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Stinging emergences in Urtica dioica L. characteristically possess an elongate stinging cell and a multicellular pedestal. The emergence is derived from the epidermal and subepidermal cell layers. The apical wall of the stinging cell is composed of silica bodies which decrease basipetally in concentration. The basal portion of the cell wall of the stinging cell is devoid of silica bodies and lacks primary pit fields or pits between it and the pedestal cells. X-ray microanalysis of electron dense particles located in the stinging cell ER-golgi complex indicate that these particles contain silicon. There is no ultrastructural evidence for the presence of a toxin synthesizing system or a toxin itself.  相似文献   

Some aspects of thecal morphology in Ceratium hirundinella are redescribed by means of scanning electron microscopy. The internal anatomy of the cell has been clearly revealed for the first time in serial sections examined by transmission electron microscopy. An unusual sulcus, termed the sulcul aperture, has been found to open into a large ventral chamber which extends toward the center of the cell. The 2 flagella are inserted at one side of the ventral chamber. The ultrastructure of the flagellar canals and root systems arc described in detail. A microtubular strand has been found to run from near the nucleus to near the flagellar bases but not to conned with either. The fine structure of the theca, trichocysts, nucleus, and chloroplasts is basically similar to that of other dinoflagellates. Food vacuoles are reported. These contain material thought to be undergoing digestion. It is suggested that the food particles enter the cell by way of the ventral chamber, which is lined only by membranes, unlike the rest of the cell, which is covered by thick plates. The new findings are discussed in relation to the earlier work on the species and to the fine structure of oilier dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

The circumtropical but preponderantly American genus Dalechampia, comprising nearly 100 species of twining vines (or rarely subshrubs), is strikingly isolated within the Euphorbiaceae because of its distinctive bibracteate inflorescences. There has been considerable taxonomic controversy with regard to the relationships of the genus, and it has been suggested that Dalechampia is allied to the tribe Euphorbieae because of a supposed analogy between its inflorescence and the cyathium in the Euphorbieae. Field and laboratory investigations of the common American species D. scandens, together with a comparative survey of related species, have thrown some light on these problems. The Dalechampia inflorescence seems best interpreted as consisting of a terminal staminate pleiochasium (with part of the lateral branches transformed for nectar production), juxtaposed to a 3-flowered pistillate cyme. The lips of the conspicuous bilabiate involucre are formed by the hypertrophied bracts which subtend the staminate and pistillate cymes. The bisexual inflorescences appear to be distinctly proterogynous, rather than proterandrous, as has been previously suggested. The configuration of the inflorescence—a bilaterally symmetrical pseudanthium—suggests adaptation for crosspollination, but the closing movement of the bracts makes self-pollination probable in the absence of visits by pollinators. The similarity of the Dalechampia inflorescence to the cyathium of the Euphorbieae appears to be entirely superficial, and both reproductive and vegetative data suggest that Dalechampia is related to taxa of tribe Plukenetieae.  相似文献   

Development of the cotyledonary region in Chamaesyce maculata is described from germination of the seed through formation of the dense mat of branches which characterize this common weed. The cotyledonary node is trilacunar with split-lateral traces. Epicotyl development is limited to a pair of leaves (“V-leaves”) inserted directly above and decussate to the cotyledons. The two V-leaves are also vascularized by three traces and insertion of these traces relative to the vasculature at the immediately subjacent cotyledonary node is asymmetrical; four of the six V-leaf traces arise on one side of the intercotyledonary plane and two arise on the opposite side. Further shoot development is limited to lateral branches that develop sequentially from cotyledonary axillary buds, and then from de novo buds which arise at bases of previously developed lateral branches. The first axillary bud to develop is located on that half of the seedling which supplies the V-leaves with four traces. Development or insertion of the third and fourth branches (first and second de novo branches) relative to the first and second (cotyledonary) branches occurs in two patterns, termed cis and trans. Subsequent de novo branches generally develop between the two most recently developed branches on that half of the seedling, gradually forming a large branch plexus at the cotyledonary region. In mature robust specimens, however, the sequence of lateral branch development may become irregular. Structure of the cotyledonary region of C. maculata does not readily support widely held concepts of homology between the pleiochasium of Euphorbia subgenus Agaloma and the lateral branch system of Chamaesyce.  相似文献   

