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Population genetic structure in the homosporous fern Blechnum spicant was analyzed in six populations from western North America. Each population was divided into approximately 10 m by 10 m subpopulations, and genetic variation within and among subpopulations was compared using enzyme electrophoresis and F statistics. These analyses indicated that there was no evidence of genetic structure in four of the six populations examined. However, significant genetic heterogeneity among subpopulations was observed for the other two populations. The genetic structure of these populations may be attributable, in part, to family structure resulting from high rates of intragametophytic selling and/or spatial patchiness in the distribution of individuals due to limited habitat availability in these areas. Outcrossing populations of B. spicant generally lack genetic structure, whereas the most highly inbreeding population maintains significant genetic structure. The information obtained in this investigation of population genetic structure in Blechnum spicant is consistent with data for angiosperms and gymnosperms. It appears that the outcrossing mating system and effective mechanism of spore dispersal in B. spicant may account for the general lack of genetic structure within populations of this species.  相似文献   

The interaction of the genetic and hormonal regulation of growth, flowering, and sex expression in plants is discussed. The genetic control of these processes is characterized, and data on their hormonal regulation are supplied. The interaction of genetic and hormonal regulation is considered with reference to tall-growing and genetic dwarf forms of the pea and wheat plants. It is shown that in the dwarf forms of the pea plant and in many other varieties, growth stimulation in response to treatment with the phytohormone gibberellic acid is clearly manifested and the expression of genetic dwarfism is eliminated, whereas in dwarf wheats it is expressed only slightly, if at all. At the same time both tall-growing and dwarf forms of both pea and wheat show a clearly defined growth retardation response to treatment with the growth inhibitor, abscisic acid, which causes the expression of physiological dwarfism. The short- and long-day characteristics of the photoperiodic response of plants are described as genetically controlled features, and data are given on the induction of flowering of a long-day variety coneflower grown under short-day conditions with the aid of gibberellins extracted from leaves of long-day vegetative plants of short-day Mammoth tobacco. Data are also supplied on the induction of flowering of a short-day variety, red-leaved goosefoot, grown under continuous light with the aid of metabolites extracted from leaves of the same Mammoth tobacco plants flowering under short-day conditions. This demonstrates the possibility of hormonal regulation of the genetically controlled long-day and short-day characteristics in photoperiodically sensitive plants. Genetic and hormonal regulation of sex expression in two dioecious plants, hemp and spinach, is discussed. It is shown that sex expression in these plants is regulated by gibberellins which are synthesized in leaves and cause male sex expression and by cytokinins which are synthesized in the roots and cause female sex expression. These data indicate that sex expression in dioecious plants is the result of interaction between the genetic apparatus and phytohormones.  相似文献   

大仓鼠年龄组及性别群体的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文应用随机扩增多态性DNA (RAPD) 技术, 采用多态位点率、Shannon 信息多样性指数和Nei 遗传多样性指数作为种群遗传变异的指标, 研究了1998 和1999 年大仓鼠种群性别群体和年龄组群体的遗传多样性。主要的结论是: 性别群体间遗传分化较小, 年龄组群体间分化较大; 年龄组相距越大, 遗传分化也就越大; 幼年组的遗传多样性高于老龄组的遗传多样性; 1999 年秋季种群的年龄组遗传分化和差异要比1998 年四季种群更为明显。大仓鼠不同年龄组群体间的遗传分化支持遗传结构由于受时空上的选择压力而产生变异和适应性观点。大仓鼠幼体的遗传多样性比成体和老体的较高, 这一结果倾向于支持Ford 的假说, 说明种群繁殖出的幼体遗传多样性高, 其中有遗传质量好的, 也有遗传质量差的,但在生存过程中, 随着选择压力的作用, 种群趋于适应, 与环境不相适应的类型遭到淘汰,低质的幼体由于自然选择压力的增加而从种群中消失, 致使成年和老年群体多态性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

