

Formica schaufussi, a medium-sized ant common throughout the Piedmont and Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States, has been observed in association with Diamorpha smallii, a self-incompatible annual endemic to granite outcrops in the Southeast, over a 6-yr period. Observations of ants collected on the flowers show large numbers of the sticky pollen grains adhering to hairs and indentations primarily on the thoraces of the ants. Though small native bees and flies are frequent and sometimes effective pollinators, it is highly unlikely that the monotypic genus Diamorpha coevolved with the introduced honeybee, as has been suggested. Characteristics indicative of an “ant-pollination syndrome” include occurrence in hot, dry habitats, a high density of very small plants bearing overlapping inflorescences at a uniform height, and low seed number, pollen volume, and nectar quantity.  相似文献   

I assessed the relationship between the level of inbreeding, F, and fitness, and the effects of nonmaternal and maternal components of inbreeding on fitness in Phacelia dubia. I conducted two generations of controlled crosses and tested the performance of the F2 progeny in field and artificial conditions covering the whole life cycle. Inbreeding significantly decreased the individual contribution of seeds to the next generation in the field, but this decrease apparently is not enough to explain the maintenance of gynodioecy. The inbred progeny contributes significantly to the population genetic structure of P. dubia. Fitness estimates and fitness components tended to decrease, usually monotonically, with F. However, nonmonotonic relationships were found in male fitness components and, in some families, in fitness estimates, seed production per fruit, and establishment. Most of the inbreeding depression takes place at the level of seed establishment in the field, but, in artificial conditions the effects of inbreeding were similar at fecundity and establishment. I studied maternal and nonmaternal components of inbreeding by testing the effects of the relatedness of maternal grandparents and parents on the performance of the progeny. Both components affected fitness. Inbreeding depression was conditioned by the level of inbreeding of the maternal plant, but this interaction varied at different fitness components. Also, the magnitude and even the direction of the relationship between fitness and F changed as a result of the combined effects of maternal and nonmaternal components of inbreeding. Such interactions can render convex or concave fitness functions, giving in the latter case the appearance of a false purging. Maternal effects of inbreeding can result from several processes: maternal investment perhaps with serial adjustments during seed development, purging of recessive deleterious genes, and nucleocytoplasmic interactions. These results illustrate the importance of maternal effects of inbreeding, and the complex effects of inbreeding on fitness. A full understanding of the fitness consequences of inbreeding and, therefore, their potential implications in the evolution of breeding systems, should take into account male and female components as well as transgenerational effects in the context of the particular environment in which fitness is evaluated.  相似文献   

濒危植物矮牡丹的分布格局及其生存群落的数量分析   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
对山西稷山马家沟,永注水峪口,陕西延安万花山,华阴二仙桥4个地区矮牡丹生存群落进行了分类和排序研究,TWINSPAN分类将矮牡丹生存群落分为10类,分类结果在DCA二维排序图上得以了有效的验证,说明矮牡丹适应能力较强,但除了在地带性顶级群落辽宁栎林下矮牡丹能形成灌木层优势种外,在其它群落中,矮牡丹只属于群落的伴生成分,用Morista指数法,负二项指数法和方差均值比3种方法对矮牡丹种群进行了分布格  相似文献   

中国种子植物特有属的生物多样性和特征   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
生物多样性是当今世界生物环境研究中的重要课题,植物区系研究可为之做出贡献。本文根据文献和调查资料,运用统计和比较分析法,以属的丰富度和相似性系数为指标,研究全国及各省区中国种子植物特有属的多样性,得出6点结论,找到8个分布多度中心。中国种子植物特有属计有269属,含551种60变种,占全国同类属数8.9%。归78科,以热带科居多,中国特有8科。云南省的丰富度最大,有130属190多种,朝各方向递减,至秦岭─江下游以北显著降低。陕-甘和浙-赣的相似性系数最高,达80%─90%,南方各省间一般较高至极高(30%-80%),北方各省间一般较低至很低(30%─1%),新疆、海南等与若干省无联系。还说明它们的区系特征及多样性变化的地理原因。为进一步研究中国植物区系和保护物种资源提供了依据。  相似文献   