Fischerella ambigua is a branching blue-green alga, the filamentous nature of which is maintained almost entirely by sheath material. Cell division in this organism most closely resembles the septal division found in most unicellular organisms. In all filamentous blue-green algae previously examined with the electron microscope, cell division has resulted from the imagination of the plasma membrane and inner wall layer only; both the middle wall and the outer wall layers remain continuous throughout the length of the filament. In Fischerella, by contrast, the plasma membrane and the inner wall layer invaginate to produce initially 2 cells. However, the middle wall layer, outer wall layer, and sheath also invaginate to separate the daughter cells. The sheath alone remains continuous throughout the length of the filament.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of large, globular, epidermal cytoplasmic inclusions (ECI) in P. virgatum roots was studied at the ultrastructural level. These ECI were seen to originate in meristematic cells as small electron translucent vesicles. Subsequently, the ECI, which appeared to be temporary storage sites, were seen to enlarge and increase in density by accumulating masses of a granular matrix as well as some small vesicular inclusions. In the zone of elongation, as the epidermal cells matured, the ECI within each cell gradually fused and the contents were lost. The pattern of the ontogeny of the ECI in the growing epidermal cells was consistent with the presence of cells of different physiologies in the zone of cell elongation of these roots.  相似文献   

棉铃虫蛾复眼的形态及显微结构   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
棉铃虫[Heliothis armigera(Hubner)]蛾复眼的外形约为椭球体绕长轴等切的2/5。最前和最后小眼之间的夹角约为150°,而最上和最下小眼之间的夹角约为180°,一个复眼大约包括8,900个小眼。每个小眼有一套由角膜、晶锥细胞及晶锥所组成的屈光器和分布在不同水平面上的7-9个小网膜细胞。其周围被6个次虹膜细胞所包围。两个明显可见的区域性差异为:1)复眼不同区域内小眼长度不等,背部区域最短,侧、后、腹和前各区域相继增加。2)背部区域视杆中段的横切面为矩形,其它区域的视杆为放射形。本文将小眼及其周围,从远端到基部分13个层次进行了结构上的描述。  相似文献   

During their ontogeny, the primordia of the juvenile leaves of Marsilea plants in sterile culture develop 1, 2 or 4 marginal meristems, and these, in turn, contribute cells to the young leaf by anti- and periclinal cell divisions. The final leaves are unifid, bifid, or quadrifid, depending on how many marginal meristems develop, and this is determined early in the ontogeny of the leaf. The mechanism which determines whether or not a marginal meristem develops may fluctuate, as shown by the existence of trifid leaves. Two forms of juvenile leaves are produced, those in a liquid medium, which in many respects resemble the adult quadrifid submerged leaves, and those on a solid medium, which in many respects resemble the adult land leaves.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and histochemistry of developing and mature cell inclusions in vegetative cells of Antithamnion defectum Kylin were examined. Those studied were chloroplast inclusions, cytoplasmic crystals and spherical bodies within the vacuole. Chloroplasts of mature vegetative cells contain an interthylakoidal, apparently noncrystalline deposit of undetermined chemical identity. The bodies are parallel to the long axis of the plastid, are square (0.13 μm) in cross-section, and up to 3 μm long. Spherical vacuolar bodies (0.5–1.5 μum diam) are formed during early stages of vacuole formation by accumulation of protein deposits in swelling endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae. Swelling of smooth ER contiguous to the ER containing the deposits results in the vacuole enclosing the spherical bodies. In mature cells, vesicles appear to be secreted into the preformed vacuole. Cytoplasmic proteinaceous crystalloids develop without a bounding membrane and may serve as protein reserves.  相似文献   

