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Peroxidase-containing enzyme supernatant preparations of tobaccoabscission zone flower pedicel tissue sections of ethylene-treatedand untreated Nicotiana tabacum L. plants were assayed for u.v.absorption spectra with and without the addition of IAA. Theu.v. spectral absorption of peroxidase-catalysed IAA oxidationindicated that there is not an appreciable difference in absorbancepeaks in the ethylene-treated plants compared with untreatedcontrols, in the presence of added IAA; however, the ethylene-treatedtissues alone show different absorption peak values in the 1,2, 3, 4, 4.5, and 5 h samples. These results are discussed inrelation to ethylene-induced peroxidase activity in tobaccoflower pedicel abscission zone tissue homogenates.  相似文献   

龙眼内源激素变化和花芽分化及大小年结果的关系   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文探讨了隔年结果的龙眼花芽和营养芽内源激素在成花过程中的作用及其与结果大小年的关系.结果表明:大年树的细胞分裂素iPA明显地高于小年树,而GA和ABA含量明显低于小年树,说明细胞分裂素有利于龙眼花芽分化,GA和ABA不利于花芽分化.龙眼大年树细胞分裂素和赤霉素的比值显著高于小年树.外施PP333能促进花芽分化,具有缩短花序、提高着果率和增加产量的作用.  相似文献   

Flower color is often viewed as a trait that signals rewards to pollinators, such that the relationship between flower color and plant fitness might result from its association with another trait. We used experimental manipulations of flower color and nectar reward to dissociate the natural character correlations present in a hybrid zone between Ipomopsis aggregata and Ipomopsis tenuituba. Isozyme markers were used to follow the male and female reproductive success of these engineered phenotypes. One field experiment compared fitnesses of I. aggregata plants that varied only in flower color. Plants with flowers painted red received more hummingbird visits and sired more seeds than did plants with flowers painted pink or white to match those of hybrids and I. tenuituba. Our second field experiment compared fitnesses of I. aggregata, I. tenuituba, and hybrid plants in an unmanipulated array and in a second array where all flowers were painted red. In the unmanipulated array, I. aggregata received more hummingbird visits, set more seeds per flower, and sired more seeds per flower. These fitness differences largely disappeared when the color differences were eliminated. The higher male fitness of I. aggregata was due to its very high success at siring seeds on conspecific recipients. On both I. tenuituba and hybrid recipients, hybrid plants sired the most seeds, despite showing lower pollen fertility than I. aggregata in mixed donor pollinations in the greenhouse. Ipomopsis tenuituba had a fitness of only 13% relative to I. aggregata when traits varied naturally, compared to a fitness of 36% for white relative to red flowers when other traits were held constant.  相似文献   

Bell , C. Ritchie . (U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.) Mineral nutrition and flower to flower pollen size variation. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(9): 621–624. 1959.—Mineral nutrition appears to affect the amount of variability of pollen size in both clone and heterozygous seedling material grown on 6 different, deficient, nutrient solutions. In no case did the controls on complete nutrient solution have the largest mean pollen size. No pattern of pollen-size variation related to blooming date or to type of mineral deficiency could be detected in this experiment: the largest mean pollen size for tomato clone 1 came from plants on the —N solution, the smallest from plants on the –S solution (a 5.4 μ difference); for petunia clone 1, largest on –K, smallest on –S (a 2.3 μ difference); petunia clone 2, largest on –N, smallest on –P (a 1.9μ difference); dill set 1, largest on –K, smallest on –N (a 2.9μ difference); dill set 2, largest on –S, smallest on –N (an 8.2μ difference); portulaca (both sets presumably heterozygous) set 1, largest on –Mg, smallest on Ca (a 9.7μ difference); portulaca set 2, largest on –N, smallest on –Mg (a 13.6μ difference), note that set 1 was largest on –Mg. In the case of petunia pollen, there was greater size variation from flower to flower on the same plant than between flowers from different plants of the same clone on different nutrient solutions. Such variation offers further proof of the danger of using pollen size as an indicator of polyploidy or as a taxonomic characteristic until such correlations have been proven, in each separate instance, to be valid.  相似文献   