RAPD应用于遗传多样性和系统学研究中的问题   总被引:230,自引:0,他引:230  
在研究银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)的遗传多样性时,对RAPD 产物的影响因素进行了大量的实验探索,结果表明:逐级纯化的DNA 模板的RAPD结果一致, 因而模板制备过程中的很多纯化步骤是不必要的; RNA 对扩增产物无影响; 模板浓度在一个相当大的范围内不影响扩增结果; 从干叶和鲜叶中提取的DNA 可获得一致的扩增产物; 从而证明RAPD 产物具有很好的重复性。进而讨论了RAPD产物分析及数据分析中的一些问题。通过对升麻属(Cim icifuga) 5 种、类叶升麻(Actaea asiatica)及松潘乌头(Aconitum sungpanense)的RAPD 结果分析,认为RAPD 方法可用于种间乃至近缘属间的系统学研究, 但有一定的局限性  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in gynoecial characters was analyzed by SEM for nine populations of Arenaria uniflora, a winter annual endemic to rock outcrops in the southeastern United States. Style lengths in self-pollinating populations, formerly called A. alabamensis, were significantly shorter than in outcrossing populations, and style length showed a very strong correlation (r = 0.97) with outcrossing potential as assessed by degree of protandry. Selfers were also characterized by the production of fewer but longer stigmatic papillae. Papillae extended to the base of the style and diverged from all sides. Outcrossers had longer styles with dense but short papillae, mostly restricted to the upper surface of the style and lacking at its base. Styles also were observed to curl downward in outcrossers. These fine-scale changes appear to enhance the effectiveness of plants as either outcross-pollen or self-pollen receivers.  相似文献   

中国特有的八角莲和六角莲的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了八角莲Dysosma versipellis(Hance)M.Cheng和六角莲Dysomapleiantha((Hance)Woodson的核型。二者的染色体数目均为2n=12,由四对具中部着丝点染色体、一对具近中部着丝点染色体和一对具端部着丝点染色体组成,各有一对染色体具有次缢痕,八角莲的次缢痕在第3对染色体的长臂上,六角莲的次缢痕在第1对染色体的短臂上。二者均属较对称的“2A”核型。但它们在染色体相对长度的变异幅度和差值、臂比的变异幅度和差值以及最长与最短染色体的比值上均有微小的差异。结果表明二者有密切的亲缘关系。演化趋势是八角莲→六角莲。八角莲的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

草芍药,野牡丹和黄牡丹的核型研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
本文报道了国产芍药属(Paeonia L.)植物草芍药、野牡丹和黄牡丹的染色体数目及核型,均为2n=10=6m 2sm 2st,它们分别具2、3和4对次缢痕,所具次缢痕的数目和位置可以作三种核型的区别特征。  相似文献   

菖蒲属系统学研究的进展与菖蒲科的重新确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了菖蒲属系统地位的变化情况,综述了菖蒲属(Acorus L.)从天南星科(Araceae Jussieu)中分离出来独立成科的形态学、解剖学、胚胎学、细胞学、植物化学、分子生物学等多方面的证据,并对菖蒲科(Acoraceae C. A. Agardh)系统关系的研究进展进行了总结。  相似文献   

濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶片断化居群的遗传多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)标记对我国特有的濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsonii var. pubipetiolata)现存于浙江和安徽的4个片断化居群中的89株个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究。结果表明,与其它木本濒危植物相比,毛柄小勾儿茶具有与它们相当的遗传多样性,8对选择扩增引物共扩增出122条清晰的条带,居群的平均多态位点百分率为Pp=26.4%,其中马家河居群最高(29.5%)而湍口居群最低(23.8%),居群的平均基因多样度为Hep=0.162 8(0.140 5~0.172 4);而在物种水平上的遗传多样性为Ps=36.9%, Hes=0.202 4。居群间的遗传分化系数FST=0.193 9,表明居群间有显著的遗传分化,进一步利用AMOVA软件对遗传变异进行等级剖分发现:24.88%的遗传变异存在于地理宗间(浙江地理宗和安徽地理宗),14.71%的遗传变异存在于居群间,60.42%存在于居群内。该研究结果表明,由于人为干扰引起的生境片断化和居群减小导致了毛柄小勾儿茶居群的遗传多样性丧失和遗传分化,并对毛柄小勾儿茶的生存造成潜在威胁。该文还就保育策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Most monoecious-conjoined members of the series Gymnobasalia, genus Chora, bear either tetrascutate or octoscutate antheridia. A determination of the extent to which various populations of these two morphologically distinct entities are reproductively isolated was the primary objective of the present study. Experimental crosses were attempted between emasculated sprigs and nonemasculated plants serving as sperm sources. All evidence suggests that tetra- and octoscutate populations are reproductively isolated throughout their respective ranges even to the extent of producing black oospores. Crosses were also attempted between geographically isolated tetrascutate, and again octoscutate, populations. All were uniformly successful to the extent that black oospores resulted; but when such oospores were germinated many of the resulting progeny were found to be either nonviable or dwarfed, and frequently self-sterile as well. This was particularly true where parental clones differed with respect to geographical origin, chromosome number, or external morphological features.  相似文献   