Structurally similar proplastids occur in the shoot, scutellum, and root of the oat embryo at the start of germination. These proplastids follow several pathways of differentiation, depending on their location within an organ and on previous exposure to light. During the first 24 hr of germination morphologically similar amyloplasts are formed from the preexisting proplastids in most of the cells of the seedling. After about 24 hr in the light, unique chloroplasts begin to develop in a subepidermal ring of small cortical parenchyma cells in the coleoptile and give the organ a pale green color. At 48 and 72 hr the coleoptile chloroplasts and etioplasts are conspicuously different from the corresponding leaf plastids in morphology and ontogeny but contain typical photosynthetic grana and prolamellar bodies. Study of the ontogeny of plastids in the epidermal and nongreening parenchymal regions of dark grown coleoptiles shows that these plastids undergo significant losses in starch content, and some increase of membranes within the plastid, related to the age of the cell. Light has little effect on the structure of these plastids. It is suggested that the ontogeny of all the plastid types of the oat seedling begins with a common precursor—a relatively simple proplastid that is present at the time of germination. Starch grains showing two distinct types of erosion, apparently enzymatic, were observed in oat coleoptile plastids. In one type (grooved appearance) the starch grains are consistently associated with plastid membranes, while in the other type (irregular, spiny appearance) the starch grains are associated with the plastid stroma only. We suggest that there are two enzyme systems for metabolizing starch in oat plastids—one membrane-bound and the other free in the stroma.  相似文献   

The general arrangement of cytoplasmic organelles in Amphipleura pellucida Kutz. is similar to that in other naviculoid diatoms. The chromatophores are parietal with a single, non-membrane-limited, pyrenoid. The pyrenoid is crossed by several double-disc lamellar bands which are occasionally interrupted by less dense areas containing convoluted tubules. Similar areas also interrupt the three-disc bands of the chromatophores. The nucleus is irregular in shape. The outer membrane of the porous nuclear envelope outfolds around the chromatophore. A perinuclear dictyosome complex is present. Amorphous dense bodies are formed in elaborations of the dictyosomes. Vesicles, both with and without dense inclusions, are formed by the dictyosomes during cell division and a role is suggested for these vesicles in both cytokinesis and frustule development. The first evidence of frustule formation is the deposition of the siliceous median rib within a membranous sac. This sac expands laterally to form the silica deposition vesicle which appears to serve as a mold for the formation of the valve. After the valve is formed, the membranes and the small amount of cytoplasm external to it are sloughed off.  相似文献   


The secondary phloem in Ephedra is atypical of the gymnosperms in general and exhibits several angiosperm-like characteristics. The ray system of the conducting phloem consists of parenchymatous, multiseriate rays. The axial system contains parenchyma cells, sieve cells, and unusual albuminous cells reminiscent of the specialized parenchyma cells found in some angiosperms. These cell types may intergrade with each other. P-protein in the developing sieve element appears early in the form of a single, ovoid slime body. Later, smaller slime bodies appear and quickly disperse. In the mature sieve element the single, ovoid slime body is lost, and P-protein is then evident in the form of a parietal cylinder, thread-like strands, amorphose globules, or a slime plug. Necrotic-appearing nuclei are commonly found in mature sieve cells.  相似文献   

朱海清  赵刚  汪文陆 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):314-318
对黑胸散白蚁(Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder)腹腺整体装片和切片进行了描述.腹腺分前、后两部分.“腹腺前部”有两类分泌细胞和一个中央腔.两类分泌细胞中,一类是圆形,个体较大;另一类细胞突起很长,具扁平的核.复盖于腹腺前部的体壁上有许多小管和一些感器,表明腹腺前部的分泌细胞产物可能是经体壁上的小管或者先贮存于中央腔中,再经体壁小管逸出体外.“腹腺后部”由大的椭圆形分泌细胞组成.根据腹腺前部紧贴于第Ⅴ腹节表皮层,而腹腺后部是可动的,并且复盖于腹腺后部的体壁上无排出小管,作者认为这些细胞的分泌物可能是释放入血淋巴中.腹腺前部及腹腺后部分泌细胞的分泌物可能有不同的机能,有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

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