研究利用细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因分析了采自于伊洛河的48个马口鱼(Opsariichthys bidens)个体间的遗传距离,并构建其系统发育关系。分析结果显示, 48个个体聚为两个支持率为100%的分支,分支间没有共享单倍型。每个分支的样本覆盖了所有的采样点,分支内个体间的平均遗传距离为0.2%,而分支间的遗传距离为3.1%。微卫星分析结果显示, 99.88%的遗传差异来自于种群内个体间,种群间的差异只占了0.12%,两个分支种群并没有发生显著的遗传分化(Fst=0.0012, P=1)。以δ13C和δ15N构建了两个分支的生态位,结果显示,伊洛河马口鱼的两个分支的营养生态位没有发生分离。基于线粒体Cyt b基因的遗传分歧,伊洛河马口鱼的两个分支可能代表不同的物种。但它们在种群遗传结构上并没有发生显著的种群分化,个体间亲缘关系树与系统发育树的分歧暗示种群间不存在生殖隔离,营养生态位也没有分离。研究结果并不符合隐存种的解释,伊洛河马口鱼两个分支间线粒体DNA的遗传差异可能源自于祖先种群或者种间杂交。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for estimating population divergence times by maximum likelihood in models without mutation. The maximum-likelihood estimator is compared to a commonly applied estimator based on Wright's FST statistic. Simulations suggest that the maximum-likelihood estimator is less biased and has a lower variance than the FST-based estimator. The maximum-likelihood estimator provides a statistical framework for the analysis of population history given genetic data. We demonstrate how maximum-likelihood estimates of the branching pattern of divergence of multiple populations may be obtained. We also describe how the method may be applied to test hypotheses such as whether populations have maintained equal population sizes. We illustrate the method by applying it to two previously published sets of human restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) data.  相似文献   

Genetically polymorphic species offer the possibility to study maintenance of genetic variation and the potential role for genetic drift in population divergence. Indirect inference of the selection regimes operating on polymorphic traits can be achieved by comparing population divergence in neutral genetic markers with population divergence in trait frequencies. Such an approach could further be combined with ecological data to better understand agents of selection. Here, we infer the selective regimes acting on a polymorphic mating trait in an insect group; the dorsal structures (either rough or smooth) of female diving beetles. Our recent work suggests that the rough structures have a sexually antagonistic function in reducing male mating attempts. For two species (Dytiscus lapponicus and Graphoderus zonatus), we could not reject genetic drift as an explanation for population divergence in morph frequencies, whereas for the third (Hygrotus impressopunctatus) we found that divergent selection pulls morph frequencies apart across populations. Furthermore, population morph frequencies in H. impressopunctatus were significantly related to local bioclimatic factors, providing an additional line of evidence for local adaptation in this species. These data, therefore, suggest that local ecological factors and sexual conflict interact over larger spatial scales to shape population divergence in the polymorphism.  相似文献   

云南姬鼠的蛋白多态性及其遗传分化关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宿兵  陈志平 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):259-262
本文采用蛋白电泳技术对来源于云南省若干地区的姬鼠属(Apodemus)的3种姬鼠──高山姬鼠(A.chevrieri)8只,中华姬鼠(A.draco)3只和大耳姬鼠(A.latronum)1只,以及作为外群的同科的绒鼠属的大绒鼠(Hapalomysdelalori)3只进行了分析。共检测遗传座位27个,发现21个座位存在多态性。根据蛋白多态的数据对研究对象进行遗传分化关系的探讨,用系统分析软件PHYLIP计算它们之间的分化关系,得到了一棵无根系统树。结果表明,作为外群的大绒鼠明显不同于其它3种姬鼠而聚在最外面。8只高山姬鼠个体汇聚成独立的一支,中华姬鼠的3个个体也聚成一支,但大耳姬鼠却聚在中华姬鼠一支中,因此我们认为大耳姬鼠同中华姬鼠的分化时间可能比较晚近。  相似文献   

Artificially founded colonies of Avena barbata were utilized in two experiments in order to examine the role of natural selection in the evolution of regional differentiation in Central California. One experiment involved a total of 41 colonies founded in three different areas and scored over a 10-yr period; these colonies, started with known genotypes, showed that although both Valley and Bay region genotypes establish successful colonies, their relative survivorship and fecundity suggests weak selective forces consistent with those predicted from the observed patterns in natural populations. The second experiment involved two localities, representing two climatic regimes of temperature, in each of which ten colonies were started from identical seed sources. These colonies also showed relatively higher fitness of the genotypes matching with those sampled from the Valley and Coastal regions, respectively, again in line with their regional pattern of distribution. Colonization experiments appeared to be useful even as short-term in situ tests of certain specific evolutionary hypotheses on the role and intensity of natural selection.  相似文献   