Pollen of the 27 genera presently recognized as comprising the family Lythraceae have been surveyed with light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Results for five genera (Physocalymma, Pleurophora, Rotala, Tetrataxis, Woodfordia), in addition to Duabanga, Sonneratia, and Punica (assigned to the Lythraceae in some classifications), are presented here; the remaining genera were treated previously in the series. The family is revealed as the most diverse palynologically of the order Myrtales. The most simple pollen type and the one common to the largest number of genera is prolate-spheroidal to prolate; tricolporate, without pseudocolpi; psilate, scabrate or finely verrucate; and 16–28 μm or less in length. Specializations include oblate grains, development of pseudocolpi (three or six in number), diversification of exine sculpturing, broadening of the colpal and pseudocolpal areas, and reduction in the conspicuousness of the colpi. Pollen evidence provides qualified support for inclusion of Punica in the Lythraceae, the generalized nature of the pollen tempering the conclusion, and little support for inclusion of Sonneratia and Duabanga in the family. Completion of the survey provides a data base of pollen characters that will be integrated in future studies with other evidence into an overall phenetic and cladistic assessment of the family leading to production of a more natural classification.  相似文献   

Peter  Ward 《Ibis》1966,108(1):34-40
Quelea quelea is distributed throughout Africa south of the Sahara in the Grass Steppe, Dry Savanna, and Montane Grassland biomes. It is most numerous where its staple food–the seeds of annual grasses–is most plentiful. In all parts of the range, the males in nuptial plumage are dimorphic. Everywhere the “black—faced” morph is commoner, but with up to 25% of “white-faced”. Proportions of the morphs are given for samples from various parts of Africa. Only three races are accepted: quelea of western West Africa, aethiopica of the Sudan area, and lathami of southern Africa. In the Lake Chad basin there are hybrid swarms breeding (queleaj aethiopica), as there are in East Africa where aethiopica/lathami swarms occur.  相似文献   

Simple and rapid methods for the quantification of DNA, RNA and proteins using specific fluorescent dyes are proposed for the comparison and monitoring of microbial communities from the environment. The purpose of this study was the use of straightforward in situ methods which voided the need for preservation of samples and the risk of potential degradation and quantitative changes during transportation. Aside from this, methods used to obtain information on environmental microbial communities are generally time-consuming and present certain difficulty above all when working on solid substrates such as soils and rocks. New generation fluorescent dyes that bind specifically to DNA, RNA and proteins allow simple and rapid estimates of these biomolecules in crude environmental samples.


Monitoring the metabolic state of microbial communities on different substrates and environments is a requirement for comparing samples and assessing the participation of microorganisms in a variety of processes. Solid substrates are not easily analyzed by microscopic techniques and they require long processing times and tedious work. Aside from this, only a minor fraction (<1%) of microorganisms in most natural environments can be cultured in standard microbiological media ( Ward et al. 1990 ). Other studies using incorporation of labeled substrates to approach activity rates or biomolecule extractions represent complex and long procedures during environmental studies.In order to evaluate microbial communities in a variety of substrates and environments, rapid and simple methods are proposed by measuring DNA, RNA and/or proteins using specific fluorescent dyes, without a need for prior purification, from crude solid samples.  相似文献   

薜荔和爱玉及其传粉昆虫繁殖特性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
薜荔(Ficus pumila L.var.pumila)隶属桑科榕属,爱玉(F.pumila L.var.awkeotsanmg Corner)为其变种,它们的花是单性的,雌雄异株。雌花序中着生雌花,雄花序中有瘿花和雄花,每个花序中花的数量极多,达4000~6000朵。薜荔榕小蜂是唯一能进入薜荔和爱玉的隐头花序中产卵或传粉的共生昆虫,自然状态下雌花的结实率分别为82%、83.52%;瘿花的成虫瘿率分别为58.71%、51.32%,因此可形成大量的果实和虫瘿。物候观察表明薜荔和爱玉花期不遇,它们花序中的榕小蜂种群已经生殖隔离。人为的放蜂实验表明,生活于爱玉花序中的榕小蜂,已无法在薜荔花序中繁殖,生殖隔离进一步得到证实;实验同时表明爱玉的花粉亦不能使薜荔雌花结实,宿主两变种间生理上已不亲和。本文从共生双方协同进化的角度出发,探讨了榕树2变种间与传粉昆虫繁殖特性的差异,以及变种产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

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