几种观赏花卉的组织培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1982年来,我园用组织培养的方法对君子兰、五星花、重瓣矮牵牛、贴梗海棠、药百合等观赏花卉进行了实验,均取得了成功,其中部份试管苗移栽土壤成功,并已开花。下面将实验结果小结如下: 1.君子兰Clivia nobilis  相似文献   

Two outstanding questions in evolutionary biology are whether, and how often, the genetic basis of phenotypic evolution is predictable; and whether genetic change constrains evolutionary reversibility. We address these questions by studying the genetic basis of red flower color in Penstemon barbatus. The production of red flowers often involves the inactivation of one or both of two anthocyanin pathway genes, Flavonoid 3′,5′‐hydroxylase (F3′5′h) and Flavonoid 3′‐hydroxylase (F3′h). We used gene expression and enzyme function assays to determine that redundant inactivating mutations to F3′5′h underlie the evolution of red flowers in P. barbatus. Comparison of our results to previously characterized shifts from blue to red flowers suggests that the genetic change associated with the evolution of red flowers is predictable: when it involves elimination of F3′5′H activity, functional inactivation or deletion of this gene tends to occur; however, when it involves elimination of F3′H activity, tissue‐specific regulatory substitutions occur and the gene is not functionally inactivated. This pattern is consistent with emerging data from physiological experiments indicating that F3′h may have pleiotropic effects and is thus subject to purifying selection. The multiple, redundant inactivating mutations to F3′5′h suggest that reversal to blue‐purple flowers in this group would be unlikely.  相似文献   

Five genetically controlled flower color morphs in Platystemon californicus tend to occur in distinct geographic regions, suggesting regional selection of morphs. I examined the reproductive biology of P. californicus to determine whether color morphs are subject to selection due to differences in pollinator attractiveness. Plants of P. californicus have a high pollen: ovule ratio and are highly self-incompatible. Solitary bees (Andrenidae and Halictidae) are the most effective pollen vectors, but show inconsistent discrimination among color morphs. Platystemon californicus is unusual among annual self-incompatible plants in that wind is an important pollen vector. As a result of wind pollination, most polymorphic populations show no intermorph seed-set differences. Therefore, the geographic distribution of flower color morphs cannot be explained by differential attractiveness of color morphs to pollinators in different regions. Any selective value of color morphs must be due to linkage of flower color with as yet undetected morphologically or physiologically adaptive characters.  相似文献   

The following results were obtained using tissue slices excisedfrom cold-stored Jerusalem artichoke tuber. 1. Increase in protein content of the tissue was small duringthe washing (i.e. "aging"), and great in the growth phase, particularlyin washed tissue. 2. RNA content of tissue increased during the growth periodsimilarly in non-growing tissue (in water) and actively growingtissue (in 2,4-D plus KIN). 3. Both RNA and DNA increased during the washing, the increasebeing greater in RNA than in DNA. This RNA increase was enhancedby gibberellic acid. 4. 2-Thiouracil, 8-azaguanine, puromycin, and mitomycin C givenat the washing inhibited the subsequent growth. The effect ofthese inhibitors was not significant when they were given inthe growth period. 5. Mitomycin C reduced the basophilia of nuclei and made themswell, as did deoxyribonuclease. 6. The effect of inhibitors of nucleic acid metabolism was reversedto some extent by gibberellic acid and by kinetin. 7. Chloramphenicol inhibited the growth strongly if given inthe growing period, but not so strongly if given during thewashing. 8. An autoradiographic study using 3H-cytidine suggested thatRNA is synthesized in nucleus during the period of washing andis transferred to cytoplasm via nucleolus. It is conjectured that the RNA synthesized during the agingis responsible for the expansion growth to be caused later byauxin or auxin plus kinetin. (Received September 4, 1965; )  相似文献   

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