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Ethylene (50 ppm) and 2,4-D (1 mm ) inhibit xylogenesis and completely prevent fiber lignification in the third internode of etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum var. Alaska) during 96–240 hr of treatment. When ethylene is removed after 72 hr, normal differentiation resumes; thus the gas causes no irreversible damage to the cells. A combined treatment with 50 ppm ethylene and 50 μm 2,4-D or treatment with 1 mm 2,4-D alone causes inhibition similar to that observed with 50 ppm ethylene, and 50 μm 2,4-D is partially effective. The inhibition of xylogenesis and fiber lignification caused by 2,4-D is partly or wholly due to auxin-induced ethylene production.  相似文献   

酸度和铝对马尾松生长的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
用溶液培养法研究了铝对马尾松 ( Pinus massoniana)幼苗生长的影响。马尾松耐酸性较强 ,在 p H为 3.5— 5 .5范围内均能正常生长。马尾松对铝中度敏感 ,在 p H4 .0条件下 ,铝毒害的阈值浓度为 4 .0 ppm。铝在溶液中存在的状态依 p H值而变化 ,不同形态的铝离子对马尾松的毒性不同 :Al3 的毒性大于 Al( OH) 2 和 Al( OH) 2 。极低浓度 ( <0 .1 5 mmol/L)的 Al3 对马尾松生长有刺激作用。 Ca2 对 Al3 的毒性有拮抗作用 ,对马尾松产生抑制作用的 Al/Ca摩尔比小于 1  相似文献   

亚硫酸氢钠对大蒜幼苗生长及细胞分裂的作用   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
仪慧兰  孟紫强 《植物研究》2001,21(3):384-387
研究SO2体内衍生物-亚硫酸钠与亚硫酸氢钠(分子比为3:1)混合液对大蒜幼苗生长和细胞分裂的效应。结果表明:低浓度(0.2mmol/L)的混合液促进幼苗生长,短时间(24h)作用时根尖细胞有丝分裂指数(MI)提高;高浓度(1.5与2.0mmol/L)处理抑制大蒜幼苗生长,细胞周期涎滞,大蒜根尖MI下降,并诱发细胞分裂异常,且呈明显的时间效应与剂量效应关系。  相似文献   

在水分供应正常的情况下,切除1/4~1/2的绿豆子叶对上胚轴生长没有明显的抑制作用,但是经0.2M甘露醇处理的幼苗却随着切除的子叶量的增加,上胚轴的生长呈直线剧减,全部切除子叶的幼苗生长几乎完全停止。子叶在水分胁迫状况下对生长的这种作用与它在上胚轴生长区渗透调节中的作用密切相关。幼苗上胚轴的生长与细胞的有效渗透势之间的相关系数为-0.76,有较高的相关性,但是生长与细胞的总渗透势无相关性(相关系数为-0.29)。细胞的渗透势与细胞液中的糖、游离氨基酸和钾离子浓度之间有很高的相关性。表明水分胁迫下生长所需的低渗透势的维持依赖于来自子叶的渗透物质。  相似文献   

Using etiolated Alaska pea internode segments the followingresults were obtained. An auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1 mg/liter, inducedthe elongation growth of the segment and stimulated the biosynthesisof RNA, particularly of messengar RNA, in 3 hr incubation. Thesimilar stimulation of RNA synthesis and of elongation due toindole-3-acetic acid was found in 1 hr incubation. The stimulativeeffect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on the elongation andon the synthesis of messenger RNA was inhibited by the additionof an antiauxin, transcinnamic acid. Significance of the auxin-inducedsynthesis of messenger RNA in producing protein responsiblefor the stress relaxation of cell wall is discussed. (Received June 13, 1967; )  相似文献   

采用岩棉和营养土方作育苗基质,观测了基质对番茄幼苗各时期生长的影响。其试验结果是:以岩棉作基质培育功苗能增加番茄幼苗全株的干重,其中幼苗根系的干重增加较为显著。在播种24d内,岩棉育苗的幼苗高度、茎干重、叶面积和干重的增长略低于营养土方育苗,24d以后,岩棉育苗则增长迅速,说明岩棉育苗具有增加幼苗干物质累积、培育壮苗的特点,证实岩棉是一种良好的育苗基质。  相似文献   