Seed plant female gametophytes are focal points for the evolutionary modification of development. From a structural perspective, the most divergent female gametophytes among all seed plants are found in Gnetum, a clade within Gnetales. Coenocytic organization at sexual maturity, absence of defined egg cells (free nuclei are fertilized), lack of centripetal cellularization, and postfertilization development of embryo-nourishing tissues are features of the female gametophytes of Gnetum unparalleled among seed plants. Although the female gametophyte of Gnetum retains the three basic phases of somatic development common to female gametophytes of plesiomorphic seed plants (free nuclear development, cellularization, cellular growth), the timing of fertilization has been accelerated relative to the rate of somatic development. As a consequence, the female gametophyte of Gnetum matures sexually (is fertilized) at a juvenile (compared with the ancestral somatic ontogeny) and free nuclear stage of somatic development, thereby precluding differentiation of egg cells. Unlike progenetic animals, where truncation of somatic ontogeny evolves in tandem with acceleration in the timing of sexual maturation, the female gametophyte of Gnetum completes the entire ancestral somatic ontogeny after precocious sexual maturation. This results in the evolution of postfertilization development of embryo-nourishing female gametophyte tissues, a phenomenon unique among seed plants. Nonheterochronic developmental innovations have also played important roles in the evolution of the female gametophyte of Gnetum. Centripetal cellularization, which is always associated with the phase change from coenocytic to cellular organization among plesiomorphic seed plant female gametophytes, is lacking in Gnetum. Instead, during early phases of development, apomorphic free nuclear organization is coupled with a highly anomalous pattern of cellularization. Stage-specific innovations during early development in the female gametophyte of Gnetum do not affect plesiomorphic aspects of later phases of development. Thus, a complex array of heterochronic and nonheterochronic developmental innovations have played critical roles in the ontogenetic evolution of the highly apomorphic female gametophyte of Gnetum.  相似文献   

 稻田施用的除草剂可能会污染邻近水域,对非靶标水生植物产生影响。国家二级重点保护野生植物粗梗水蕨(Ceratopteris pteridoides)主要分布于稻田及其周围水域,其有性繁殖敏感阶段与除草剂施用时间一致,配子体易暴露在除草剂污染中。为了评价除草剂污染对水生态环境特别是对非靶标国家重点保护野生水生植物的影响,保护生物多样性和水生生态环境,该文研究了除草剂苄嘧磺隆(Bensulfuron-methyl)对粗梗水蕨配子体生长和性器官分化的影响。结果表明,苄嘧磺隆对粗梗水蕨孢子萌发没有影响,但对其配子体生长有抑制作用。苄嘧磺隆浓度和粗梗水蕨配子体面积呈明显的剂量效应关系,苄嘧磺隆对粗梗水蕨配子体生长抑制的EC50(半数效应浓度)为0.086μg&;#8226;L-1,低于已报道的环境背景浓度。随着苄嘧磺隆浓度升高,粗梗水蕨的雌雄同体配子体逐渐减少,且配子体上颈卵器形成时间推迟。在苄嘧磺隆为10μg&;#8226;L-1时,粗梗水蕨没有雌雄同体配子体形成。以上研究结果表明,低浓度苄嘧磺隆可抑制粗梗水蕨配子体的生长并影响其性器官的分化,使粗梗水蕨有性繁殖能力减弱。  相似文献   

I describe the genetic structure of two frog species, Geocrinia rosea and Geocrinia lutea, using allozyme electrophoresis to understand population structure and thereby possible mechanisms of divergence and speciation. The sampling regimes represented the entire range of both species and provided replicated tests of the impact of ridges, rivers, and dry forest on gene flow. Geocrinia rosea and G. lutea were highly genetically subdivided (FST = 0.69, 0.64, respectively). In the extreme, there were fixed allelic differences between populations that were only 4 km (G. rosea) or 1.25 km (G. lutea) apart. In addition to localized divergence, two-dimensional scaling of genetic distance allowed the recognition of broad-scale genetic groups, each consisting of several sample sites. Patterns of divergence were unrelated to the presence of ridges, rivers, or dry forest. I argue that range contraction and expansion, combined with extreme genetic divergence in single, isolated populations, best accounts for the genetic structure of these species.  相似文献   