While these experiments are not exhaustive, a sufficient number have been made to warrant the statement that the effect of polarized light of the visible spectrum on the growth of various seedlings and See PDF for Structure more particularly on the growth of Lupinus albus is somewhat different from that of non-polarized light. This is especially convincing in view of the results obtained with double sets of plants which were alternately exposed to polarized and non-polarized lights of the same intensities and at the same temperature. In every experiment thus performed the set which was placed in a polarizing chamber grew better. It is, furthermore, interesting to note that the phenomenon above observed did not take place when the seed portion of the plants was protected from light by wrapping with tinfoil. This agrees well with previous findings concerning the action of diastase on starch in polarized light. The above researches will be continued on a more elaborate scale but the results so far obtained are deemed worthy of publication in the form of a preliminary communication at the present time.  相似文献   

The potential growth-regulating properties of 4'-chloroglutaranilic acid (CGA) as well as oxygen and nitrogen isosteres were examined in whole-plant bioassay systems utilizing sunflower seedling (Helianthus annuus L.). Test systems included both soil-grown plants and hydroponic studies. Foliar applications of CGA produced growth inhibition which was detectable within 24 hr and which persisted for at least 30 days. Direct application to roots produced a growth inhibition which was 15% greater than foliar applications. Foliar or root application at 10-5 m or greater concentrations produced gross changes in leaf morphology. Total plant-height inhibition was principally associated with stem growth in an area located between primary leaves and the shoot meristem. CGA was found to be 32 % less active than IAA as a growth promoter, but was 76 % more active than IAA as a growth inhibitor; the most severely affected organ was the leaf and the least affected was the root system. Leaves from soil-grown plants treated wth a 10-3 m foliar application of CGA possessed several abnormalities. These included an increase in thickness and dry weight, a reduction in chloroplast starch vacuoles, extractable starch, soluble hexoses, and soluble proteins.  相似文献   

黄瓜子叶外植体龄对子叶生根的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李伟华  于树宏 《生物学杂志》1998,15(1):19-20,23
本文对无菌培养条件下黄瓜子叶外植体龄对子叶生根能力的影响进行了研究,结果表明,对于分别萌发5天、10天、15天、20天的子叶在MS基本培养基上,无论有生长系NAA,均以5天龄的子叶生根能力最强。附加1.0mg/LNAA,显著促进子叶生根。对子叶起始过氧化物酶活性测定表明,子叶起始过氧化物酶活性与生根能力之间存在有一定的关系。  相似文献   


关于线粒体的发育的研究,较多地以动物和酵母为对象,植物较少。而线粒体发育过程中 H~+-ATP 酶的 F_1-ATP 酶变化的研究,目前尚未见报道。本文以豌豆子叶为材料,就线粒体的发育,H~+-ATP 酶活性变化以及这种变化与 F_1-ATP 酶亚基组成的相关性进行了初步研究,其最终目的是探讨线粒体发育过程中内膜的发生及膜蛋白的组装问题。  相似文献   

The kinetics of the effects of inductive photomorphogenically active light on etiolated peas have been studied by means of time-lapse photography. The effects noted include: (1) A light-induced decrease in the rate of stem elongation, beginning about 6 hr after the light treatment, and ending about 18 hr later. (2) A light-induced opening of the apical hook, beginning ca. 2–5 hr after light treatment, and reaching its peak rate ca. 6 hr later. (3) A light-stimulated circumnutation, starting usually about 15–22 hr after the light, and resulting in a decreased period of oscillation (from ca. 86 to ca. 76 min) and an increased amplitude (from 15° total angular displacement to about 40°). (4) A promotion of terminal bud growth, known from previous work to start at about 4 hr after irradiation and to reach a peak about 12 hr later. (5) A “bobbing” movement of the apex, apparently involving reversible hook and stem oscillations, which appears to be of endogenous origin and insensitive to light. These data furnish a kinetic background against which proposed biochemical mechanisms of de-etiolation can be assessed.  相似文献   

重金属对黄瓜籽苗发育影响的研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
选用黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)籽苗为材料,硫酸铜、醋酸铅、硫酸锌、氯化镉和氯化镍为化学处理试剂,研究它们对黄瓜籽苗的生长及其根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响。发现随着化学处理试剂浓度的增大,黄瓜籽苗根长度、苗高度、侧根数和最长侧根的长度均有所下降,其中下降最明显的是根长度。同样,根尖细胞有丝分裂的细胞数量明显减少,细胞分裂速率减慢。5种重金属盐中,硫酸铜的毒性最甚,氯化镉,醋酸铅次之。  相似文献   

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