血雉分类地位和遗传分化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来对血雉Ithaginis应划归雉类还是鹑类和是多型属还是单型属一直存在着争议.在此对3个亚种,西藏亚种Ithaginis cruentus tibetanus,甘肃亚种I.c.berezawskii和四川亚种I.c.geoffroyii的6个个体的血雉与典型的雉类雉属Phasiamus、锦鸡属Chrysolophus、长尾雉属Syrmaticus及典型的鹑类石鸡属Alectoris、鹌鹑属Coturnix和雪鸡属Tetraogallus的线粒体DNA细胞色素6的部分基因序列比较,系统进化树中血雉与雉类聚在一起.根据血雉地理分布,多亚种中心理论,区域地理历史,环境演变和分子钟指示的时间,血雉可能于早上新世起源于横断山脉.3个亚种之间序列差异为4.1%-7.2%,与雉科其它属的种问差异度比较,其遗传分化已达到种的水平,与形态差异相吻合.  相似文献   

广东地区宽鳍(鱼巤)种群遗传变异和亲缘地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析88尾采自广东境内9条水系的宽鳍(鱼巤)(Zaccop,platypus)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因全序列,初步研究其种群遗传变异和地理格局,所测定的Cyt b基因全序列长1140 bp,其中变异位点98个,简约信息位点75个.共检测到33个单倍型,除鉴江种群只有1个单倍型外,其余8条水系均有多个单倍型.北江、流溪河、鉴江、北流河和罗定江等5个种群有共亭单倍型Hap11,罗定江和北流河之间共享了单倍型Hap4,东江与流溪河共享Hap6,而韩江和榕江共享单倍型Hap29.种群单倍型多样性的平均值(h)为0.908,核苷酸多样性的平均值(π)为0.01961,表现出较高的遗传多样性.系统发育分析(NJ树)显示,宽鳍(鱼巤)种群33个单倍型可分为2个分支,其中来自珠江水系(北江、东江、流溪河、罗定江和北流河)和广东西部独立人海水系(鉴江和漠阳江)的宽鳍(鱼巤)种群聚为一支(分支A),广东东部独立入海水系(韩江和榕江)种群聚为另外一支(分支B).2分支间的遗传距离和碱基差异率均较高(0.0517-0.0549,5.35%-_6.49%),明显大于分支A内(O.0012-0.0099,0.26%-2.11%)和分支B内的值(0.0027,1.58%),但远小于宽鳍(鱼巤)与外类群间的遗传距离和碱基差异率(0.0945-0.1912,8.77%-17.11%).这表明分支A与B之间已有明显的遗传分化,但分化程度来达到物种级水平,韩江和榕汀的种群相对独立,推测可能与莲花山脉的阻隔有关.根据单倍型网络图推测,流溪河可能是广东中西部地区宽鳍(鱼巤)的扩散中心,分别向珠江水系的西江、北江和东江扩散,再向鉴江和漠阳江扩散:另外由扩散中心经东江到榕汀再向韩江扩散.分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明,种群间的遗传变异占38.50%,种群内的遗传变异占66.24%.中性检验和歧点分布分析皆表明广东境内9条水系的宽鳍(鱼巤)在整个种群上保持相对稳定,没有发生明显的种群扩张.  相似文献   

We have studied a multilocus selection model of a plant population in which mutations to deleterious alleles occur that may affect not only the diploid sporophyte stage, but also the haploid pollen stage before zygote formation. We investigated the reduction in inbreeding depression (as measured in the sporophyte) caused by the lowering of mutant allele frequencies due to selection in the pollen. This is important for a full understanding of the role of inbreeding depression in the maintenance of outcrossing in seed plants. We also studied the theoretically expected relationship between the pollen fitnesses of different pollen donor genotypes and the fitnesses of the diploid progeny that they sire. This relationship can be compared with the results of experiments in which pollen was subjected to selection, and improved progeny quality was observed. We found that on the mutational load model there is, as expected intuitively, a positive covariance between the pollen and zygote fitnesses, but that it is likely to be small. Subjecting pollen to an episode of strong selection is usually expected to increase sporophyte fitness only slightly.  相似文献   

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